ChOC Update
Charlbury’s Own Cinema – ChOC - is now operational with two successful screenings already under its belt. Ladies in Lavender was a sell out in May, followed by a good turnout at The Magic Roundabout yesterday.
Thanks to all those who came, to Martin and the staff at The Bell, to the projectionists and staff at Chipping Norton Theatre, and to the volunteers in Charlbury for making it all happen.
ChOC is a non-profit organisation that aims to show a wide range of films to the people of Charlbury. The organisation does rely on volunteers and we would very much like to hear from any Charlbury citizens who would be interested in assisting with the organisation and screening of the films.
The schedule for the coming months as currently as follows:
• The Aviator (September): Multi Oscar winning biopic of filmmaker, pilot and millionaire Howard Hughes, directed by Martin Scorsese, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsale, John C Reilly, Alec Baldwin and Alan Alda.
• A Good Woman (November): 1930s Oscar Wilde remake starring Helen Hunt, Tom Wilkinson and Scarlett Johansson.
• Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (January): Tim Burton’s interpretation of Roald Dahl’s classic children’s book starring Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka.
Please see local publicity nearer the time for exact dates, times and locations.
If you would like to contact ChOC, please use the details below:
Paul Dawsey: 07974 353443
Russell Robson: 07760 148745
Paul Dawsey ·
Sun 31 Jul 2005, 14:21 · Link
Yellow Pages Recycling (Spendlove August and September)
From the 1st of August and September there will be a Yellow Pages collection bank at Spendlove centre.
Please recycle your old Yellow Pages.
Charlbury Area Waste Action Group
Colin Critch ·
Mon 25 Jul 2005, 09:22 · Link
Charlbury's new Thai restaurant
An excellent new Thai restaurant has opened in the back room of the Three Horseshoes.
Bangkok Thai Cuisine is run by Rachel and chef John, who also run a restaurant in Hullavington (near Swindon) but who plan to move to Charlbury. The substantial menu includes a range of seafood specials and set meals as well as more standard Thai fare.

Opening hours are 6pm to 10pm every evening, with a special Japanese menu on Tuesdays (booking required) and lunch from 1pm to 3pm at weekends. Takeaways are available and there's also a "mobile banquet" service where a meal will be delivered to your home on heated servers. The phone number is 07917 664228.
(We've received three unprompted e-mails from website readers praising the new restaurant, so it seems to be going down well so far.)
Richard Fairhurst ·
Sat 23 Jul 2005, 23:10 · Link
Charlbury Website meeting
There'll be an informal meeting about the Charlbury Website on Wednesday (27 July), in the Rose & Crown's non-smoking room at 8pm. If you'd like to be involved, do come along (an e-mail to would be appreciated).
Richard Fairhurst ·
Thu 21 Jul 2005, 22:06 · Link
Successful Start to Green Waste Pilot Scheme
Successful Start to Green Waste Pilot Scheme
“Congratulations are in order”, says Cllr David Harvey, commenting on the success of the first Green Waste Collection in West Oxfordshire, which is part of a pilot scheme.
The volume of green waste collected was 18 tonnes which was more than had been anticipated. This came from nearly 800 households in West Oxfordshire who had signed up for this service which is being trialled in part of the district. The collection on Saturday 2nd July is the first of 11 collections which continue up until the end of the year.
Cllr Harvey who is the Cabinet Member for the Environment went on to say, “Success is not only down to the volume collected, but the level of contamination within the waste was also extremely low, thus making it possible to process virtually everything collected into compost. I would like to thank all the participants, our contractors, Cleanaway, for their hard work in getting this scheme off the ground and to Worton Park in Cassington who recycle the waste.”
The next collection will take place on Saturday 16th July, when it is hoped that this success will be repeated.
For further information contact:
Carys Davies Cllr David Harvey
Publicity Office Cabinet Member
t: 01993 861615 m: 07771 965360 t: 01993 706501
Colin Critch ·
Tue 12 Jul 2005, 11:27 · Link
Oxford Mail report on Riverside Festival
The Oxford Mail carried a report on disturbances at the Riverside Festival, reporting that one visitor was arrested on suspicion of assault. You can read it here.
Richard Fairhurst ·
Sat 9 Jul 2005, 11:23 · Link
Rose & Crown extension opens
The Rose & Crown has unveiled its new extension, a non-smoking room and conservatory in a contemporary style.
The new extension takes in the former pool room, storage area and part of the pub yard (or beer garden). Comfortable seats and low tables are joined by a rather unusual feature - a deep well. The well was uncovered during building work and has been left as is, with a clear perspex lid so that customers can look down.

Pool has been replaced with bar billiards.
Rose and Crown publican Tom Page says "We wanted to create a new space at the pub to attract a wider range of customers. We hope that the light airy non-smoking atmosphere will encourage families. Children are welcome at the pub from midday til 8pm and it's especially easy for parents with buggies to come through the courtyard gates. Although we don't serve food, packed lunches can be brought in and the pub serves drinks for children, as well as teas and coffees. We also laid out the space in the extension so that there are separate areas - good for informal meetings and gatherings. We're happy to set aside an area at no charge, if someone gives us a bit of notice."
Richard Fairhurst ·
Sat 9 Jul 2005, 11:17 · Link
Town Council to Nine Acres: get off my land
Charlbury Town Council has sent a warning letter to residents of Nine Acres Lane and Nine Acres Close, requesting that they don't tip garden waste over their back fences.
The properties back onto Wigwell, a nature reserve and pasture field. Council clerk Roger Clarke writes: "In recent years, some cattle have died as a result of ingesting waste deposited on Wigwell, particularly yew. This caused the farmer an emotional and monetary loss which was significant....
"Penalties are up to £5,000 fine at magistrates court or five years imprisonment and an unlimited fine at Crown Court. Clearly the majority of residents are responsible and do not tip waste into Wigwell, however, someone has and they will know hwho they are. Please desist."
Richard Fairhurst ·
Fri 8 Jul 2005, 12:48 · Link
Website changes
The news and events pages have now returned.
As before, you can submit your own news and events. If you're a regular poster, we can arrange it so that they go directly onto the site without the need for approval. E-mail if you'd like this to be set up.
Apologies for the slightly scrappy look of the news, events and index pages so far - they'll be tidied up in due course. And there'll be more additions to the site in the coming weeks.
Richard Fairhurst ·
Tue 5 Jul 2005, 00:21 · Link
On the roads
Charlbury's roadsides have two new additions: a universally-welcomed speed detector sign, and 'welcome to Charlbury' signs on which the jury is still out.
A speed detector sign has been installed on The Slade. The sign instructs drivers doing over 30mph to slow down, accompanied by an illuminated 30-in-a-circle.
The town signs have been installed on the entrances to the town, featuring an array of pictograms as well as the text 'historic market town' and 'please drive carefully'. The signs have received a mixed reaction: some of those opposed have signed a petition at
There is more discussion on the website forum.
Richard Fairhurst ·
Tue 5 Jul 2005, 00:17 · Link
Tickets available for Cornbury Festival
Charlbury Community Centre Appeal announces that it has a Special Offer of weekend tickets for the Cornbury Music Festival on July 9/10. We have been given some tickets to sell by the organiser to raise funds for the Appeal, and anyone interested in making an offer is asked to contact Lynette Murphy (01608 810549) or Diana Potten (01608 810991).
Update - the tickets are now sold out.
Richard Fairhurst ·
Tue 5 Jul 2005, 00:00 · Link
Community fire safety
Is your home as safe as you can make it against the risk of fire?
Have you and your family ever discussed what to do in the unfortunate event of a fire?
Do you have a fire escape plan?
Do you have working smoke alarms positioned correctly?
If you are unsure about any of the above then let us help you. Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service is currently making a drive towards promoting fire safety in the home. Our fire fighters at Charlbury Fire Station will be willing to carry out a home fire safety risk assessment at any home in Charlbury and surrounding villages.
Where appropriate we will also install smoke alarms. All this peace of mind comes at to you at no cost, so contact Charlbury Fire Station for an information pack and/or to arrange an assessment.You are welcome to come and see us on a Wednesday evenings between 7-9pm to arrange a visit or you can post your details through our door, or you can contact Station Manager Mike Harbod on 07796941351. Please pass this information to those who do not have access to this website.
Richard Fairhurst ·
Tue 5 Jul 2005, 00:00 · Link
Green garden waste trial to start
Next month a trial scheme for a new green garden waste collection service starts in West Oxfordshire.
The trial consists of a chargeable wheeled bin service which residents can subscribe to and have their garden waste collected from their homes. It is taking place in: Long Hanborough, West Witney, Freeland, North Leigh, Stonesfield, Combe, Woodstock, Eynsham, Finstock and Charlbury.
“We are doing this following the results from a recent consultation which told us that the majority of West Oxfordshire householders would like a green garden waste collection from their homes”, says Cllr David Harvey , Cabinet Member for Environment. “It can be difficult and time consuming taking garden waste to the tip, and this service will make recycling easier and more convenient.”
The trial scheme starts at the end of June and runs until early December 2005. If it is a success the Council will consider a further green waste collection scheme. Taking part in the trial will cost £17 which includes fortnightly collections and the hire of a 240 litre size wheeled bin.
Once garden waste has been collected it is taken to Worton Farm in Cassington where it is recycled into compost. Compost collected helps to replace the use of peat based compost thus helping to conserve UK peat bogs and their endangered species. It will also divert as much waste as possible from landfill sites. As garden waste decomposes in a landfill site methane gas is produced as a by-product, and this contributes to global warming.
Cllr Harvey goes on to say, “Using this new service will help to turn green waste into a useful product that benefits the environment. It will help with the drive to further increase recycling rates too. Last year the introduction of a weekly recycling collection and an additional black box for each household led to a dramatic increase in recycling. It is obvious that there is a huge commitment and enthusiasm from residents for this.”
West Oxfordshire District Council press release
Richard Fairhurst ·
Tue 5 Jul 2005, 00:00 · Link