The History of Charlbury through ... the Civil War
The Civil War which lasted from 1642-49 was a divisive and destructive period which split towns, communities and families. People, towns and villages were caught up in it whether they wanted it or not, and Oxfordshire was no exception. It was strategically placed on main routes from London to the midlands and the west, and between Royalist strongholds in the north and west and Parliamentarian areas to the south and east. The first major battle of the war took place at Edgehill north of Banbury and following the battle King Charles set up his court in Oxford and made it his capital, putting the country firmly in the frontline of military action.
While we do not have any reports of skirmishes in Charlbury, the remains of a Civil War battery still exist in Cornbury Park which at that time was owned by the Henry Danvers, Earl of Danby, until his death in 1644. (See map for the location of the battery). Earth banks form three sides of a rectangle with a gap or embrasure to allow for the firing of cannon up and down the Evenlode valley. It was probably constructed in early 1643 as part of the outlying defences of Oxford: there were similar batteries at Woodstock and Bletchingdon.
The people of Charlbury would have shared in the disruption caused by competing armies requisitioning food, by pillaging and raiding by both sides, and heavy taxation to pay for the war. There are gaps in the Charlbury parish registers during the war years implying that normal life was disrupted and it seems that the traditional four-day August fair did not happen. Farming suffered too and Cornbury Park was said to be overrun with rabbits so that the deer suffered from lack of grazing. The influx of soldiers and overcrowding in towns brought disease. It is estimated that 100,000 died of disease in the war years, more than were killed in the fighting.
Large houses were frequently targeted and in April 1646 Woodstock Manor was attacked. It was said that the cannon firing at it could be heard in Oxford, so it was probably audible in Charlbury too. By this time Cornbury had passed into Parliamentary hands and Cromwell’s son-in-law General Ireton stayed there in 1646.
Thursday 4th March: Charlbury Society Zoom talk 7.45 for 8pm
Soldiers, Saints & Sinners: Oxfordshire Characters from the English Civil War
A talk by Stephen Barker
A Zoom link will be sent to members. For more information, contact the Secretary
Judy Dod ·
Fri 26 Feb 2021, 21:17 · Link
Wildlife Explorer Trail - booking now live!
I'm excited to announce that booking for Rediscover Nature's first official Wildlife Explorer Trail is now live!
This trail is in the outskirts of Charlbury and will be available from 06/03/2021 and removed on 17/03/2021.
Please only book on if you are local to Charlbury and follow all COVID rules and guidelines - let's help each other stay safe!
Many thanks - Katherine Holmes
Katherine Holmes ·
Fri 26 Feb 2021, 15:10 · Link
Charlbury Children’s Bike Rally an Outstanding Success
Report on Charlbury’s Ride
and Stride, 12 September 2020
Like everything else the sponsored Ride and Stride round
Oxfordshire’s churches was much affected by the pandemic in 2020. Beforehand
there were doubts that it could happen at all. Nobody could be allowed into the
churches. So our faithful welcomers could not be there to offer biscuits and
encouragement to flagging StRiders, and there was less incentive for Charlbury’s
StRiders to take part because of social distancing and nearly all churches having
just a sign-in sheet by the door.
But it did all happen, the weather was wonderful, and
county-wide it raised almost as much money as 2019 for Oxfordshire’s churches
and the Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust.
And in Charlbury our children’s rally was an outstanding
success. It was again raising money for Charlbury School and OHCT and was again
organised jointly by them and the Windrush Bike Project. This time, however, it
climaxed on the school playing field with a mass picnic, a bike gymkhana and an
opportunity to try out e-bikes sponsored by the Town Council’s Environment
Working Group. The children had to set off one at a time rather than in a mass
start, but one surprised visitor that morning reported that the whole town was
humming, and the happy scene on the school playing field carried on well into
the afternoon.
This was all reflected in very respectable financial results:
St Mary's raised £360, All Saints Shorthampton £260, St Teresa's (RC) £40, the Methodists
£65, the Quakers £50 – and the Charlbury School Association a magnificent £1184
much of it through online sponsorship.
This year we hope that there will be fewer restrictions and
that we can repeat the events on the school playing field. We also hope to have
an extended route as a challenge for older children with mountain bikes. This
will take them out to Shorthampton Church and back via Walcot.
The Ride and Stride and the Children’s Rally is
on Saturday 11 September. Put it in your diaries now!
Basil Eastwood ·
Fri 26 Feb 2021, 11:50 · Link
Deli Shareholder meeting moved to March
A few weeks ago, we suggested a shareholder meeting for late February. We thought we'd need finance for a plan we were discussing with our landlord to acquire the freehold to the shop.
That's all been overtaken by events:
• If we need more finance, we'll probably need a new Constitution
• So we'll need the 2020 accounts
• Our accountants simply haven't had time yet to produce a final version of the 2020 accounts
• But the first draft shows a serious profit for 2020 and no debt
• Except for our Bounceback, which 2-3 years' profit would pay off if we didn't want to keep this cheap (2.5%) working capital
So we'll now have a meeting around Easter. By then we'll:
- Have definitive accounts for 2020 and a number of alternative projections for 2021
- Know more about what we can agree with our landlord, what kind of financing we might need and how we might raise it
- Will have explored alternative dates so we can come back in the next week or so with a definite meeting date.
Meanwhile, we're really sorry we can only let you in one at a time.
And thanks for spending so much more than last year that acquiring the shop may well be a realistic proposition
Michael Flanagan ·
Fri 26 Feb 2021, 09:09 · Link
Nominations Sought for 2021 Charlbury Honoured Citizen Awards
The town council is now seeking nominations for members of the community to receive an Honoured Citizen Award during 2021. An Honoured Citizen Award is a tribute to a current or former Charlbury resident who has given dedicated voluntary service within the town, probably over many years, and as a consequence has made a significant positive difference to the Community and to the lives of residents. Serving members and employees of the town council are not eligible for the award and may not propose or second nominations.
Nomination forms and rules for the awards are available from the town clerk (email or call 01608 810608 on weekdays during normal office hours).
Nominations for the 2021 awards must be received by the town clerk by 5pm on the 31st March 2021.
Due to Covid restrictions, the 2020 awards were presented individually by town council chairman, Richard Fairhurst and you can see a report and photos in the Spring 2021 edition of the Charlbury Chronicle.
Peter Kenrick ·
Wed 24 Feb 2021, 10:57 · Link
Latest Gigaclear closure dates
Roads will be closed for Gigaclear works according to this schedule:

Tue 23 Feb 2021, 10:37 · Link
Latest News from Charlbury Medical Centre
Charlbury Medical Centre’s Latest News
An extract from the website:
20 February 2021
“Charlbury Surgery will be focused on
inviting our “at risk” patients in Cohort 6 to visit one of our GP led
vaccination sites either at Charlbury Football Club for the Oxford Astra Zeneca
vaccine or Carterton Health Centre for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.
Unfortunately, we are unable to invite our 65-69-year-old patients who are not
“at risk” as they have been asked by the government to book appointments at the
larger sites.
Over the coming weeks we will continue
to offer numerous vaccine clinics, we ask that you please be patient and wait
for your invitation and not call the surgery to enquire about it.
Appointments at Charlbury Medical
Centre will obviously be limited on days that we are running vaccine clinics.
We request that you continue to bear with us.
We thank all of our patients who are so
very kindly helping us through these challenging times and for all your
messages of support and for all your patience at this time.”
Vaccination Form
When you have received your invitation from
the medical centre, you will need to complete the first two sections of the
clinical record form. The clinical record form is available to print out as a
PDF from the medical centre website, or to collect from the tent at the medical
Please ensure you print both pages, double-sided
if possible.
Please remember to bring it with you.
Thank you
Charlbury Patient Participation Group
susan smith ·
Mon 22 Feb 2021, 14:59 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
Mon 22 Feb 2021, 06:15 · Link
St Teresa’s
The parish Mass resumes at 9.15 am tomorrow the First Sunday of Lent. To book a place:
Weekday services as normal( see website). Stations of the Cross after Friday Mass during Lent. No need to book. All welcome.
Father Clive Dytor ·
Sat 20 Feb 2021, 20:35 · Link
Police Warning to Dog Owners of Suspicious Activity 18/02/2021
We have recently been made aware from concerned residents and other social media postings, that a number of properties in the Wychwoods area have seemingly been marked. The properties have been marked with differing coloured elastic bands, either around the gatepost or wheelie bins. It is believed the properties have been marked due to there being pedigree dogs at the locations.
Clearly this is of concern to all dog owners, and we ask that that you all remain vigilant and where possible to report this either online via the TVP website or on the 101 number.
General advice is to change your routine, go out walking at differing times, where appropriate make sure your dog is on a short lead. We would further advise that if your dog stays in the house, then move its location to a harder to reach area and less visible to the outside.
Lastly, do not post anything on social media with respect to your dog, or any potential litters.
Darryn Moulding (Police, PCSO, West Oxfordshire LPA (bb))
Valou Pakenham-Walsh ·
Fri 19 Feb 2021, 08:48 · Link
Thank you from Charlbury Pre-School!
A very big thank you to everyone who supported Charlbury Pre-School's Christmas Challenge. Together we raised over £1300! An incredible result!
Jeni Burnell ·
Thu 18 Feb 2021, 20:07 · Link
Transport to COVID 19 vaccine locations
All Together In Charlbury (ATIC) is again looking at how it can help Charlbury residents who have been called for a COVID vaccine at a location to which they need private transport. If you are in this position and cannot call on a family member or friend to get you to your vaccine, call our usual call centre number 01993 776277 (9.00 to 1.00 Mon-Fri or leave an answerphone message) and we will see what we can do. Please give us as much notice of a request, as you can (but we know that you can only do this when you have been contacted yourself!).
We have worked hard to set up appropriate COVID19-safe (Hands, Face, Space) systems and procedures which we need drivers and passengers to follow and there is a reasonable mileage charge of 45p per mile (hardship funding available).
Our call centre number again is 01993 776277 – this will get you to Volunteer Link-Up staff who kindly help us deal with requests.
For those who will be driving themselves to Carterton Health Centre, ATIC suggests that the best route is to go via Burford. (As you may know, the road to Witney via Finstock railway bridge is closed until 22 March).)
Go through Burford across the bridge from the A361 and up to the main road roundabout. Turn Left onto the A40 towards Witney and Oxford. Then almost immediately turn Right onto the B4020 signposted Carterton, RAF Brize Norton and Burford Garden Company.
On the B4020 go past the Burford Garden Company and carry on down the B4020 into Carterton. Carry straight along the road towards Carterton town centre. You will come to traffic lights – go straight across towards the town centre (crossing Upavon Way). Continue straight down the road to the next set of traffic lights in the town centre. Turn Right into Alvescot Road. The Health Centre is on the right just past the Library. (The second Original Factory Shop building is opposite.)
If you would like an annotated map of the town centre (containing these directions) to complement the map provided by the Charlbury Medical Centre, you can download one from the ATIC page in the Community section of this website (Charity and World) or email There are also copies at Cornerstone at the Corner House.
Meryl Smith ·
Thu 18 Feb 2021, 11:59 · Link
CMC Covid clinics 22 nd and 25 th February
We have just established that there is vaccine for two morning clinics next week for the Group 6 ‘at risk’ under 69 year olds, those are for people with underlying health conditions , and they will be contacted shortly by the Practice. The Monday clinic will be at the Sports Centre in Charlbury, and the Thursday clinic in Carterton.
Other patients in group 5 , with no underlying health conditions, age 65-69, should book their vaccination on line at the Kassam Stadium .
If you are in this group and do not have transport to get to Kassam, please telephone the Practice and you will be included in the local clinics. Remember ATIC can offer lifts to Carterton if necessary.
Nikki Rycroft ·
Tue 16 Feb 2021, 14:06 · Link
Cornerstone - flowers and fresh produce
We hope everyone enjoyed the flowers available from Cornerstone. We have ordered more flowers and these should be in by Thursday 18th Feb.
Additionally we had some lovely fresh produce with a wide variety of fruit and veg; we will have more in available from Wednesday 17th.
If you or someone you know is in need of food support or facing a hard time at present financially please get in touch so that we can see if we can help. or 07510772764
Jo Paton ·
Mon 15 Feb 2021, 13:12 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- Lamorna Stonesfield Lane Charlbury
Conversion of the existing detached workshop to create a studio, along with an extension to create a home office, green house with potting shed. Erection of a new workshop and plant room for a newly installed Ground Source Heat Pump.
WODC reference: 21/00162/HHD - Mon 18 Jan 2021 - Under consideration
- Gladstone House 2 Wychwood View Woodstock Road Charlbury
Alterations and additions
WODC reference: 21/00163/HHD - Mon 18 Jan 2021 - Under consideration
- Shadbolts Hixet Wood Charlbury
Two and single storey side extensions
WODC reference: 21/00144/HHD - Fri 15 Jan 2021 - Under consideration
Mon 15 Feb 2021, 06:15 · Link
Charlbury Deli's world-famous Doodles
The Deli Doodle Drafting Drone has just had a complaint from a Deli Doodle Disciple in California that her Doodle copies keep going into her Trash.
If you think that might have happened to you - or want to find out why Californians cross the ocean for a Decent Doodle - go to, enter your email address and press "Subscribe". You should get the next edition: usually within a day or two.
Michael Flanagan ·
Tue 9 Feb 2021, 17:08 · Link
Charlbury Beer Festival - Virtual Tasting Event
We are delighted to announce an online beer tasting session where we’ll learn about the UK’s influence on world beer AND support some good causes!
Friday 26th February 2021 at 7:30pm
Grab a beer or five and join Belgian brewer Yvan of Brasserie de la Senne in Brussels and American beer guru Kris in Boston to celebrate the historic influence of English beer around the world. Which English ship had to cut its voyage short to the new world because it ran out of beer? Which English brewing technique saved a dying brewery in Belgium? Which beer recipes did John Quincy Adams bring with him from England to brew at home?
To find out more and buy a ticket see our events page: link
To listen to a feature about the event on Witney Radio : link
Sean Hosking ·
Mon 8 Feb 2021, 16:39 · Link
No fishmonger Tuesday (9th)
Fishmonger Jane reports she is snowed in, and with snow continuing today it is too treacherous to drive.
Richard Broughton ·
Mon 8 Feb 2021, 09:24 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- 1 Police House Hixet Wood Charlbury
Discharge of conditions: 3 (natural stone external walls), 4 (roof material samples), 5 (external window materials, finishes and colours), 6 (window and door frames recessed distance), 7 (existing trees to be retained and protected), 8 (details of design and specification), 10 (existing and proposed ground levels and finished floor levels), 11 (proposed access plan), 12 (visibility splay plans), 13 (individual access and parking areas plan), 14 (cycle parking arrangements plan), 15 (surface water drainage scheme), 16 (construction traffic management plan), 17 (details of super fast broadband service), 19 (amended landscaping scheme), 20 (stream realignment strategy) and 23 (landscape and ecology management plan)
WODC reference: 21/00374/CND - Thu 04 Feb 2021 - Under consideration
- 14 Nine Acres Close Charlbury
Alterations to include conversion of existing garage and erection of a single storey extension to create extra living space
WODC reference: 21/00036/HHD - Wed 06 Jan 2021 - Under consideration
- Kerby Cottage Sheep Street Charlbury
Internal and external alterations to include partial removal of existing lean-to and installation of roof lantern together with erection of single storey rear extension and flue to serve new wood burning stove.
WODC reference: 21/00030/LBC - Tue 05 Jan 2021 - Under consideration
- Kerby Cottage Sheep Street Charlbury
Partial removal of existing lean-to and installation of roof lantern together with erection of single-storey rear extension and flue to serve new wood burning stove.
WODC reference: 21/00029/HHD - Tue 05 Jan 2021 - Under consideration
Mon 8 Feb 2021, 06:15 · Link
Revised S3 and 7 Bus services
From Jan 31st until further notice S3 and no 7 bus services to Oxford, Woodstock and Chipping Norton have been revised, due to the lockdown.
Saturdays are now running as for the Sunday timetable, i.e. no buses at all for the S3 or no 7 buses through Charlbury on Saturdays. Details of the timetable changes are here:
Christine Battersby ·
Fri 5 Feb 2021, 11:56 · Link
X9 buses during Finstock Bridge closure
From 8 February to 22 March Finstock Railway Bridge will be closed. This means that the X9 will need to divert and operate a temporary timetable.
Services leave Chipping Norton West Street at
06.15. 07.45. 09.15. 11.15
12.15. 15.35. 17.30
Services leave Witney Market Square at
07.25. 09.15. 10.45. 12.40
13.45. 17.15. 18.45
All services run Monday to Saturday only except for the first journeys which are Monday to Friday only.
Christine Battersby ·
Fri 5 Feb 2021, 11:44 · Link
CRAG is collecting for Calais!
Care4Calais needs good-condition warm clothing and shoes for men, in small and medium sizes, including donations of *new* boxer shorts and socks. We will be delivering donated clothing to Care4Calais on Monday, 8 January.
If you have clothing you would like to donate this weekend, please email and you'll be told where to deliver it, in central Charlbury.
Vicky Buser ·
Thu 4 Feb 2021, 14:18 · Link
Zoom Events from St Mary's and All Saints
Birds Eye View of the Bible with John Partington.
Bible, Church History, Church of England, Christian Doctrine. Wednesdays 10am – 11.30am. 10th February till 3rd March.
Books of the Bible
A weekly series of introductions to each of the books of the Bible, followed by discussion. 10.30am Tuesday 16th February, and then weekly.
Compline in Lent on Zoom
6pm on Wednesdays and Sundays. Wed. Feb 17th – Sun. March 28th.
Lent Discussions
A weekly Zoom session during Lent to share and discuss your reflections on the daily Lent Readings, lasting about an hour. Thursdays at 2pm from Feb 25th.
Readings and Discussions on Four British Poets with Robert Fraser.
Thomas Hardy, Edward Thomas, R.S. Thomas and Dylan Thomas. Fridays in March 2pm - 3.30pm.
All events will be held on Zoom. To take part in any of these, contact Jo at
Jo Paton ·
Wed 3 Feb 2021, 11:53 · Link
Cornerstone at the Corner House
Cornerstone continues to be open at the Corner House Monday - Saturday 10am -1pm.
Do come in if you would like to donate to the give and take shelf, or come and help yourself to anything that you need from the shelf. We are providing frozen meals and fresh food weekly to those in need - if you need this help please come and talk to us or drop us a text or email.
If you are baking or making preserves we are happy to accept them and share them the community - please ensure you label with the date of production and the ingredients. Any spare fresh produce is also appreciated. We are aiming for Wednesday to be cake day.
We have linked with FairshareGo and receive produce that is about to go beyond the best before by date, from Tescos each Monday. This is available to all.
Brand new gifts can also be donated.
Thanks for your continued donations that help us to stay open and be available to all.
Cornerstone Team
07510 772764
Jo Paton ·
Wed 3 Feb 2021, 11:27 · Link
Upcoming Gigaclear road closures
Gigaclear have confirmed their upcoming work dates:

Richard Fairhurst ·
Mon 1 Feb 2021, 17:39 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- 7 Hughes Close Charlbury
Erection of detached dwelling
WODC reference: 21/00014/OUT - Tue 05 Jan 2021 - Under consideration
Mon 1 Feb 2021, 06:15 · Link