St Mary's Church has joined with Charlbury Art Society to bring you Advent Windows.
As the Christmas season draws near, most of the traditions St Mary's has been used to, have had to change. Some of the events we know and love will not be able to take place this year, but some new ones will replace them and may, perhaps, become future Charlbury traditions.
This initiative builds on two creative projects using windows around the town to display art this year. Artweeks in Windows took place in May followed by Creativity in a Closed Time in August.
The Nativity Story will be built up day by day from the 1st to the 24th December. Participants will create an illuminated display in a window of their home or business. One more will be revealed each day during Advent, opening in a random location as it does in an Advent calendar.
Day by day, another window will be lit up until by Christmas Eve the 24 windows will tell the story of Christmas. A map showing the locations of all the windows is available to download and print on the events page. Each window will contain its day number and the relevant Bible verse.
Windows will be lit up from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. each evening from the start date of their window. They will remain lit between these hours until Twelfth Night. The first window to be lit will be Little Monkeys in Church Street on 1st December and the last will be St Mary's Church on 24th December.
Tony Lloyd ·
Mon 30 Nov 2020, 15:38 · Link
Charlbury Library Reopens at 2pm on Wednesday 2nd December
The opening hours and ways of managing the library service at Charlbury remain the same.
The weekly opening hours are:
Mondays 10am-1pm
Wednesdays 2pm-5pm
Fridays 2pm-5pm
The Community Centre is open as usual, but at all other times the Library will be cordoned off and the self-service machine switched off.
All items to be returned must be put into our red quarantine crates, which are placed just inside either of the Community Centre doors. These crates will be sealed for a minimum of 72 hours and the contents then removed from the customer’s account by staff, who will backdate the returned items. You can return your items into the crates at any time while the Community Centre is open.
During the Library opening hours…
• The self-service machine will be available for borrowing and renewing items, and for viewing your account (please remember your Library card!)
• 1 public computer will be available, with usage limited to 30 minutes per visit
• Printing and photocopying facilities will be available
• Books can be browsed and borrowed as usual and Reservations can be collected
• Items can be returned into the red quarantine crates
• Staff will be available at the counter to assist with your queries
Please note that the self-service machine will not accept cash or card payments for the time being and that cash is the only payment option at the counter till. Alternatively, you can now pay your charges online by logging into your Library account with your Library card and PIN number. The larger libraries will soon offer the option of Tap & Pay card payments at the counter and this will be rolled out to the smaller libraries shortly after.
Social distancing, hand-sanitising and mask-wearing remain essential when visiting the library as is the need to complete a Track & Trace form or scan the NHS Covid-19 app.
Looking forward to seeing you all again soon!
Charlbury Library ·
Mon 30 Nov 2020, 14:32 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- Broadstone Farm Ditchley Road Charlbury
Variation of conditions 2,3 and 5 of permission 19/03329/HHD to allow changes of roof covering, insertion of an additional window and storm canopy along with vertical timber cladding. Inclusion of radan safe membranes in the ground floor slabs.
WODC reference: 20/02922/S73 - Fri 18 Sep 2020 - Under consideration
Mon 30 Nov 2020, 06:15 · Link
The History of Charlbury through .... the Star Inn
Barbara Allison for Charlbury Museum
The next time you sit in the museum garden with your lockdown takeaway coffee, enjoying the autumn sunshine, look at the wall behind you. It projects out from the barber’s shop, and is evidence that there was once a building on the museum garden site. That building was the Star, one of a number of buildings in Charlbury that no longer exist. Here is a photograph of it before it was demolished. It looks like a small pleasant building, perhaps less grand than those either side of it.
The Star was owned for about 100 years by the Spendlove-Bowly families who also owned, and often lived in, the Corner House next door. Frank Bowly had inherited both from his father William in 1856, and in the property tax return he made in 1875, he wrote that all his father’s buildings, which included the Star, ‘were very old and in a bad state of repair’, though he did mention some money was spent on the building. The Star was pulled down in 1913, the same year Frank Bowly died. Here is another old photograph, showing the builders finishing work to the wall of the barber’s shop post-demolition.
The Star hadn’t been an inn during the time the Spendlove-Bowly families owned it, but was rented out as a private house. For over 70 of those years, it was let to a family of saddlers and harness makers. Henry Knibbs had it from at least 1841 to his death in 1875. His rent then was £10 pa. His nephew and apprentice Ebenezer Barrett took over until past 1911. Given there were outbuildings, possibly stables, at the back, perhaps they carried on their saddlery business from these premises. It is not clear what happened to Ebenezer and his business when the Star was demolished.
We have records of the Star as a pub or inn going back to 1753, but all its owners/licensees were called ‘victualler’, that is they were publicans, not innkeepers. So it appears that the Star, despite being called an inn, was essentially a pub. However in a sale advertisement in the Oxford Journal for August 1810, it was described as ‘An Inn or Public House’ in good repair, with ‘stabling’. In another sale advert in 1811, the Star was ‘The well- known and good accustomed Inn …now in full trade’ and the auction was held in its ‘Dining Room’. So could it have been a very upmarket pub?
Charlbury Society talk: Researching the History of Charlbury’s Buildings
Barbara will be talking about the many old buildings in Charlbury and also later developments and how to research their history. This promises to be a fascinating talk. See the Events page for full details.
Thursday 3 December 7.40 for 8pm via Zoom
Open to all members of the Charlbury Society
Not yet a member? Please contact Susan Merry at to join and attend the meeting. Annual sub £8.50/£17 single/joint membership
Judy Dod ·
Fri 27 Nov 2020, 17:33 · Link
News from Charlbury Library - The Winter Mini Challenge
The Winter Mini
Challenge is back!
This year The
Reading Agency has partnered with Knights Of children’s publishers to encourage
children to keep reading during the holidays by taking part in the Winter Mini
The challenge
runs Tuesday 1st December 2020 to Friday 15th
January 2021.
The theme is “Everyone
is a Hero”.
The Reading
Agency news update is at:
How to take
Similar to the
Summer Reading Challenge, the Winter Mini Challenge is online so children need
to be registered on the website:
Then children
choose a reading goal (recommended challenge is at least 3 books). To
complete the challenge, they need to read, rate and review their books on the website
before the end of the challenge – they can choose any books, eBooks or
audiobooks they like.
Rewards will be unlocked as they add their reviews,
including a limited-edition virtual badge and a Reading Hero certificate they
can print out and keep.
There will also
be a curated collection on Overdrive of eBooks and eAudio, including books
recommended by Knights Of publishers.
The Winter Mini
Challenge website will have activities,
recommendations for great winter reads, and competitions. As part of the
Challenge, The Reading Agency will also invite people across the country to
nominate their Reading Heroes on social media – keep an eye out for more
Charlbury Library ·
Fri 27 Nov 2020, 14:56 · Link
Christmas Trees at St Mary's
We are delighted at the response to our revised Christmas Tree display! Over 35 local groups have sponsored trees and we have been given some fantastic prizes for our raffle. Thank you all for your support.
As you know, the trees will now be outside in the churchyard and, while the focus is Friday 4th- Monday 7th December, we hope to keep the trees up for as long as we can during December so there will be ample time for people to see them safely.
Raffle tickets will be available to buy from the Cornerstone on Monday –Saturday mornings and in the early evening in the churchyard from 4th-7th December. The raffle will be drawn on 18th December.
Sadly the public will not be able to vote on the trees this year, owing to Covid safety regulations, but an independent panel will judge the trees and award a small prize for the best adult’s and children’s tree.
Profits are in aid of St Mary’s church.
Elisabeth Partington ·
Thu 26 Nov 2020, 22:32 · Link
Bracket Mounted Christmas Trees Delivery
Just a reminder to those that have already ordered and paid for a small Christmas tree (for bracket mounting on your house), that they will be delivered this Saturday morning, 28th November.
Stephen Andrews ·
Tue 24 Nov 2020, 15:21 · Link
No fishmonger Tuesday (more bad luck)
Fishmonger Jane just texted to say her van has suffered a broken wheel bearing and she is currently being towed back home for repairs that will take several days. So no fishmonger tomorrow (tuesday) and no deliveries to her customers in town.
Richard Broughton ·
Mon 23 Nov 2020, 21:42 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- 19 Sandford Rise Charlbury
Garage conversion and creation of two new parking spaces
WODC reference: 20/02942/HHD - Thu 29 Oct 2020 - Under consideration
- 30 The Slade Charlbury
Alterations and erection of single storey rear extension. Conversion of integral garage to living accommodation.
WODC reference: 20/02930/HHD - Wed 28 Oct 2020 - Under consideration
- Flowerpot Market Street Charlbury
Alterations and erection of porch and rear conservatory.
WODC reference: 20/03142/HHD - Wed 21 Oct 2020 - Under consideration
- The Rise Hixet Wood Charlbury
Alterations and erection of two storey side extension. Erection of replacement outbuilding.
WODC reference: 20/02854/HHD - Tue 20 Oct 2020 - Under consideration
- 4 The Green Charlbury
Single storey rear extension
WODC reference: 20/03114/HHD - Thu 19 Nov 2020 - Under consideration
Mon 23 Nov 2020, 06:15 · Link
The History of Charlbury through ..... our new booklet
The museum’s latest publication is hot off the press! Our new booklet brings together the articles which have appeared on the Charlbury website during the year, telling the history of the town through objects in the museum. Read about Mr Horniblow’s Victorian emporium, a pair of child’s tiny leather shoes, a robbery at the Pharmacy, the origins of the mill stream, Mary Albright’s embroidered map of the world and much more. There is something here to interest everyone.
64 pages in colour, A5 size, fully illustrated and indexed £8 per copy
Payment is preferably by internet banking though cash is acceptable. Copies can be delivered, especially to those who find it difficult to get out and about because of the present restrictions.
Orders and enquiries to
Telephone 01608 810109 or text 07530 012332
or make contact through this posting
Buy it for yourself, or as a Christmas present for those who used to live here but have moved away. An ideal stocking filler.
Judy Dod ·
Sun 22 Nov 2020, 08:15 · Link
Reverse Advent Calendar - A way of bringing Christmas hope to homeless people in Oxford.
You are invited, if you can, to join this initiative supported by Churches Together in Charlbury, in aid of the Steppin' Stone Centre, Oxford.
Find a cardboard box and wrap it in Christmas paper. Every day of Advent place an item into the box. A list of useful items to include is here and is paper copies are available from St Marys Church and from the Cornerstone at the Corner House.
Bring your filled box to St Mary’s Church or the Cornerstone between Christmas Eve and the middle of January.
Many thanks.
Jo Paton ·
Fri 20 Nov 2020, 12:46 · Link
Update on the Christmas Trees in St Mary’s December 2020
In order to have certainty we are going ahead with the trees, but to ensure that we will be within Government and Church of England guidelines, we have decided that the Christmas Trees will be on display outside, lining the path leading through the churchyard. We are pleased that we can still offer people the chance to reflect on and celebrate the many facets of community life in Charlbury, as well as bring a little joy to the town!
We have a few more trees to sell if you your family would like to sponsor one. It would be great to have all forty lit up! There will be a raffle based in the Corner house, and information on our kind sponsors will also be displayed there. Please encourage your friends and family to support this, and to come and visit the trees, safely and within all the Government guidelines of course!
Please get in touch with Hilli if you need any more information or would like to sponsor a tree.
Jo Paton ·
Wed 18 Nov 2020, 20:05 · Link
Upcoming Gigaclear work
Gigaclear have announced the following dates for their upcoming highways works to install broadband cabling:
Wed 18 Nov 2020, 16:23 · Link
West Oxfordshire District Council to remove recycling site
West Oxfordshire District Council has announced that it is to close the recycling "bring site" at the Spendlove car park in Charlbury, as well as all its other sites around the district.
From a WODC press release:
After a comprehensive review, West Oxfordshire District Council is set to remove all of its community recycling sites now that every household has a fortnightly kerbside recycling service.
A total of 15 'bring' sites will be removed in a structured programme following a rise in littering and fly-tipping.
Residents are urged to make full use of their kerbside blue bin recycling service which can handle a wide variety of items including batteries, cooking oil and electricals as well as paper, cans, glass and cardboard.
Extra items can be put in a box alongside the blue wheelie bin while excess items can be taken to the Dix Pit household recycling centre at Stanton Harcourt or one of the other Oxfordshire recycling centres.
Councillors have also agreed to increase the number of items that can be disposed of using the bulky waste service from three to four with the fee being frozen at £27.68.
Traders are urged to use the Council’s commercial waste service. Anyone caught fly-tipping will be prosecuted and fined.
Cllr Norman MacRae, Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: “Community recycling centres were originally introduced to help residents recycle more effectively but our waste service is now more than capable of handling the bulk of domestic recycling.
“Recently these sites have been abused with people littering and fly-tipping and are continually having to be cleared up by our waste crews.
“I am confident removing these sites will actually benefit our environment and we will continue to crack down on fly-tipping and prosecute offenders.”
Sites at Carterton, Burford, Clanfield, Eynsham and Long Hanborough have already been removed at the request of parish councils while supermarket operator Asda also asked for the removal of the Council facility in Carterton. As a result of removing these facilities there has not been an increase in fly-tipping.
The move was approved at a meeting of the Cabinet on 18 November. The decision is subject to the usual call-in period before final confirmation.
Wed 18 Nov 2020, 16:20 · Link
Thank you volunteers, from Charlbury Medical Centre
Thank you once again to Charlbury Beer Festival who have
re-erected the marquee at the Medical Centre.
We hope the marquee is anchored down sufficiently to stop it blowing over
again. Please shelter in the marquee if you wish, after registering with reception.
If you come by car, please make sure you are wrapped up warm
as we sometimes have to wait for our appointment.
A big thank you to the volunteers who spend each weekday
morning at the entrance to the medical centre in all weathers, to meet and
greet patients as they arrive for their appointments. Thank you too, to all the
volunteers who have contributed to the smooth running of the flu clinics this
autumn. The medical practice is very grateful to all volunteers for their
contribution, it is much appreciated.
Charlbury Patient Participation Group.
susan smith ·
Wed 18 Nov 2020, 11:51 · Link
Shop Local - new online shop for glass gifts
Today is the grand opening of my online shop! You are warmly invited to visit and to start thinking about Christmas presents.
As Christmas Artweeks are a thing of memory of the past and hope for the future, I have set up a small online shop as part of my website.
It is all a bit of an experiment. I am offering 3 categories:
Christmas stars
Small gifts
Slightly larger stained glass panels for big presents
If you are in Charlbury I am happy to deliver on foot as part of my exercise and fresh air regime. Alternatively, I can post the smaller items/arrange courier delivery for larger things.
Anna Gillespie ·
Fri 13 Nov 2020, 20:48 · Link
Shop Local this Christmas - New Business
Following on from previous posts about shopping locally this Christmas, Id' like to introduce my small business Type & Twine. Offering Prints, Cards & Christmas cards with detailed illustrations and lettering taking inspiration from the beautiful countryside that surrounds us! Plenty of ideas for Christmas gifts and a few options for personalised prints too!
You can also find me on Facebook and Instagram!
Many Thanks, Katherine
Katherine Nicholls ·
Thu 12 Nov 2020, 10:07 · Link
With lockdown, people are starting to plan for Christmas and we are now getting inquiries about whether we will be selling Christmas trees this year.
We have thought carefully this year about our seasonal Christmas tree pick your own operation as we know that Christmas trees are an important part of Christmas and that, in this unique year, people will still want them.
After careful thought we have decided that we will open to sell trees this year. However, there will be significant changes to the way that we operate to ensure that we (Geoffrey and I are now classed as vulnerable due to age and to underlying health conditions), our staff and our customers are safe.
Therefore our key focus this year will simply be to provide our customers with the opportunity to buy a freshly cut Christmas tree. But please do not expect it to quite the “experience” of previous years.
Our plan is to open the December weekends only up to Christmas, starting Saturday December 5th. We will not be opening we will NOT be open November 28th/29th or at any other times.
• There will be a new one way system for customers. Parking will be as usual but there will be a new walk-in entrance via our field gate (look for the signs), and separate exit.
• Social distancing will be mandatory throughout the visits
• Masks will be required for book in and for booking out. And we would recommend that masks be worn throughout your visit.
• Group numbers larger than the government rules will not be allowed.
• For this year, we will NOT be offering the option to choose and reserve for later collection.
We would ask our customers to work with us to ensure a safe operation.
We will be posting on the Charlbury website ( in the Events section) as we confirm our plans.
Janet Burroughs ·
Mon 9 Nov 2020, 16:38 · Link
Charlbury Library - Temporarily Closed
In line with the latest Government restrictions, Charlbury Library is closed to the public. It will open again once the restrictions are eased and it is safe to do so.
All loans have been extended to January 2021
We have extended all current library loans so that no book/item will be due back during the new lockdown which began on 5 November. This applies to all existing loans including those taken out before April, which were due back last week, so there is no need to return or renew your loans. Charges will still apply to items that became overdue before the first, or second, lockdown.
Loans may be extended further. We will give plenty of notice before reintroducing fines, and no fines will be applied as a result of lockdown or individual circumstances if you are unable to return loans.
We are investigating the possibility of a click and collect service in some libraries in addition to limited bookable computer use. We hope to offer this from the 11 November in the following libraries:
•Abingdon Library
•Banbury Library
•Bicester Library
•Botley Library
•Cowley Library
•Didcot Library
•Headington Library
•Kidlington Library
•Oxfordshire County Library
•Thame Library
•Wantage Library
•Witney Library
More information will follow.
If you currently have notification that there is an item on the Reservations Shelf ready for collection at Charlbury, you will be contacted soon by email with options for collection at another library or to cancel the reservation.
Charlbury Library ·
Mon 9 Nov 2020, 13:13 · Link
Cornerstone - DVDs available
Just to remind you that we have 100's of DVDs available at Cornerstone at the Corner House if you would like to get some to watch during lock down. Come in Monday - Saturday 10am - 1pm. If you are unable to come to the Cornerstone let us know the kind of thing you are looking for and we will find some for you.
Charity Christmas card packs also available.
Cornerstone - 07510772764,
Many thanks.
Jo Paton ·
Mon 9 Nov 2020, 10:56 · Link
No fishmonger yet
Jane Fisher reports that she is better but not quite ready to return to her rounds, so no fishmonger on Tuesday (10th). She will definitely be back next week (17th) and can't wait to see her Charlbury customers again.
Richard Broughton ·
Mon 9 Nov 2020, 10:40 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- End Cottage Pooles Lane Charlbury
Single storey rear extension. Insertion of lantern light to existing flat roof.
WODC reference: 20/03035/HHD - Tue 13 Oct 2020 - Under consideration
Mon 9 Nov 2020, 06:15 · Link
Charlbury news from the Great War
You can now read news from Charlbury (and other nearby villages) from 1915 to 1918 with these scans of the Chipping Norton Deanery Magazine:
The scans are from the archives held by St Mary’s Church.
Richard Fairhurst ·
Sun 8 Nov 2020, 12:40 · Link
Coronavirus help, Zoom sessions and cafe still going on at the Community Centre
Charlbury Community Centre is still open 9-5 on weekdays and 9-1 at weekends. You can pop in during these times for a takeaway from the cafe and you can ring in your shopping orders etc and we will arrange a volunteer to help you. This service has never stopped since March for people who are isolating.
Importantly, the toilets are also open! And all the food traders are still operating, so there’s a great choice of takeaway food.
In addition, though the gym and sports facilities are closed, you can do some fitness over Zoom. Jason is streaming five class a week - three circuit training and two Line Dancing sessions. Details, instructions and times can be found at this link.
Let's not let the lockdown stop us from staying fit and healthy and from getting the help we need. All the best to everyone!
Tanya Stevenson ·
Sun 8 Nov 2020, 12:24 · Link
Cotswold Frames Pick Pay and Collect now in operation
Cotswold Frames now has a Pick, Pay and Collect system operating
The shop window if full of ideas for gifts etc, each item has a label with the cost and a item Number, you then choose what you would like to buy making note of the item numbers you require, and then if during shop hours* ring the door bell and we will come out and take your order, or you can telephone or email your order through and arrange collection during shop hours*
During shop hours* and if weather permits we will have a table outside with baskets of greeting cards for all occasions, there is a hand sanitizer station placed on the table and we ask you to use this before looking through the cards, you make you purchase the same way by pressing the doorbell to be served.
as you know we stock a vast array of things Cotswold Frames do please ask if you cannot see what you are looking for and if we do have it we can bring it out for you to purchase.
*Shop Hours
10am - 3pm
For the following
Pick, Pay & Collect
UPS Drop off & Collection
Picture frame collection (we are unable to take in any new framing jobs during lockdown )
Please note we are Closed Tuesdays & Sundays
To place Pick & Collect orders out of hours, or for any other enquiries
Please call
01608 811805
Or email
Thank you for shopping Local
Tim Widdows ·
Sat 7 Nov 2020, 11:22 · Link
Christmas Trees at St Mary's
Provided that government guidance permits, the Christmas Tree Festival will continue as planned, with the safety of individuals visiting the church being priority at all stages of planning and staging of the event.
We are therefore continuing with our plans to open for the public to view the trees on Thursday 3rd December. The safety of individuals visiting the church will be a priority when planning and staging the event.
We still have quite a few trees to sell, so do support this wonderful venture. Please go to St Mary’s website to download a form. It will be a very special opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the huge variety of events, organisations and businesses which make their home in Charlbury, and the benefits this offers the community as a whole.
If you need any more information, email Hilli on
Maureen Sparling ·
Sat 7 Nov 2020, 11:03 · Link
Friday Fish & Chip van sends apologies
Unfortunately the van has broken down & cant travel to Charlbury tonight.
Darryl willie back next week & sends his apologies to all of his customers.
Jim Holah ·
Fri 6 Nov 2020, 16:30 · Link
Exhausted reindeer
A very forlorn little tweed reindeer is resting on top of the green BT box near the entrance to Chartwell Drive. Do you know where he lives?
Jeanne McCann ·
Thu 5 Nov 2020, 14:13 · Link
Cornerstone at the Corner House - open through the lockdown
As we are a Food Bank we will remain open during the lockdown. Opening hours are Monday - Saturday 10am - 1pm. Do come and help yourself to free fresh produce, donate or take from the store cupboard food shelf, and have a chat with us - much needed over this next month.
The book sale, DVDs, games and jigsaw will still be available along with Charity Christmas Cards from next week.
If you are struggling financially due to the current situation, do come in on a Tuesday or Wednesday and talk to us as we may be able to help - either with our weekly food parcels, or with a referral to Citizens Advice who can help with electricity top ups, mobile top ups, and food vouchers.
As always we rely on donations to keep operating so please do give where you can - donation information can be found on the Cornerstone page under Community, Town facilities.
Many thanks and see you at the Cornerstone.
Jo Paton ·
Thu 5 Nov 2020, 09:13 · Link
CRAG collection for refugees in Calais suspended
CRAG was collecting items for refugees in northern France this winter as part of a national effort organised by Help Refugees. Because of the new lockdown measures Help Refugees has suspended the national collection. We've therefore decided to put the local collection on hold as well.
If you have any of the required items please keep them until we are able to restart the collection.
For other ways to help please see
Thank you!
Vicky Buser ·
Wed 4 Nov 2020, 16:51 · Link
St Marys Church and All Saints Church
From Thursday 5th November St Marys Church and All Saints will be open for private prayer only.
A service will be live streamed from St Marys Church each Sunday morning at 9am. To view the service please use the link
The Remembrance service on Sunday 8th November at 3pm will also be live streamed only.
Font Cafe will not be open during lockdown.
The Cornerstone will remain open during lockdown so do come in for free fresh produce and a chat.
Please do email if you have any prayer requests.
Jo Paton ·
Tue 3 Nov 2020, 14:53 · Link
Alan Spicer
Alan Spicer (aged 82) died at home on Thursday night (29th) October after a long battle with heart disease and Alzheimers. He will be remembered for his dedication to nature.
His funeral is at Banbury Crematorium on Tuesday 17th
November at 12 noon (by invitation only). The funeral cortege will
drive around Charlbury at 11 am (route shown) and the funeral will be available on Zoom - please contact Louise for details.
Christine Elliott ·
Tue 3 Nov 2020, 10:04 · Link
Charlbury Garden Society Virtual Annual Show Results
roll please... after months of careful deliberation, we can finally announce
the results of the Charlbury Garden Society Virtual Annual Show!
Annual Flower and Produce Show is normally the highlight of our events
calendar, with entries for flowers and vegetables in abundance. Although this
year the gardeners of the town have not been able to show off their excellent
growing skills by packing a room full of their bounty, the absence of a live
venue has not stopped them from showing their best efforts.
the Charlbury
Garden Society website for the photos and full effect!
were entries for five of the six categories:
1. A Perfect Flower
8 people
submitted photos of very beautiful flowers over the summer. This was a sharing
category rather than a competition.
Tallest Sunflower – 9 entries
Winner: Nick
Johnson with a sunflower of 10 ft 8 in.
Nick just edged
out Matt Wells, whose bloom was 10 ft 6 in.
Tallest Hollyhock – 5 entries
Winner: Angela
Gwatkin with a hollyhock of 11.7 ft.
Angela edged out
Lesley Algar whose bloom was 11.6 ft.
4. Largest Vegetable – 1 entry
Winner: Roman
Kopinski (age 9) whose pumpkin was impossible to measure.
5. Longest Vegetable – no entries
6. Oddest-shaped Vegetable – 4 people sent
in a total of 7 vegetables.
All were so
entertaining that we were unable to pick a winner.
Thank you to all the participants. We hope
that next year we will be back in the Hall with the tables full of flowers and
Kathy Broughton
Geneviève Hug ·
Mon 2 Nov 2020, 11:31 · Link
Nutmeg + Thyme plant based food - Saturdays at Charlbury Community Centre
Firstly I want to apologise for not being pitched this last Saturday, we had some technical difficulties but everything is sorted!
As we head back into another lockdown, we want to remind everyone we are a free home food delivery service within a 10 mile radius of Burford, (orders over £30) and can of course deliver outside of that with delivery charges dependant on the distance.
Attached is our November seasonal menu, however we are always happy to take orders from all our previous menus and any special requests are welcome! Any dishes with * beside them are freezer friendly in the case you'd like to stock up on some easily reheatable meals and bakes. We will be pitched at Charlbury Community Centre on Saturdays, so you can pre order and collect between 8:30-2.30pm. We are hoping local markets will continue but will update this page as soon as we are able! Thank you for all your support so far and we are excited to continue in Charlbury.
Emily Weir ·
Mon 2 Nov 2020, 07:44 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- New Barn Farm Banbury Hill Charlbury
Agricultural barn for cattle rearing 18.2m x 12.2m x 4.8m
WODC reference: 20/02968/AGR - Fri 23 Oct 2020 - Under consideration
- Broadstone Farm Ditchley Road Charlbury
Alterations to existing agricultural building
WODC reference: 20/02655/FUL - Fri 02 Oct 2020 - Under consideration
- 5 Graces Court The Slade Charlbury
Erection of detached garden studio. Addition of office above existing garage.
WODC reference: 20/02894/HHD - Mon 28 Sep 2020 - Under consideration
- Wayhill Spelsbury Road Charlbury
Alterations and erection of two storey side extension, and single storey garden room. Erection of detached garage with gym above. Relocation of swimming pool.
WODC reference: 20/02535/HHD - Wed 21 Oct 2020 - Under consideration
Mon 2 Nov 2020, 06:15 · Link