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Charlbury Town Council update

Charlbury Town Council report, No. 64
By Councillor Jim Holah

This is the first report from the Council newly elected in May 2012. I hope you find it informative of both the continuing work of the Council as well the challenges and opportunities from new legislation and changes arising from the Localism Act. If you have any questions, please see how to contact us at the end of the report.

Town Council annual meeting, 16th May: the new Council met for the first time, voting in Nick Potter as Chairman for the 18th successive year and Valou Pakenham Walsh as Vice Chairman for the second year. The Councillors, all sitting as independents are Kathy Broughton, Richard Fairhurst, Susanna Finch, Willem Hackmann, Jim Holah, Reg James, Peter Kenrick, Tony Merry, Liz Reason and Russell Robson. The business of allocating subcommittee roles was concluded, with details available from the Town Clerk.

Code of Conduct: a new model code for Councillors highlighting six key objectives of selflessness, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty & integrity and leading by example has been introduced. This was adopted and endorsed at the June Council meeting.
Former Councillor Ron Prew is thanked for his 17 year service since election in 1995, serving as Vice Chairman for 4 years.

Councillors open surgeries: the June and August surgeries were kept busy with a steady stream of residents calling to discuss local concerns and to ask questions about services and facilities. These have been followed through, with a short report made to the following Council meeting for information. The next Surgery is on the first Saturday in October, in the Corner House from 10 am to Noon.

Annual Parish Boundary walk: this was held on the 13 May, a fine Rogation Sunday with 12 walkers led for the first time by Geoffrey Griffiths and Harriet Baldwin. Our thanks go to them, the Stewards and helpers and particularly Maxine and Robert Hobill for their generous lunch arrangements at Model Farm, Ditchley.

Overhanging branches to pavements: the lush growth of your hedges and trees is again causing obstructions to pedestrians and we request that you cut back and recycle any branches, bushes or plants, as wheelchairs and prams are particularly affected when the pavements are narrowed. There are also large areas of weeds growing in kerbs and gutters around the town, if you are able to remove or treat any of these in the area outside your home it would improve the look of Charlbury.

Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations, The Chairman represented the Town Council at the service at St Mary's Church on the 3 June and H.M.The Queen has replied to our letter of loyal Greetings on the occasion. The Town Clerk is having this framed for display in the Museum. Our thanks go to the organisers of the celebratory events held. Despite the rain these were successful and very enjoyable.

Neighbourhood Plan, this subject has seen some focus for the new Council since May, with a presentation from West Oxfordshire Planners outlining the possibilities and challenges. We have arranged to attend further briefings before discussing how best to respond and will update you in future reports.

Grants for Financial Year 2013/14, any organisation that thinks it may need a grant from the Town Council for the financial year 2013/14 must obtain an application form from the Town Clerk and return it together with supporting documents by mid-day on 31 October. Late applications cannot be considered. The Clerk can advise on what can, and cannot, be grant aided under the Local Government Act.

Local Government Election, on the 3 May Liz Leffmann (LibDem) was elected to represent the Charlbury Ward (including Finstock & Fawler) on West Oxfordshire District Council. The other Councillor for the Ward is Hywel Davies (Con). The next Local Government election will be on the 2 May 2013 for the Charlbury & Wychwood Division on Oxfordshire County Council. The Charlbury Division represented by Neil Owen (Con) has been affected by the Boundary Commission and so this will be the first election for the new Division.

Thomas Gifford Charity, the Town Council nominates three trustees; Cllr Liz Reason resigned from the board of trustees in March, with Cllr Jim Holah appointed to replace her. The other two appointed trustees are Ian Cox and Jim Clemence. Cllr Russell Robson is also a trustee.

To contact the Town Council, e mail the Town Clerk, Roger Clarke, at or telephone 01608 810608, between 9.0am and 5pm. (Not weekend or Bank Holidays. Further information can be found at

Jim Holah · Fri 31 Aug 2012, 21:03 · Link

Get involved with the Community

After sterling service, Catherine Goyder, the Corner House and Memorial Hall Committee Secretary is to step down to spend more time with her family (really!). We would therefore appreciate expressions of interest for the post. The duties are not onerous, so please phone the Chairman for details if you are tempted. It is good way to get know the Town, so don't be shy.

Stephen Andrews 811212

Stephen Andrews · Wed 29 Aug 2012, 16:58 · Link

Street Fair Bric-a-Brac wanted

We are collecting Bric-a-brac, and children's toys and games ready for sale on our stall at Street Fair.
All money raised is split equally between Street Fair funds and Charlbury Primary School, so it all stays in the local community. Anything clean and unbroken can be accepted, but please, no electrical items, and no video tapes.
We can collect if needed and would appreciate things in advance of the day so they can be checked and priced.
Phone Marion Greenfield 01608 810896
or email

Sun 26 Aug 2012, 19:04 · Link

Donation to Community Centre Appeal from Wilderness festival goers

When the tickets for Wilderness 2012 went on sale, the festival organisers suggested a 'tick box' offering online ticket buyers the option of donating £2 to the Charlbury Community Centre Appeal. This was in addition to the ticket price, and 323 people generously decided to tick the box, meaning that Wilderness are now handing the CCC Appeal a cheque for £646. Other local organisations and charities who had fundraising stalls at Wilderness were Charlbury and Finstock Primary Schools, Charlbury Pre-School, Chadlington C of E Primary School and ROSY (Respite nursing for Oxfordshire's Sick Youngsters). More news on their results to follow.

Alison Wright · Fri 24 Aug 2012, 14:29 · Link

'Screen Test' film quiz tickets now on sale

Tickets for the 'Screen Test' quiz evening, in aid of the Charlbury Community Centre Appeal, are now on sale at Evenlode Books, the Charlbury Deli & Cafe, and Cotswold Frames. The quiz takes place on 22 September at Memorial Hall, and promises to be a great evening for all the family - see the 'Events' page for full details.

Edward Fenton · Thu 23 Aug 2012, 10:49 · Link

A weekend of cycling through Charlbury

The Bike Blenheim Palace festival takes place this weekend and several of the organised rides will be passing through Charlbury.

On Saturday morning, the 'Off-Road Sportive' follows a route via Stonesfield Lane, Clarke's Bottom and Ditchley Road.

Sunday's 'Road Sportive' follows a more traditional route approaching from Fawler and leaving to Spelsbury. Also on Sunday, the 'Pink Ribbon Ride' will be heading out towards Leafield.

Don't forget that mobile bike mechanics Back on Trax will be at the Spendlove Centre on Saturday morning - a great opportunity to get your bike fixed for the summer.

Richard Fairhurst · Fri 17 Aug 2012, 15:52 · Link

Message from Cornbury Park about Wilderness

Cornbury Park would like to thank everyone who came along and supported Wilderness at the weekend. However they are concerned that some people in Charlbury were disturbed by noise levels coming from the festival last night and apologise unreservedly for any upset caused. Whilst the festival volume levels were within the agreed limits at all times, and were continually monitored, the wind changed direction on Sunday evening so some noise could be heard in parts of Charlbury. After receiving a complaint, the WODC enforcement team responded and measured the noise, which was well within the limits set by the licence conditions.

Cornbury Park takes the comfort of local residents very seriously and will work with the organisers of Wilderness to do everything possible to reduce noise still further next year. Wilderness isn't a rock festival, but a celebration of the arts and the outdoors and is much enjoyed by many visitors and locals alike.

Mon 13 Aug 2012, 19:22 · Link

Actor Tom Ward to open Street Fair

Silent Witness actor Tom Ward has very kindly agreed to open this year's Street Fair on Saturday 15th September

John Munro · Mon 6 Aug 2012, 16:09 · Link

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