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Charlbury news from the Oxford Mail

Two Charlbury stories have recently appeared in the Oxford Mail group of papers.

  • Charity thief spared prison reports: "A woman who stole more than £15,000 from a school charity was given a suspended sentence after magistrates were told she had paid the cash back. Mother-of-four Sally Dodman-Edwards, 34, of Ticknell Lane, Charlbury, was treasurer of Charlbury Primary School Association when the offences occurred..."
  • Crackdown on fare cheats discusses a Charlbury-Oxford commuter who forged his own season ticket on his computer.

The newspaper's website is here.

Richard Fairhurst · Fri 24 Feb 2006, 10:28 · Link

Charlbury Visitors' Guide published

The Town Council and Chamber of Commerce have published a new visitors' guide to the town, supported by West Oxfordshire District Council. You can download a copy by clicking on 'town' in the menubar above, then choosing the appropriate link.

Richard Fairhurst · Mon 13 Feb 2006, 21:46 · Link

£520 Raised for Cancer Charity from 'Colour & Style Evening

A big thank you to all who supported the 'Colour and Style' evening held at the Memorial Hall on Friday 3rd February.
We raised an astounding £520 from the sales of tickets, quiz sheets and raffle tickets. The money has now been donated and will go towards Professor Harris's laboratory to bedside cancer research work at the JR and Churchill Hospitals.If anyone would like to purchase a 'colours in Songs and Singers' Quiz sheet they are still available @ £1.00. (entries due back by 6th March 2006) Contact Linda Akers on 01608 810012

Linda Akers · Sat 11 Feb 2006, 11:41 · Link

More train changes on the way?

There are strong rumours that the 'Adelante' trains recently introduced on the Cotswold Line are to be reassigned to Scotland. This is expected to take place later this year, either in June or December.

There is as yet no word on what would replace them if this were to be the case, but the train operator FirstGroup has been acquiring extra High Speed Trains over the past two years.

Richard Fairhurst · Wed 1 Feb 2006, 20:25 · Link

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