News index


Charlbury Give and Take Scheme

Betsy Glasgow reports that more Charlbury families are now relying on the food available through the Give and Take scheme. In addition to using spare “long-life” items left on the table near the front door of the Community Centre, donated funds are used to purchase fresh fruit, milk, meat and particular items needed by each family.

Donations in cash or by cheque or digital transfer can be made c/o St Mary’s Parochial Church Council as explained under Shopping in the Community Support section of this website or here: Please do follow the instructions, in order to assist Charlbury PCC to deal with your gift.

Thank you.

Meryl Smith · Thu 30 Apr 2020, 10:45 · Link

Some Helpline Phone Numbers during the Coronavirus Emergency

Mental Health Helpline during Covid-19: 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Adults: 01865 904 997

Children and young people: 01865 904 998

People can call when they need to find out when and where to get help and to access support from mental health professionals.

The line will provide the mental health advice for people of all ages, including children and older adults.

During office hours, people who already use mental health services should contact services directly using the numbers in their care plan.

Helpline for Diabetes Patients during Covid-19:  Seven days a week, 8am to 4pm

Adults: 01865 857357

E: email

Families of children with diabetes should continue to seek support in their usual way.

Designed for adult patients who need urgent clinical advice.

Clinical advice is provided by community diabetes specialist nurses with clinical input from OUH colleagues as needed.

If patients have a query out of hours, they can call OUH Switchboard on

0300 304 7777.

Pregnant women

Medical help is still available for pregnant women during the coronavirus pandemic.  If you have an urgent problem, you can speak to a midwife or doctor day or night at the Maternity Assessment Unit. 

Telephone: 01865 220 221

Source: OUH.NHS.UK

Oxfordshire County Council Social and Health Care Team

Telephone: 0345 050 7666

Emergency number out of hours: 0800 833 408


Contact the health and social care team for referrals to Occupational Therapy, Social Work and Carers Assessments

Citizens Advice West Oxfordshire

For advice during the coronavirus emergency please visit the website: or

Telephone: 0300 330 9049, Monday to Friday 9:00 to 4:30pm

Universal Credit.  Please call 0800 144 8444 or go to the website for help and information.

Age UK Oxfordshire telephone advice and support.

Telephone: 01865 411 288, leave a message and an advisor will call back.

This new free telephone support service includes a friendly regular weekly call to keep in touch and offer advice if needed.

Guideposts Trust:  Stay Connected Service

Telephone: 0800 048 7035 Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 5:00pm


The Stay Connected service aims to give the tools and confidence to people to live well during self-isolation.

susan smith · Wed 29 Apr 2020, 20:01 · Link

Friday Fish & Chip van returns 15th May

A date for your diary as Darryl & his team plan to return on the 15th May between 5pm & 8.30pm, serving their usual menu at Charlbury Community Centre.

Jim Holah · Tue 28 Apr 2020, 17:36 · Link

Changes to Co-op Pharmacy opening hours during COVID-19

During the COVID -19 Pandemic, The Co-op Pharmacy on Market Street will operate the hours below. The 2-hour closure period will allow us to clean to branch and manage the increased prescription workload.

Monday – 9:00 -12:00 and 14:00 – 18:00

Tuesday – 9:00 -12:00 and 14:00 – 18:00

Wednesday – 9:00 -12:00 and 14:00 – 18:00

Thursday – 9:00 -12:00 and 14:00 – 18:00

Friday – 9:00 -12:00 and 14:00 – 18:00

Saturday – 9:00 -13:00

Sunday – Closed

Our team are still working during the 12:00 – 14:00 closure, so please contact us if you need any assistance on 01608 810315.

Repeat requests can continue to be posted through the letter box when the branch is closed.

As part of the social distances measures, we will continue to operate a controlled entry policy whereby we will allow one customer in at a time.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, but hope you understand why this is happening. We hope to reinstate our full operations soon. We hope you all stay well and stay safe.

Raj Patel · Tue 28 Apr 2020, 16:15 · Link

Our brilliant Posties

Key Workers  keeping us cheerful.  Postman Pete doing his rounds come rain or shine.

Sally Callaway · Tue 28 Apr 2020, 10:43 · Link

The history of Charlbury through .... the market shelter

I’m sure you will recognise this image of the market shelter which once stood at the top of Church Street and is used on the logo of the Primary School.  A model (see below)  was made by Charles Gomm and Bill Harris for the exhibition, held in 1949, which led to the forming of the Charlbury Society and the museum. It closely follows this rare early photograph of the shelter taken by Mr Baughan the ironmonger, whose shop you can see in the background. The model is beautifully made, with individual Stonesfield slate tiles on the roof.

Markets were central to the life of a medieval town, being the focus for trade, socialising, the exchange of news and information, and a way for landowners to raise money. Between 1200 and the Black Death, the kings of England established many new markets. This is often reflected in the name of a town: eg Market Harborough, Chipping Norton (chipping came from an old Saxon word meaning ‘to buy’).

Most of the land round Charlbury was owned by Eynsham Abbey, and in 1256 King Henry III granted the Abbot the right to hold a weekly market and a four-day fair in August. This gave them an income from the market tolls and rents. Charlbury’s market took place in what is now Church Street. Market houses emerged later as a focus for the administration of the market. It is likely that the half-timbered building on the left of the painting below was Charlbury’s Market House, with the simple open-sided building in front providing shelter for some of the market stalls. Stocks were often set up near the market hall and Charlbury’s stocks can be seen under the eaves of the shelter.

The shelter was demolished in 1871, without the consent of the town, on the grounds that it was obstructing the movement of traffic. 

For more information on market halls see

Judy Dod · Fri 24 Apr 2020, 21:37 · Link

Charlbury Museum recording the lockdown

Like other museums across the country, we think we should try and keep a record of what it is like to live in Charlbury during lockdown. To do this, we are taking photographs (with the permission of any people involved) and gathering posters, notices etc. from around the town.

If you have any items you think would convey the feeling of the lockdown and which you would be happy to share with us, we would love to hear from you. We would welcome photos of events like the clapping in the streets on Thursday evenings, the bear hunt trail, notices, details of the schemes that have sprung up to help and support the most vulnerable in the town etc. We can't guarantee to use all of them as we may receive a large number but it would help us build up a picture of these exceptional times.

To get in touch please email

Many thanks for your support with this.

Judy Dod · Wed 22 Apr 2020, 15:41 · Link

Prayer Cross

It is very sad that at this most difficult time, St Mary's church has had to close. We know that a lot of people would have slipped in for a moment of quiet or prayer, and to light a candle.

We have erected a 2 metre willow cross in the churchyard. You or members of your family might like to bring a short length of ribbon (marked perhaps with who or what you would like to pray for) and tie it to the cross. It will be a visible sign of concerns and thanks.

Jo Paton · Wed 22 Apr 2020, 14:41 · Link

Squirrel Session No 2 online gig

First play on CMR and Squirrel Sessions #2

Hi there – I hope lockdown living is treating you all well. I’m doing OK and keeping busy recording and rehearsing for my next home gig.

Speaking of which, the next Squirrel Sessions online gig is happening this Thursday 23rd April at 7pm BST! It will be on my YouTube channel (not Facebook) here:

I look forward to seeing you on Thursday evening!

Elena x

Elena Piras · Tue 21 Apr 2020, 21:12 · Link

St Mary's Church - Live streamed services

During this challenging time and whilst the churches are shut, we are streaming two services each week : The Eucharist will be celebrated at 8am Sunday morning and at 9am Wednesday, livestreamed on You Tube from the Vicarage.

The link is

Hymns can be seen at

If you would like to access the church website and the weekly newsletter with readings, prayers and reflections please go to 

Many thanks. 

Jo Paton · Tue 21 Apr 2020, 14:59 · Link


This week's quiz has been posted, together with the answers for last week. You'll find them on the 'General' pages in the 'Community' section of the web site.

Brian Murray · Tue 21 Apr 2020, 08:32 · Link

Charlbury Patient Group Newsletter

The Patient Group’s spring newsletter is now on the CPPG page, giving more detailed information about a range of conditions other than Coronavirus which require clinical attention for both adults and children. Clinicians worry that disease is being overlooked in our efforts to protect the NHS. We must also remember to look after ourselves and those we care about.

Topics include:

Heart attack symptoms

Stroke symptoms

When should we consult the GP?

Children and babies: when to dial 999, or go to A&E

An important message for expectant mothers

Help lines: Domestic abuse helpline, mental health help line and a help line for diabetic patients in need of urgent clinical advice.

And finally, unfortunately the Blandford Fly has arrived early so we remind people of how to treat a bite at home and when to seek further advice.

Nikki Rycroft · Mon 20 Apr 2020, 19:04 · Link

The Codfather returns 26th April 2020

Some good news for lovers of fine fish & chips.

Mauro & his team will return to their usual trading spot & times at Charlbury Community Centre from next Sunday.  We'll be setting out social distancing markers to keep you safe while you queue.

Jim Holah · Mon 20 Apr 2020, 14:30 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

Mon 20 Apr 2020, 06:15 · Link

Many thanks to Charlbury Town Council

The Thomas Gifford Trust is very grateful to the Town Council for a grant of £3,000 towards the running costs of the Coronavirus support programme. This programme is being run from Charlbury Community Centre and has helped around 100 households so far, often many times over. We have been delighted with the response from Charlbury residents, who have volunteered in large numbers (about 200 people have offered to help), but we still have substantial costs and very little income, so this grant is an important contribution.

If you need practical help, or someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to ring the centre on 811878 and a volunteer will be allocated to you straight away.

Tanya Stevenson · Sun 19 Apr 2020, 17:23 · Link

The history of Charlbury through ..... a 1666 trade token

It is easy to miss this unique trade token displayed in the ‘Mini-museum’, only 27mm in diameter. However, this copper coin found in a garden in Brown’s Lane, Charlbury, has a special resonance and story to tell. The date 1666 immediately strikes a calamitous note as the year of the Great Fire of London; centuries later, 2020 is now marked with its own catastrophe. 

Cyril Turner found the token in his garden(now owned by Beechcroft), close to The Bull Inn , in the mid -20th c. The mystery of why and when this 17th century token was left hidden in the earth of Charlbury, far from its London origins, remains unsolved. But the clarity of the inscription gives other clues; this token, a ‘FARTHINGE WORTH OF COPPER’ was issued by Edward Nourse ‘NEXT THE BULL IN. BISHOPSGATE STREET’ ; in the Restoration era this street was buzzing with taverns and coffee houses. Edward Nourse was a girdler (belt maker), listed as a master in The Girdlers’ Company with the royal patronage of Charles 11. Bishopsgate Street was one of the few areas of the city which was mainly spared during the Great Fire.

Traders’ metal tokens first appeared in the 17th c. The failure of Parliament to provide small denomination coinage drove traders to issue their own. The trader’s tokens could be used to pay for goods in their shop or within the neighbourhood of the trade token. In 1672 the first copper coinage of England was minted and tokens became illegal.

Edward Nourse’s tale aptly concludes with an Oxford connection and enters the medical world: his grandson (Edward Nourse, born Oxford 1701) was a famous surgeon at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital

A token, discarded as ‘not worth a brass farthing’, reveals a wealth of history.

Sue Rangeley

The Museum of London has three Edward Nourse tokens. 

Trade tokens: 

The Girdlers’ Company 

Judy Dod · Sat 18 Apr 2020, 08:57 · Link

Royal British Legion Charlbury VE day 75

Royal British Legion Charlbury  Branch VE day 75

Please turn your window Red ,White, and Blue to celebrate on May 8th

Details  of suggestions for bunting and posters and childrens activities on attachment below 

Leah Fowler · Fri 17 Apr 2020, 16:21 · Link

Mental Health for Adults, Children and Young People

24/7 Mental Health Helpline takes pressure off 111 in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire

Adults: 01865 904997.

Children and young people: 01865 904998.

A 24/7 mental health helpline has been launched to take pressure off 111 for mental health advice in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire.

The round-the-clock helpline will make it quicker and easier for people in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire to get the right advice they need for their mental health.

It will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week and temporarily takes pressure off 111 for people who need mental health care when their situation it is not life threatening.

Like 111, people can call when they need to find out when and where to get help and to access support from mental health professionals.

During office hours, people who already use mental health services should contact services directly using the numbers in their care plan.

The line will help the public get the right mental health advice for people of all ages including children and older adults.

The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Mental Health Helpline is being launched by Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, which runs local mental health services, with support from Oxfordshire Mind.

The helplines will operate during the coronavirus pandemic to provide people with specialist mental health care as 111 receives an increasing number of COVID-19-related calls.

When someone is seriously ill or injured, or in an acute confused state, call 999.

Susan Terry · Fri 17 Apr 2020, 15:55 · Link

Concierge shopping comes to the Deli.

Some of our customers - understandably - don't like shopping in the Deli when other people are around.

The past few days, that's given them a chance to stroll round sunny Charlbury a bit more till we empty. A few have been delighted to discover the lovely flowers in St Mary's churchyard.

But this IS England and you know what they say about April showers. Even if the next few weeks' forecast is a lot more optimistic than we are are.

So from today, we'll have an experimental appointments service, when you can have the shop (and one of our team) to yourself right after we close. As well as our normal operation of course. Harvey Nicks would probably call it Concierge Shopping: anyone with a brand name more suitable to Charlbury will win a litre bottle of our North Cotswold Organic full-cream milk. And, if we ever get supplies, a packet of rice to make pudding with it.

Call us after 8.30 on 01608 811157 (or email before about midday to and we'll offer you the next available time after 2 pm that day, or any other working day.

We've not tried this before, so there'll probably be operational details that won't go quite right. Right now, we're having to make up a lot as we go, so please bear with us.

Michael Flanagan · Fri 17 Apr 2020, 09:14 · Link

Advice for parents during coronavirus

From the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health 

Judy Dod · Wed 15 Apr 2020, 20:32 · Link

Traffic survey shows drop in vehicles on the Slade

We thought you might be interested to see our traffic survey, which records vehicles on the Slade over a ten minute period at 11 am. 

Claire Wilding · Wed 15 Apr 2020, 11:50 · Link

New Hotline for Diabetes Patients during COVID-19

The hotline is designed for adults living in Oxfordshire who need urgent clinical advice about their diabetic health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The patient hotline number is 01865 857 357,  8.00am to 4.00pm, 7 days a week


Out of hours: 0300 304 7777

Families of children with diabetes should seek support in their usual way., 10 April, 2020

susan smith · Tue 14 Apr 2020, 20:18 · Link

20mph speed limit in Charlbury



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 14 April 2020 Oxfordshire County

Council made the above order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act

1984 and all other enabling powers. The effect of the order, which comes

into force on 20 April as a result of safety concerns by the town council,

is as follows:

1.) to introduce a 20mph speed limit in the central area of the town. All

roads within, and leading out to following terminal points will be included:

• Hixet Wood - 102 metres north of Five Ways,

• Grammar School Hill - 115 metres south of Clarendon Court,

• Market Street - junction with Dyers Hill / Thames Street,

• Nine Acres Lane - 86 metres west of Enstone Road,

• B4022 Banbury Hill - 75 metres north of Hundley Way,

• Ditchley Road - 170 metres northeast of Kearsey Court,

• B4022 The Slade - 28 metres south of Ditchley Road,

• Dancers Hill - its junction with B4022 Sturt Road.

The above will replace the existing 30mph limit.

2.) On the B4022 Banbury Hill the 30mph is to be extend by 118 metres

to a point 300 metres northeast of its junction with Hundley Way.

The existing Oxfordshire County Council (Charlbury Area) (Speed Limits)

(No.2) Order 2011 is revoked

Graham Wisker · Tue 14 Apr 2020, 09:46 · Link


The answers to last week's quiz have been posted this morning, together with a new set of questions for Quiz 3.

Access the quiz page via the Community Pages, or click here:

Brian Murray · Mon 13 Apr 2020, 12:46 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • News & Things Sheep Street Charlbury
    Discharge of Condition 5 (Wndow Details) of planning permission 14/0742/P/LB
    WODC reference: 20/00910/CND - Fri 03 Apr 2020 - Under consideration

Mon 13 Apr 2020, 06:15 · Link

Easter Sunday at St Mary's

Charlbury’s vicar, Revd Dr Sally Welch, has recorded an Easter Sunday service which you can view here:

There’s also an Easter video of St Mary’s churchyard (and All Saints Shorthampton) and four hymns for Easter Sunday.

Richard Fairhurst · Sun 12 Apr 2020, 13:02 · Link

Easter at St Mary's

Do have a look at our beautiful Easter flower arrangements around St Mary's when you are out on your exercise.

Maureen Sparling · Sun 12 Apr 2020, 13:01 · Link

A Friendly Phone Call to combat the “lockdown blues"!

This new Charlbury service aims to provide a friendly voice on the other end of the phone, so people can help each other keep their spirits up while social distancing is in place.

It is a way of continuing the idea of having a chat with neighbours over the fence, on the doorstep or out and about round the town, while we all have to stay in our homes as much as possible.

The service is being organised by All Together In Charlbury (ATIC) and Churches Together in Charlbury (CTC)

If you would like a phone call every so often, we have volunteers ready to ring. Call us on 07487 413892 and give your name and phone number.

If you want to refer another person to the service, you should first get that person’s permission and give the person’s name and phone number and your name and phone number when calling 07487 413892.

Meryl Smith · Sat 11 Apr 2020, 15:22 · Link

Domestic Abuse - how to get help, and how to help

During these times of isolation there is increased risk for victims of domestic abuse.  We can help to protect our neighbours, friends and loved ones by passing on the information on the poster.

The Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Helpline is 0800 731 0055, or email

Thank you

susan smith · Sat 11 Apr 2020, 13:53 · Link

History through ..... a teddy bear!

Something different for Easter

Many of you will have seen the Teddy Bears looking out of windows all round Charlbury. We thought it would be fun to find out the history of teddy bears.

1902 President Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt was taken on a bear hunt in Mississippi. He was invited to kill an American black bear which had been captured and tied to a tree – but he refused as it was unsportsmanlike. A cartoon appeared of the President refusing to shoot the bear, a drawing which quickly became famous.

Rose & Morris Michtom ran a sweet shop in Brooklyn, New York, and Rose sewed soft toys to sell in the shop. Seeing the cartoon, they were inspired to create a tiny soft bear cub. After sending one to Roosevelt to get his permission to use his name, they put it in the shop window with a sign "Teddy's bear", a name that has stuck ever since. By coincidence at the same time the German firm of Steiff started to make bears too and marketed them in 1903. Early bears often had jointed arms and legs and were covered in tawny mohair.

For children: Can you make an Easter bonnet for your teddy from materials lying around the house? Hats are easy to make from old cardboard packets. Decorate them with 

Easter rabbits from paper, strung round the hat

Daisies made from fabric     Lambs made from cottonwool

Baby chicks (paper ones not real!)     Paper Easter eggs 

We’d love to see any bears wearing hats you have made. You can put photos up on our Facebook page

Sue and Judy

Judy Dod · Fri 10 Apr 2020, 08:09 · Link

Online Gig

On Monday 6 April I did a little concert on Facebook. Some of you may have already seen it.However for those of you who missed it, the video is still available to watch. The link is below:

I hope you enjoy it and that it lifts your spirits.

Elena Piras


Elena Piras · Thu 9 Apr 2020, 21:26 · Link

Gerard (Gerry) Appadoo – Founder of Charlbury Garage

It is with regret that the family must announce the sad passing of Gerard on the evening of Sunday 5th April 2020.  The family would like to thank all of his friends, customers, colleagues and the community of Charlbury and surrounding areas for their continued support over the years.

For those who would like to visit he is with A. L. Sole & Son at their Chapel of Rest in Over Norton. Visits are by appointment only so please contact A. L Sole & Son on 01608 644112.

The family would also like the community to know that they will be holding a service and celebration of Gerry’s life, once the current restrictions have been lifted.

Meryl Smith · Thu 9 Apr 2020, 13:19 · Link

The Tea Party is Virtual but the Benefits are Real!

Charlbury Refugee Action Group are planning a fundraising virtual Tea Party on Easter Sunday. And the cakes will taste great! (Because they are your favourites!)

We are inviting you, your family and friends to come together for a CRAG ‘tea and cake party’ and share a virtual tea together in this strange time of isolation we were scratching our heads for how to raise funds to relieve the conditions that refugees in Greece are facing. They remain in cramped and extremely unhealthy conditions as coronavirus reaches the islands, and self-isolation is simply not a choice they have.

Please help us raise funds by joining our virtual Easter Tea Parties on Easter Day (Sunday April 12) from 2.30pm. 

We are asking for a £5.00 donation to join a virtual Tea Party, made payable to the CRAG account, sort code: 089299, a/c 65789036.

Once you've made your payment, just email and your invitation will be sent.

Your invitation will include delicious cake recipes and details of an online Zoom room where on Easter Sunday we can all enjoy the cakes we have baked … in a virtual reality!

Email Hilary to confirm your donation and an invitation will be sent.

Jon Carpenter · Mon 6 Apr 2020, 22:42 · Link


The answers to last week's quiz have been posted this morning, together with a new set of questions for Quiz 2. Access the quiz page via the Community Pages.

Brian Murray · Mon 6 Apr 2020, 11:18 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • Milton Cottage The Playing Close Charlbury
    Conversion of existing outhouse and garage to create a one bedroom self contained living unit/study workspace. Works to include upgrade of garage (to allow replacement of roof, installation of flue and changes to fenestration/rooflight with alterations to entrance gates). Conversion of loft to main dwelling and erection of single storey extension and conservatory, both to rear elevation. (Part Retrospective).
    WODC reference: 20/00851/HHD - Wed 25 Mar 2020 - Under consideration
  • Milton Cottage The Playing Close Charlbury
    Internal and external alterations to include conversion of loft with provision of rooflights and insertion of window in West elevation and erection of single storey extension and conservatory, both to rear elevation. (Part Retrospective).
    WODC reference: 20/00852/LBC - Wed 25 Mar 2020 - Under consideration

Mon 6 Apr 2020, 06:15 · Link

The Bread shed

The Breadshed will be selling bread outside the Community Centre every Tuesday at 3pm and every Thursday at 2.30

All the bread is sourdough, he has white, cotswold crunch, 5 seed, and sometimes walnut or chia seed and spelt.  You can have half a loaf if you wish

Bread can be ordered by texting Deep on 07733 360623 

Patricia Freeman · Sun 5 Apr 2020, 14:01 · Link

Further S3 and 7 Bus changes

Stagecoach has revised its times for buses to Oxford and Chipping Norton, as from April 5th. There are some significant changes to departure times, and also to the route, with more buses running through Charlbury to Chipping Norton than before.

In brief, services run Monday - Saturday, and the S3/no 7 buses leave The Bell for Oxford at 6.30, 8.03, 10.03, 12.03, 14.03, 16.18. 

Return Journeys now leave from Oxford Station, stop at Wychwood Close (not The Bell), and run on to Chipping Norton.  They leave Oxford Station at 9.45, 11.45, 13.45, 15.45, 17.45, 19.15, (arrive Wychwood Close at 10.49, 12.49, 14.49, 16.49, 18.49, 20.19). This last bus is a no 7 and runs via Summertown and Oxford Parkway. 

The new timetables are here:

also here:

Christine Battersby · Sun 5 Apr 2020, 11:25 · Link

The History of Charlbury in ......... a town Sports Day, 1885-style


Looking at the 1885 poster, can you imagine the scene? Perhaps you could draw or paint a picture of all the activity. You will need to make sure that the Bowling, Hammer Throwing and Rifle Shooting are not too near the Witney Town Band and the Dancing!  And how would you play Stone Picking?

The Annual Athletic Sports were invented in 1874 by the local gentry "to relieve the monotony of life in a very quiet place". They continued right up to 1906, in all sorts of flat and hilly fields, and included horse and donkey races. In 1885 the New Cricket Ground behind the White Hart Hotel was used. This was the field "known as Nine Acres" which was rented from the private owners. In those days Nine Acres really measured about nine acres, and was more sloping until it was levelled in 1951 for football pitches and tennis courts. 

Janet Jeffs

Judy Dod · Sat 4 Apr 2020, 09:59 · Link

Give & Take scheme – access to food when times are hard

A ‘Give & Take’ table has been set up near the front door of the Community Centre. If you have any extra tins of food, packets of pasta, cartons of long-life milk, etc, that you could spare, please do put them in the collection box.

With schools and businesses closing, there are many people and households who will find it increasingly hard to manage. Please do give what you can.

Equally, if you know of someone who could use a bit extra now, please feel free to take something away or encourage them to pop in. Items will be available during the Centre’s opening times: 9.00 to 5.00 weekdays, 9.00 to 12 noon at weekends.

The scheme can also take specific item requests and deliver to someone’s home.

If you cannot come to the Community Centre but have items to give, you can email and the scheme will arrange someone to pick items up at your door:

Donations in cash or by cheque or digital transfer are also accepted towards keeping the scheme stocked up. St Mary’s Church is coordinating this, bank details as follows:

Account Name: Charlbury Parochial Church Council (the short form “Charlbury PCC” may also be used)

Sort Code: 40-52-40

Account Number: 00032374

Reference: Give&Take

Donations in cash or by cheque (payable to Charlbury PCC) should be marked clearly as for the Give and Take scheme and should be given in at the Community Centre or posted or delivered to the Ridge Group office at Noah’s Ark, Market Street, Charlbury OX7 3PL.

Please ensure that you use the reference (Give&Take) on both cheques and electronic payments, so that track can be kept of the separate fund. Please also notify the scheme that you have made a payment and the name of your bank account by emailing:

The scheme also has toilet rolls reserved for the elderly and especially vulnerable kindly donated by Cotswold Frames. Do come and get some, if you or someone you know need any. You can just take some or swap them for another item that others might need.

Meryl Smith · Fri 3 Apr 2020, 09:13 · Link

Charlbury Website © 2012-2025. Contributions are the opinion of and property of their authors. Heading photo by David R Murphy. Code/design by Richard Fairhurst. Contact us. Report a safety issue with this page.