News index


Charlbury Chronicle 'AND' quiz

The closing date for your entries to the above quiz, which appears in the September edition of the Chronicle, is the end of SEPTEMBER not ( of course) August as shown. (If you find that you have one too many alphabetical clues on completion, just ignore it) Otherwise all information given is correct!

Peter Barber · Mon 31 Aug 2015, 13:12 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

Mon 31 Aug 2015, 07:05 · Link

Street Fair Books for Book Stall

Once again we are making a collection for the book stall at Charlbury Street Fair on 19th September 2015.
We are particularly looking for books which are clean and smart (no dog ears or coffee rings).

Books which sell particularly well are up to date novels, travel documentaries, children's books, and Reference books which, in the main, need to be very up to date i.e. within the last five years.

If you can help please contact:-
Eileen Kenrick
01608 811021

Clare Elson
01608 810310

Sun 30 Aug 2015, 15:01 · Link

Rail strike over Bank Holiday weekend

The RMT union, which mostly represents guards, is on strike on First Great Western from Saturday to Monday.

FGW says it will be running a service on the Cotswold Line (i.e. Oxford-Charlbury-Worcester) every three hours. The planned services are:

Services will be running as normal between London and Oxford, but on Turbo trains (which don't have guards south of Oxford) rather than High Speed Trains (which do).

Richard Fairhurst · Wed 26 Aug 2015, 18:24 · Link

Rushy Bank revised planning application

A revised planning application has just been lodged for the Rushy Bank site adjacent to the employment area, next to the station in Forest Road. An exhibition of the revised proposals, which take account of feedback from the previous application, will be held at The Corner House on Saturday 12th September from 10am until midday. Please come along to talk to the Oxfordshire based Young Dementia UK Homes charity and the Charlbury residents who have formed the Beacon self build group.
Ian Cox
On behalf of The Rushy Bank Partnership.

Ian Cox · Mon 24 Aug 2015, 22:01 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

Mon 24 Aug 2015, 07:05 · Link

Charlbury resident crowned National Show Jumping Champion

Yesterday, the British Showjumping Business Partnership International Stairway League Final came to a spectacular conclusion as Clark Glasgow from Charlbury, Oxfordshire soared to victory to be crowned National Champion.

The last phase of the hotly contested Horse of the Year Show Wild Card Series took place on the Grand Ring at the NAEC, Stoneleigh. The sun was shining as 32 riders stepped forward to tackle the imposing course in a bid to claim the coveted title.

The tension was high as the competition started in reverse order from the previous combined results of the two legs, both of which were also hosted at the British Showjumping National Championships earlier this week.

The course was challenging and put both horses and riders to the test with only 5 riders managing to jump a clear round. Moving on to the jump off was Lance Whitehouse riding VIK II, Clark Glasgow riding Fleur De L'Aube, Robert Lewis riding Courtney Z, Jonathan Buxton riding High Offley Arturos Catch and Davis McPherson riding Gloria Van Zuuthoeve.

First to ride was Jonathon Buxton who produced a quick round but knocked a rail. The following rounds saw David McPherson opting to retire and Lance Whitehouse having a rail down. Only two riders managed the elusive clear round ?" Robert Bevis and Clark Glasgow.

Ultimately it was Clark who outperformed his competition with one of the most impressive rounds seen all week at the British Showjumping National Championships. Clark flew around the course in style to finish on a time of 50.98.

Mon 17 Aug 2015, 10:44 · Link

More train time changes in December (updated)

GWR (the rebranded First Great Western) will be introducing several improvements to the afternoon timetable from 14th December - including restoring an eight-coach train on the notoriously overcrowded 15.50 from Paddington, and a late-night Friday service from London.

The principal changes are:

  • 13.21 service from London will be 8 coaches (currently 5).
  • New 15.22 service from London, 16.18 from Oxford, 16.38 arrival at Charlbury. (5 coaches.)
  • 15.50 service from London (~16.49 from Oxford) will be 8 coaches (currently 5). Train will terminate at Moreton.
  • 16.22 service from London no longer terminates at Oxford, but is merged with the 'Oxfordshire Halts' train to continue as a through service (dep. 17.26) to Charlbury and Great Malvern. (5 coaches.)
  • New Fridays-only 23.18 from London, 00.37 from Oxford, 00.53 arrival at Charlbury. (Continues to Moreton-in-Marsh: see timetable.)

Off-Peak tickets will be valid on all the services above, but unfortunately Super Off-Peak tickets will not be valid on the new 15.22.

Full details of the timetable changes, including several other smaller changes, are on the Cotswold Line Promotion Group's website.

Chiltern Railways' new Oxford Parkway station at Water Eaton opens on 26th October, which is expected to provide a more reliable and cheaper alternative for many train users.

Richard Fairhurst · Wed 12 Aug 2015, 19:01 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

Mon 10 Aug 2015, 07:05 · Link

Charlbury Residents gets ready to represent Oxfordshire at Miss England-Journey So Far

On 7th June, Layla Claridge, from Charlbury was crowned Miss Oxfordshire and will be representing the county at Miss England, held at the Ricoh Arena on 13th and 14th August.
Since winning the title Layla has worked hard in her new role as an Ambassador for Oxfordshire attending events, functions and activities all over the country.
Layla has featured in 6 Oxfordshire newspapers, given live interviews on Radio Oxford, Oxbox Radio and spoken on Thats Oxford TV. She has also opened and presented at Cowley Road Carnival and led the procession at Witney Carnival.
Layla also compered at Riverside festival and is due to do some presenting at the local Street fair. She has also visited local businesses and people, attending Fairytale Farm's Teddy Bears Picnic, visiting the children of Little Monkeys Nursery and attending the Summer party at Merryfield Nursing Home. She also spoke and held a workshop at John Mason's School 'Exploring Prejudice Day'.
Layla also opened Sassi's new shop in Witney.

Besides these events Layla has also been keen to support Charities, running race for life, Pretty Muddy and swimming a mile for Beauty with a Purpose Charity. She also started the 10mile Moonlight Stroll event in aid of Sobell House Hospice Layla was also a guest at Rosy Children's Charity summer party and visited the Children at John Radcliffe Children's Hospital.
Besides this Layla has also been helping local photographers and make up artists, attending various photo shoots and dress fittings.

All this of course, doesn't stop after Miss England and Layla already has many events and appearances scheduled in for the next few months. Layla is keen to continue to support Oxfordshire in anyway she can.
If you wish to support Layla's fundraising efforts, please donate to Beauty With a Purpose Charity

Layla · Sun 9 Aug 2015, 19:50 · Link

Town Council report

New chairman elected

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are elected for the year at the council's Annual Meeting (not to be confused with the Annual Parish Meeting in the Memorial Hall!). At this year's meeting, held on May 20th, Peter Kenrick was elected as the new Chairman, stepping up from Vice-Chairman. Peter was first elected as a councillor in 2012 and will be well known to many in Charlbury as the Chairman of Street Fair until recently. Richard Fairhurst was elected as the new Vice-Chairman.

The meeting marked the end of an era for Charlbury Town Council, with Nick Potter stepping down as Chairman after 20 years. Nick has steered the council calmly through complex issues and sometimes turbulent times. Town Councillors receive no allowances (unlike at District and County level) or other payments, yet the Chairman's job is a particularly demanding and time-consuming one.

Incoming Chairman Peter Kenrick writes:

"By any standards 20 years of dedicated service to the council, the town and the community in this role is an outstanding achievement. The Town Council unanimously voted their thanks to Nick and we hope that other members of the community will wish to echo this.

"This is perhaps an appropriate moment to recall just a few of the things that have happened in Charlbury during Nick's tenure as Town Council chairman:

"The Town Appraisal was published in 1996 and Nick led the council in working towards the implementation of many of its recommendations including the introduction of the railbus service;

"Three phases of high quality social affordable housing have been built in the town to meet the requirements of local people and the Town Council played a key role in facilitating this;

"Charlbury and neighbouring Cornbury Park have become established as festival venues with Riverside starting in 1995, the Beer Festival in 2003, Cornbury Festival in 2004 and now Wilderness Festival. Whilst these events are generally popular they bring challenges to the community and the Town Council has liaised closely with the event organisers to seek to minimise inconvenience, disruption and nuisance;

"The 750th anniversary of the Town Charter was celebrated in 2006 and Nick was able to arrange for the Princess Royal to visit the town and unveil a plaque outside the museum. The anniversary was also celebrated with the production and sale of a commemorative beer!

"Also, with Town Council support, the skate park has been installed at Ticknell Piece, a new pavilion has been built and new play equipment installed at Nine Acres and the War Memorial Hall has been extended and improved.

"Nick remains a member of the Town Council where his extensive knowledge and experience continue to be appreciated."

Willem Hackmann adds:

"I met Nick Potter in 2000 when I was elected a member of the Town Council, so Nick has been my chairman for 15 of my years on the Council. He has been a remarkably effective chairman. His strengths as chairman were his intimate knowledge of Charlbury and his way around the bureaucracies of district and county politics, his meticulous knowledge of local issues and to make sure that he was thoroughly briefed for the monthly council meetings. Consequently, he was well able to hold his own in the town council's deliberations: you may not always agree with him but you knew that he had read all the relevant documents in the matter at hand. Nick's relaxation is drumming. I first saw him in action in the 'Shed', then at the Ditchley Park Jazz Picnic some years ago with local musicians Alan Fraser, John Lanyon and Geoff Holmberg, and at the Wilderness Festival. He will be again performing this year. He will be a hard act to follow."

By-election result

Tom Skelton has been elected as a new Town Councillor, following the by-election on 25th June caused by the resignation of Reg James. Congratulations to Tom and thank you also to Gordon Clemson who also stood for election.

The whole council will be up for election in May 2016. If you think you could help make a difference to Charlbury and particularly if you believe you could represent voices not heard on the Town Council at present then please do consider standing. Details of how to stand will be in the Chronicle, the Town Council website and the Charlbury Website nearer the time.


We are pleased to report that an emergency defibrillator has finally been installed outside the Medical Centre, following an anonymous donation made for the purpose via West Oxfordshire District Council. The installation has been an (at times exasperatingly) protracted process but we are delighted to see it in place.

A defibrillator gives an electric shock so the heart can recover after cardiac arrest. Instructions for use are included with the device but we also hope to arrange training sessions. Thank you to the Medical Centre for their support and, of course, to our Town Clerk Roger Clarke for his persistence in getting this installed.

Wigwell lease

Another long-running issue has been the transfer of management of Wigwell (behind Nine Acres Lane/Close) to the Wychwood Project. Following the conclusion of negotiations (see previous Chronicle), the lease has now been formally handed over and a letter to neighbouring householders will be sent out shortly. If you would like to support the upkeep of Wigwell, please contact Peter Kenrick to find out about the new Wigwell Friends group (01608 811021).

Boundary Walk

The Parish Boundary Walk took place on 10th May, Rogation Sunday. 15 people joined the walk, which was led by Councillors (and volunteer AONB wardens) Tony Merry and Harriet Baldwin. Thank you to Rob and Maxine Hobill at Model Farm for lunch, and to the landowners who permit access across their land for this annual event.

Applying for Town Council grants

Any organisation that thinks it may need a grant from the Town Council for the financial year 2016/17 should obtain an application form from the Town Clerk and return it together with supporting documents by midday on 31st October; late applications cannot be considered. The Clerk can advise on what can, and cannot, be grant-aided under the Local Government Act.

Planning applications

Among the most significant of the Town Council's responsibilities is commenting on planning applications within the town. In the most recent period these have included significant applications at Rushy Bank, Little Lees, Ditchley Road, Southill Solar and the new Community Centre. The decision on whether to grant permission rests with West Oxfordshire District Council, but the Town Council is a statutory consultee and takes its responsibility very seriously.

You can sign up for alerts on planning applications on the WODC website, and they are also posted automatically to the Charlbury Website every Monday morning. If an application affects you, please consider cc:ing the Town Council on any comments that you send to WODC; an understanding of residents' views helps inform our response to the application. Our responses are decided at the Planning & Correspondence Meeting held on the Monday before the full council meeting; see the Town Council website for dates.

Town centre streets

The Town Council is discussing with Oxfordshire County Council (the highway authority), and event organisers, how to discourage unsuitable traffic from using central Charlbury as a through route. Vehicles have become stuck several times recently on the narrow streets, with the obvious inconvenience to residents and town centre businesses.

If you park your car on Browns Lane, you can do your bit by making sure you are parked close to the kerb and that your wing mirror is tucked in. Double-decker buses can and do get stuck when cars are protruding, on one recent occasion leading to a two-hour jam. Thank you.

Bus subsidies

Oxfordshire County Council has announced that it is planning to remove most or all bus subsidies. The withdrawal of subsidies would almost certainly lead to the cessation of the Railbus service and very possibly the downgrading of the X9 Witney/Chipping Norton bus. (The S3 to Oxford is unaffected.) Any changes will take effect in April 2016.

Charlbury Town Council understands OCC's budget pressures, but believes that there are better ways of reducing the subsidy than the current proposals. In particular, we believe OCC should continue to support non-discretionary journeys (such as Charlbury people getting to work in Witney); consider the environmental and congestion effects of withdrawing buses; and institute a programme to help the busiest routes (such as the X9) move to fully commercial, unsubsidised operation.

If you are a bus user, please make your feelings known by commenting on the Oxfordshire County Council website at The consultation is open until 14th September.

Contacting your Town Council

All our meetings are open to the public. Full council meetings are held in the Corner House at 7.30pm on Wednesday 26th August, 23rd September, 28th October and 25th November, with Planning & Correspondence two days before (8pm unless there is a speaker).

Open 'surgeries' will be held at the Corner House from 10am to 12pm on Saturday 3rd October and 5th December.

You can email Roger Clarke, the Town Clerk, at or phone 01608 810608 (9am to 5pm weekdays, not weekends or bank holidays).

Richard Fairhurst
Report no. 76. This report also appears in the Charlbury Chronicle.

Richard Fairhurst · Mon 3 Aug 2015, 21:22 · Link

David Turner

David passed away on Monday 27th July 2015.

A memorial service to pay tribute to David's life will be held on Thursday August 13th at 3pm at St. Mary's Church, Charlbury. All friends of David and the family are warmly welcomed to attend. No flowers but donations to Helen and Douglas House (c/o A.L. Sole & Son 01608 644112).

Further details from Craig Turner (son): 07760234934 or

Craig Turner · Mon 3 Aug 2015, 16:06 · Link

Charlbury Area Mobile Phone lobby group formed

Charlbury mobile phone users form action group

Mobile Phone users in the Charlbury area of Oxfordshire have formed an action group to lobby phone operators for better services. The lobby group, called CAMPUS ?" Charlbury Areas Mobile Phone Users - represents thousands of mobile phone users in the area and has had its first success.

O2, which had previously refused to offer compensation to customers who have lost service in the Charlbury area, are now offering their users a free month's line rental as they accept there are ongoing technical problems with the town's mobile phone service.

Local resident and founder of CAMPUS, Trevor Taylor, says "O2 accept many customers in the Charlbury area are without a mobile phone service many of whom have made formal complaints to O2.
O2 recognize their service has fallen below acceptable standards and are offering compensation. O2 is unable to say when engineers will revisit the site to correct faults nor can they say when the mast will be fully operational."

Charlbury has a population of around 3,000 and O2 and Vodafone, the two mobile phone providers affected, have many hundreds, perhaps thousands, of users in the affected area.

Trevor Taylor of CAMPUS, says "We are grateful to BBC Oxford for highlighting the problems being suffered by mobile phone users in the town and as a result of the radio, TV and online coverage O2 has taken notice and customers are now being compensated. Users must claim the month's line rental refund, it is not given automatically."

Trevor Taylor · Mon 3 Aug 2015, 13:43 · Link

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