Have your say on where new homes should go
Newsdesks: September 27, 2005
Have your say on where new homes should go
Residents in Oxfordshire are being reminded to have their say on where 21,000 new homes should be built between 2016 and 2026.
A consultation exercise has been launched by Oxfordshire County Council on behalf of the South East of England Regional Assembly (SEERA).
The first of several exhibitions on the subject are taking place this week.
Oxford’s Westgate Centre (until October 2) and the Vale of White Horse District Council offices in Abingdon (until October 4) are the venues. Information will be available along with forms to fill in with views.
The housing numbers are Oxfordshire’s share of the homes that the Assembly has decided the region must absorb over the ten-year span.
The Assembly’s South East Plan takes over from the traditional Structure Plans that used to govern the planning system. These were the responsibility of local authorities such as Oxfordshire County Council.
It is likely that around 10,000 of the 21,000 new homes will have to be built on previously undeveloped land.
Those who wish to have their say will be presented with two options for the spread of new housing as well as a section for people to come up with their own suggestions.
The consultation exercise closes on October 28. Copies of the questionnaire are available at libraries and council offices. It will also be possible to fill in an on-line questionnaire at HYPERLINK
The County Council’s citizen’s panel is also being consulted as are several organisations across the county.
Colin Critch ·
Tue 27 Sep 2005, 16:00 · Link
Street Fair 10k results
As those who have entered this race know this is not a course for a PB – except for trying to better your time next year.
The personal battle is the main one for most of the runners, to better their time, to get round, to get round in less than their age, etc. As Bruce Springsteen put it, “Tramps like us, baby we were born to run”.
For the grizzled local Vets “fuelling up” at the Street Fair the day before such issues were certainly uppermost in their minds.
As you can see from the list of finishers this is also not the biggest race around but, on its own terms, it set a new record for the number of people who entered the 10K and the 2.5 mile Fun Run.

Given the competition from a 10k in Blenheim, and the Great North Run, the entry was positively sparkling.
The course takes the runner through the backwoods of one of the great remnants of the Wychwood Forest, Cornbury Park, places that are usually closed to the general pedestrian.
This is reason alone to enter but given the chance too of seeing a Serengeti style stampede of the Park’s black cattle too, this is not to be missed.
The final third takes you along the shoulder of the Evenlode Glen, with the sweeping vistas thereof, before the final push up the gentle hill from the station to The Playing Close.
So, if you chose not to enter this year make sure you do next. Some people change their whole work schedules around just to be here, others travel great distances, and intend to come back next year.
As one of the last of the “walk up and go” races it is also extremely easy to enter, and for your money you get a goody bag from the local pharmacist Dean Vincent, through whose efforts the race gets to be run each year.
The day itself dawned slightly parky, and stayed that way for the race; “good conditions”, as one of the grizzled local vets told me.
The race was won by Andy Blenkinsop from Reading, in 36.32, and the first female home, in 6th place overall, was Maddie Horton, in 38.39.
But check out the time of the local junior Max Shaughnessy, 12th overall in 40.17. a young man to keep a look out for in the future.
But the races are about more than just running round, they are a low key festival of fun, the point is to take part and do your very own best.
So make a date to do this race next year. See you there.
Click to download the full results list (150k PDF).
Neil McAlpine
Richard Fairhurst ·
Sun 25 Sep 2005, 20:16 · Link
Street Fair pictures
We now have a selection of Dave Murphy's Street Fair pictures on the site. Click 'Features' above and scroll down to the gallery at the bottom.
Richard Fairhurst ·
Sun 18 Sep 2005, 16:46 · Link
Happy ending after hurricane fears
The Times reports the relief of a Charlbury family after their relatives were spared by Hurricane Katrina. The newspaper writes:
"Alison Smith, from Charlbury, Oxfordshire, cried tears of joy when she heard the voice of her sister, Catherine Nichols.
"'We cried down the phone to one another. They’re OK,' she said. Mrs Nichols, her American husband Richard, 47, and their two daughters, Melissa, 24, and Amanda, 22, were all safe and well.
"While their daughters left their home in Biloxi, Mississippi, on the Saturday before the storm, Mr and Mrs Nichols had said that they intended to stay and sit it out. But as the winds picked up they left their home, Mrs Smith said."
You can donate to the hurricane appeal here.
Richard Fairhurst ·
Sun 11 Sep 2005, 17:09 · Link
Warning over clothing 'scam'
Leaflets are being distributed in Charlbury that could mislead people into thinking they're donating clothes to charity - when the clothes are actually destined for a commercial organisation.
A reader of the website (thank you!) explains further:
"My concern is that many people may believe this is a charity collection when it is not (this is stated in the small print of this leaflet but not everyone will read this). I have seen a consumer television program about similar companies before (it may have been 'Watchdog'). On the program that I saw the company that collect the clothing sell the clothing abroad for their own profit.
"I thought that maybe you could let at least some Charlbury Residents know this via the website. As I am sure many generous people will give their belongings thinking that they are benefiting a good cause, when actually they are not. At the moment their are many good causes, both locally and globally that could do with all the help/donations they can get."
Richard Fairhurst ·
Sun 11 Sep 2005, 17:06 · Link
Bring and Take 1st October 10am to 1pm Memorial hall
Here is a chance to Bring item that you no longer need and you think some one may have a use for and can Take. (no building materials or heavy , bulky items)
This is a list of what go exchanged on the Bring & Take 9th April 2005
3 woodworking saws
1 roadside lantern
1 Pentax SLR camera
3 demi-johns
Brief case
1930’s medical device
Wellington boots
Bathroom mats
Cheese grater
Charles & Di Wedding Mug
Men’s Shoe Trees
Floor Mop
Edwardian dressing-table swing-mirror
Wine-making valves
China Bowl
Full dinner service
Knitting wool
Mini hoover
Jam kettle
3 Box files
Light Bulbs
2 Seat wedges
Overhead transparencies
Woven shopping bags
Sleeping bag
Drawing set & compass
2 wind-up garden hoses
Blood pressure testing kit
Time zone clock
Hand paper shredder
Work-top electric grill
Boxes of children’s games
Several handbags
Thermos Flaskes
CD Racks
Electric cables
Table mats
Table lamp
Outside light
Deskjet printer
Washing basket
Bathroom scales
Mug stand
Fire guard
4 large feather-filled cushions for large armchair
Colin Critch ·
Tue 6 Sep 2005, 09:48 · Link
Free webpages for community groups
The Charlbury Website is delighted to announce free webpages for community groups in the town.
Every community organisation in Charlbury can have a free page on the site. The page can contain contact details, a programme of your forthcoming events, or simply a link to your existing website... whatever you like.
Best of all, each group can edit its own page as and when. No special software or knowledge of web pages is required. The most recently updated pages are displayed on the front page of the site.
If your volunteer/non-profit organisation would like a page, please e-mail and we'll set one up for you. The first two pages are for the Street Fair and for Charlbury's Own Cinema - take a look.
(We are currently finalising the listing of Charlbury businesses and hope to have more news on that in the next few weeks.)
Richard Fairhurst ·
Sun 4 Sep 2005, 17:47 · Link
Forest Fair comes to Charlbury
The Wychwood Project's annual Forest Fair took place this year at Banbury Hill, Charlbury. Sunny weather encouraged an excellent turn-out. You can see a selection of photos from the event in the website's new photo galleries.
Richard Fairhurst ·
Sun 4 Sep 2005, 17:41 · Link
New on the website - photo galleries
We're delighted to introduce a new set of photo galleries on the site.
The galleries cover recent Charlbury events, together with a wonderful set of old photographs originally gathered by Ray Marshall. Thanks to Dave Murphy, Colin Critch and Peter Kenrick for the photos, and to Colin for hosting them.
Click 'Features' above to see the photos.
Richard Fairhurst ·
Thu 1 Sep 2005, 22:24 · Link
Library by telephone and online
You can now renew your books, check the catalogue and order new ones at any time of day by telephone on 0845 1202811 or at You will need your borrower number (from your library ticket) and a PIN number, which you can get in person from Library Manager, Penny Price. For more info, call Charlbury Library on 01608 811104.
Cally Robson ·
Thu 1 Sep 2005, 09:01 · Link