News index


Up go the Christmas trees!

Today (Saturday 30) trees are being delivered by a noble team of volunteers to those people in the town centre who have ordered them again this year.

If you are without a tree, it's not too late to get one from Charlbury's 'Christmas tree farm'. That's Halcyon Farm, also known as the honey farm, at the top of Woodstock Hill. Phone 810260 to be sure someone is in.

Jon Carpenter · Sat 30 Nov 2013, 11:00 · Link

Funded 2 year old places at Little Monkeys

In addition to offering funded nursery education grant for 3 years old, Little Monkeys Charlbury are now able to offer funded places for some 2 year olds. If your child is 2 or approaching 2 and you are in receipt of any of the following, you may be able to access 15 hours term time only care for your child. Income Support, Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance,Income-related Employment & Support Allowance or Incapacity Benefit, Support under Part V1 of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999, The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit, Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190,Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after their Employment finishes or after they start to work less than 16 hours per week and Looked after children. If this is something you feel would benefit your child, please get in contact with Kelly at Little Monkeys on 01608 811828 or email:

simon harley · Thu 28 Nov 2013, 10:37 · Link

Pie Night at The Bull - Thursday 28 November

Don't forget it's Pie Night at The Bull this Thursday, 28 November. We will be serving pies with a choice of three yummy fillings between 6:30 and 9:00pm. If you know you are coming, booking a table would be really helpful for us! Hope to see you then, Alix and Stuart

Alix Blumsom · Wed 27 Nov 2013, 13:27 · Link

WODC gives £24,000 to Memorial Hall

West Oxfordshire District Council has approved a grant of £24,000 for improvement work at the Memorial Hall. The WODC report explains:

"Charlbury Corner House and War Memorial Hall - £24,000 towards a £120,000 project to improve and enlarge the Hall kitchen and add a new room to the rear. This will make the Hall usable for a range of activities, benefitting all users."

Richard Fairhurst · Wed 27 Nov 2013, 12:17 · Link

Calling all Parents - Anyone for Nature Tots?

Should 'Nature Tots' come to Charlbury?

Children today spend less time playing outdoors than in any previous generation. Modern life is full of indoor based distractions, plus there are mounting concerns about safety, meaning children no longer 'go out to play' in the way that their parents did. Worryingly, these gadget-filled lifestyles have led to our children becoming disconnected from nature, at exactly the time when the environmental challenges we face as a society require everyone to take an interest in the natural world. Children won't learn to care about something they have no experience of, so its vital that we encourage them to spend time in the outdoors from an early age. Playing outside has a huge variety of developmental and health benefits, meaning children who get opportunities to explore and enjoy nature on a regular basis will enrich their own lives as well as learning to value and care for our planet.

There are currently hundreds of activity groups available for toddlers, but hardly any of them involve being outside getting hands-on with nature. Therefore we would like to start up Nature Tots - a regular 2-hour session in a woodland setting for pre-school children and their parents or carers. We have been running a successful group in south Oxfordshire for the last 18 months and would now like to bring the concept to Charlbury.

Nature Tots sessions are very relaxed, but include some simple and optional activities to inspire the children, while allowing families to spend time together playing outside in whatever way they choose. Sessions might include mud painting, digging or bug hunting, but children are always encouraged to play freely and follow their own interests. Sessions run in all weathers and always include a story and a snack. Children get dirty, build confidence in an outdoor setting, develop new skills and most importantly have fun!

We are keen to assess the level of interest in Nature Tots for the children of Charlbury before we take our plans further, and to this end we ask for your help! If you could spare a few minutes to answer the questions in our survey, we would be massively grateful.

To have your say and take our survey, please follow the link:


Christine Donaldson · Wed 20 Nov 2013, 15:44 · Link

We're still collecting Southill Solar questionnaires

Analysis of returns received so far is well underway. But if you haven't yet completed yours, it only takes a few minutes and can be dropped off at the Post Office, in the Corner House or at Londis.
Or you can still do it on-line at

See you on at 8pm on 28th November in the Memorial Hall!

Liz Reason · Tue 19 Nov 2013, 18:56 · Link

Many thanks from Little Monkeys Charlbury.

Thank you to all the residents of Charlbury and businesses who bought cakes from the children on Friday in aid of children in need. Everyone was very kind and generous to the children and staff and we all had a great time! With your support we raised a brilliant £175.15. Thank you again.

simon harley · Mon 18 Nov 2013, 20:57 · Link

Notice of Vacancy in Office of Councillor - Town of Charlbury


Pursuant to section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, that Mr R Robson, formerly a member of the named Town Council, has ceased to be a member of the Town Council, and that a vacancy now exists in the office of Councillor for the Town.

If, within 14 days* after the date of this notice (i.e. no later than 5 December 2013) a request for an election to fill the vacancy is made in writing to the Chief Executive, West Oxfordshire District Council, Woodgreen, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 1NB by TEN electors for the Town, an election will be held to fill the vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.

If there is an election, it will take place not later than 6 February, 2014.
Dated: Friday 15 November, 2013.

  • In computing any time for this purpose, a Saturday or Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday or a bank holiday or day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning must be disregarded.

    Susie Finch · Mon 18 Nov 2013, 18:13 · Link

The future of the railbus

Oxfordshire County Council is reviewing subsidised bus services in the Witney/Chipping Norton area, including several buses in Charlbury. The council is seeking to make £61m of savings over all its activities, and it is likely that services will be reduced as a result.

The X9 (Chipping Norton/Witney) is likely to continue largely unaffected, though the late evening journeys on Fridays and Saturdays are unlikely to continue. These were introduced a couple of years ago by RH Transport and have never attracted significant patronage. The S3 service to Oxford is unsubsidised and will therefore continue as at present.

However, the C1 station bus has been suggested for withdrawal, together with the "on demand" T1 service that can be booked during the day. Though the T1 is very little used (with perhaps one passenger a day), the C1 railbus, which meets most peak-time trains, is a very popular service with Charlbury people. Its withdrawal would be greatly felt in the town, not least in the effect on the station car park which is often full even with the new extension.

Working together, the Cotswold Line Promotion Group, Charlbury Town Council, and parish councils in the Wychwoods have proposed that the C1 is merged with the X8A daytime service from Kingham station. This would provide an all-day service between Charlbury, Kingham station, the Wychwoods and Leafield, bringing more people into Charlbury town centre, as well as retaining the existing C1 journeys for peak-hour trains.

In theory this would provide the same service at a greatly reduced subsidy level. However, this does of course presume that a bus operator would be prepared to bid for such a service at a level that the County Council could afford.

If OCC takes up this or any other suggestions, tenders will be sought over the winter and a decision will be made in March, with changes due to take effect from June.

Richard Fairhurst · Fri 15 Nov 2013, 16:34 · Link

Discounted Wilderness Tickets for Charlbury Residents available from tomorrow

The discounted Wilderness Tickets for Charlbury residents will now be available from tomorrow afternoon, 13th November (not 12th November as originally stated)and will be available until 28th February 2014 (or until sold out). Charlbury Post Office will be the exclusive outlet for local tickets at this time.

During this period, discounted local tickets will only be available to those with proof of a Charlbury postcode and limited to a maximum of 4 adult tickets per household.
Proof of address and ID documents needed at point of purchase are:
1. A recent utility bill or bank statement, plus
2. A credit / debit card, passport or driving license

The following ticket types will be available:

Wilderness Festival takes place at Cornbury Park from 7th-10th August 2014.

Alison Wright · Tue 12 Nov 2013, 09:51 · Link

No more Monday pizzas

Rico's Pizza Shack has stopped visiting Charlbury on Monday evenings. The company says it might return "towards the end of March 2014".

Richard Fairhurst · Mon 11 Nov 2013, 18:56 · Link

Download a timetable for Charlbury's bus and train services

To encourage Charlbury people to use the frequent local bus and train services, all the times have been put together on one sheet for the first time ever. The single-page timetable is ideal for printing out and putting on your home noticeboard.

You can download a copy from the website by clicking 'Directions' above. There are two versions: a single page for easy use, or two pages with larger print.

The timetable will also be included in the next issue of the Charlbury Chronicle.

Richard Fairhurst · Mon 11 Nov 2013, 13:07 · Link

Southil Solar survey collection

Our volunteers are collecting the surveys that were delivered with The Leaflet over the next week or two, but if you are not in when they call, you can still either complete the survey on line at or drop your copy off in the boxes at the Post Office, the Corner House or the Londis.

Liz Leffman · Sat 9 Nov 2013, 11:13 · Link

A famous voice joins some Charlbury regulars

National radio broadcaster Kathy Clugston will be joining four Charlbury authors for their show in Woodstock on 14 November. The show is based on 'A Funny Way With Words', a poetry collection by Rob Stepney, John Lanyon, Ed Fenton and Adrian Lancini. Kathy will be handling the continuity and will be joined by musicians Alan Fraser and Shannon Harris. The event is part of Woodstock Poetry Festival.

Edward Fenton · Wed 6 Nov 2013, 20:39 · Link

Witney Gazette gets the news wrong

Witney Gazette reporter Thomas Burrows has written a report about the likely closure of Evenlode Books that contains enough errors to warn anyone off talking to a journalist again.

No one has said the shop will close "by the end of the month". It will close by the end of January. The suggestion that the shop may close at the end of November is clearly one I need to refute as prominently as possible! EVENLODE BOOKS IS OPEN AS NORMAL FOR CHRISTMAS AND EARLY JANUARY.

Geoff is Professor Walton, not Mr. He is 74, not 69. I'm 69 but obviously Thomas misread his notes! Geoff is MD of Dustscan, and no longer has any connection with PGW&A.

It is Dustscan, not PGW&A, that may move into the premises. Dustscan is not a consultancy for retailers.

Jon Carpenter · Wed 6 Nov 2013, 12:40 · Link

Police Information

Thames Valley Police are holding a FREE 'Catalytic Converter Marking Day' at the Firs Garage, Hook Norton on Saturday 16th November 2013 between 1000hrs and 1500hrs. They will etch your Catalytic converter with a unique serial number which means they can easily identify it if it is stolen. They will also provide you with a sticker to be displayed in your window indicating the CAT marked and which prevents offenders. Please just turn up on the day!''

Catalytic converter thefts

Catalytic converters are designed to remove toxins from vehicle emissions. The devices contain small amounts of three precious metals: platinum, palladium and rhodium. In recent years, the price of these metals has soared to record levels, which means that catalytic converters can provide a substantial return to a thief for just a few minutes work.

Transit/Sprinter vans and other vehicles with high clearance are especially vulnerable.

The following sections provide crime prevention and reduction advice for vehicle owners, as well as tactics that will assist police and partners to reduce this type of vehicle crime.

Advice for vehicle owners
•Where possible, park in your garage
•Alternatively, park in a location that restricts access underneath your vehicle
•Consider security lighting
•If your catalytic converter is 'bolt on,' you can have the bolts welded shut
•Consider the installation of CCTV to protect your vehicle
•Identify/etch your converter with a unique serial number (see Retainagroup in Related Links) and advertise that the vehicle has been protected (window stickers)

Valou Pakenham-Walsh · Sun 3 Nov 2013, 16:57 · Link

New Charlbury Salon Room: Madisona Beauty

Offering a wide range of Beauty treatments in my own salon room in Charlbury. Highly qualified Beauty Therapist with an international CIBTAC diploma. Book treatments with great prices at the comfort in your own town with a highly professional experience. Gift vouchers available as well as group treatments on request. Look/'like' my webpage for a full list of treatment prices and updates:

Book now: 07927521937

Madison · Sun 3 Nov 2013, 11:56 · Link

Message from Wilderness about discounted tickets for 2014


After the sold-out success of this year's festival, we have been listening intently to the feedback from many of you in the Charlbury community to ensure the festival is doing its utmost to best serve those living closest to Cornbury.

We are duly putting in measures to ensure that the immediate locality is rightfully prioritized to the access of discounted adult weekend and day tickets.

In order to not be disappointed please note the below details surrounding local tickets for Wilderness 2014:

From the 12th November 2013 until 28th February 2014 (or until sold out), the Post Office in Charlbury will be the exclusive outlet for local tickets.

During this period, discounted local tickets will only be available to those with proof a Charlbury postcode and limited to a maximum of 4 adult tickets per household.

Proof of address and ID documents needed at point of purchase are:
1. A recent utility bill or bank statement, plus
2. A credit / debit card, passport or driving license

The following ticket types will be available:


Wilderness Festival runs from 7th-10th August 2014

Alison Wright · Fri 1 Nov 2013, 15:58 · Link

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