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Mummers and Morris added to Thursday's attractions

Attractions in town on Thursday 4 December will now include a mummers' play and the black-faced morris.

This is when the Christmas lights are switched on, the carol singers are out, seven shops are open till 8 and street stalls sell crepes and crafts. And Santa is in his grotto!

There's also a competition in which you can win £35 worth of vouchers to spend in the seven participating shops. Pick up an entry form in any participating shop on the night. It's FREE!

More of an event than ever this year -- not to be missed! It all starts at 6pm in Church Street. And why not book a table at one of the pubs for a meal later in the evening?

Jon Carpenter · Sun 30 Nov 2008, 13:31 · Link

More attractions for December 4

Charlbury businesses are working together to make the "Lighting Up" evening on December 4 even more exciting. At least 7 shops are staying open till 8 on December 4 and 18, and there will be carol singers, a crepe stall, other entertainment and street stalls, plus whatever the pubs lay on for the evening! So come and enjoy yourselves, join in the carols (meet outside The Bell at 6pm) and stock up for Christmas!

Lady Rotherwick has kindly agreed to turn the lights on at The Bell at 6pm on Thursday December 4.

Here's a simple way to save this Christmas... Seven Charlbury shops are offering the chance to win £70 in vouchers to spend with them (that's £35 on December 4 and again on the 18th): competition entry forms can be collected from any of the shops on the night in question. Entry is free and you don't have to buy anything, but you'll have to spot two clues in each of the shops! So arrive in good time, bring a pen, and brush up on your powers of observation and guesswork!

And let's not forget: Santa will be in his grotto outside The Bell from 6 to 8, thanks to generous support from Fairfax & Co. Bring the little ones along!

Jon Carpenter · Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:27 · Link

Volunteer family wanted for TV Programme being filmed now in Oxfordshire

Would you like to turn unwanted CLUTTER in your home into HARD CASH for a GOOD CAUSE?


Our team of experts could show you how to turn your JUNK into something USEFUL!

If your family has more useless bits and bobs than you know what to do with then REEF TELEVISION is looking for YOU!

We'll help you recycle, refurbish and repair your clutter, and raise some cash to share between your family and a good cause of your choice.

If you and your family are interested please contact

Katie Hobbs or Will Nichols on 0207 836 8595 or

We're filming now so get in touch ASAP!

Colin Critch · Tue 18 Nov 2008, 08:10 · Link

RH publish their timetable: a longer day and an evening service

RH have just published their timetable here:

When you put the Worth's, RH and Stagecoach timetables together, it looks as if there will be up to 5 buses calling in Church Street between 25 and 28 minutes past most hours during the day (not evenings). And all on one side?

Compared with Worth's, the RH service is costing the County Council 40% less for an improved service. The Worth's 69 service has operated until now with a subsidy of over £100k pa.

Jon Carpenter · Mon 17 Nov 2008, 11:57 · Link

December's Christmas tree display will be a record -- with your help

The number of illuminated Christmas trees in the town centre this year will be about 100, the highest ever. Eleven new homes and businesses have taken brackets for the trees, bringing the total of trees ordered by Charlbury Business Community (CBC) from local grower Geoff Burroughs of Halcyon Farm to 95. The trees and brackets are sold at cost by the CBC as a public service.

The increased display follows a campaign by the CBC to encourage people to "help fill the gaps", particularly where the display is weakest -- as in Church Street, for instance.

The CBC also provides a tree for the museum garden, and the Town Council provides trees on the Corner House.

Distribution of the trees takes place on Saturday November 29, when they will be delivered to 95 premises from a lorry. If you would like to help with the delivery (you'll need a pair of decent gloves, but you don't have to climb anywhere: the trees are left on doorsteps or in gardens) please phone Jon on 819117. Many hands make light work and the end result is widely regarded as a credit to the town.

Jon Carpenter · Tue 11 Nov 2008, 07:52 · Link

Money raised at Street Fair

You will all be pleased to learn that following our final meeting of this year, the Street Fair team were informed that this year's profit broke all records, raising £14,000. This means that we will be able to hand over to the Corner House Management Committee £13,500 which is more than we have ever done before.

In order to continue this upward trend, as before we are always looking for new blood to help us reach this target. Anyone wishing to help with next year's Street Fair, please contact Susie Finch at Look forward to hearing from you all!!

Susie Finch · Tue 11 Nov 2008, 07:03 · Link

British Toilet Association says Spendlove loos are tops

The public toilets at the Co-op, by the Spendlove car park, are the best in West Oxfordshire and among the best in the country - according to the British Toilet Association's Loo of the Year awards!

A West Oxfordshire District Council press release proudly boasts:

"The toilets at the Spendlove Centre car park in Charlbury gained an impressive 5 star excellent rating. The other four that were inspected received a four star rating and they are based at: Chipping Norton Town Hall, Bampton Town Hall, Black Bourton Road car park in Carterton, and Browns Lane in Woodstock.

"They were judged using a checklist of over 100 different criteria for assessing male, female, accessible and baby change facilities. West Oxfordshire District Council will now receive award grading certificates and a plaque for each site.

"All the toilets visited are part of an £800,000 refurbishment programme which started in 2006. They all now have new modern facilities which include self-contained cubicles, gents’ urinals, baby changing and access for those with disabilities to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)."

Rumours that brown signs are to be installed pointing the way to the toilets from the A44 could not be confirmed at the time of going to press.

Richard Fairhurst · Thu 6 Nov 2008, 12:56 · Link

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