News index


Second number for Coronavirus Helpline

There has been high demand for the volunteer scheme, which helps people who are housebound due to Coronavirus. We are so glad it is proving useful to people. We have heard that you have difficulty getting through sometimes, so we have set up a second telephone number, to be used if 811878 is engaged. This number is 01608 819253 and it is for Noah's Ark, where the Glasgow family have kindly offered to pass your requests on to Daniela Jenkins who organises the volunteer team.

You can also email Daniela directly with your requests:

Tanya Stevenson · Tue 31 Mar 2020, 11:01 · Link

A message from WODC about dog waste collections

Some of you may have noticed some overflowing dog bins.  Our teams are working hard to resolve this.  It would appear that not everyone is aware of how we dispose of our various waste collections as I know some people think they are 'protecting' our landfill sites by placing their dog waste from home in dog poo bins. 

The list below indicates what happens to each waste stream where, as you will see, dog waste goes to the same place as residual waste and litter from  street bins.  So, dog waste does not have to go in dog waste bins.  If these bins are full they can be put in the street litter bins or take it home.

Food - anaerobic digester at Cassington

Residual - incinerated at Ardley, transfer station at Dix Pit.

Recycling - taken to Downs Road transfer station for delivery to processor in Birmingham

Green - for composting at Showell Farm, Chipping Norton

Litter from bins - incinerated 

Dog waste - incinerated 

We do not landfill anything collected from households or street cleansing, the only items that may be landfilled are larger items collected from fly tip.

Liz Leffman · Tue 31 Mar 2020, 10:20 · Link

Avoiding transmission of the Coronavirus

Viruses are tiny and relatively simple.

They exist as scraps of genetic code wrapped in a protein and lipid (fat) overcoat, measuring about one thousandth of the diameter of a human hair, and much smaller than bacteria

It is debatable whether viruses are living, since they hijack the cells in our bodies to create more viruses by turning the cells into virus factories.

This is why viral infections – such as the common cold – are so tricky to treat: they’re hard to combat without also damaging the cells the virus has infected.

The virus is very fragile; the only thing that protects it is a thin outer layer of fat.  That's why any soap or detergent is the best remedy, because the foam breaks up the grease (that's why you have to rub so much: for at least 20 seconds or more, and make a lot of foam).  By dissolving the fat layer, the protein molecule disperses and breaks down on its own.

How to dissolve the layer of fat :

HEAT melts the fat;  use water above 25֠ C to wash your hands, clothes and everything else.  In addition, hot water produces more foam which makes it even more useful.

Alcohol or any mixture with alcohol greater than 65% dissolves any fat, especially the external lipid layer of the virus.

Any mixture with 1 part of bleach and 5 parts of water directly dissolves the protein, breaks it down from the inside.

NEVER shake used or unused clothing, sheets or clothing.  While it is on a porous surface, it is very inert and disintegrates between 3 hours (fabric and porous material), 4 hours (copper, because it is naturally antiseptic; and wood, because it removes all moisture and does not let it detach and so disintegrates), 24 hours (cardboard), 42 hours (metal) and 72 hours (plastic).  But if you shake it, the virus molecules float in the air for up to 3 hours and can settle in your nose.

Viral molecules remain very stable in external or artificial cold air like air conditioners in homes and cars.  They also need moisture to remain stable and especially darkness.  Therefore, dehumidified, dry, warm and bright environments will degrade it more quickly. UV LIGHT on any object that may contain it breaks the virus protein. 

The virus CANNOT go through healthy skin. But it can transmit from your hands to your mouth, nose and eyes. 

Vinegar is NOT useful because it does not break the protective layer of fat.

NO ALCOHOL.  (The strongest vodka is 40% alcohol and you need 65% to dissolve the fat round the virus.)

The more space is limited, the higher the concentration of the virus.  Open spaces, or naturally ventilate your house: open the window. 

Wash your hands a lot, because molecules can hide in micro wrinkles or cuts.  And keep your nails short

Nikki Rycroft · Mon 30 Mar 2020, 15:36 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • 47 Ticknell Piece Road Charlbury
    Erection of single and two storey side extension and conversion of existing garage into a habitable room.
    WODC reference: 20/00627/HHD - Thu 19 Mar 2020 - Under consideration

Mon 30 Mar 2020, 06:15 · Link

New fresh veg box collection every Saturday afternoon

Normally Styans come to Charlbury Farmers Market every 3 months, but now we are lucky they are making up veg boxes for collection in Charlbury every Saturday afternoon from outside the Community Centre. Bring your own bag to transfer produce from the box AND keep your social distance at all times.

Order your box from by 10pm previous Thursday and pay online.

Check your email on Sat morning for your collection timeslot in the afternoon. To enable the safe collection of the pre-ordered veg boxes, there are 10 minute interval collection timeslots to 6 different collection points alongside the Community Centre organised by surname. Notifications are sent out on Saturday morning by email to everyone who has ordered a box.

To reduce contacts maybe arrange to collect for friends and neighbours.  if you are doing this please email and provide details so we can group your boxes together in the shade of the big tree by the entrance to the community centre for collection any time 2-3pm rather than have a specific timeslot.

House-bound and need your box delivered? Call the Community Centre on 01608 811878 or if engaged try 01608 819253 (weekdays only) or email your request to These boxes will also be under the shade of the tree and can be collected any time 2-3pm rather than a specific timeslot.

Boxes are Large or Small or Small Without Potatoes and there are optional extras like asparagus, beetroot, Jerusalem artichokes, pink fir apple potatoes, honey, and Worcestershire tomatoes grown using heat from a biomass boiler.

Please check the Events link for more detail

Organised by Charlbury Green Hub in conjunction with Janet Burroughs from Charlbury Farmers Market, Nikki Rycroft from Patients Participation Group, and Tanya Stevenson from the Community Centre.

Christine Elliott · Mon 30 Mar 2020, 05:23 · Link

Sustainable Charlbury grant funding for local environmental projects opens

Do you have a project or an idea for a project that will help Charlbury tackle climate change? Sustainable Charlbury is now in receipt of funds to finance or part-finance schemes that will contribute to making the town and surrounding area net zero carbon. It is anticipated that grants up to a total value of £30,000 will be awarded in the scheme’s first year of operation (April 2020 – March 2021).  

Sustainable Charlbury is administering the funding on behalf of Southill Community Energy (SCE) which runs the solar farm just outside Charlbury. SCE supports projects of value to the local community with income from renewable energy generated on its site. Starting this year, a minimum of £20,000 will be made available every year for community environmental projects, subject to the financial performance of the solar farm. The figure for this, our first year, is set at £30,000.

More specifically, applications for grants are requested from organisations with projects or ideas for projects of relevance to combating climate change in the areas of community cooperation, upgrading the energy performance of buildings, education, health, infrastructure, transport and biodiversity. The bulk of the funding is likely to go to a small number of larger projects (£5,000+) but applications for lesser amounts will also be considered. All projects must be located within 25 miles of Charlbury. The application process is open from 1st April. Decisions on the first round of grant applications are expected by the end of June 2020.

To find out more information or to make an application for funding, find us online at:; click on the heading ‘GRANTS’ near the top of the page.

Tim Crisp · Sun 29 Mar 2020, 17:15 · Link

This Tuesday - last fresh fish for a while

Jane Fisher from Brian’s Fresh Fish writes:

“Next week will be the last for a while due to problems with the supply chain. If you would like to buy fish this week, if possible, message me in advance with orders. The business email is”

The fish van is on Market Street on Tuesday afternoons.

Richard Fairhurst · Sat 28 Mar 2020, 13:48 · Link

The History of Charlbury through ..... the penny farthing bicycle

One of the most eye-catching items in the museum is a penny farthing bicycle, once owned by Fred Gardiner. He used to ride it regularly to Banbury, 15 miles up and down the hills. It must have caused quite a stir in Charlbury!

The penny farthing was not an easy ride. The large front wheel enabled it to go much faster than earlier bicycles and gave a better ride over rough ground. However it was difficult to mount and dismount and woe betide you if you fell off! It was popular among young men who began to cycle purely for sport. The name arose from the British penny and farthing coins – the side view of the bicycle looks like a penny leading the smaller farthing.

The heydays of the penny-farthing were the 1870s and the 1880s. The ‘high wheel’, first invented in France in 1870, was taken up and developed by others, including James Starley who was foreman of The Coventry Machinists Company, the first company in Britain to mass-produce bicycles.

Want to know more about bicycles? Visit 

This item is also posted on the Charlbury Museum Facebook page

There will be a new object posted here every week - look out for it next Saturday

Judy Dod · Sat 28 Mar 2020, 07:57 · Link

Little Wild Things activities online

Dear Charlbury mums and dads,

So it’s finally happened – in these very strange times, Little Wild Things forest school has gone digital!

We have uploaded videos of a few little outdoor adventures for you to try with your kids, either in the garden, on a walk or in a lonely field somewhere in accordance with government guidelines..... You can find them on our Instagram and Facebook page (links below) and we plan to post new ones for you to try each week.

Obviously as compete amateurs, these are a little rough and ready, but hopefully will give you all the information you need to have a little wild style joy together. Hold on to your hats, and forgive us for the gratuitous use of our own children - after all we’re not allowed to play with anyone else!

Hope you enjoy them and are all having fun in the sun.

The Little Wild Things team ;

Christine Donaldson · Fri 27 Mar 2020, 16:56 · Link

Charlbury Beer Festival

The Directors and Trustees of Charlbury Beer Festival and Charlbury and Overseas Community Projects held a meeting earlier this week, and came to a difficult but (in the circumstances) inevitable decision. We have tried to contact all those directly involved with the Festival before going public with the following statement:

'It is with regret we have had to cancel the 23rd Charlbury Beer Festival scheduled for Saturday 27 June 2020 in line with government advice. We hope to announce plans before the end of the summer for an alternative event should the opportunity present itself.

We would like to thank all our volunteer helpers, sponsors, musicians, performers, food vendors, Aunt Sally players, suppliers, and all of you who attend the event for your continued support past, present and future, and we wish you well in these trying times. Our plans now are to organise the next Charlbury Beer Festival event when we are all well enough to enjoy it. Let us hope this will be sooner rather than later.

Thanks for your understanding and looking forward to seeing you all soon.



Nick Millea

Chair - Charlbury Beer Festival 2020' 

Edward Fenton · Fri 27 Mar 2020, 16:49 · Link

Give & Take - spread the word!

We have set up a ‘Give & Take’ table near the front door of the Community Centre. If you have any extra tins of food, packets of pasta, cartons of long-life milk, etc, that you could spare, please do put them in the collection box. Equally, if you know of someone who could use a bit extra now, please feel free to take something away or encourage them to pop in. Items will be available during the Centre’s opening times. We can also take specific item requests, and deliver to someone's home.

If you cannot come to the Centre but have items to give, just email and we will arrange someone to pick items up at your door.

We also accept donations towards our stock in cash, cheque or digital transfer. St Mary's Church is coordinating this for us - please ask Betsy for more details.

With schools and businesses closing, there are many people who will find it increasingly hard to manage. Please do give what you can.

Thanks to everyone for helping!

B Glasgow · Fri 27 Mar 2020, 15:38 · Link

Play areas are closed

As a result of the Government guidance issued earlier this week, Charlbury Town Council’s play equipment on Nine Acres and at Ticknell Piece is not currently available for use. (This also applies to the hard surface on Nine Acres.)

The parks themselves, including Nine Acres and the Mill Field, are open for exercise but we ask you to keep a distance from other users and to wash your hands after touching hard surfaces.

Richard Fairhurst · Thu 26 Mar 2020, 16:32 · Link

The History of Charlbury in many objects as it takes to get us through this

While Charlbury Museum is closed, we thought we would share with you the story of the town through some of the many objects in our collection.  From coins to seed fiddles, child beaters to corn dollies, photographs to tithe maps, we have objects that will appeal to all interests and ages.  

There will be a different object each week, and we will put up a photograph and a short paragraph about it on this website.  Many will be chosen with children particularly in mind, in the hope it will foster in them an interest in the town and what it was like to live here in the past. 

The first object will go up this weekend, so keep an eye out for it! 

Judy Dod · Thu 26 Mar 2020, 08:47 · Link

Circuits Class Live Streamed Today at 6.30pm

Wondering what to do at home, how to keep your fitness levels up and how to fill all the time you spent at Charlbury Community Centre working out?...Don't worry...Jason's circuits sessions are now live and are ready to come right into your home.

This Thursday we are trialling a full hour's circuits session and we would love you to join us and be part of our online journey. Simply click the link which you'll find on our webpage (together with fuller insrtuctions) between 6.15 and 6.30 pm on Thursday to join the class:

If it goes well, we will be doing this every Thursday evening and Sunday morning.

Tanya Stevenson · Thu 26 Mar 2020, 08:29 · Link

Thai to go revised service

We now deliver on the following evenings to our usual trading locations from 4-8pm! Tue:Deddington Wed:Charlbury Thurs:Hooky Fri: Long Hanborough and anywhere in between! Call us before 6pm on 07971345106 to place your order. Deliveries are free and a minimum order of £25 applies. We even deliver on Saturday so give us a call. Thank you 🙏🏻

Jim Holah · Wed 25 Mar 2020, 19:25 · Link

Revised X9 bus timetable

Pulhams are now operating the X9 bus to the following timetable (Mon–Sat):

  • Departures from The Bell to Witney: 08.20, 10.20, 13.20, 16.20
  • Departures from The Bell to Chipping Norton: 09.26, 11.26, 14.26, 17.38
  • Departures from Witney to Charlbury: 09.00, 11.00, 14.00, 17.15
  • Departures from Chipping Norton to Charlbury: 08.00, 10.00, 13.00, 16.00

See for full details.

Richard Fairhurst · Wed 25 Mar 2020, 16:25 · Link

St Mary's and All Saints

St Marys and All Saints continue to be alive and active, even though our buildings are now closed.

You will find details of live streamed Eucharist, prayer and study resources, as well as our weekly update of reflections and readings on the website for the church 

Every morning at 11am you are invited to pause and pray with the Christian community. The Lords Prayer and Psalm 23 will bring us together as the body of Christ in prayer and worship.

If you would like to talk to the Vicar please get in touch by contacting the Parish Office on 

Jo Paton · Wed 25 Mar 2020, 12:17 · Link

Help for Shielded and Vulnerable

Did you receive a letter today? 

Have you been identified as especially vulnerable? 

Do you know someone who this applies to? 

Would you like some help with shopping and collecting prescriptions ? 

Charlbury volunteers can help you. Please phone 01608 811878 with a list of items you would like to be bought from Charlbury shops.

Volunteers will do your shopping (from Charlbury shops) and deliver it to you, leaving it outside your door. 

Pay over the phone by card, or if you don’t have a card, we will keep an account for you. 

Susan Terry · Tue 24 Mar 2020, 16:32 · Link

Friday Fish & Chip van

I regret to inform you that Darryl has had to cease trading following the PM's announcement yesterday.  He intends to be back as soon as possible when restrictions are lifted.

Jim Holah · Tue 24 Mar 2020, 15:59 · Link

Stagecoach reinstates S3 bus service to Oxford

We are pleased to announce that Stagecoach has agreed to reinstate a number of S3 bus journeys from Charlbury to Woodstock and Oxford.

Buses will leave Charlbury (outside the Bell) at 06.20, 07.58, 10.32, 13.32 and 16.32.

Buses will leave Oxford (Gloucester Green bus station bay 8) at 09.25, 12.25, 15.25 and 18.35 (Magdalen Street not Gloucester Green).

The first bus in, and last bus out, are service 7 which goes via the Banbury Road.

Full timetable:

Pulhams continue to run the X9 service to Witney and Chipping Norton to its usual timetable.

Richard Fairhurst · Tue 24 Mar 2020, 10:32 · Link

Riverside Festival

I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear that we’re cancelling this year’s Riverside Festival, which would have been our 25th.

However, the good news is that we had a very successful Riverside last summer with huge support from festival goers and local businesses, so we’re in good shape to put on a great show next year.

Another piece of good news - Andy Pickard who has run Riverside from the very beginning has been given a High Sheriff of Oxfordshire award ‘in recognition of great and valuable services to the community’. As well as pulling together a team of volunteers to organise Riverside every year, Andy organises music and food for many fund-raising events, volunteers at the local school and preschool and takes care of Charlbury’s Shed, a music, comedy and drama venue.

Kathryn Custance · Mon 23 Mar 2020, 14:30 · Link

Thai to go update

Mark & Katie posted this earlier today in Facebook & asked me to copy here for their Charlbury customers.

"In order to protect our customers, we have made the important decision to offer a delivery service to the local area, instead of trading directly from our van in our regular villages. We will offer this on Wednesday from 4-8pm.

We will take payment via a secure link prior to delivery to make things as safe as possible.

If you’d like to place an order, please call us on our usual number 07971345106 and we’ll give you the details. Orders will need to be placed before 6pm.

There will be no delivery charge, however a minimum order of £25 will be required

We really do appreciate your support and want to continue to give you the best safest possible service.

Please Share

Thank you Mark & Katie"

Jim Holah · Mon 23 Mar 2020, 12:44 · Link

Brians Barbers

Due to the current situation of


I have decided to Temporally Close the Shop until Further Notice

I would like to thank all my clients for their support at this difficult time.

Everyone Please Keep Safe and I Look Forward To seeing You All Again In Due Course

Many Thanks


Michael Butler 16 · Mon 23 Mar 2020, 11:24 · Link

Community Centre and Library Closed

Regrettably, Charlbury Community Centre and the Library are now both closed until further notice. The library will extend loan periods so no-one incurs any fines and the Community Centre will be used to co-ordinate help for Charlbury people who are vulnerable or in self-isolation or having difficulties. Please ring 01608 811878 from 9-5 on weekdays or 9-12.30 at weekends if you need help.

We hope you will find ways to keep fit and active (we are working on ways to help you with this) and look forward to seeing you all again when this is over.

Tanya Stevenson · Sun 22 Mar 2020, 12:50 · Link

Little monkeys

Little Monkeys closed its doors on friday to 'normal' nursery life to help the fight against covid-19.  We will remain open with a skeleton staff team to care for 'key workers' children, providing a safe and loving place helping ensure our 'key workers' can concentrate on what needs to be done.  When normal life resumes Little monkeys will reopen to all providing the best childcare to the whole community. Thank you. . #inthistogether #stayhomesavelives #protectthenhs 

Simon J Harley · Sun 22 Mar 2020, 11:31 · Link

Mothering Sunday, St Mary's Church

Sadly, we are unable to meet together this Sunday to celebrate Mothering Sunday.

Small posies will still be in church for anyone to collect from 9am on a first come, first served basis.

You need to be self distancing, but perhaps you can come in to collect a posy and have a quiet moment during these difficult times.

God of all Creation, thank you for our mothers and all who care for us, for their love and dedication which reflects your own love and care. May these gifts of flowers remind us of the joy of human love and the depth of your love shown in your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Thank you to Sarah and Nick Potter for the daffodils.

Maureen Sparling · Sun 22 Mar 2020, 09:43 · Link

St Mary's live-streaming services

St Mary’s Church will be live-streaming communion services on Sundays and Wednesdays, starting tomorrow (Sunday 22nd March).

You can watch live on YouTube - click here. The Sunday service will start at 8am.

You can also use the same link to watch the service afterwards on ‘catch-up’.

Richard Fairhurst · Sat 21 Mar 2020, 17:25 · Link

The Codfather ceases trading tomorrow.

Sadly, since my last post, The Codfather has decided that he has to cease trading during the coronavirus crisis.  His last day will be Sunday 22nd March.  

Jim Holah · Sat 21 Mar 2020, 14:27 · Link

All S3 buses cancelled from next week

Stagecoach have released a new timetable for the S3 bus which involves no journeys to/from Charlbury (except for the 06.20am service 7 departure). We have reached out to Stagecoach to ask for some Charlbury journeys to be reinstated. 

Richard Fairhurst · Fri 20 Mar 2020, 20:14 · Link

The Charlbury Deli's open till 2 Mon-Sat.

The Deli's still fully stocked with most basic groceries, like eggs, milk and bread. Usually organic and locally-made: always scrumptious. 

We'll whip up a delicious Deli sandwich for you to eat at out outside tables, take home or to munch during your daily outdoor exercise. 

If you'd like to pick up a treat while buying necessities: we've got a growing choice of fresh fruit & veg, the nicest chocolates for miles, delicious cheeses, the town's most interesting wine range (including wonderful organic wines) as well as sensational local sourdough. And newspapers.

When the weather's fine, you can sample the best coffee in the Cotswolds at our tables along Market St or in our lovely walled garden. Or take it away whatever the weather's like.  

Our website will explain. 

Michael Flanagan · Fri 20 Mar 2020, 13:06 · Link

Train services to be reduced

Train services will be reduced from Monday.  GWR say they will be operating an hourly service along the Cotswold Line between London and Worcester. Full revised timetables will be published by Sunday lunchtime at the latest.

Richard Fairhurst · Fri 20 Mar 2020, 10:27 · Link

The Methodist Church has suspended services

Sadly the Methodist Church has suspended services for the time being in line with government guidance.

Susan Tokumine · Thu 19 Mar 2020, 20:54 · Link

St Teresa's Catholic Church suspends services

The Catholic Bishops have just announced that all Masses will be suspended from this Friday evening, 20th March. That means the last Mass in St Teresa's for the time being will be 7pm tomorrow [Thursday], the Solemnity of St Joseph.

Wed 18 Mar 2020, 17:27 · Link

Memorial Hall and Corner House closing

The Memorial Hall and Corner House are closing to the public. This is because the trustees do not wish to provide a venue in which transmission of the coronavirus is likely. This current virus can spread from person to person very easily and the consequences can be fatal. That is why we must all be extremely careful when close to or in contact with others. The virus can also be picked up from hard surfaces which have been touched by those who, sometimes unaware, are already carrying the disease.

The Memorial Hall kitchen will continue to be used for the preparation of meals on wheels and other meal services in the community. Those services are likely to become even more important if increasing numbers of people ‘self-isolate’ and become reliant on a meal turning up at the doorstep. We have to really appreciate those volunteers who are preparing and distributing those meals.

The Corner House ‘bookshop’ will not be accessible because the virus can be transmitted from books that have been handled by persons carrying the virus.

It is important that Charlbury continues as a community but we all need to be aware in these times that physical contact and close proximity is not good. This situation is likely to continue for some months. We hope our people will be spared and that spirits can be kept high.

Roy Scott · Wed 18 Mar 2020, 15:52 · Link

St Marys and All Saints - services cancelled

It is with great sorrow, and no small amount of shock, that I have to share with you the announcement made by the Church of England at 1.30 this afternoon that in light of the Government guidance around non-essential contact, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued advice that public worship is suspended until further notice.

This does not, of course, mean that the work of the church will cease:

Both St Marys (Charlbury) and All Saints (Shorthampton) will continue to be open every day for private prayer and reflection.

I will continue to say morning prayer every day in St Marys on behalf of the church community and the wider parish.

Prayer cards and other resources will be available for use within the church building and to take away.

A regular printed and online resource will be available which will have the readings for the week as well as some prayers and a reflection.

Links will be posted to the many and varied digital resources that are now available online.

As a community we will continue to offer our time and talents in the service of those who need them, joining with other community groups to support and encourage those who will suffer in the coming days.

We have been asked to give our support to a day of prayer and action this Sunday 22 March, in particular to place a lighted candle in our windows at 7pm as a sign of solidarity and hope in the light of Christ that can never be extinguished. Candles will be available in church for that purpose. 

Sally Welch, Vicar, Charlbury with Shorthampton

Jo Paton · Tue 17 Mar 2020, 16:55 · Link

Sharing information in the coronavirus outbreak

As daily life is restricted during the coronavirus outbreak, Charlbury people have been posting helpful information and sharing news here, on the forum and in the news pages. With such a fast-changing situation, it’s easy for useful information to get lost as more new information is added.

We now have dedicated Community Support pages where the most important information will be collected.

Please continue to post in the news and forum pages as usual – the most important postings will be copied across to the Community Support pages.

At present there are just two pages for health and shopping, but more will be added in time. If you have any information that you think will be useful for housebound or other restricted people, please post it in the forum.

Richard Fairhurst · Tue 17 Mar 2020, 15:05 · Link

Many classes cancelled

The Community Centre and library are still open, but all Jason's circuits classes and line dancing classes are suspended as they are effectively "gatherings". But please stay active (outdoors where possible!). The gym is operating by appointment only so it can be cleaned between users. Please ring 811878 to book a slot. Sorry for all the inconvenience, but we are trying to protect you!

Contact your instructor to find out whether your other classes are on, and we will update our website if we hear of cancellations.

Tanya Stevenson · Tue 17 Mar 2020, 07:57 · Link

Morris dancing taster session cancelled

Due to growing concerns regarding Coronavirus we have taken the decision to cancel the Morris dancing taster session that was to be held in the Memorial Hall on Saturday 28th March.
We hope to hold this later on in the year.
In the meantime if there are any dancers or musicians who would like to join Wychwayz Border Morris at a Tuesday evening practice session some time in the future please do contact Teresa Duester on 07881 963328 or email

Teresa Duester · Mon 16 Mar 2020, 15:32 · Link

St Mary's Church

Services will continue as normal at this stage.

As of today, Monday 16 March, the following events will still take place:

Font Café 10.00 St Marys Thursday 19 March

Stay and Play 9.30 Bowls Club Friday 20 March

Holy Communion 8.00 St Marys Sunday 22 March

Messy Church 9.00 St Marys Sunday 22 March

Choral Evensong 6.00 St Marys Sunday 22 March

All Lent talks and Lent lunches have been cancelled.

All those entering the church building are asked to use hand sanitizer or wash their hands.

The church building is regularly cleaned, and all frequently used surfaces – door handles, altar rails etc are disinfected.

Any food provided at events will be served individually wrapped. 

St Mary's will be working with the Community Centre to provide support for those who need to self-isolate in the coming weeks. 

Jo Paton · Mon 16 Mar 2020, 12:14 · Link

Lent lunches and Lent talks

Churches Together in Charlbury regret that due to concerns about spreading the Coronavirus we have decided to cancel all the remaining Lent lunches and Lent talks.

Rosalind Scott · Mon 16 Mar 2020, 10:56 · Link

Macmillan Flash Do postponed

Due to the health concerns around the Coronavirus, we have sadly decided to postpone the Flash Do in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support until later in the year. However, we will definitely find a suitable date to do it again.

Dave Oates · Sun 15 Mar 2020, 16:01 · Link

Coronavirus Card


This is being circulated by Witney Radio - just print off and drop through vulnerable neighbours doors if you can help. Good idea in the coming weeks!

Vijay Desor · Sun 15 Mar 2020, 12:24 · Link

Charlbury Garden Society Talk - Thursday 19th March - CANCELLED

Due to concerns about the current situation, this talk has now reluctantly been cancelled, hopefully to be rescheduled at a later date.

Geneviève Hug · Sun 15 Mar 2020, 09:32 · Link

Swifts Mosaic Workshops POSTPONED

Following the successful project to make a swoop of sixty mosaic swifts for the Community Centre courtyard we have been invited to make another sixty swifts for the library walls. 

Workshops to make the swifts will be held on the afternoons of Wednesday April 8th, Wednesday April 15th, Saturday April 18th and Saturday May 2nd. 

 Workshops will be 2.00-4.00 in the Community Centre. 

 If you would like to join one of these please contact Phil Roberts: (Tel: 810762). 

 There is no charge for these workshops and you will be able to enjoy your mosaic swift placed among all the others whenever you visit the library.

Tony Lloyd · Fri 13 Mar 2020, 18:01 · Link

Local elections postponed - reports

National media are reporting that May’s local elections are to be postponed by a year, as a result of coronavirus concerns.

These elections include one of Charlbury’s two seats on West Oxfordshire District Council, and all seats on Charlbury Town Council.

Elections in this area are administered by WODC and this news item will be updated when they publish more details.

Richard Fairhurst · Fri 13 Mar 2020, 15:52 · Link


It is with great sadness that we have decided to cancel our Bach concert on Saturday 4th April in light of the current Coronavirus situation.  We hope you all understand and we look forward to singing in your lovely church again as soon as we possibly can.

Karen Benny · Fri 13 Mar 2020, 10:51 · Link

Servicemen and women of World War II

Charlbury Museum would love to hear from you if one of your family served in the Second World War.  Diana and Peter Bennett have been working hard to compile a complete list of those who served and have records of about 180 men and women.  But they have very few details about many of them, and even fewer photographs.  We would love to be able to discover any stories or experiences that they may have shared with their families.      And thank you to the family of Frank & Muriel Anderson who have provided us a wealth of detail and information about their parents' lives during the war.  Such contributions are just what the museum needs.    If you have anything you think may be of interest, please contact Diana or Peter on 01608 810197 or email

Judy Dod · Thu 12 Mar 2020, 11:53 · Link

Charlbury Street Fair Quiz Postponed

"We are sorry to announce that the CSF quiz has had to be postponed because of unforseen events. We will be looking to re-arrange this later in the year as the situation allows. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience, and all involved are very dissappointed to have had to make this decision".

Rachael Lunney · Tue 10 Mar 2020, 07:38 · Link


The Practice urges you NOT to attend if you have any symptoms such as a fever, cough or cold, or have returned from one of the at risk areas for Coronavirus. If you are concerned please contact 111 either by telephone or on line. It is essential that you do not go to the Medical Centre to avoid contaminating the staff and other patients, which might result in closure of the Practice. If you are telephoning for an appointment you will be asked if you have any of the above symptoms .

You are also asked to attend for review of asthma, COPD, or other long term respiratory conditions, and your medication,  if you have not been reviewed recently and you are currently well.

Nikki Rycroft · Mon 9 Mar 2020, 15:36 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

Mon 9 Mar 2020, 06:15 · Link

Syrian refugee collection

The collection for Syrian Refugees at the Bring and Take on Saturday (29 Feb.) raised £114.06. The money will be sent to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Maureen Sparling · Sun 8 Mar 2020, 19:13 · Link

VE Day 75: looking for stories and photos from Charlbury in WWII

Friday 8th May marks 75 years since the end of WWII in Europe. To link with this, the museum is mounting a display of memories and objects to show what life was like in Charlbury during the war. We have devoted two cabinets to telling how Charlbury resembled a garrison town, how Charlbury’s own ‘Dad’s Army’ was formed, how evacuees fled here to escape the bombing in London, and how people coped with rationing and entertained themselves.

Do you have any family stories, photographs or items from Charlbury in the war years which you would be willing to share with us? We have already been fortunate enough to be loaned a RAF uniform by the family of Joe Harrison who served in 207 Squadron in Lincolnshire (see photo).

We plan to have a pin board to record stories and reminiscences from Charlbury people from that time. Can you help us add to the board? If so, please do get in touch with either Sue on 819133 or Judy on 810109 or contact us through this website.

Many thanks,

Charlbury Museum Committee

Judy Dod · Thu 5 Mar 2020, 09:55 · Link

Macmillan concert

The Flash Do in aid of Macmillan at the Memorial Hall is less than 3 weeks away on Saturday 21st March. Advance tickets are selling really well so if you want to take advantage, please call or email Dave on 07974 835448 or 4 bands, performance art, food and bar!!

Dave Oates · Mon 2 Mar 2020, 15:47 · Link

Charlbury Street Fair Quiz

Tables are selling like hot cake for Charlbury Street Fair Quiz 2020  on 14th of March.

Please email Carolyn Ashton on to book a table or see Event listing. 

Rachael Lunney · Mon 2 Mar 2020, 07:43 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • St Diuma House Park Street Charlbury
    First floor extension to existing garage with the addition of dormer window to the east elevation.
    WODC reference: 20/00587/LBC - Tue 04 Feb 2020 - Under consideration
  • St Diuma House Park Street Charlbury
    First floor extension to existing garage with the addition of dormer window to the east elevation.
    WODC reference: 20/00366/HHD - Tue 04 Feb 2020 - Under consideration

Mon 2 Mar 2020, 06:15 · Link

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