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St Mary's Tree Update

Sadly, despite the braces that were installed several years ago, the fallen limb tore the tree open to its base and has left the tree both unbalanced and open to the elements and the ingress of decay. We estimate that up to a third of the canopy has been lost.

A team is on site today to get the failed limb flat on the ground, remove the limb hanging on the cable brace, and remove further weight from the tree on the church side. These actions should make the tree safer while further investigations take place.

The WODC tree preservation officer is on holiday this week and will come out early next week to help us assess the situation. In the meantime, the church path will remain closed for reasons of safety. PLEASE do not walk on the path or under the tree.

dine glasgow · Tue 31 Jul 2018, 12:10 · Link

Holiday Club Is On

The Holiday Club will go on as planned, though the path through the churchyard is closed. Please make your way to the church from the Church Lane end where a pathway into the church will be marked.

dine glasgow · Mon 30 Jul 2018, 22:52 · Link

St Mary's Church Path Closed

The path through St Mary's Churchyard is closed due to the loss of a huge limb from the largest tree in the churchyard. Having taken expert advice, we have been advised to route people around the back of the church until the tree's stability has been determined. Please watch this space for further updates.

dine glasgow · Mon 30 Jul 2018, 17:45 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • Dyers Hill House Dyers Hill Charlbury
    Alterations to fenestration to include upgrade windows and replace french windows.
    WODC reference: 18/02140/LBC - Fri 13 Jul 2018 - Under consideration
  • 53 Ticknell Piece Road Charlbury
    Formation of new rear access with entrance gates and porous parking surface to the rear of dwelling.
    WODC reference: 18/02119/HHD - Mon 16 Jul 2018 - Under consideration

Mon 30 Jul 2018, 08:00 · Link

Community Speedwatch update

Today's venue was Park St where, despite out best efforts, we failed to record a single speeding driver. We did notice just how many drivers fail to comply with the give way signage (blocking two buses in the process) but that just slowed everyone else down too. We've had another request to monitor a road from a local resident though, so we'll be out again in the near future. If theres somewhere you want us to focus, or to join us, contact me at

Jim Holah · Thu 26 Jul 2018, 21:45 · Link

Memorial The Great Centennial War Anthology

It has taken 4 years to create a world war one anthology of sequential art stories, poems and prose. The book was my vision and has over 30 pages of my art inside. 34 talented artists and writers came from across the globe to make my vision real. All profits will be given to War Child, a charity which deals with children involved in Modern warfare.
I am Christopher Geary a charlbury resident all my life and i hope you will help Make this the a success and help raise some money thank you.¤cy=GBP&

Christopher Geary · Tue 24 Jul 2018, 20:29 · Link

Summer Holidays -what's still on at the Community Centre

Throughout August the Sunday Circuit sesssions will continue, but Jason's other classes (Boot Camp, Lean Gym and Super Circuits on Thursdays) will be suspended, resuming in the first week of September.

Bump-to-One and Well Baby Clinic will continue, but Stay and Play and Toddler Gym will be suspended through the summer school holidays.

There are lots of Summer Holiday activities for young people and children. Primary Aged children can take part in four full days in conjuntion with Churches together in Charlbury plus four afternoon sessions of multi-sports, or any combination of these. For those of secondary school age we are running two morning sessions in the first two weeks of the holidays. See our Young People page for details, dates and prices:

Youth Club is carrying on throughout the summer but with reduced hours. It's 7-8pm in the Sports Hall and goes back to normal time of 7-9pm in Spetember.

The Gym is still available, of course, and many of the clubs are continuing right through the summer. Please contact the course leader if you're unsure.

Tanya Stevenson · Mon 23 Jul 2018, 10:28 · Link

Speedwatch update 20th July

The Slade was the venue today, with two teams, supported by TVP S.Insp. Eldridge, with additional kit that allowed us to monitor both directions. Maybe we're having an impact (or just visible?) As speeds were improved, which is great...that's the whole point. 12 speeders will be reported and we'll be back out somewhere next week. Residents are asking us to cover certain locations, which we'll happily be doing so if you have ideas please let me know. Contact if you want to get involved.

Jim Holah · Fri 20 Jul 2018, 09:52 · Link

Charlbury Evergreens

The Charlbury Evergreens are closing after 65yrs. For more than 20 years this has been run by Ken and Margaret Taylor.
They have run regular meetings, outings, lunches and even holidays. A final lunch was held recently. Well done and many thanks to Margaret and Ken.

On behalf of Leah Fowler.

Wed 18 Jul 2018, 13:01 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • 3A Lees Heights Charlbury
    Discharge of condition 7 (boundary treatment) on planning permission 17/00419/FUL.
    WODC reference: 18/02107/CND - Wed 11 Jul 2018 - Under consideration
  • The Gables 10 Enstone Road Charlbury
    Replace existing detached ancillary accommodation with new self contained two storey living accommodation
    WODC reference: 18/01469/FUL - Fri 13 Jul 2018 - Under consideration

Mon 16 Jul 2018, 08:00 · Link

Charlbury Speedwatch update July 10th

The venue today was the Woodstock Rd, requested by a local resident concerned at the high speeds on this busy road and following a serious speed related incident that took out a telegraph pole. Today we reported 27 vehicles to TVP for follow up and all will soon be receiving warning letters. Once reported, vehicles are recorded on a national database and speeding offences anywhere else are added. Once three offences are reached, the Police Traffic Section visit the driver with the next step of a fine and action against the vehicle. We've been informed that 6 such visits have already occurred in the local area of Charlbury, The Wychwoods & Chipping Norton. The point of all this is for drivers to respect our town and its residents and we aim to keep up this activity and try to persuade the authorities to install more permanent passive and active traffic management. If you want to join us, contact me on

Jim Holah · Tue 10 Jul 2018, 14:13 · Link

The on Tuesday evening too.

Responding to requests from loyal & hungry residents, The Codfather has agreed with the Thomas Gifford Trust that he will add Tuesday evenings to the already popular Sunday Fish & Chip schedule. He'll be there fom 4pm to 9pm every Tuesday, starting from the 24th July. Usual venue at the front of the TGT parking spaces.

Jim Holah · Mon 9 Jul 2018, 16:27 · Link

Charlbury Speedwatch update July 2018

Last Friday, 29th June, we monitored vehicles leaving Charlbury along the Enstone Road between 4.30 & 5.30pm. This was at the request of an allotment gardener who had almost been mown down by a speeding car the week before. You may not be surprised to hear that within an hour we recorded 36 cars well in excess of the speed limit, some travelling at 50 MPH by the time they were driving past the allotment gate. These will all be contacted by Thames Valley Police with a warning. Today we were on The Slade again recording a dozen speeding drivers well in excess of the 30 MPH speed limit, even with the 20 MPH advisory flashing for the school run. TVP were also out at Forest Rd today stopping speeders, this following our recent monitoring of those entering Charlbury towards the train station just along from the Day Nursery. We'll be keeping up this monitoring with TVP in the hope that drivers will get the idea that driving safely respects our town and makes the roads & pavements safer for all users. If you want to join us, contact Jim Holah on

Jim Holah · Fri 6 Jul 2018, 10:07 · Link

Charlbury Patient Participation Group News

The new Charlbury Medical Centre Patient Participation Group (CPPG) has just published its first Newsletter, which can be viewed on the Medical Centre website: On the website Home page drop down to the blue list at the bottom and click on the PPG bullet point to get onto the PPG page.

There will also be printed copies of the Newsletter at the Medical Centre.

The Newsletter starts by highlighting the Open Morning held at the Medical Centre in June when the PPG in partnership with the Practice invited patients to drop in and have their say on how the Practice is run. We had at least 35-40 visitors and we received 107 comments on what works well and not so well and how improvements could be made. The PPG is now analysing them to find common themes and will work with the Practice to deal with issues that have been raised.

This was a very successful first joint venture between PPG and Practice, as is the first CPPG Newsletter.

Another important message in the Newsletter is to urge patients to have a look at what is on the Medical Centre website (information content now much expanded) and to sign up to use a range of online services such as booking an appointment and ordering a repeat prescription details on the website or from the Practice.

The new CPPG now has over 30 members who receive regular updates by email and are able to give rapid feedback to the Practice via the CPPG. To join send your name, address and telephone number by email to or pick up a leaflet from Reception at the Medical Centre.

Meryl Smith · Thu 5 Jul 2018, 11:05 · Link

Railway closure starts this weekend

Railway upgrade work in Oxford means services through Charlbury will be curtailed or not running throughout July. The changes are explained in full at , but in summary:

  • Sat 7-Sun 8: no trains Moreton-Charlbury-Oxford
  • Mon 9-Fri 13: no trains Hanborough-Oxford
  • Sat 14-Sun 15: no trains Moreton-Charlbury-Oxford
  • Mon 16-Fri 20: no trains Hanborough-Oxford
  • Sat 21-Sun 22: no trains Moreton-Charlbury-Oxford
  • Mon 23-Fri 27: normal service
  • Sat 28-Sun 29: no trains Moreton-Charlbury-Oxford

On weekdays, trains will run from Charlbury to Hanborough, from where buses will run to Oxford Parkway; to Oxford; and to Didcot Parkway (for London services, with the Oxford-Didcot line also being closed).

At weekends, buses will run from Nine Acres Lane outside the Scout Hut to Oxford. Further buses will run from Oxford to Didcot. (There will be a shuttle minibus between Charlbury station and Nine Acres Lane; the main coaches are not permitted to cross the river bridge.)

All train and bus times are loaded on which is probably the easiest way to plan a journey. For weekday journeys to London, the Hanborough-Oxford Parkway bus, then train to Marylebone, is almost always fastest.

Tickets to London will be valid via Oxford Parkway. Rail tickets will also be accepted on the S3 and 7 buses. This makes an additional weekday journey to London possible with only one change: leave on the 06.20 bus from the Bell, arr. Oxford Parkway 07.06, dep. by train 07.25, arr. Marylebone 08.20; return dep. Marylebone 17.18, arr. Oxford Parkway 18.16, dep. by bus 18.48, arr. Wychwood Close 19.30.

West of Charlbury, train services will run to Worcester/Hereford during the closures, starting at Hanborough on weekdays and Moreton at weekends. These will principally be Turbos but may include Intercity Express trains on weekdays.

Richard Fairhurst · Wed 4 Jul 2018, 10:43 · Link

Charlbury Day Centre chosen charity at Waitrose this month

Charlbury Day Centre is one of the three charities chosen this month by Waitrose in Witney's green disc scheme. If you shop there, please take your disc from checkout and put it in our box we'd be grateful. Thankyou.

Tanya Stevenson · Tue 3 Jul 2018, 09:49 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

Mon 2 Jul 2018, 08:00 · Link

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