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Skatepark repairs finally begin

Finally...The weather has been kind enough to allow the Charlbury Skatepark repairs to begin on Tuesday, June 24th. They will start with the things that require dry days, then go on to the things that don't on Thursday. The park will probably be closed until the weekend.

Kathy Broughton · Mon 23 Jun 2014, 16:59 · Link

Charlbury Debating Society

Friends and comrades domiciled in this fine town will be interested to know that the noble Charlbury Debating Society convened for its summer session on Friday evening.

The explosive motion, "Success in life is best measured by happiness", proposed by Kate Morris and opposed by Mark Hofman, was narrowly carried by 25% of votes to 13%, with 62% abstentions.

Lidia · Fri 20 Jun 2014, 22:29 · Link

WODC announces grant for Community Centre

West Oxfordshire District Council is to give £47,500 towards the new Community Centre on the Spendlove site. The grant is the joint largest of the council's latest Community Facilities grants. (Original press release: )

Richard Fairhurst · Thu 19 Jun 2014, 11:29 · Link

Thirst Great Western

The theme for the 17th Annual Charlbury Beer Festival is 'Rail Ale', and we're featuring ales from along the Cotswold Line up to Hereford. On Saturday 21 June - exactly a week before the Beer Festival - we're doing what's been described as 'the ultimate beer run', collecting firkins from stations along the line and bringing them here in the guard's van of the 12.13 train from Hereford. We're due to get back to Charlbury station at 14.08 that afternoon, and the firkins will be loaded on to a vintage lorry.

Edward Fenton · Tue 17 Jun 2014, 20:02 · Link

The Bull Inn quiz

The structure of the Quiz at The Bull is changing. Attendance at the usual weekly quiz has been steadily dropping off over the last few months, although the fund-raising Quiz Dinners we've had this year have been hugely popular, incredibly well attended and raised lots of money for good causes!

So we are now going to offer a monthly Quiz Dinner - to be held on the first Wednesday of the month - and this will replace the usual weekly quiz.

Clive - our inimitable Quiz Master - is still going to be writing the quiz, but just once a month rather than once a week now. A huge thank you to Clive for all the wonderful quizzes he has written thus far ... somewhere in the region of 370! And here's to the next era of Bull Inn quizzes!

Watch this space for details of the Quiz Dinner on Wednesday 2 July.

Alix Blumsom · Tue 17 Jun 2014, 16:58 · Link

The future of ChOC

ChOC is looking for film enthusiasts who want to get involved with the fun of choosing and showing films.

We sometimes get together between screenings to view and discuss films. Committee members have also attended national film events, as well as visiting other local community cinemas to learn from what they do.

As we approach this AGM we lose several key players, all of whom have done valiant work over the last year or more. It is an exciting time and gives us the chance to refresh the committee and offer new enthusiasts the opportunity to get involved.

But as things now stand, there is too much work for a small group of people to do.

So we need at the very least two or three new working and active committee members, together with new volunteers who can be asked to help out in different ways and on particular occasions. We certainly need someone to take on a lot of the secretarial/admin work, and a person or persons to manage front of house on film nights.

We would also welcome one or two more people interested in learning the skills of the projectionist: no projectionist, no film!

ChOC is sociable, fun and rewarding!

Hundreds of people will read this announcement. You are among them: thank you! How you respond is your individual decision, and your collective choices will help decide where ChOC goes from here.

The ChOC AGM is on Monday June 30 at 8pm in the Larcum Kendal room in the Corner House. If you believe ChOC can continue to provide a useful and relevant service to the Charlbury community; have ideas for improving what we do; and want to help choose films for our future programmes, please come along and offer to help, and (for members) elect the new committee. And discuss ChOC's future over a complementary glass of wine.

ChOC's future is far from certain at present, but you can change that.

Please email with any questions.

Jon Carpenter · Sat 14 Jun 2014, 10:08 · Link

Charlbury Beavers plant poppies

Derek Fowler Chairman of the Charlbury Branch of the Royal British Legion helped the Charlbury Beavers to plant Poppy Seeds on Thursday 5th June in the cemetery,to remember the start of WW1

Leah Fowler · Sun 8 Jun 2014, 14:02 · Link

Charlbury Open Gardens raises £2,000 for the Corner House and Memorial Hall

On the glorious sunny afternoon of Sunday 1st June well over 250 people turned out to view and enjoy eight magnificent gardens around the centre of Charlbury and to relax over tea and cakes at the Memorial Hall. I am now delighted to announce that this year's event raised a near-record sum of £2,000 for the Corner House and War Memorial Hall. Thank you for supporting your community!

I would like to extend special thanks to the garden owners who agreed to open their gardens to the public and who worked so hard in preparation and on the day to make the event so enjoyable for everyone. I would also like to thank the rest of the Street Fair team without whom the event would not have been possible, plus everyone else who helped on the day, everyone who made cakes, donated raffle prizes or assisted in other ways. Last but not least, thanks alsoto everyone who came along to support and enjoy the event. Many thanks!

I look forward to seeing you all again on 20th September for Street Fair.

Peter Kenrick · Fri 6 Jun 2014, 15:45 · Link

New programme of events at the Charlbury Beer Festival

The committee of the Charlbury Beer Festival are proud to announce a new programme of events and activities at this year's Festival on Saturday 28 June at the Cricket Club. Our new Culture tent will be hosting a printmaking workshop ... an informal writing workshop with best-selling author Tim O'Rourke ... performance poetry and sketches ... a 'meet the brewer' session ... a talk and Q&A session with a leading filmmaker who has made videos for Bob Dylan and Take That ... and comedy from the amazing Adrian Lancini. This is all in addition to our great programme of live music, World Aunt Sally Singles championships and children's activities throughout the day. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

Edward Fenton · Mon 2 Jun 2014, 15:00 · Link

The Big Lunch UK's annual get-together for neighbours

Sunday 1st. Members of The Neighbour Hood Watch in Hughes Close, Charlbury organised a big lunch for residents. With near perfect weather conditions around 27 residents and families enjoyed a party in the sun. Food was supplied by residents, and resulted in a feast of different foods,tea and soft drinks were supplied by members of the Neighbour Hood Watch team. The success of this party proving people still like to chat, plans are ahead for 2015.

john h · Sun 1 Jun 2014, 18:04 · Link

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