News index


Culture at the Charlbury Beer Festival: full line-up announced

We are pleased to be able to announce the full line-up for the CBF's Culture Club - kindly sponsored by the Charlbury Deli and Café - which will take place place down at the Cricket Club on Saturday 30 June.

12.30: The Choirs of Charlbury Primary School, led by Jennie Grierson, sing a selection of their favourite songs.

1.15: 'International and Personal Development' with Ander Morgan and Stan Charles-Jones. Two friends discuss their separate volunteering journeys, reflecting on the broad and diverse impacts that they experienced as a result.

2.00: 'Slap Mappy: The Trials and Fibrillations of Bookmaking and Medieval Maps.' Professor Dan Terkla of the Illinois Wesleyan University in conversation with Nick Millea, map curator at the Bodleian Library, Oxford.

2.45: 'Poo: A Beetle's Perspective' with Darren Mann of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History.

3.30: 'Bletchley Park: The Human Story.' Jonathan Byrne, Oral History Officer at Bletchley Park, talks about the secret code-breaking work that changed the course of World War II, and about his own work, interviewing hundreds of the men and women who worked there.

4.30: 'The Muck Called Gold.' Simon Walker asks why, in the final years of the 19th century, 100,000 men, women and children risked their lives for the chance of making their fortune in the Klondike region of Canada.

5.30: 'The Eleanor Crosses.' Author Decca Warrington talks to Brenda Stones about the monumental building plan conceived by Edward I to commemorate his late wife, in locations from Lincoln to Charing Cross.

This year the Culture Club is sharing a marquee with the tea tent, so non-drinkers as well as beer-drinkers are all very welcome!

Edward Fenton · Thu 28 Jun 2018, 14:40 · Link

Charlbury Speedwatch update June 2018

This morning, Speedwatch resident volunteers supported by Special Inspector Milton Eldridge, set up on The Forest Road next to the Day Nursery. In just an hour we recorded 46 vehicles exceeding the speed limit up to a maximum of 56 MPH, there were more, but there's a limit to how many registration numbers can be captured by the human eye. TVP will be following up with those drivers recorded and intend to carry out further monitoring in the area soon. Tomorrow we'll be set up on another road in the town hoping to deter speeders from threatening the safety of other road users and especially pedestrians and cyclists. If you want to be involved, contact Jim Holah at

Jim Holah · Thu 28 Jun 2018, 12:48 · Link

Wilderness Tickets - Silent Auction in aid of Charlbury Community Centre

Don't miss your chance to place your bids for 2 pairs of Camping Tickets for Wilderness Festival in August. (Camping is optional!). Bidding ends this Friday, 29th June at 12noon! To place your bids email Proceeds in aid of Charlbury Community Centre.

daniela jenkins · Mon 25 Jun 2018, 11:10 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • 53 Nine Acres Close Charlbury
    Proposed dwelling and construction of both vehicle and pedestrian accesses.
    WODC reference: 18/01593/FUL - Thu 21 Jun 2018 - Under consideration
  • 19 Sandford Rise Charlbury
    -Single storey front and rear extensions.
    WODC reference: 18/01461/HHD - Mon 18 Jun 2018 - Under consideration

Mon 25 Jun 2018, 08:00 · Link

Warning - Broken glass on Nine Acres Playground

Parents please be vigilant at Nine Acres Playground, particularly around the square climbing frame and the toddler slide/climbing frame for broken glass. It looks as though someone was throwing glasses and beer bottles at them deliberately. My husband cleared what he could but there is definitely more there, and maybe elsewhere around the equipment that we didn't spot.

Jody O'Reilly · Sat 23 Jun 2018, 20:37 · Link

Charlbury Street Fair Theme

Street fair is excited to announce the theme of this year's Street Fair will be The Wizard of Oz

Elaine Newbold · Fri 22 Jun 2018, 19:09 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

Mon 18 Jun 2018, 08:00 · Link

Fire in Witney

Expect serious delays in the Hailey Road/West End area of Witney.

Pulhams Coaches tweeted at 11.48:

'Due to a scrap yard fire in Witney, West End is closed. The X9 will try to serve all stops but will run late in both directions.'

[Photo uploaded to Twitter by Ed Hicks]
'The Deputy Leader of West Oxfordshire District Council, Toby Morris, tweeted: "The fire in West End #Witney is now under control. Road will be closed over night. Just been to the refuge point to speak to residents with one now having emergency accomodation organised." '

Jon Carpenter · Wed 13 Jun 2018, 13:25 · Link

Bequest to Charlbury Museum

Nan, late daughter of Bert (H J) Howse (1896 - 1972), formerly shoe-maker in Market Street, has bequeathed to Charlbury Museum Bert's WWI medals, including the Military Medal, awarded to him for his actions on 1st November 1918 in Italy, the oak-leaf marking a Mention in Despatches in May 1918, and a gold badge and Certificate of Merit awarded by the British Legion for his 45-year service to the Charlbury Branch. Post-war Bert served in Charlbury Fire Brigade.
The citation for his Military Medal reads:
"On 1.11.18, North of Asiago, this NCO was Acting CSM of his company when it was ordered to fill in a gap between two attacking battalions. During a most dificult advance through thickly wooded country he set a splendid example of courage and determination, making a personal reconnaissance, and leading his men up the most precipitous places to carry out his task."
The Museum is proud to display his medals on behalf of his family, one hundred years after his brave actions.

Janet Jeffs · Mon 11 Jun 2018, 09:53 · Link


Charlbury Art Society has launched a Community Art Project to make and install a swoop of swifts. Around fifty individual birds will be made of mosaic and placed on the Nine Acres Pavilion wall in the courtyard outside the library.

During 2017 the Art Society organised a number of popular have-a-go sessions where people of all ages could try something new in workshops ranging from ceramics and painting to photography and printmaking.

This new community project will build on this success and a series of workshops are planned to make the swifts. The initial workshop was held on Friday 8th June at the Community Centre with members of their Youth Club making the first swifts.

The idea is to promote greater involvement in the arts in Charlbury, particularly to encourage more younger people to engage in the arts. The project is being supported by an established local mosaic artist, Becky Paton, who has created a number of community mosaics in Oxfordshire.

Generous financial support from the Charlbury Beer Festival and West Oxfordshire District Council has enabled materials to be purchased and members of the Art Society have volunteered to give their time to support the workshops.

Patricia Freeman is leading the project. If you would like to be involved in one of the workshops please contact her on 01608 810360.

Ann Lloyd · Sun 10 Jun 2018, 16:05 · Link

Wilderness Tickets - Silent Auction in aid of Charlbury Community Centre

Don't forget to place your bids for two pairs of Camping tickets for Wilderness Festival 2018. A pair of tickets is valued at £380 and you can place your bids by emailing Bidding will close at 12 noon on Friday 29th June.

daniela jenkins · Fri 8 Jun 2018, 11:34 · Link

New memory problems group for Charlbury

There is to be a new care & wellbeing group for people living with memory problems, and their carers. Called Charlbury SMILE it is to be run by arts & dementia specialist Clare Carswell with Rhonda Riachi, a researcher from Oxford Brookes. The group is supported by Age UK. There are to be four pilot sessions starting on Friday 22nd June at The Friends House at 10.30.

Each two hour session will include welcome time, seated exercise to music followed by enjoyable activities such as music, poetry, dance, arts & crafts and of course refreshments. There will also be sharing time, support and information to carers.

There may well be people in the town and surrounding area who are isolated, living with anxiety or memory problems or who have a diagnosis of dementia, and this group could be very enjoyable for them, as well as helpful for their carers.

The group will be assisted by volunteers, who will be supported by Age UK. If you might like to volunteer do get in touch with us. You do not need to have art skills but be active and kind and wiling to help with welcome, setting up and clearing away, supporting activities and serving tea and coffee.

If you know of anyone who might benefit from this group, they, or their carer, need to ring Rhonda on 07533 248659 to have a chat and to book onto the sessions.

Clare Carswell · Fri 8 Jun 2018, 07:56 · Link

Can you help us?

Laurence Home Nursing Team are running a tea and cake stall at this year's Beer Festival and need cakes. Can you please make a cake or two? Please contact Sarah Darnell on 01608 811274 to arrange collection or deliver to the cricket ground by 11am on the day. Thank you for your support.

Tue 5 Jun 2018, 17:45 · Link

Charlbury Street Fair 2018 – Still seeking Key Volunteers!

Preparations are well in hand for our 2018 Street Fair but we are finding that we do need a couple of extra pairs of hands in the run up to September.
One is ideally a person competent in InDesign software to collate the details, edit and arrange for printing of our programme leaflet, also to produce posters for advertising the event The deadline for the programme is in July so this is becoming more urgent.

Another is someone to manage the CSF website updating details and generally performing 'housekeeping on the website'.

The work is not onerous I anticipate a few hours in June/ July for the leaflet and a couple of hours for the posters, and help and support will be given to anyone volunteering.

We also need one or preferably two people as our 'Masters of Ceremony' on the day.

In the longer term, as Hannen Beith our stalwart Secretary is standing down after this year's event, we will very much welcome a volunteer with good administrative skills to join us. Between Hannen and myself we would ideally like to arrange a handover September/ October time so we can start the 2019 arrangements smoothly!

If interested do contact us via
John Dora, Chair, CSF Committee

John Dora · Tue 5 Jun 2018, 10:28 · Link

Royal recognition for the Cotswold Voluntary Wardens

The work of the Cotswold Voluntary Wardens ?" the group of volunteers that helps maintain the countryside around Charlbury and right across the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty ?" has been rewarded by The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service. Known as the MBE for voluntary groups, this is the highest award given to local volunteer groups across the UK, and recognises outstanding work done in their own communities.
Several of the Wardens live in and around Charlbury, with recent work parties having involved maintaining footpaths, repairing and replacing footpath gates, woodland management in Centenary Wood and elsewhere, and repairing dry-stone walls. The Wardens also lead the programme of local guided walks, as well as providing education projects about the Cotswolds AONB for local schools.
Founded in 1968, the Cotswold Voluntary Wardens celebrate their 50th anniversary this year. Martin Lane, Director of the Cotswolds Conservation Board, said, "The Wardens put in over 48,000 hours of work last year, across a diverse range of projects, so this award is a wonderful recognition of their dedication to this beautiful region."
To find out more about the Wardens and the work that they do, go to or get in touch with Tony Merry, Tony Graeme or Simon Walker.

Simon Walker · Tue 5 Jun 2018, 10:27 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • Woody Lane House Woody Lane Charlbury
    Erection of two storey rear extension and installation of Juliette balcony with dormer roof over to side elevation of existing first floor bedroom
    WODC reference: 18/01484/HHD - Tue 22 May 2018 - Under consideration
  • White Hart Cottage Market Street Charlbury
    Conversion of attic to include two new dormers to the front.
    WODC reference: 18/01408/HHD - Tue 29 May 2018 - Under consideration
  • White Hart Cottage Market Street Charlbury
    Internal and external alterations to include conversion of attic with front dormers, changes to internal layout and installation of new staircase.
    WODC reference: 18/01409/LBC - Tue 29 May 2018 - Under consideration
  • Charlbury Railway Station Forest Road Charlbury
    Replacement of existing life-expired platform lighting with energy-efficient LED luminaires.
    WODC reference: 18/01351/LBC - Fri 04 May 2018 - Under consideration
  • Land East Of 26 The Slade Charlbury Oxfordshire
    Erection of three dwellings and associated works.
    WODC reference: 18/01466/FUL - Tue 01 May 2018 - Under consideration
  • Land Rear Of 15 And 16 Woodstock Road Charlbury Oxfordshire
    Discharge of conditions 6 (car parking plan) and 7 (cycle parking plan) on planning permission 16/02306/FUL.
    WODC reference: 18/01280/CND - Mon 30 Apr 2018 - Under consideration
  • Rangers Lodge Cornbury Park Charlbury
    Construction of a new building for the storage and maintenance of light aircraft.
    WODC reference: 18/01279/FUL - Mon 30 Apr 2018 - Under consideration
  • 2 North Lodge Cornbury Park Charlbury
    Construction of Entrance / Utility Area
    WODC reference: 18/01262/LBC - Mon 21 May 2018 - Under consideration
  • 28 Little Lees Charlbury
    Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extensions. Construction of new bay window to ground floor front elevation.
    WODC reference: 18/01397/HHD - Mon 14 May 2018 - Under consideration
  • The Grange Woodstock Road Charlbury
    Discharge of conditions 4,5 (Materials) 6 (Window-Door details) 9 (Bird -Bat Boxes) 10 (Drainage) 11 (Access) 12 (Access and Parking) 13 (Drainage) 14 (Plans and mitigation)
    WODC reference: 18/01178/CND - Tue 17 Apr 2018 - Under consideration

Mon 4 Jun 2018, 08:00 · Link

Uncollected garden shears - ticket 54

Mr O'Connor has the garden shears for ticket number 54 which weren't collected by 2.15pm when he had to leave - he will be back in the area this week, so if they belong to you then please phone him on 07831 261082 to arrange delivery.

Christine Elliott · Sat 2 Jun 2018, 14:14 · Link

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