News index


Charlbury Town Football and Sports Club.

Things are moving on well with the new sports and Social club.
A lot of hard work is going into this last bit to be able to be ready to open.
If anyone would like to help out with anything then please let us know.
We are still fundraising and taking donations. Thank you. Mandy  

Mandy cooper · Sun 31 May 2020, 15:14 · Link

Charlbury Angling Club - Tickets for 2020/21 Season

The cost of tickets for the forthcoming season is the same as for last year.

A ticket for the 2020/2021 season which starts on 16th June will cost £25 for an adult, £15 for a senior citizen, and free for a junior when obtained with the purchase of an adult or senior citizen ticket.

Tickets may be obtained from 15th June onwards at Cotswolds Frames, Market Street, Charlbury between 10am and 3pm on weekdays. Tel: 01608 811805.

Tickets will also become available at ACE Tackle, Kidlington (tel:  01865 372066) and Staytes Tackle, Witney (tel: 01993 702587). For either shop, please call direct to check their opening times.  

If you have any problem in obtaining a ticket please call Jane on 01608 810822 (evenings) or Alan on 01865 864052. 

Jackie Hague · Sat 30 May 2020, 14:37 · Link

Postman Pete The Centurian

Last outfit apparently.....

Sally Callaway · Sat 30 May 2020, 14:17 · Link

The HIstory of Charlbury through .... shoes and shoemakers

‘Well Shod’   Boot & Shoe-makers of Charlbury

A precious pair of child’s shoes made by a Charlbury shoe-maker and the mystery of hidden shoe heels found in a cottage inspire this week’s story.

Stepping back in time to Charlbury in the late 19th century, customers in need of walking boots or shoes had a choice of several shoemakers. The Charlbury Directory for 1884 lists Robert Parrott, F. Kerry and B. Luker’s Boot Warehouse in Market Street; Joseph Stayte in Sheep Street and Henry Price, Church Street. Working men’s boots were in particular demand: laced, hob nailed, with low stacked heels in tough leather. Boots made for walking to work, repaired regularly in the shoe-makers workshop.

Henry Price’s story resonates through his shoe-making tools, notebooks, boots displayed in the museum. A legacy kept alive by his grand-daughter, Jennifer Bartlett, who describes a very special pair of shoes:

“I remember being shown Aunt Lizzie’s shoes when I was quite small, by Uncle Chris and Auntie Alma in their shoe shop in Sheep Street. My Grandfather, Henry Price made the tiny leather shoes, embellished with a velvet rosette and pearl button, for his first born child Elizabeth Jane in 1880-81. Recently married, Henry and Edith moved to Myrtle Cottage, Church Street in 1879; his shoe-making workshop was at the front of the cottage, the back room was my Grandmother’s sitting room. Myrtle Cottage was home to their nine children, my father Sidney was their youngest child.”

Christopher Price continued his father’s trade (see photo), later opening a shoe shop, with his wife Alma, in Sheep Street. This last link with Charlbury shoe-making trade closed around 1981.

Finally, historic shoe stories can be tinged with mystery, as the ‘concealed shoes’ hidden in buildings to bring good luck or ward off evil spirits. Three wooden shoe heels were discovered under the attic floor boards of my old home, 11 Market Street, in the1980s (see photo). Although shoe-maker Bert Howse worked next door after WW1, these ladies heels have echoes of another age. The distinctive low ‘louis’ heel appears in the mid 18thc. A Georgian coin,1797, hidden next to the heels gives an extra clue. Perhaps another Charlbury shoe-maker‘s story waits to be revealed…………….

Sue Rangeley

With thanks to Jennifer Bartlett for the information on Henry Price and his family.

Info.: links to a new museum of boots & shoes

Judy Dod · Fri 29 May 2020, 21:35 · Link

Libray Services - Digital Update

As Oxfordshire County Council has no current information from the Government as to when any of Oxfordshire's Libraries will reopen, the Library Service has issued a reminder of how you can join online and how to access our many digital services.

This year's Summer Reading Challenge theme will be "Silly Squad" and will be available to join on line.  Look out for more information here soon!

Applying to join Oxfordshire Libraries online

Go to and click ‘Join the Library’ and fill in your details.

We will email your account access details back to you within 1-2 working days

 eBooks and eAudio

Choose from a great range of fiction and non-fiction reading for adults and children. We are investing in more titles in response to the current situation. Download the Libby or Borrowbox apps.

 eMagazines and eNews

Pressreader and RBdigital magazines provide thousands of UK and international titles of leisure reading or current affairs for you to read online or download. Time to garden, get creative or find out what’s going on around the world through curated news content.

 Digital learning and study resources

Britannica Online, dictionaries and reference books provide high quality homework support and resources for personal study


Relax and enjoy the best of recordings streamed through Naxos Music Library. Over 60,000 albums to choose from.

 Follow us on social media

Facebook: Oxfordshirelibraries  /  Twitter: Oxonlibraries

Sign up to our eNewsletter:

Download the Oxfordshire Libraries app to your tablet or phone from your app store.

Lots of our digital services have their own apps, too such as Libby for Overdrive eBooks, Borrowbox, Pressreader, RBdigital Magazines and Naxos Music Library.

Julie Ward · Fri 29 May 2020, 12:49 · Link

Keeping in touch with friends and relatives who are in Hospital

It is so difficult for anyone who has a relative or friend in hospital at the moment. But how much more difficult is it for the patient who is cut off from us. 

The new "Keep in Touch" schemes – operating at specific hospitals as listed – are here to help.

If you have a relative or a friend who is in the any of the hospitals, below, then type your message directly onto an e-mail or attach it to an e-mail as a Word document. If you want to, you can include a picture or two!

For patients in the John Radcliffe – send your “letter” to .

For patients in Witney, Abingdon, Bicester or any of the Oxfordshire Community Hospitals, or for patients in the Warneford or Littlemore hospitals send your “letter” to .

Make sure that you mark your letter clearly with the full name of the patient it is for - and which ward they are on. There is no need for their NHS number, or date of birth etc,

Sign it with your name as the patient would recognise it (no need for titles or Surnames) 

A member of the Patient Experience team will acknowledge receipt of your letter and send it on to the Administration hub. It will be printed (in colour) and delivered in a sealed envelope, to the ward.

A member of the ward staff will then make sure that your letter gets to your loved one. All letter will be treated as confidential. If a patient is unable to open or read a letter, the staff will ask their permission before opening or reading it out.

You are welcome to send more than one letter – either all together from different family members or friends, or throughout the week, to stay in touch as regularly as you like.

NB: in addition patients in the John Radcliffe, Churchill, Horton or NOC are being provided with tablet devices free of charge so that they can video call their friends and family.

And also in those hospitals, Hospedia (who run the bedside entertainment systems on the inpatient wards) are enabling patients to make free outbound calls from their bedside during the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Nikki Rycroft · Thu 28 May 2020, 21:20 · Link

Friday Fish & Chip van

Just a reminder that the Friday van is back every week in the usual spot at the Charlbury Community Centre, from 5 til 8.30pm

Jim Holah · Thu 28 May 2020, 16:52 · Link

Leaflet for July August

We are hoping to write and deliver to every household in Charlbury, an edition of the Leaflet for July and August. If you have anything that you would like to be included in the edition please email 

Many thanks. 

Jo Paton · Thu 28 May 2020, 15:36 · Link

Chronicle - Thank you

A big thank you to all those who have offered to deliver the Chronicle throughout Charlbury this time.  I am amazed at the wonderful response we have had.

If any of you haven’t received a copy by the weekend, because I didn’t know the road existed, then you can pick one up from the Community Centre.

Thank you to all Charlbury Residents.

Susie Finch · Thu 28 May 2020, 12:14 · Link

Charlbury's Children's Playgrounds

There is a rumour in the town that our playgrounds (Nine Acres and Ticknell Piece) are open again. Sorry to say: this is not true.

The notices saying that the playgrounds are closed have been removed by persons unknown. The Town Council will replace these as soon as possible.

The Town Council is subject to government regulatory direction and, at present, this has not changed - green spaces are open but playgrounds are not. The Council has no discretion in this matter. The reasoning is that the Corvid 19 virus can remain infective on hard surfaces for many hours.

The Council recognises the frustration that the closures cause for parents with young children, particularly during this warm weather.  

Phil Morgan · Wed 27 May 2020, 13:04 · Link

Pop up veg patch

The team at the Charlbury Community Centre has a fund available to build small, raised beds in Charlbury residents' gardens/back patio areas so local people can grow vegetables (and flowers!). The aim of the project is to:

•   build something positive for self-isolated, socially distanced and others

•   provide summer employment for Charlbury youth

•   build enduring relationships within our community

 The Centre staff will manage the project and will provide labour and supplies such as wood frames, liners, top soil, seeds, seedlings and watering cans.

 We estimate that with our current funds we could create and help maintain about 30 Veg Patches employing 10 to 15 youth. If there is greater demand for veg patches we will try to raise additional funds.  We will not charge for the veg patches but will accept donations.

The beds are "pop-up" ones so, though welcome to keep it, if you ever want it taken away because you no longer want it, you can contact the Community Centre and someone will come and take it away.

 If you or someone you know would like to have a veg patch in your garden or patio area, please contact

Tanya Stevenson · Tue 26 May 2020, 14:39 · Link

Charlbury Town Girls crowned Champions of Oxfordshire

Charlbury U16 Girls were recently awarded the OMGFL League title. After the suspension of the season the OMGFL committee met to determine who the league winners were throughout the age groups. Many formulas were discussed, many calculator buttons were pressed and the decision was to award the title to the team that had the won the highest average points per game played through the season.. With 30 points from 11 games Charlbury Girls were the clear winners, they have added the league title to the County Cup which they won in 2018

Watch the full 15 minutes summary of the season here:

Paul D Jenkins · Mon 25 May 2020, 13:04 · Link

The Charlbury Chronicle distribution appeal

At the beginning of April, we decided to proceed with producing a Chronicle for June, bearing in mind we would not want to put any of our distribution volunteers at risk, but at the same time support the local businesses and provide the residents of Charlbury with a publication which we hope remains interesting and informative.

For this issue of the Chronicle, we have offered all the advertisers free advertising and, most importantly, we do not want to ask any of our existing distribution volunteers who may be vulnerable with regard to Covid 19 to deliver the Chronicle door to door.

Instead we are appealing for volunteers to deliver the Chronicle to the households in their street or road, so residents having to stay at home and especially the elderly do not miss out and have access to all the usual community news.

If you would like to volunteer, then please contact Susie Finch (Editor of the Chronicle) via email: or call 01608 810861 with detail of the road/street you could cover and how many copies you would need. These would be delivered to you at a time convenient for you for distribution.

As usual, the Charlbury Chronicle will be available online via Charlbury's website, under Community / General but understand from feedback that that for many of our residents this is not always an ideal format. A big thank you to all the community for all we are doing to help each other in such challenging times, it’s a privilege to be part of such a caring community.

Susie Finch · Sun 24 May 2020, 14:24 · Link

Cotswold Frames update

We reopen the shop on Monday 15th June

We will be operating a one customer in at a time (we will allow a carer in if needed)

We have installed an automatic gel hand sanitizer dispenser in the shop lobby and ask that you use this before entering the shop and that you always respect social distancing.

We have also installed a sneeze screen in front of the counter for added safety.

Also as odd as it sounds we ask you look with your eyes and not your hands where possible, but we do have available the petrol station style plastic gloves, should you need to touch an item if you require a closer look or to flip through the cards.

We prefer card payment to be made on purchases don't forget the new limit is £45.00 on contactless payments but will be still accepting good old fashioned cash.

Picture Framing work is by appointment only

We ask that if you have Picture framing jobs to be brought in that you ring in advance and book an appointment which will be at set hours of the day.

Framing appointments will be after 3pm and must be booked in advance please do not just turn up on the off chance.

For general shop purchases only we are currently looking at 10am - 3pm

At present please note we will not be open on Sundays.

If you are waiting to enter the shop please queue sensibly outside with social distancing operating at all times and note that customers exiting the shop have priority so please take a step back and let them out.

Remember we will be operating one customer in the shop at a time, any spouses and children are asked to wait outside.

Obviously these rules are subject to change at anytime and we hope to resume near normal business as soon as we are allowed to.

In the meantime if you require anything before the 15th June then please call and we will try and help if possible.

Thank you for your co-operation in these challenging times.

Tim Widdows · Sat 23 May 2020, 15:17 · Link

The history of Charlbury through.... the town crier's bell

How did Charlbury hear the news before the loud-speaker, the telephone, the internet and smart phones? The town-crier's bell often propped open the shop door at the Royal Oak when I lived there, and I was told about Billy Grace, a town crier who lived for a while in an attic at the Royal Oak. My aunt described him as having feet at ten to two, and he was the predecessor of our current town website, announcing such useful information as when the water supply would be cut off. Now the bell stands proudly on a cabinet in the museum. 

The museum also owns a book, privately published and written by Amy Frances Gomm, "Water under the Bridge". Billy Grace spent much time with her family over the years. "We remember him as a thickset, shortish man not more than five feet. He always walked with difficulty, as if his boots were tight. He had a speech impediment, too - not a stammer - but an inability to pronounce words properly.... but he had the volume, if not the clarity, of voice. Billy was glad of the money, and if the authorities didn't have any other candidates.. The Call was the big hand-bell that Billy wielded. It might be a lost or found item; or somebody's dog or cattle had strayed; a public meeting had to be announced when some issue, local or national, was due for general discussion. It could be a magic lantern show, or a visiting singer or instrumentalist; or a needle match among the sporting fraternity. Billy would have the announcement written on the handbill he carried.

"Once he'd rung his bell, there would be the second string, his "retinue" to provide all the help he needed. It was a scramble to be first out at the sound of the bell to be head man, to lead the rest behind Billy to read the notice and intone the announcement, for the rest to hear. They would follow my leader through the main roads and through such secondary roads as seemed necessary, calling their message, unofficial, unpaid, but enthusiastic Town Criers."

Janet Jeffs

Judy Dod · Fri 22 May 2020, 21:24 · Link

Food traders at The Community Centre; a further update

The traders are returning to their usual spot at the corner of the CCC car park at the following times.

The Bread Shed, Tuesday & Thursday, 2.30 to 3.30 or until sold out.

Fish & Chip van, Friday, 5pm until 8.30.

The Codfather, Saturday & Sunday, 4pm until 8.30.

The Thai van continues to offer a delivery service, see their facebook page for details.

The Styan veg box service continues each Saturday afternoon.  See details elsewhere on this site for orders.

Jim Holah · Fri 22 May 2020, 13:45 · Link

Digital Update from the Library Service

There is no word yet as to exactly when any of Oxfordshire's Libraries will open. However, for those with digital access, please see the poster for the latest information on how to become a member, and how to access thousands of e-books, e-audio, news, music and information & study resources.

Julie Ward · Fri 22 May 2020, 12:44 · Link

Picture Framing appointments

Cotswold Frames are now taking appointment only framing consultations.

So if you have a framing job that needs to be sorted please phone 01608 811805 to book an appointment for you to come into the shop.

Only one person will be allowed into the shop at a time, any children and other half’s will be asked to wait outside the shop.

Social distancing will be operated at all times, we have an automatic hand sanitizer dispenser in the store foyer so you will be asked apply antibacterial gel before entering the shop we also ask that you wear a mask whilst in the store (as we shall be wearing one ).

Your appointment time length will be allocated to the number of framing jobs you book in advance. 

Please note that should you arrive late then we may not be able to overrun should we have another appointment booked but we will be generous on your allocated time slot as no one likes to be hurried when choosing a frame.

Please do not just turn up at the shop on the off chance this service is by appointment only.

We look forward to hearing from you, should you get the answerphone please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as it is possible.

Tim Widdows

Cotswold frames

01608 811805

Tim Widdows · Thu 21 May 2020, 12:16 · Link

Postman Pete

Here he is again as a convict this time!  Apparently this outfit was cooler than his planned fancy dress. Last outfit next week.....

Sally Callaway · Thu 21 May 2020, 11:06 · Link

Co-op Pharmacy - Monday 25th May 2020 Closure

The Co-op Pharmacy on Market Street will be closed on Monday 25th May 2020 due to the bank holiday. We will be open again on Tuesday 26th May 2020. 

Thank you for your support. 

Raj Patel · Thu 21 May 2020, 09:59 · Link

Rose & Crown

 Hi guys I’m so sorry but we are unable to open at 4pm today, I will update you if we can open later but business as usual tomorrow, thank you for your understanding and please spread the word! 🍻

nikki page · Wed 20 May 2020, 15:07 · Link

Postman Pete

Postman Pete’s outfit to ‘cheer’ us from last week.

Sally Callaway · Tue 19 May 2020, 16:48 · Link

Charlbury one of the Sunday Times' Best places to live in the UK countryside

Charlbury gets mentioned in last week's Sunday Times post-Covid-19 selection of "locations that offer the very best of both worlds — a city commute, shopping (such as it is) and solitude, greenery and proximity to medical care, decent broadband and above all great community spirit." The Saturday fresh veg service gets a specific mention - maybe we don't realise how lucky we are to have this compared to other small towns and villages.

Christine Elliott · Mon 18 May 2020, 18:20 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • Field End Woodstock Road Charlbury
    Erection of new detached double garage with store above. Conversion of existing garage to new kitchen. Single storey side extension.
    WODC reference: 20/01089/HHD - Wed 29 Apr 2020 - Under consideration
  • 30 Woodfield Drive Charlbury
    Erection of single storey rear extensions Extend drop kerb. Modifications to approved plan 19/02256/HHD
    WODC reference: 20/01068/HHD - Tue 05 May 2020 - Under consideration
  • Grace Cottage Market Street Charlbury
    Erection of single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory
    WODC reference: 20/01196/HHD - Tue 14 Apr 2020 - Under consideration
  • The Thatched Cottage The Slade Charlbury
    To repair and refurbish existing chimneys with the addition of clay chimney pots with bird guards to each
    WODC reference: 20/01128/HHD - Wed 06 May 2020 - Under consideration
  • The Thatched Cottage The Slade Charlbury
    Various internal and external alterations to include changes to the first floor layout, re-thatching of property, alterations to windows and chimneys together with associated refurbishment, maintenance and repair works
    WODC reference: 20/00967/LBC - Wed 06 May 2020 - Under consideration
  • Grace Cottage Market Street Charlbury
    Internal and external alterations to include erection of single storey rear extension, replacement of windows and main entrance door and changes to internal layout.
    WODC reference: 20/01197/LBC - Tue 14 Apr 2020 - Under consideration

Mon 18 May 2020, 06:15 · Link

Brians Barbers

Brians Barbers

Due to Government Guild lines

I’m hoping to

REOPEN the Shop on

Saturday 4th July

Everyone Please Keep Safe and I Look Forward To seeing You All Again In Due Course

Many Thanks


Michael Butler 16 · Sun 17 May 2020, 14:25 · Link

The History of Charlbury through ..... the railway station

Between 1830 and 1870, the years of ‘railway mania’, a vast network of railways was built across Britain, revolutionising the transport of people and goods, changing the landscape and the nation’s way of life. The railway came to Charlbury in 1853, built by the Oxford, Worcester & Wolverhampton Railway company, chief engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Always short of money, there were many delays before the line was finally laid. It had many problems, not least because of the varying gauges of the track, and the line was nicknamed The Old Worse & Worse. In 1863 the OW&WR company was part of Great Western Railway and the line gradually became more successful.

Today’s trains are mainly passenger trains, many full of commuters, but in the past a huge amount of freight passed along the line and Charlbury was a thriving goods depot. A plan of 1882 shows a goods shed with office, cattle pens, loading bank, water tank for steam trains, and coal and sugar beet sidings. The gas works was sited alongside the station, roughly where the Forest Works are today. The whole site provided employment for many people – station staff, platelayers maintaining the track, workers in the goods yard.

Although the line survived Beeching’s drastic cuts of the 1960s, in 1971 it was reduced to single track and again in the 1980s it seemed as if the line would close. Thanks largely to the efforts of the Cotswold Line Promotion Group it was reprieved and passenger numbers increased hugely. The line was partially redoubled in 2011 to help eliminate delays and the second platform was reinstated. Today the station provides a high-speed link direct to Oxford and London and is a major factor attracting people to live in Charlbury.

The station building is one of the few surviving stations built in Brunel’s distinctive chalet architectural style: it was restored in 1979 and is Grade 2 listed, as is the early station nameboard. Until the line was singled, there was a 34-lever signal box, sadly demolished in 1971. We have the signal box sign on display in the wagon room of the museum.

Cotswold Line Promotion Group

Judy Dod

Judy Dod · Fri 15 May 2020, 21:45 · Link

Books delivered to your door for 50p!

We are aware that with the library closed, people will struggle to get enough books to keep them occupied in self-isolation.

Second hand books from this list are now available for sale for only 50p each and will be delivered to your doorstep. This is thanks to John Partington of April House books, who lives in Charlbury. If you wish to order a book, please contact John directly on 07555608780 or email him on and he will deliver the book to you. The 50p will go to the Corner House. (You can ignore the list price - these are books that John is donating to the Corner House)

This list will be added to as time goes on and as more donations of books come in. If you wish to donate books, you can leave them in the lobby of Charlbury Community Centre, but please only donate popular fiction and biographies.

The books will not be sold until they have been quarantined for at least three days.

This information is on the Charlbury Community Centre website and will be kept up-to-date as books are sold and new books come on to the catalogue. Please let friends who might not have access to computers know about it.

Tanya Stevenson · Fri 15 May 2020, 15:22 · Link

Urgent and Emergency Dental Care

Following our advice recently issued, and now on the Charlbury Patients’ Participation Group page (CPPG),  to seek advice from your GP regarding any possible symptoms of heart attacks, stroke or malignancy, we now encourage you to contact a dentist if you have pain or signs of infection in your teeth or gums.

The NHS is continuing to provide urgent and emergency dental care. This is available to both NHS and private patients.

Most dental practices have given their contact details to their patients for when they are in pain or need advice. If you do not have a regular dentist, you can search for a local dentist on the NHS website at and call them.

When you call, a member of the dental practice team will carry out a telephone assessment with you. They are able to offer advice or prescribe medication to relieve any pain or to treat an infection.

If the dental team believes that you need to be treated urgently, they will refer you to a local urgent dental care hub.

The hub will carry out a further assessment of your dental and Covid-19 status and if required may call you in for treatment.

The hub will also provide you with information prior to the appointment about arrangements for treatment which meet the social distancing requirements.

If you have a dental emergency outside of normal surgery opening hours you can call 111 for advice and information on your local out-of-hours emergency dental service.

We have two hubs nearby - Witney and Banbury

Nikki Rycroft · Thu 14 May 2020, 13:58 · Link

Wilderness Festival cancelled

The organisers of the Wilderness Festival at Cornbury Park have confirmed that this year’s event will not go ahead.

The event will return on Thursday 5th–Sunday 8th August 2021.

You can read more details in Charlotte’s posting to the forum.

Richard Fairhurst · Wed 13 May 2020, 12:28 · Link

Dix Pit to reopen next Monday

From a WODC press release:

The Dix Pit household waste recycling centre will reopen on Monday 18 May but residents are being urged to hold their visit unless it is absolutely essential.

Long tailbacks are expected at the site run by Oxfordshire County Council. These are set to be exacerbated by reduced opening hours and the number of vehicles accessing the site being reduced by 50 per cent to allow for social distancing.

Government guidance says that trips to a recycling centre should only be made if ‘essential’ – that is if the waste cannot be stored safely without harm to health.

It adds: “It would be reasonable for residents to undertake a journey to a HWRC if the waste or recycling could not be stored safely at home or disposed of through other legitimate routes such as a dedicated collection.

“By this we mean that the waste/recycling could not be stored on their property without causing a risk of injury, health or harm to the resident or other members of their household or harm to public health and amenity.”

Cllr Norman MacRae, Cabinet Member for the Environment at West Oxfordshire District Council, said: “We know there has been considerable frustration with the site being closed but hopefully this decision will help ease the situation and help prevent fly-tipping.

“I would urge residents not to react too hastily though as we don’t want to see the site overwhelmed. If you can delay for a while longer, this would help everyone concerned.”

Residents are also reminded that the full bulky waste service will be available again from Thursday 14 May.

For more information, see:

Things to remember when visiting the reopened centres:

  • You should only visit the site if you cannot safely store your waste at home.
  • Revised opening hours: All sites will open at 8am and close at 4pm to allow them to be cleaned for the following day. The summer evening opening hours are suspended.
  • Vehicle numbers and parking bays will be reduced on site, and once the maximum is reached the site will operate on a one-out one-in basis. PLEASE NOTE the potential for long delays and queues.
  • Please follow any instructions given by traffic marshals to ensure queues are managed safely
  • Charges for non-household waste brought to sites will continue and this will be by contactless card payment only.
  • Residents are expected to self-police and abide by social distancing of two metres from site teams and other residents at all times.
  • For an initial period, no hire vans or trailers will be permitted onto sites.
  • Site teams will be there for guidance only and will not be able to assist residents in unloading their waste.
  • Only one resident will be permitted out of the vehicle, unless it is to unload a heavy load which would otherwise be unsafe to remove. Visits are best made by just one person per vehicle.

In line with Public Health England guidance, residents who are vulnerable, or who are showing symptoms which may indicate coronavirus, should not visit household recycling centres.

Residents are requested to ensure all waste is pre-sorted before arriving at site to ensure minimum time on site.

Richard Fairhurst · Mon 11 May 2020, 11:47 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • Broadstone Farm Ditchley Road Charlbury
    Discharge of Condition 4 (Surface Water Drainage) of planning permission 19/03329/HHD
    WODC reference: 20/01139/CND - Thu 07 May 2020 - Under consideration
  • Ralphland Crawborough Charlbury
    Reconstruction of porch and replacement of all existing windows and timber cladding, re-roofing of the existing flat roof to include the insertion of roof lights and the addition of an external flue.
    WODC reference: 20/00959/HHD - Thu 07 May 2020 - Under consideration

Mon 11 May 2020, 06:15 · Link

Fish van will be later on Tuesdays

I usually stop outside the Rose and Crown every Tuesday 3pm to 4pm, unfortunately due to current circumstances I will be having to amend this to the later time of 3:30pm to 4:30pm. This change will be for the foreseeable future to allow me ample time to deliver to all my customers after factoring in the government guidelines of safe distancing and extra hygiene measures that need to be taken.

I would appreciate if you could get this message to the town as your custom is important to me and I would hate there to be any disappointment or confusion on Tuesday.

Many thanks,

Jane Fisher (the Fish Lady)

Sun 10 May 2020, 21:24 · Link

VE75 A VE Day Souvenir Scarf

This vibrant textile captures the euphoria of the VE Day celebrations, marking the end of the dark days of the Second World War. The design ‘Lauriers de la Victoire’ (Laurels of Victory) was the last of the ‘propaganda’ scarves made by Jacqmar in May/June 1945. Produced especially for the British ‘Home Front’, the scarf pattern shows a bouquet of flowers in the colours of the Allied Nations’ flags. An advertisement for this scarf appeared in the ‘Victory’ issue of Vogue, June 1945: it cost 55s/10d and required two clothing coupons. (See photos)

From 1940 – 1945, Jacqmar, under the direction of their chief designer Arnold Lever created a series of ‘propaganda’ scarves. Due to the shortage of fabrics in wartime, parachute silk was sometimes used for prints and the new Rayon fabric became a popular alternative to traditional silk. The scarves were morale boosters, created for the export market and sweethearts at home. Each headscarf carried a wartime message, ranging from: ‘Salvage your Rubber’, ‘Into Battle’ , or ‘London Wall’ featuring war posters pasted to a wall – this scarf appeared in the 1943 film ‘Millions Like Us’, worn by a munitions worker. A personal favourite is ‘We Shall Never Surrender’, showing Churchill and snippets of his speeches; interesting that he was an avid collector of scarves himself! 

The scarf was owned by Charlbury resident, Mrs. Bridget Wastie; her daughter Val kindly loaned this unique piece for Charlbury Museum’s exhibition for VE Day 75.

Examples of Jacqmar ‘propaganda’ scarves are in the Imperial War Museum

Jacqmar was started by Joseph Lyons in London, in 1930; his business flourished during the war years producing the ‘propaganda’ scarves for the war effort. 

Sue Rangeley

Judy Dod · Sat 9 May 2020, 21:20 · Link

VE75 Remembering Charlbury's own 'Dad's Army'

In May 1940 Anthony Eden called for men to enrol in a new civil defence force, Britain’s ‘last line of defence’ against invasion. Initially known as Local Defence Volunteers (LDV), the name later changed to the Home Guard. Members were usually men above or below the age of conscription and those unfit or ineligible for front line military service.

In Charlbury, 80 men responded to Eden’s appeal and enrolled for duty under the command of Joe Shilson. He lived at The Priory, owned Shilson’s the woolstaplers and had been a Captain in WW1. Command was later taken over by Mr. Osborne, headmaster of Charlbury School. The men came from a wide variety of occupations, among them farm workers, glovers, woolstaplers, a railway signalman, a welder, George Cox (the chauffeur from Lee Place) and Frank Jeffs, owner of the cinema.

Their headquarters was the Royal Oak Café in Church Street. Look-outs did duty from the Church tower, and vantage points such as Banbury Hill and Woodstock Road. During the months of greatest risk all-night guards were mounted, the men then going direct to work in the morning. In the beginning there were no weapons available but later uniforms and equipment were supplied and they went into serious training. They became a Platoon, with ranks comparable to the regular Army.

Not everything went smoothly! Training included being taught how to throw hand grenades: pull the pin, hold the clip, arm up and behind and throw with a bowling action and a straight arm. When Cyril Godden (nicknamed Sam) had his turn, he lifted his arm but dropped the grenade down his sleeve! Vic Brackenbury wrote::

“He only had 8 seconds before it went off. Sam started to dance – he shook himself, did a bit of jitterbug, a bit of blackbottom – at last it dropped down by his feet. The old sergeant dived on it and chucked it over the edge of the trench whereupon it exploded! It frightened old Sam and everyone else as well.”

Cyril Godden ('Sam' in the story) is the first man on the left, third row, in the photograph. Mr. Osborne is in the front row, 5th from right.

Tomorrow: A special propaganda scarf produced to mark VE Day

Judy Dod · Sat 9 May 2020, 11:58 · Link

Piper Harrison playing on the Playing Close for VE Day

11am 2 minutes silence then Piper Harrison playing 

Flowers of the Field 

Watch video

Leah Fowler · Fri 8 May 2020, 12:12 · Link

VE75: Charlbury museum remembers VE day

To commemorate 75 years since VE Day, we will be featuring three items over the Bank Holiday weekend, one each day.  The first recalls how VE Day was marked here in Charlbury.

Victory in Europe (VE) Day marked the end of the war against Nazi Germany in Europe in 1945. People were very relieved and thankful after six years of food shortages, bereavement and fear. The war continued in the Far East, and Victory over Japan (VJ) Day was marked on 15th August later that year. This year is the 75th anniversary of VE Day, and today is a special Bank Holiday.

The 1945 celebrations in Charlbury were described in The Leaflet. 

"On Tuesday 8th May, many people went to a spontaneous Service at 11.30 am at St Mary's Church, and more to the Thanksgiving Service in the evening at 8 pm. The bells were rung after the Prime Minister's announcement at 3 pm. The army held a free dance in the Victory Hall in Church Street (opposite the Royal Oak and demolished in the 1960s)."

"On Wednesday 9th May there were sports on the Red Triangle Ground (now the cricket field near the station) for both children and adults.  The prizes were provided by the Charlbury tradesmen and distributed by Mrs Morris* in Church Street in the evening. An ENSA concert was given in Church Street at 8 pm and followed by open-air dancing until 1am. This was much enjoyed and was perfectly orderly. (We understand that only about one half of the child population was present at school the following day!)" 

* Mr and Mrs Morris lived at Lee Place and bought the Corner House and its garden in the 1930s, originally for a girls' club. At the end of the War, Mr and Mrs Morris gave the house to the town as a Community Centre and the garden for a town hall as a War Memorial.

ENSA stood for the Entertainments National Service Association, which was set up in 1939 to provide entertainment for servicemen and women.

Janet Jeffs

On Saturday we will look at Charlbury's own Dad's Army

Judy Dod · Thu 7 May 2020, 21:34 · Link

Virtual Quiz on Zoom - What could go wrong?

St Mary's are hosting a virtual quiz on Friday 15th May to support Charlbury's Covid-19 community support initiatives. 

Do join us!

Jo Paton · Thu 7 May 2020, 15:52 · Link

Charlbury Garden Society goes virtual

Due to the current pandemic the Charlbury Garden Society had to cancel its Spring Show. The Annual Show is still in question. How can we showcase the excellent growing skills of our gardeners?

The solution is to go virtual. Here’s how it works:

There are 5 categories

1. The tallest sunflower

2. The largest vegetable

3. The longest vegetable

4. The funniest/oddest shaped vegetable

5. A perfect flower

Take a full resolution photograph and send it AS AN EMAIL ATTACHMENT to .  Add any measuring devices in the photo, or state the measurements taken, plus your own name and location in the email. The deadline is September 12th, the scheduled date of the Annual Show. While you may have to wait for the vegetables, there are flowers now that are begging to have their pictures taken.

There will be no prizes, but we’ll post the photos so everyone can enjoy the results. Open to all ages.

Kathy Broughton

Charlbury Garden Society

Kathy Broughton · Thu 7 May 2020, 14:42 · Link

Postman Pete The Cowboy.

Here is our great Postman Pete putting a smile on our faces again.

Sally Callaway · Wed 6 May 2020, 13:53 · Link

Bibury Fish & JoJo's Milk now available with Styan Veg

The Styan family, who have been providing Charlbury with fresh vegetables every week since the beginning of April, have now extended their website to include Bibury fish, JoJo's milk, Stainswick Farm oils and dressings, Charlbury honey, preserves, and free-range eggs. All available for collection every Saturday afternoon in Charlbury.

Christine Elliott · Tue 5 May 2020, 23:30 · Link


The answers to the Indian themed Quiz 5 have been posted today. Scroll down to the foot of the quiz page to find them.

We are not posting a quiz this week as we are 'quizzed out' at the moment. If anyone has not had enough of quizzing and wishes to set some questions, email me through the website and we'll post it for you and credit you with compiling.

Brian Murray

Brian Murray · Tue 5 May 2020, 14:35 · Link

Christmas Tree Festival 2020

After the success of the first Charlbury Christmas Tree Festival last year, plans are underway for this year's festival which will take place from Thursday 3rd to Sunday 6th December.

Obviously we are unsure exactly what will be possible by then but we are determined to bring some seasonal cheer to our town and we will work with the local groups to do so in a way that is safe. Look out for our regular updates as the situation develops.

You will be able to buy your tree in the Autumn but, for now, put the date in your diaries and put your thinking caps on. Maybe you can use some of the time in Lockdown to start planning your tree decorations to make them even more creative than last year?

All profits will go to St Mary’s Church.

Maureen Sparling · Tue 5 May 2020, 13:01 · Link

Squirrel session #3

Hi – just a quick update to say that my third online gig (this really happening on YouTube and not Facebook) is happening on Wednesday (May 6th) evening at 7pm UK time. My channel is over at

I look forward to seeing / hearing from some of you tomorrow night! 

Elena Piras


Elena Piras · Tue 5 May 2020, 09:52 · Link

Art in Windows

Following on from windows filled with teddy bears we now have windows displaying art. 

 Sadly, Charlbury artists will not be able to open their studios for Artweeks this year. Instead sixteen local artists have placed a small selection of their work in a number of venues around the centre of town. A short circular walk will take in all seven locations. 

 Starting at the Charlbury Deli and Cafe you will see Jane Crane's paintings, Wendy Clifford's pottery, paper craft by Marion Coates, weaving by Sue Tucker and stained glass by Anna Gillespie. 

 From here turn down into Church Street and just past the Rose and Crown is Cheorl House with Anita Cooper's prints and Lee Belcher's paintings. 

 A little further down Church Street on the left is Gothic House where Briony Lawson has sculpture together with paintings by Andrew Lawson and Wendy Wilson 

 A few doors further down is Royal Oak with jewellery on display by Patricia Freeman and Sarah Pulvertaft as well as Anthony Lloyd's sculpture. 

Go through the churchyard into Church Lane and shortly on the right is Forest Cottage where Maureen Sparling is showing her work. Continue down Church Lane and at the end you will find Prospect House and Martha Evans's pottery. 

Finally turn right up the hill and near the top on the left is 7, Dyers Hill with a display by the sculptor Catherine Binnie. It is then a short walk back along Market Street to the Deli. 

 The work will be on show for the month of May and additional work can be seen on the Artweeks website and individual artist's websites. Do contact any of the artists if you would like any further information, they would be pleased to hear from you. You can download and print this map if you wish.

Tony Lloyd · Tue 5 May 2020, 08:22 · Link

School run

Spotted outside the school gates at 6.20 this morning. 

Feeling brave with less traffic around.

Pie n Pie · Mon 4 May 2020, 14:05 · Link

St Mary's Church - Live streamed services continue

As this challenging time continues and whilst the churches are shut, we are streaming two services each week : The Eucharist will be celebrated at 8am Sunday morning and at 9am Wednesday, livestreamed on You Tube from the Vicarage.

The link is

Hymns can be seen at

If you would like to access the church website and the weekly newsletter with readings, prayers and reflections please go to 

If you would like prayers or support please email 

Jo Paton · Mon 4 May 2020, 13:58 · Link

COVID-19: impact on children & young people’s mental health

Help tackle Covid-19's impact on the mental health of children and young people 

University of Oxford researchers are asking for 10,000 parents to help them understand the best forms of support for children and young people’s mental health during the pandemic.

Initial survey findings reveal a fifth of primary aged children are afraid to leave the house. Now more parents’ and carers’ views are needed.

A survey for parents and carers of children aged 4-16 years seeks to gather insight into what protects children and young people’s mental health over time and at particular stress points, and how this varies according to child and family characteristics. Answers will be anonymous.

The aim is to identify what advice, support and help parents would find most useful, so that the most effective support can be given to the best effect.

There is also a survey for children aged 2 to 4 years

More information is available about the research and how you can help on Oxford Health Foundation Trust’s website:

The researchers are also interested in adolescents' views. If the child who the survey is about is aged between 11-17 years, there is an option at the end of the survey for the child to take part.

susan smith · Sun 3 May 2020, 19:56 · Link

The History of Charlbury through....the 1847 Tithe Map

If you were able to visit the ‘Historic Maps of Charlbury’ exhibition in the church in June 2019, part of the Charlbury Festival, you would have seen a digitalised copy of the 1847 Tithe Map of Charlbury.

Since early times, tithes, a tenth of annual agricultural produce, were required to be given for the support of the church and clergy. Charlbury’s tithes went to Eynsham Abbey and to the vicar. After the reformation much of the land was in the hands of laymen or ‘impropriators’ and by 1847 the chief one here was the Duke of Marlborough.

The Tithe Commutation Act 1836 allowed payments of tithes in kind to be replaced by money payments. The map, and two copies, were made and used in the apportionment of rent in lieu of tithes. The award was confirmed by the Tithe Commissioners in 1847. These maps were paid for by the landowners and originally held by the diocese, the church and the tithe commissioners. The copy originally held by the church is now at the Museum along with its schedule. The other two are at the Oxfordshire History Centre and the National Archive.

The map shows the buildings and garden plots of the town, and the field plots and woodland along with the river, roads, footpaths and the railway (opened 1853). All plots are numbered.

The schedule, some 70 large parchment sheets, lists each numbered plot giving owner and occupier, use of land, arable, pasture, meadow, and area of land in acres, rods and poles. It also gives the rent charge and to whom it is paid, vicar or impropriator. The calculated rent for the vicar’s glebe lands is £686.

There is a date of 28.7. 49 on the map.

A fascinating snapshot of Charlbury.

Ann Lovett 

For an excellent digital copy of the map visit

See also

Charlbury Historical Research Group

Judy Dod · Fri 1 May 2020, 22:03 · Link

Church Bells

I have been asked several times when we will hear the bells again and how they are missed. We like to think the bells speak for the town and it is galling that we are not able to practice in the present lock-down. The Central Council of Bell Ringers have made a short video to explain our problems which can be viewed at - =

You can be sure that when we are allowed back into the belfry we will certainly ring out once again.  Visitors and observers welcome. More news on this when available.

Mike Summers

Mike Summers · Fri 1 May 2020, 20:15 · Link

Little Wild Things needs your help

Dear Wild Things of all sizes,

It is with enormous regret that we must inform you that the HDH Wills Trust will no longer be allowing Little Wild Things to rent their woodland after July 2020.

We are utterly devastated by this eviction and as things stand, unless we can find a new home very soon, Little Wild Things will be forced to close down in mid-July. It may be that we can run a final few adventures from our current site if lockdown restrictions are eased in the next few months, but nothing is certain.

Like many community organisations in this unprecedented time, we have been facing an uncertain future and this news is another miserable blow. The only thing we are certain of now is that we love what we do, we think it’s important and we want to keep doing it somewhere and somehow.

We’ve lost count of the number of times we seem to have said this in the last three years, but we are again on the hunt for a woodland. We have been unable to find a site we can rent and keep working within our community, so we are now looking to fundraise and buy some land that we can run our little enterprise from going forward.

Please help us by spreading the word that we are looking to purchase an area of land within 15 minutes of Charlbury, at least 2 acres in size, with good access to a road. We would love to hear from you with any contacts or suggestions and please share our appeal on social media. We can be contacted by email at

We have poured buckets of work, sweat and love into Little Wild Things over the last 6 years and it has given us enormous joy. We will fight unreservedly to survive this and come back bigger and better.

Watch this space.

Your wild friends,

Chris, Charlotte, Alice and Charlotte


Charlie Hansford · Fri 1 May 2020, 15:37 · Link

Boundary Walk Cancelled

The Boundary Walk planned for Rogation Sunday 17th May has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 situation.  We hope to be able to re-instate the event in future years.

Please DO NOT attempt to do the walk independently - remember that the boundary route includes many sections that are NOT public rights of way and are which are not accessible without landowner permission.

Keep Well and Stay Safe! 

Peter Kenrick · Fri 1 May 2020, 13:08 · Link

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