What’s on


Live at The Three Horseshoes - Barry's Sheep St Hotspot!


Alan Fraser, John Lanyon & Simon Fenn

Music from 8.30

alan fraser · Link

Fri 28 Mar: Come for lunch

Soup, bread and cheese lunch for Lent organised by Churches Together in Charlbury in the Methodist Church, Fishers Lane, 12 noon to 1.30pm.

There is no charge. Donations are invited in support of Christian Aid's relief and development work across the world.

Your gift at the Lent lunch may seem like a small action in the face of global hunger and poverty but you will be helping to transform the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people.

Come and meet your friends. Everyone is welcome.

Rosalind Scott · Link

Fri 28 Mar: Silent Disco at Charlbury Primary School.

Charlbury School Association (CSA) are excited to be hosting a 'Silent Disco' night on Friday 28th March. Please follow the link below or scan the QR code on the poster to book. (Please note - we are hosting three separate discos, the adult disco is DISCO 3, 8pm-10.30pm.) Please email; CharlburySA@outlook.com if you have any more queries.


Laura Barwood · Link

Sat 29 Mar: Community workshop sharpening event

With Spring approaching the Charlbury Community Workshop will be holding their first tool sharpening event of 2025

Will be open on Saturday 29th March in the Workshop beside the community centre

We will be open from 09.30 till 12.30 and you can bring your tools for sharpening, leave them and then return to collect them later

Prices will be similar to last year and can be paid in cash or with a card.

A further update will be issued at the end of February giving final prices

david Court · Link

Mon 31 Mar: Charlbury Bowls Club Easter Bingo

Come early for a enjoyable evening  bar will be open 

Colin Tollett · Link

Mon 31 Mar: Come Sing!

Come join Evenlode Voices Choir on Monday nights for a hearty sing and to meet good people.

Location: NOTE - we have moved to Friends Meeting House.

Time: 7.30pm - 9ish.

£8 on the door or discounted term price.

Jenny Larsen · Link

Tue 1 Apr: Comedy: Adrian Lancini is The April Fool

The Shed, Charlbury
Shows at 7.15 pm
(doors at 7pm)
and 9pm (doors at 8.45pm)
Tickets here

An hour long show especially written for and to be performed (twice) on All Fools' Day. What's the show about? Well, all will be revealed on the night but absurdity will no doubt abound and please be assured that this isn't all just an elaborate April Fool hoax. There will be a show. Honest.

Tickets £8.50 (plus £1 booking fee)
Likely to sell out so booking early essential

Adrian Lancini · Link

Tue 1 Apr: Images of Jesus in Art and Poetry - 'Meeting Christ in Poetry'

This is the fourth of five talks for Lent arranged by Churches Together in Charlbury on the theme 'Images of Jesus in Art and Poetry'. They will be held on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm in St Mary's Parish Church.

The speaker is the Revd. Esther Lay. She will be looking at three aspects of our relationship with God: Faith/Doubt, Incarnation/Love, and Passion/Compassion.

Esther (formerly Brazil) was born in California, and brought up in Beijing, Singapore, and Sydney (with a year in Southern Illinois). She read philosophy and theology at The Queen’s College, Oxford, and trained as a classical singer at the Royal Academy of Music in London. After a distinguished ten-year career as a concert soloist specialising in baroque repertoire, she trained for priesthood at Ripon College Cuddesdon, and served her curacy at St Mary Magdalen, Oxford, from 2021-2024, where she was the first woman to hold the post. She is now Rector of Wootton, in West Oxfordshire.

Esther is the winner of the 2024 Write By The Sea poetry competition and the Cuddesdon Creative Writing Prize, third-prize winner of Trio International, and 4th-and-6th-prize winner of the Plaza Poetry Prize. She has been shortlisted twice for the Bridport Prize and longlisted for the Fish Prize and Canterbury Festival Poet of the Year. She has recent work in Allegro (as Esther Brazil), The Waxed Lemon (Issue 8), The Ghost Furniture Catalogue, and forthcoming work in Grain Magazine (January 2025), and Thimble Literary Magazine (March 2025).

There is no charge for admission but donations will be gratefully received towards expenses. Please arrive in good time for a prompt start to the talk at 7.30pm. There will be opportunity for questions and the meeting will finish by 9pm.

Rosalind Scott · Link

Wed 2 Apr: Charlbury Probus Club Lunch

The next lunch meeting of Charlbury Probus Club will be held on Wednesday the 2nd April at Sturdy's Castle, Kidlington. The subject of our after lunch speaker presentation is 'D-Day and Beyond' by Chris Leworthy who is a senior guide at the Battle of Britain Bunker, Uxbridge. Guests are welcomed to join us for lunch and the presentation. The meal consists of one or two courses, with vegetarian options, and costs £26 for 2 courses, or £23 for one course, for first time guests, thereafter a small £3 premium will be added unless the guest becomes a member. Membership costs £25 per annum. Please contact Simon Handley at simon.handley8@icloud,com, or Mike White at cpckingfisher.ed@gmail.com

Michael White · Link

Thu 3 Apr: The Charlbury Society: Thursday April 3rd, 7.15 for 7.30. Memorial Hall

The Civil War in the Cotswolds with Simon Randall

Many battles were fought in the Cotswolds during the Civil War, as the area was of great strategic importance near the King’s headquarters in Oxford as well as close to Parliamentary strongholds in Gloucester and Bristol.

Simon’s interest in the English Civil War arose following a significant find in a Lincoln’s Inn rubbish skip.

Members,  please join us for refreshments shortly before the start of the talk at 7.30. Guests are very welcome (£3 on the door) 

Nikki Rycroft · Link

Thu 3 Apr: AGM Charlbury Community Workshop

The Trustees of the Charlbury Community Workshop invite all members and residents who are interested to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Community Workshop on 3rd April 2025

The AGM will commence at 7.30pm in the Charlbury Community Centre and will close with a visit to the workshop.

This is an opportunity for people to find out what the Community Workshop does, how it operates and what benefits it has to offer for local people and everybody is very welcome to attend

David Court


Charlbury Community Workshop

david Court · Link

Thu 3 Apr: Politics, Personalities and Punch Ups: An Introduction to the Council of Nicea

The first in a series to mark the 1700th anniversary of the Nicene Creed

Nibbles and wine available.

All welcome.

St Marys and All Saints · Link

Fri 4 Apr: Come for lunch

Soup, bread and cheese lunch for Lent organised by Churches Together in Charlbury in the Friends Meeting House, Market Street, 12 noon to 1.30pm.

There is no charge. Donations are invited in support of Christian Aid's relief and development work across the world.

Your gift at the Lent lunch may seem like a small action in the face of global hunger and poverty but you will be helping to transform the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people.

Come and meet your friends. Everyone is welcome.

Rosalind Scott · Link

Sat 5 Apr: Noye's Fludde, St Mary's Church

The Oxford Concert Party are mounting a performance of Benjamin Britten’s Noye’s Fludde in St. Mary’s Church.

Conducted by Ben Goodall, who conducts the Chipping Norton Choral Society, and directed by Pat Winslow.

Noye’s Fludde is a wonderful community opera based on a Chester Miracle play and the story of Noah’s Ark. 

With a chorus of animals, four teenage girls who are Mrs Noye’s Gossips,  Noye’s sons and their wives, Noye and Mrs Noye, a string orchestra, a group of recorder players, bugles and handbells players this amazing spectacle will fill the church .

Saturday Matinee 3.00

Saturday Evening 7.00

Sunday Matinee 3.00

Tony Lloyd · Link

Sat 5 Apr: Marmalade and cake sale



10.00 – 12.00



Come and buy varieties of home-made marmalade or cake.

Bric-a-brac stall

Have tea or coffee with a bacon butty.

(Vegan or GF option available)


Sat 5 Apr-Sun 6 Apr: Noye's Fludde

The Oxford Concert Party is celebrating 33 years of community music with a performance of Benjamin Britten's magical community opera, Noye's Fludde, On Saturday 5th April 3pm and 7pm, and Sunday 6th April 3pm in St. Mary's Church. This has been a truly amazing community project from the participation of 26 local children and 40 local adults singing and playing instruments, a huge team creating animal masks, sets and props, professional singers and instrumentalists, conducted by Ben Goodall and directed by Nicola Baylis. The first half of the concert will be a whistle-stop tour of the Oxford Concert Party's eclectic repertoire of music from Baroque to Tango after which we will be transported to Noah's Ark. Don't miss it! Tickets from No. 5 Market Street, or email isabel@oxfordconcertparty.org or text 07788 174785

Isabel Knowland · Link

Sat 5 Apr: Wychwood Chorale Concert

The Bright Side of Life, songs of darkness to light

Saturday 5 April 7.30pm St Kenelm’s Church, Enstone OX7 4NN

FREE ADMISSION & REFRESHMENTS Voluntary collection in aid of Katharine House Hospice & St Kenelm’s Church

If you’d like to join the choir please visit www.wychwoodchorale.org.uk

Maureen Sparling · Link

Sun 6 Apr: Noyes Fludde

Sunday 6th Apr 2025: Noye's Fludde, St Mary's Church

The Oxford Concert Party are mounting a performance of Benjamin Britten’s Noye’s Fludde in St. Mary’s Church.

Conducted by Ben Goodall, who conducts the Chipping Norton Choral Society, and directed by Pat Winslow.

Noye’s Fludde is a wonderful community opera based on a Chester Miracle play and the story of Noah’s Ark.

With a chorus of animals, four teenage girls who are Mrs Noye’s Gossips, Noye’s sons and their wives, Noye and Mrs Noye, a string orchestra, a group of recorder players, bugles and handbells players this amazing spectacle will fill the church .

Sunday Matinee 3.00

Tony Lloyd · Link

Tue 8 Apr: Images of Jesus in Art and Poetry - 'Jesus across the Christian world'

This is the last of five talks for Lent arranged by Churches Together in Charlbury on the theme 'Images of Jesus in Art and Poetry'. They will be held on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm in St Mary's Parish Church.

The speaker is the Revd. Dr Elizabeth Koepping, part-time Anglican priest and chair of Churches Together in Charlbury. She will be showing representations of Jesus in paintings and sculpture in the context of the many places of worship she has visited across the world. 

Elizabeth is a social anthropologist and has taught at various universities in Australia and Germany. She is an Honorary Fellow of the University of Edinburgh School of Divinity, where she taught World Christianity and Religious Studies. She is researching domestic violence in Christian contexts, travelling to eighteen countries across the world (including Tonga, Burma, Korea, Ghana, Germany, India, Trinidad, Scotland).

Her research involves talking individually or in groups with ordained and lay, male and female, ethnic minority and majority people from eleven Christian traditions covering Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, Episcopal and Reformed Protestant and AIC, enabled by many former and current Edinburgh post-graduates in the various countries.

There is no charge for admission but donations will be gratefully received towards expenses. Please arrive in good time for a prompt start to the talk at 7.30pm. There will be opportunity for questions and the meeting will finish by 9pm.

Rosalind Scott · Link

Wed 9 Apr: Charlbury Chinwag at The Bull in Charlbury

Charlbury Chinwag at The Bull, Charlbury! Wednesday 9th April

Join locals in the semi-private dining room for a two-course lunch, with a main dish (meat or fish) and dessert, plus tea or coffee. It’s a chance to catch up with old friends, make new ones, and enjoy good company in the heart of Charlbury. Lunch starts at 12:30 and tickets cost £29.

Tickets are available with the link below:


If anyone has any questions, please email party@thebullcharlbury.com

We look forward to seeing you!

Hannah Denley · Link

Wed 9 Apr: Spring Stories & Craft Event 3 - 4pm

Come and listen to some fun springtime stories and then make something cool to take home.  This session is free and aimed at 4-8 year olds (with some flexibility) and carers must stay with their children.

Please book your child’s place by calling 01865 815129 or

emailing charlbury.library@oxfordshire.gov.uk.

Charlbury Library · Link

Sat 12 Apr-Sun 13 Apr: Art Society Spring Show

Charlbury Memorial Hall Saturday April 12th 11.30 – 5pm 

Sunday April 13th 11am – 4pm

Spring Show of members' work together with a special exhibition of Noye's Fludde masks, costume scenery and props.

Tony Lloyd · Link

Sat 12 Apr: Spring Show 2025

This year, the Spring Show will once again be in conjunction with the Charlbury Art Society Spring Exhibition.

Sat 12th April - Memorial Hall - 11:30 am. to 4:00 pm

Shows are open to everyone!

The Charlbury Garden Society Spring Show is always a delight. The scent of daffodils and the sight of beautiful works of art from the Arts Society makes for an uplifting day.

Once again we have tried to make it easier for you to exhibit your spring flowers. Exhibitors will not have to fill in entry forms in advance. Instead, the Show Team will be there to help you! Just bring a bunch of something down in a container between 9.30am and 10.30am on the day and we will help you place it!

 The People's Choice cup will be awarded again this year. Members of the public will be invited to vote for their favourite exhibit – it may well be different from the judge’s choices! The winner will be awarded the Ian Tolputt Cup.

There will also be a Drawing Corner. Members of the Arts Society will be on hand to help young and old design some nature inspired bunting.

We will also have seeds to give away to children to encourage their first steps in growing something. Do please come and support us – we hope it will be a wonderful day, topped up with hot cross buns, teas and coffees and a raffle!

Show Schedule

Show schedules showing exact timings and exhibition rules can be downloaded and printed by clicking the link below:

Geneviève Hug · Link

Sun 13 Apr: Choral Evensong at All Saints Shorthampton

For Palm Sunday. Sung by St Mary’s Choir.

Richard Fairhurst · Link

Sun 13 Apr-Mon 21 Apr: Easter Holy Week

Please meet outside the Bell for the Palm Sunday parade.

St Marys and All Saints · Link

Mon 14 Apr-Wed 23 Apr: Notice of Pooles Lane Closure

This road closure is being advertised as from 14th April until 9th June. 


Notice of Temporary Traffic Order

Charlbury-Dancers Hill & Pooles Lane

Prohibition of Through Traffic

Date of Order: 7 April 2025

Coming into force: 14 April 2025

This Order is being introduced because of gas main works which are

anticipated to be completed on 9 June 2025.

The effect of the Order is to temporarily prohibit any vehicle proceeding in

Dancers Hill and Pooles Lane.

Appropriate traffic signs will be displayed to indicate when the measures are

in force.

Exemptions are included for police, fire and ambulance services and for the

works and for access to premises which are only accessible from the closed

section of road.

The alternative route for traffic affected by the closure is via Sturt Road,

through The Slade onto Enstone Road and then along Hixet Wood.

Traffic Regulations Team (T15188 / RAG) for the Corporate Director :

Environment and Place, County Hall, Oxford OX1 1ND. 0345 310 1111.

Lisa Wilkinson · Link

Wed 16 Apr: Charlbury WI monthly meeting - ‘Dressing the Past’ - a talk by Jo & David Murphy

David and Jo will be sharing their passion for historical re-enactment by giving a talk about dressing for the role, with a special emphasis on 18th century costume. They’ll be showcasing their own re-enacting kit from about 1750 and explaining how the garments would have been worn to transport us back to the past.

To be followed by tea, coffee & cake. Charlbury WI is always delighted to welcome visitors and new members (ladies only please). 7.30pm at Charlbury Primary School. Any enquiries please make contact on charlburywi@oxfordshirewi.co.uk.

Louise Cashman · Link

Wed 16 Apr: Charlbury Art Society

Artists in St Ives, 1920-1960

Art Historian John Bennett will give an illustrated talk on this highly creative and influential group of artists. His talk will focus on the "modern" period of the colony - circa 1920-1960.

Memorial Hall 7.30

All welcome, non members £5 on the door

St Ives became an important mecca where significant breakthroughs in abstraction were made throughout the 1920s to the 1960s. 

Artists in the St Ives School include Barbara Hepworth, Ben Nicholson, Christopher Wood, Alfred Wallis, Naum Gabo, Wilhelmina Barns-Graham, Sir Terry Frost, Peter Lanyon, Bryan Wynter, Patrick Heron, Paul Feiler and Bernard Leach.

In this talk John will be surveying the work of selection of artists who became significant names in the the history of British art in the middle decades of the 20th Century and who made St Ives their home or artistic base during the whole or a part of their career. 

The history of art in St Ives is almost synonymous with the history of modern art in Britain for a number of decades in the middle years of the 20th Century. 

It is a complicated and multi-faceted story. He has chosen some important episodes and allegiances in this art colony to try and give some account of the range and importance of art in St Ives in 20th Century.

Tony Lloyd · Link

Sat 19 Apr: Craft & Cuppa

Bring along your craft, enjoy a chat and laugh, coffee/tea and biscuits, socialise and make new friends. Share ideas and inspiration and swap hints, tips and skills. Everyone welcome. The third Saturday morning of each month 10.30-12.30 at Charlbury Bowls Club. Free parking. £3.50 per session to cover costs. Any enquiries please make contact on charlburywi@oxfordshirewi.co.uk.

Louise Cashman · Link

Wed 23 Apr: Painting with Oils Workshop at The Bell

Be inspired by nature on this creative workshop. You will be hosted by Stacey Gledhill, a talented and experienced local artist who will help you connect with your creative side. Stacey will give you step-by-step technical instructions as she leads you through the process.

The 2 hour workshop will be a relaxed setting, with a glass of wine on arrival, guests will then paint in a group working from a central arrangement of seasonal produce from our farm at Daylesford Organic. The Painting with Oils Workshop is suitable for all experience levels.

Enjoy delicious seasonal sourdough pizzas prepared by our chefs from our converted horsebox.

All materials and equipment will be provided, and you will be given your art on card to inspire you to continue your practice.

Arrival Time 5:30 pm

Ticket Price £80 per person, includes pizza and wine

Bookable here

Nathan Walker Unwin · Link



April 24/25, May 1/2, 8/9, 22/23, 29/30, June 5/6

Thursday afternoons 2- 4.30

Friday mornings 10.15-1.45

Friday afternoons 1.30 - 4

With over thirty years of experience running stone carving workshops, I am now offering weekly sessions on Thursday afternoons, Friday mornings and Friday afternoons at Railway Studios, next to Charlbury rail station.

These can be booked in blocks of six consecutive weekly In these small, friendly, workshops you will be given enough guidance at every stage to create a small sculpture. As each person works at their own pace you may complete this within the six classes or you might want to carry on into the next block of workshops. Come with an idea of what you would like to make or wait and see what the stone suggests! No experience necessary, and no pressure to create a masterpiece… although it may well happen!

The cost for six mornings is £180 with a separate fee for a piece of stone of your choice, at cost (£20- £50). Tools and protective clothing provided. Payment is for the full six weeks but If there is the odd morning that you can’t make, there may be some flexibility between the mornings/afternoons within the six week block and the possibility of doing whole days. There is also the option to carry over missed classes to the next block if you are also signed up to the regular classes.

Workshops will take place outside whenever possible. There is cover!

Tea/coffee and biscuits!

For more details and to book please see my website -www.catherinebinnieartist.com

Catherine Binnie · Link

Thu 24 Apr: The Charlbury Society: Thursday 24th April, 7.15 for 7.30. Memorial Hall

AGM followed by The Wychwood Forest Trust : Neil Clennell

How can we support nature recovery locally? The Forest Trust, together with the Charlbury Town Council, have a plan for Charlbury, Fawler and Finstock and this talk will update us on progress.

Members, please join us for refreshments, a brief AGM, and the talk soon afterwards. Guests welcome £3 on the door. 

Nikki Rycroft · Link

Thu 24 Apr-Fri 2 May: Road closure Pooles Lane


Notice of Temporary Traffic Order

Charlbury-Dancers Hill & Pooles Lane

Prohibition of Through Traffic

Date of Order: 7 April 2025

Coming into force: 14 April 2025

This Order is being introduced because of gas main works which are

anticipated to be completed on 9 June 2025.

The effect of the Order is to temporarily prohibit any vehicle proceeding in

Dancers Hill and Pooles Lane.

Appropriate traffic signs will be displayed to indicate when the measures are

in force.

Exemptions are included for police, fire and ambulance services and for the

works and for access to premises which are only accessible from the closed

section of road.

The alternative route for traffic affected by the closure is via Sturt Road,

through The Slade onto Enstone Road and then along Hixet Wood.

Traffic Regulations Team (T15188 / RAG) for the Corporate Director :

Environment and Place, County Hall, Oxford OX1 1ND. 0345 310 1111.

Lisa Wilkinson · Link

Fri 25 Apr: You're invited to the Annual Town Meeting!

Join us on Friday 25th April for this year’s Annual Town Meeting! It’s a great chance to catch up over refreshments, hear about what the Town Council has been working on over the past year, and have your say on local matters.

We’d love to see you there—more details coming soon!

Lisa Wilkinson · Link

Sun 27 Apr: CRAG Sunday Tea Concert: Maggie Cole and Alison Bury

CRAG is delighted to welcome back two wonderful seasoned CRAG artistes – the violinist Alison Bury, and harpsichordist Maggie Cole, who is returning for her fifth CRAG concert!

They will be basing their hour-long programme around 2 masterpieces by J.S. Bach – drawn from his fabulous set of accompanied sonatas for violin and harpsichord.

CRAG’s Sunday Tea Concerts are held in the Memorial Hall, Browns Lane, Charlbury at 3pm.

The music lasts approximately one hour and is always followed by complimentary tea and CRAG’s legendary homemade cake.

Buy tickets (£17 or £5 for under 15s) from our website at https://www.charlburyrefugee.org.uk/events/alisonbury-maggiecole/ or from Number Five (formerly Cotswold Frames) on Market Street. Doors open 2:30.

ALL PROCEEDS TO REFUGEE RELIEF - https://www.charlburyrefugee.org.uk/

Vicky Buser · Link

Tue 29 Apr: UK Bats and their ecology, Rachel Crookes, Wild Oxfordshire

7.30-9.00 pm

Friends Meeting House

Come and join us as we hear Rachel Crookes, Nature Recovery Lead at Wild Oxfordshire, tell us all about our lovely bats, their ecology and what we can do to help them flourish.

Everyone is welcome. £5 donation for wildlife at the door for non- members or you can join CWS for £10. Under 18s are free to all CWS events. 

For further information contact charlburywildlifesociety@gmail.com

Flora Gregory · Link

Tue 29 Apr-Thu 1 May: Temporary road closure on Church Street

Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice 

Temporary Road Closure at Charlbury, Church Street

A request has been received from Thames Water for a temporary road closure to apply to a length of Church Street, whilst essential fire hydrant replacement works are carried out.

A temporary Notice is being made by Oxfordshire County Council to implement the temporary restriction and will operate from 29 April 2025 up to and including 1 May 2025, 07:30 to 18:00 each day.

Please note that Notices for urgent works can last up to 5 consecutive days only.

A copy of the drawing showing the extent of the closure and also the alternative routes for traffic is attached.

Further information regarding the works may be obtained by contacting Thames Water helpline on 0800 316 9800.

Lisa Wilkinson · Link

Sat 3 May-Mon 12 May: Road closure Pooles Lane


Notice of Temporary Traffic Order

Charlbury-Dancers Hill & Pooles Lane

Prohibition of Through Traffic

Date of Order: 7 April 2025

Coming into force: 14 April 2025

This Order is being introduced because of gas main works which are

anticipated to be completed on 9 June 2025.

The effect of the Order is to temporarily prohibit any vehicle proceeding in

Dancers Hill and Pooles Lane.

Appropriate traffic signs will be displayed to indicate when the measures are

in force.

Exemptions are included for police, fire and ambulance services and for the

works and for access to premises which are only accessible from the closed

section of road.

The alternative route for traffic affected by the closure is via Sturt Road,

through The Slade onto Enstone Road and then along Hixet Wood.

Traffic Regulations Team (T15188 / RAG) for the Corporate Director :

Environment and Place, County Hall, Oxford OX1 1ND. 0345 310 1111.

Lisa Wilkinson · Link

Sat 10 May: Plant & Seed Swap

Memorial Hall - 10th May 2025 10 am. to noon

Just turn up, bringing any spare plants and seeds to add to the selection!

You don’t have to bring anything to swap – just come along and choose something new for your garden. Any monetary donations we receive are "ploughed" into our gardening initiatives around the town. If you’re thinking about sowing seeds this spring, maybe sow a few extra to bring along!

Come early to avoid disappointment, as plants usually find new homes very quickly!

If you have plants to donate, and prefer to bring them in advance, please leave them behind the lowered hedge in the Corner House Garden from the evening of Friday 9th May.

Many gardeners grow or take cuttings or divide plants especially for the event, and it is always wonderful to think that little pieces of our gardens are spreading around Charlbury and other local villages. It’s especially good to realise that, generally, what will grow in a local garden will also grow in yours – so success is (almost) guaranteed!

Enquiries: secretary@charlburygardensociety.org.uk

Geneviève Hug · Link

Tue 13 May-Thu 22 May: Road closure Pooles Lane


Notice of Temporary Traffic Order

Charlbury-Dancers Hill & Pooles Lane

Prohibition of Through Traffic

Date of Order: 7 April 2025

Coming into force: 14 April 2025

This Order is being introduced because of gas main works which are

anticipated to be completed on 9 June 2025.

The effect of the Order is to temporarily prohibit any vehicle proceeding in

Dancers Hill and Pooles Lane.

Appropriate traffic signs will be displayed to indicate when the measures are

in force.

Exemptions are included for police, fire and ambulance services and for the

works and for access to premises which are only accessible from the closed

section of road.

The alternative route for traffic affected by the closure is via Sturt Road,

through The Slade onto Enstone Road and then along Hixet Wood.

Traffic Regulations Team (T15188 / RAG) for the Corporate Director :

Environment and Place, County Hall, Oxford OX1 1ND. 0345 310 1111.

Lisa Wilkinson · Link

Wed 14 May: Charlbury Art Society

Memorial Hall 7.30

All welcome, non members £5 on the door

Tony Lloyd · Link

Sat 17 May-Mon 26 May: Artweeks in Charlbury

Open studios around the town.  Details to follow…

Maureen Sparling · Link

Sat 17 May: Fran McGillivray and Mike Burke at The Rosie!

On Saturday 17th May, a great night is guaranteed at The Rose & Crown with Fran McGillivray and Mike Burke, who always play a wonderful set here!

Fran and Mike have been playing together for over 30 years, and their set contains many of the great classic blues songs as well as some of their own material.

You'll hear some great vocals from them both, as well as Mike's fine resonator guitar playing accompanied by Fran on bass.

Come on down! The music starts between 8.30 and 9pm.

Charlie M · Link

Sat 17 May: Craft & Cuppa

Bring along your craft, enjoy a chat and laugh, coffee/tea and biscuits, socialise and make new friends. Share ideas and inspiration and swap hints, tips and skills. Everyone welcome. The third Saturday morning of each month 10.30-12.30 at Charlbury Bowls Club. Free parking. £3.50 per session to cover costs. Any enquiries please make contact on charlburywi@oxfordshirewi.co.uk.

Louise Cashman · Link

Wed 21 May: Charlbury WI monthly meeting - Otmoor, A Wilderness Restored

Otmoor is a large nature reserve on the outskirts of Oxford managed by the RSPB. Our speaker tonight, Peter Barker, is a passionate advocate for Otmoor and its wildlife and for open wild spaces. Peter will be giving an inspiring talk illustrated with captivating photographs taking us through a year at Otmoor including the starling murmurations in autumn for which it is renowned.

To be followed by tea, coffee & cake. Charlbury WI is always delighted to welcome visitors and new members (ladies only please). 7.30pm at Charlbury Primary School. Any enquiries please make contact on charlburywi@oxfordshirewi.co.uk.

Louise Cashman · Link

Wed 21 May: Lino Printing Workshop at The Bell

This workshop is aimed for beginners, sharing Sam’s love for print. Sam will be on hand to give personal tips and techniques to guide you through every part of the process. Together you will gather inspiration for the artwork while enjoying the calm, thoughtful nature of making these prints.

Sam will introduce you to the world of linocuts, using reference images, objects and botanicals around us before you start the design for the lino. Sam will show you how to transfer this design onto the linoleum. The next stage, Sam will show you how to carefully cut this design out using specialist tools. The final stage is printing your artwork.

By the end of the 3 hour session you’ll have your own hand-printed linocut to keep. You will also leave being confident to continue these techniques and make your own prints at home.

With a glass of wine on arrival, enjoy delicious seasonal sourdough pizzas prepared by our chefs from our converted horsebox.

All materials, equipment and light refreshments will be provided.

Arrival Time 5:30 pm

Ticket Price £80 per person, includes pizza and wine

Bookable here

Nathan Walker Unwin · Link

Fri 23 May-Fri 30 May: Road closure Pooles Lane


Notice of Temporary Traffic Order

Charlbury-Dancers Hill & Pooles Lane

Prohibition of Through Traffic

Date of Order: 7 April 2025

Coming into force: 14 April 2025

This Order is being introduced because of gas main works which are

anticipated to be completed on 9 June 2025.

The effect of the Order is to temporarily prohibit any vehicle proceeding in

Dancers Hill and Pooles Lane.

Appropriate traffic signs will be displayed to indicate when the measures are

in force.

Exemptions are included for police, fire and ambulance services and for the

works and for access to premises which are only accessible from the closed

section of road.

The alternative route for traffic affected by the closure is via Sturt Road,

through The Slade onto Enstone Road and then along Hixet Wood.

Traffic Regulations Team (T15188 / RAG) for the Corporate Director :

Environment and Place, County Hall, Oxford OX1 1ND. 0345 310 1111.

Lisa Wilkinson · Link

Sun 1 Jun-Mon 9 Jun: Road closure


Notice of Temporary Traffic Order

Charlbury-Dancers Hill & Pooles Lane

Prohibition of Through Traffic

Date of Order: 7 April 2025

Coming into force: 14 April 2025

This Order is being introduced because of gas main works which are

anticipated to be completed on 9 June 2025.  The effect of the Order is to temporarily prohibit any vehicle proceeding in Dancers Hill and Pooles Lane.  Appropriate traffic signs will be displayed to indicate when the measures are in force.

Exemptions are included for police, fire and ambulance services and for the works and for access to premises which are only accessible from the closed section of road.

The alternative route for traffic affected by the closure is via Sturt Road, through The Slade onto Enstone Road and then along Hixet Wood.

Traffic Regulations Team (T15188 / RAG) for the Corporate Director :

Environment and Place, County Hall, Oxford OX1 1ND. 0345 310 1111.

Lisa Wilkinson · Link

Sun 8 Jun: Open Gardens

This will take place on 8th June from 2-5pm. Tickets £5 per adult can be bought on the day from the gazebo which will be in the Memorial Hall garden (children go free and have their own quiz to do too). Teas and delicious, homemade cakes will be served in the Garden Room of Memorial Hall.

Elisabeth Partington · Link

Wed 18 Jun: Charlbury WI - Summer Picnic

For our June gathering we’ll be making the most of the glorious summer weather (we hope!) with a picnic. Bring along your own chair, picnic food and wine and enjoy a relaxed evening. Charlbury WI is always delighted to welcome visitors and new members (ladies only please). Please contact us on charlburywi@oxfordshirewi.co.uk with any enquiries. 

Louise Cashman · Link

Fri 20 Jun-Sun 22 Jun: Park Fair, Great Tew (click for more)

Sat 21 Jun: Craft & Cuppa

Bring along your craft, enjoy a chat and laugh, coffee/tea and biscuits, socialise and make new friends. Share ideas and inspiration and swap hints, tips and skills. Everyone welcome. The third Saturday morning of each month 10.30-12.30 at Charlbury Bowls Club. Free parking. £3.50 per session to cover costs. Any enquiries please make contact on charlburywi@oxfordshirewi.co.uk.

Louise Cashman · Link

Sat 28 Jun: Charlbury Beer Festival

The 2025 Charlbury Beer Festival will take place on Saturday 28 June at Charlbury Cricket Club, from noon till late. There will be around 60 real ales, a variety of craft beers, a range of ciders and perries, wine, gin, and Pimm’s; a great selection of food (including vegan options); tea, cake and soft drinks; live music throughout; the Culture Club tent with its varied programme of performances and talks; children’s entertainment and activities; and high-octane sport with the World Aunt Sally Singles Championships.

All money raised by the Beer Festival is given out to community projects, both in the Charlbury area and overseas. We have now taken our total of funds raised for good causes to around £300,000. There have been donations to over fifty local organisations, ranging from Charlbury Primary School and the town’s Pre-School, to local sports clubs, Charlbury’s Day Centre and Community Centre, and overseas projects in Africa, India, South America and elsewhere.

We must thank those generous sponsors who finance the beers and the entertainment tents, and of course, the beers themselves, plus the many hours that committee members and other volunteers put in. Cheers all round!

Charlbury Cricket Club provides a glorious setting, just across the road from Charlbury Station. There are excellent all-day (including late night) bus and train services to and from Charlbury to Oxford, Chipping Norton, Reading, Witney, Worcester and London, so you don’t even need to drive if you want to have a drink.

To keep up to date with the festival, please visit our website and follow our social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)

Edward Fenton · Link

Sat 5 Jul: Electrical items for Bring OR Take in one weeks time

The Bring OR Take in the Memorial Hall is next week on Saturday 12 July but please bring your plug-in electrical items this Saturday to 3 Crawborough Villas between 11am and 12 noon ONLY (no other time please). This will enable them to be PAT-tested in advance and made available at the Bring OR Take in the Memorial Hall. Please do not bring old-style big TVs - they need to be taken direct to Dix Pit at Stanton Harcourt for recycling.

Organised by Charlbury Green Hub.

Christine Elliott · Link

Sat 12 Jul: Bring OR Take in Memorial Hall - 9.30-12

BRING items from between 9.30 and 10.15am and TAKE anything you want free of charge from between 10am and 12 noon. You don't have to bring something in order to take something, so please just pop-in to take away anything you like.

BRING spare but usable items you no longer want: household items, clothes, children's toys, DVDs, books, bikes, curtains, garden tools, flower & vegetable seeds, etc, etc. PLEASE DON'T BRING PAINT, TILES, KNIVES, OR CHILD CAR SEATS.

Plug-in electrical items have to have been PAT-tested by us in advance, so bring them to 3 Crawborough Villas  ONE WEEK BEFORE on Saturday 5 July between 11-12 ONLYWE WILL NOT ACCEPT PLUG-IN ELECTRICAL ITEMS ON THE DAY OF THE BRING OR TAKE.

Bring a photo of large items to put on the notice board rather than bring them along on the day.

You can also bring along old spectacles, unwanted bras, used printer ink cartridges, dead batteries, broken lightbulbs, and used water filter cartridges - please put them in the boxes by the door.

Items are given and taken FREE so please respect this community spirit by not taking things for resale or scrap value. Leftovers are given to charities or Freecycled.

Photos might be taken during the event, so if you don't want to be photographed then please contact Janet or Christine.

Volunteers are vital for this event - if you would like to help sort things out as they are brought in and put onto tables, and more importantly help sort stuff out at the end, and even drive to charity shop in Witney, then please contact Christine Elliott 01608 811057.

Organised by the Charlbury Green Hub.

Christine Elliott · Link

Tue 5 Aug-Fri 8 Aug: CTC Holiday Club

Save the date! 5th August- 8th August.

St Marys and All Saints · Link

Wed 10 Sep: Charlbury Arts

Memorial Hall 7.30

All welcome, non members £5 on the door

Tony Lloyd · Link

Sat 20 Sep: Charlbury Street Fair

The theme this year is Magic, Mystery and Legends. There will be all the usual stalls, food and fun. Fair is opened at 2pm and continues into the evening with live music. Book the date in your diary now!

Elisabeth Partington · Link

Wed 8 Oct: Charlbury Arts

Memorial Hall 7.30

All welcome, non members £5 on the door

Tony Lloyd · Link

Wed 12 Nov: Charlbury Arts

Memorial Hall 7.30

All welcome, non members £5 on the door

Tony Lloyd · Link

Wed 10 Dec: Charlbury Arts

Desert Island Art

Memorial Hall 7.30

All welcome, non members £5 on the door

Tony Lloyd · Link

Charlbury Website © 2012-2025. Contributions are the opinion of and property of their authors. Heading photo by David R Murphy. Code/design by Richard Fairhurst. Contact us. Report a safety issue with this page.