News index


Town Service of thanskgiving to celebrate H. M. The Queen's 90th Birthday

A Town Service of Thanksgiving to celebrate H.M. The Queen's 90th Birthday will be held on Saturday 11th June at 6.30pm at St. Mary's Church, Charlbury. Representatives of the town's organizations are warmly invited to join us at the service. We do hope that you can encourage members of your organization to come. If your organization has a uniform please do wear it, or if you wish, dress in some way that indicates the 'flavour' of your organization.

If you wish to bring something along from your organization to add to a Queen's birthday display there will be an opportunity to do this; e.g. children's groups might like to make a large birthday card, the museum may have a coronation mug etc. The items will be returned to you at the end of the service.

We are hoping to have representation from all the towns clubs and societies so that this is truly a town event. We would be grateful if you could let us have approximate numbers attending and organization name by 4th June by e-mail to or call 810230.

With best wishes
Sally Welch
Vicar of Charlbury with Shorthampton

Jo Paton · Fri 29 Apr 2016, 13:39 · Link

Notification of event taking place in Cornbury Park on Saturday

There will be a May Day event featuring music in the grounds of Cornbury Park this Saturday (30 April) from mid afternoon until 10pm. All the ticket holders for the event will travel from Oxford to Cornbury by coach. The event will finish at 10pm at which point all of the event goers will leave by coach. The coach drivers have clear instructions about how to get to Cornbury and will not be driving through central Charlbury. The event has been given a licence to take place by WODC.

Alison Wright · Thu 28 Apr 2016, 16:12 · Link

Newspapers at Charlbury Deli & Cafe

You can now use your newspaper coupons at Charlbury Deli &Cafe. If you would like us to put your favourite newspaper by call in and ask.

Lynne Stubbles · Mon 25 Apr 2016, 19:02 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • Elmstead Crawborough Charlbury
    Erection of four dwellings and garages to including one self-build unit, alterations to existing dwelling and access onto Pooles Lane.
    WODC reference: 16/01318/FUL - Fri 01 Apr 2016 - Under consideration

Mon 25 Apr 2016, 07:24 · Link

A new era for Charlbury Town Football sports and social club

A new era for the Charlbury Town Football Sports and Social Club

This is to let Charlbury residents know that, although the Sports and Social Club has had to leave its former premises on the Spendlove site to make way for the forthcoming construction of the new Community Centre, the Club as a local organisation is by no means in abeyance.

Club members are now focussing on efforts to achieve a purpose-built extension on the side of the new Centre and to raise funds to cover the costs. Thanks to the Gifford Trust, provision for such an extension has been included in the planning permission for the new Centre but the Trust's charitable purposes do not allow them to provide it for us. It is now up to Sports and Social Club members to take this on.

In case you are not aware, the Club's aim is through Club membership to provide Charlbury residents and their families with access to facilities for informal indoor and outdoor sports and social activities in an affordable and friendly setting. We seek to do this through the following activities:
• Providing and maintaining club premises including facilities for providing drinks and refreshments and for viewing televised sports events and results.
• Running a club membership scheme open to all Charlbury residents with the membership fee kept to the minimum in the interests of accessibility.
• Providing users of the sports facilities on the Nine Acres Recreation Ground with after-match social facilities.
• Organising opportunities to take part in informal indoor and outdoor sports for adults and children and young people such as darts, Aunt Sally, card- and board-games, pool, Jenga, Connect 4, floor snakes and ladders.
• Organising social events and seasonal celebrations such as Christmas and Halloween parties, Easter Egg hunts, BBQs, quiz nights.

This is what we want to achieve through having Club premises within the new Community Centre complex. We are already planning to dedicate one evening for use by young people, as our facilities have been used by a number of youngsters as a friendly place to meet and play pool or darts. In the meantime we have looked for temporary accommodation in various places in the town but so far have not found a satisfactory solution.

Since May 2015 the Club has been "under new management". The current committee includes the following members: Cyril Kerry (Chairman), Simon Bridgeman (Vice-Chairman), Mandy Cooper (Secretary), Nicola Pearson (Treasurer), Darren Oliver, Martin Prew, Ann Cleaver, Steve Sullivan, Rob Casey, Adele Mortimer and Gary Jones. Many of us have long-standing Charlbury connections and involvement in community activities, especially football.

The Club started as part of the Charlbury Town Football Club but in recent years has operated separately. We are now working closely with the Men's Football Club, with whom we are combining again, and are having similar discussions with the Boys Football Club. Together we are exploring the best constitutional form to adopt for the future.

But that does not change the fact that we welcome membership from anyone in Charlbury who wants to take part in our activities.

If you would like to help us move forward with our plans, we would be pleased to hear from you. Have you experience of fund-raising including applying for grants? Do you know something about different legal formats for sports clubs and associated organisations? Would you be willing to supply building or other materials? Could you help with the construction of the extension? If so, please email: or phone 810264 or 07534 097715.

We have also set up a crowd-funding site:in order to receive donations from well-wishers.

mandy · Wed 20 Apr 2016, 20:19 · Link

Two appeals in less than a week!

After several quiet weeks, Charlbury Refugee Action Group has just received two appeals in less than a week!


Jon Carpenter · Mon 18 Apr 2016, 16:13 · Link

Thomas Gifford Trust - AGM

The trustees of The Thomas Gifford Trust will be holding their Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 12th May 2016 at 8pm at the Charlbury Memorial Hall. This meeting will be an opportunity to find out the latest developments regarding the Charlbury Community Centre. We look forward to seeing you there.
Marjorie Glasgow, Chair of Trustees

daniela jenkins · Mon 18 Apr 2016, 13:11 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

Mon 18 Apr 2016, 07:05 · Link

Amazing Sport Relief Effort

Back on the 18th March we held a fundraising event in aid of Sport Relief at Charlbury Primary School. All the pupils took part in relay runs around the school grounds, with the older children helping to organise the event and support the younger pupils. We have been steadily receiving the sponsor money that the children collected and can now reveal that the total amount our pupils have raised is £4071.82! Thank you to anyone who has sponsored our pupils, we are really pleased to have achieved this fantastic total.

Charlbury Primary School · Fri 15 Apr 2016, 14:39 · Link

Post Office - Support - Post Office

Thanks to Elaine and Pam at Charlbury Post Office for receiving hundreds of completed Town Survey Forms - another one of those services we so nearly might have lost!
(And thanks to all who returned their completed forms)
John Hole
on behalf of
Charlbury Neighbourhood Forum

john hole · Fri 15 Apr 2016, 12:04 · Link

Shoes and other footwear for refugees

'The Jacket Off Your Back' has so far sent over 2 million items of aid to children in Syria, Lebanon, Eastern Europe and Greece. Charlbury Refugee Action Group is helping with a collection of shoes and other footwear locally, to be shipped to children living in extreme poverty at the end of April.

Children's shoes are needed above all, but adult footwear is welcome too.

Because of the variety of places the shoes are going to, all kinds of footwear are appropriate. Everything from flip flops to snow shoes, such is the variety of terrain and climate involved.

We have the usual collection point on The Green in Charlbury. Email for details if you don't know them.

Deadline is April 30.

Just one final point: please tie or tape pairs of shoes together!

Secretary, Charlbury Refugee Action Group

(Since we first set up six months ago, CRAG has sent lots of food and clothing to refugees in Greece and France, as well as raising nearly £5000 in cash donations.)

Jon Carpenter · Thu 14 Apr 2016, 11:45 · Link

Charlbury town football sports and social club

It is with heavy heart I write this as from Sunday 17th April 2016 charlbury town football sports and social club will close. We wish to thank everyone who has worked helped out and supported us it has been greatly appreciated. We want to thank all the committee members who organise events for fundraising towards are new club house. To the men's football teams for coming back on a Saturday the darts teams and so many more that have supported us. WE WILL BE BACK. In a nice new clubhouse. Please keep supporting us with any fundraising we do. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you again and Watch This Space.

mandy · Wed 13 Apr 2016, 22:52 · Link

Screen Test quiz: last call for tickets

The food suppliers for Saturday's 'Screen Test' event, in aid of the CCCA, need to know in advance how many to provide for. So if you're planning to come but haven't got your tickets yet, please buy them from Charlbury Post Office by 5.30 on Wednesday afternoon at the latest, or leave a message for Ed on 01608 811198/ Please also leave a message for Ed if you require a vegetarian alternative to the fish and chip supper.

Remember, it's an observation-based quiz - no general knowledge required, so it's suitable for all the family - and any number of people, up to a maximum of six, can form a team. Or you can ask to be placed with another team on the night … But you'll still need your tickets in advance!

Edward Fenton · Tue 12 Apr 2016, 11:24 · Link

Southill Solar shortlisted for Business Green awards

More amazing news for Southill Community Energy - it has been shortlisted in 2 categories for the Business Green Leaders Awards

In the Renewable Energy Project of the Year award, we are up against commercial developers, banks, local authorities and national sustainability groups. What an achievement!

We have also been shortlisted for the Advertising/Marketing Campaign of the Year for our wonderful 'ImIn' campaign and the great graphics and creative behind it.

This is testament to the incredibly hard work that has gone on behind the scenes by the whole team, and I would like to thank each and everyone of them for their huge contributions. Thank you also to all our supporters and investors who have helped and encouraged us along the way.

The winners will be announced on July 6th.

Tim crisp · Mon 11 Apr 2016, 21:01 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

Fri 8 Apr 2016, 20:54 · Link

Thank you Charlbury !

Today I had the pleasure of collecting the cheque for £1000 from the Co-op in Chipping Norton which Lights Up has been rewarded with as a local good cause in their Community Choices scheme. I know that a lot of people in Charlbury registered and voted for us to win this money so huge thanks from me to all of you for your support.

We have two new members about to join us from Charlbury and that number will grow month on month. We will be delighted to help all of them to live well with their dementia and to support their families as we do but we need to exist to do so.

The money we have been given by the Co-op is a big help to us as at the end of the financial year Lights Up funding reduced by 50%. We are grateful to WODC who continue to part fund us, but they have lost the funds from external sources that they were able to pass onto us previously.

It costs £6k a year to run the free drop in Lights Up arts memory clubs twice a month in Chipping Norton. As of last week we only have £3k.

Of course I am willing to put in the effort to win money from supermarkets or to bake cakes to sell or to run 5k to raise money for our work. But it doesn't feel right to me that the specialized work that we do, supporting people who have lived full lives and are now struggling with dementia, should be depending for existence on such money. We face huge challenges now to be able to continue our work at all never mind to grow it and that is what we want to do as there is a growing need for it. More and more of us are affected by dementia, one in 14 people over 65 now has the condition and this is expected to increase in the next decades.

If you would like to support Lights Up by making a donation to help us to continue and to grow our work then please make out a cheque to Guideposts Trust. You can give it to me when you see me or drop me an email and I will give you my home address to send it to me. I have a guarantee that any donations made will be used just for Lights Up work.

We are now being managed by the national charity Guideposts Trust who are based in Witney and believes that everyone in society, regardless of condition, has a right to well being, opportunity and support within their communities. I do not know quite what this will mean for Lights Up, I hope it will be positive and that we will be well supported by them but I do know that funding will remain a major challenge for us.

If you know anyone locally whose life is affected by dementia and who would enjoy our friendly and supported sessions please do refer them to me. I can if needs be try to arrange volunteer help with transport from Charlbury. We have a session next Tuesday, further info below. If you would like to come and join a session to see what we do please contact me, you will be very welcome. We always need volunteers too !

Thank you very much for your support for Lights Up, it feels brilliant to know that there is so much goodwill in Charlbury for us.

Clare Carswell
Lights Up Co-ordinator

Lights Up is open to people living with dementia, their friends, family and carers as well as those with memory concerns. This positive name is an explicit attempt to address stigma; Lights Up is about lighting the time to come, lighting up the brain, living well and for the moment.
Lights Up is a free drop in session that offers a meeting place to relax and socialize and successfully facilitates participation in the arts, social engagement and learning new skills. The artist led sessions offer activities that engage and stimulate participants and provide creative opportunities. Lights Up also offers respite, support and information to carers as well as opportunities for community and peer support through volunteering. Lights Up is about supporting and promoting mental health and wellbeing, and supporting people to live well with dementia through the arts.

The club takes place on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at Highlands, 73 Burford Road OX7 5EE.
Sessions are between 10.30 ?" 12.30.

Clare Carswell · Fri 8 Apr 2016, 17:46 · Link

District Council seat candidates announced

The candidates have been announced for one of the two Charlbury & Finstock seats on West Oxfordshire District Council. The seat is currently held by Liz Leffman. (The other seat is held by Andy Graham and is not up for re-election this year.)

The candidates are:

  • Paul Honey, Conservative Party
  • Harriet Kopinska, Green Party
  • Liz Leffman, Liberal Democrats
  • Stephen Nash, UKIP
  • Ruth Smith, Labour

The election will take place on Thursday 5 May in the Memorial Hall.

Richard Fairhurst · Thu 7 Apr 2016, 17:30 · Link

Town Council - no election

Ten candidates have been nominated for the 12 seats on Charlbury Town Council, meaning that there will be no election.

The candidates nominated are:

  • Kathy Broughton*
  • Janet Burroughs
  • Richard Fairhurst*
  • Peter Kenrick*
  • Tony Merry*
  • Phil Morgan
  • Nick Potter*
  • Ron Prew*
  • Robin Puttick
  • Liz Reason*

A * indicates a sitting councillor. Valou Pakenham-Walsh, Susie Finch, Willem Hackmann, Tom Skelton, and Harriet Baldwin are not standing for re-election.

The two empty seats will be filled by co-option.

Richard Fairhurst · Thu 7 Apr 2016, 17:28 · Link

Southill Solar on BBC South

And here is the link, live until 6.55pm on Thursday.

Update: First aired this morning and will be shown again on the lunchtime news as well...

BBC South filmed the Southill Community Energy directors on the solar farm site today. They also took footage of the Corner House, one of the beneficiaries of the community benefit that will come out of the solar farm revenues. This is scheduled to be broadcast at 6.30pm on Wednesday 6th April.

Tim crisp · Tue 5 Apr 2016, 17:21 · Link

Southill Community Energy now over £600k

That's £120k since Friday!

Liz Reason · Mon 4 Apr 2016, 15:29 · Link

Nomination forms for town council must be in by 7 April!!!!

Nomination forms can be collected from the Town Clerk, Roger Clarke, 9 Hill Close, Charlbury, OX7 3SY. Get your completed forms to WODC offices by mid-day on 7th April. Forms cannot be submitted by post.

Liz Reason · Sun 3 Apr 2016, 09:37 · Link

Lights Up Won £1000 !

Thank you to the many of you in Charlbury who voted for Lights Up in the Co-op Community Choices Poll. I am delighted that we have been rewarded with the £1000 this month. The money will help Lights Up to continue our work supporting people to live well with dementia through the arts.

We have several members who come over from Charlbury and so it is lovely to feel such support for our work from the town.

Many thanks to all of you.

Clare Carswell

Clare Carswell · Fri 1 Apr 2016, 15:35 · Link

Charlbury Town Council Nominations

Elections will be held for all 12 members of Charlbury Town Council on Thursday 5th May 2016 and nominations for these places are currently being sought.

If you care about your town, this is a real opportunity for you to step up and make a difference! Some current councillors will not be standing so there is a real need for new candidates to come forward. It is really important for Charlbury that more than 12 candidates come forward to offer a real choice for local electors on 5th May. This is grass roots democracy in action.

Charlbury Town council continues to operate on a non-party political basis so that all councillors operate as independents.

We are entering a time when the Town Council can expect to have an increasingly important role to play on decisions and priorities affecting people in Charlbury as a result of the increased emphasis on localism. With important decisions to be taken the Town Council should represent the whole of our diverse community and so it would be good to see candidates from as many different backgrounds, age groups and interests as possible.

If you are interested in being part of the decision making process but you are not sure what is involved then please talk to any existing councillors. The Town Clerk is also happy to talk to prospective candidates. There is a perfect opportunity to talk to councillors this Saturday morning 2nd April from 10am in the Corner House at the bi-monthly surgery - please do come along!

There is no qualification or experience required just a commitment to the interests of the community and a willingness to get involved. So if you care about the community in Charlbury and would like to be more involved to ensure that Charlbury remains such a great place to live please consider standing in the election

Nomination forms can be obtained from the Town Clerk (call 01608 810608 during normal weekday working hours) or from West Oxfordshire District Council offices in Witney. You will need to be proposed and seconded by two registered electors and the deadline for submission is 4pm on Thursday 7th April.

Peter Kenrick · Fri 1 Apr 2016, 15:02 · Link

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