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Can you help look after Nine Acres?

NAMC (Nine Acres Management Committee) is looking for two new members.

The Committee needs a playground rep (maybe suitable for a parent/someone who is there regularly) and a headlands rep (suitable for someone who is interested in balancing accessibility and safety with biodiversity).

NAMC meets once every two months. Time commitment outside of meetings is less than an hour a month.

Nine Acres is a fantastic asset for the town and it has a great management team so why not join it and bring your ideas to the team. 

Contact Lisa, town clerk, or Paul Jenkins if you are interested and for more information.

Lisa Wilkinson · Thu 30 Nov 2023, 11:39 · Link

Christmas Cracker of a Quiz

‘Twas the quiz before Christmas, when all through the town,

People tried to remember, when Bond played a clown.

They needed to study, there’s no time too soon,

To avoid coming last, and another wooden spoon.

Saturday, 9 December at St. Mary’s – 730pm start. Tickets are £12.00 per head and teams will be made up of 6 people.  Only a few tables left.  Festive snacks will be served, and beer and wine will be available to purchase.

Please contact for tickets or details.

dine glasgow · Mon 27 Nov 2023, 17:38 · Link


Would you like to join the team of Trustees?                                                                    The museum recently became a C.I.O. (Charitable Incorporated Organisation). Our current Trustees are: Tom Bartlett, Ann Lovett, Alice Millea, Sue Rangeley, but we need extra assistance to help shape the future of this unique museum.

Running the museum is a team effort and with a greater number of trustees on board we can do more to ensure this community resource is conserved for future generations.          Charlbury's heritage needs you!

Vacancy for a Treasurer                                                                                                      The museum is also seeking a volunteer to be our treasurer, commencing January 2024. As a treasurer the person would also be a member of the trustee team (an Ex-officio Trustee)

To find out more: please get in touch at                          We look forward to hearing from you.

Images: As Church Street appears on the front page on the 'Saturday' section of The Daily Telegraph (25th November), chosen for 'Britain's 50 best streets'. The museum dives into the archives to select some adverts for Church Street from a 1886 edition of Horniblow's Almanac!

Sue Rangeley · Mon 27 Nov 2023, 15:17 · Link

Street Champions clearing the leaves!

A massive thank you to the residents of Dyers Hill who came out to help collect leaves on Saturday. Three full bags were collected which are being taken away by the West Oxfordshire District Council today. 

The Town Council and the Gardening Society will be arranging further leaf clearing sessions in different parts of the town. Please watch out for dates on social media and the TC website as we need your help!

Lisa Wilkinson · Mon 27 Nov 2023, 12:59 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • The Bull Inn Sheep Street Charlbury
    Alterations to pub garden and car park (part retrospective)
    WODC reference: 23/03022/LBC - Wed 22 Nov 2023 - Under consideration
  • The Bull Inn Sheep Street Charlbury
    Internal and external alterations including single storey rear extension and redesign of kitchen layout
    WODC reference: 23/02998/LBC - Thu 09 Nov 2023 - Under consideration
  • The Bull Inn Sheep Street Charlbury
    Internal and external alterations including single storey rear extension and redesign of kitchen layout
    WODC reference: 23/02997/FUL - Thu 09 Nov 2023 - Under consideration
  • Stable Cottage 2 Hixet Wood Charlbury
    Erection of first floor and single storey rear extensions (part retrospective)
    WODC reference: 23/02820/HHD - Mon 20 Nov 2023 - Under consideration

Mon 27 Nov 2023, 06:15 · Link


St Mary’s 5th Christmas Tree Festival.

Sign up now to sponsor and decorate a tree. There are still a few left, so please enjoy the fun with your club, society or family. Everyone loves this event, but we need the trees to be decorated!

This will be held from early evening Friday 8th December until 28th December.

It’s a great way to come together as a community, be part of the events planned, enjoy Christmas and have lots of fun.

Any queries about the festival please get in touch with Hilli Waller or the Parish Office. Sign up now by clicking on the booking form and return as soon as possible. Trees are running out!

Maureen Sparling · Sun 26 Nov 2023, 12:47 · Link

Christmas Shoebox Appeal Update

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Christmas Shoebox Appeal.  We collected 86 boxes here in Charlbury.  Thank you also to all those creative people who contributed so many blankets, knitted teddies, scarves and mittens etc. that will all be much appreciated in the orphanages, schools and villages where the boxes are distributed in the needy parts of eastern Europe.

Joan Belshaw 810130

Christine Pearce · Sat 25 Nov 2023, 20:59 · Link

Illegal parking in Charlbury

The Town Council receives many complaints about illegal parking (such as on double yellow lines and exceeding the one hour limit in bays on Market Street). Please use the link below to report these incidents to Oxfordshire County Council:

This link explains how OCC manages illegal parking and what you can expect. Unfortunately the Town Council has no jurisdiction on this and if it is reported to us then the clerk will just use the link above to report any incidents. Thank you 

Lisa Wilkinson · Fri 24 Nov 2023, 13:21 · Link

Giving pollinators a helping hand!

Thanks to local volunteers, and supported by Wild Oxfordshire, a beautiful new ‘Pollinator Patch’ has been created at the entrance to Charlbury Bowls Club.

This patch has been planted with pollinator-friendly species including Rosemary, Echinops and Pulmonaria to provide a nectar-rich resource and safe-haven for insects.

The project was carried out thanks to support from both Charlbury Garden Society and the Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment (TOE) with funding from Grundon Waste Management Ltd through the Landfill Communities Fund.

Wild pollinators in the UK include bumblebees and other bees, butterflies and moths, flies, and other insects such as beetles, wasps and thrips. These insects perform an essential role, as most plants (including crops that humans rely on for food) cannot set seed without being pollinated.

In the last fifty years, the abundance of flying insects has fallen by 50% or more, with one of the main causes of the decline in pollinators being the loss of flower-rich habitat. Providing new areas of pollinator-friendly planting, using species with long-lasting flowers that offer a year-long nectar resource, can help boost numbers of these important insects and perhaps reverse their population decline.

Does your garden have space for more pollinator-friendly plants? Perhaps you could help by letting one area of vegetation grow long during the spring and summer, or by providing places for nesting and shelter such as log piles or bug hotels. Changes, such as not using pesticides, can also make a big difference to your local insect population.

Katherine Holmes · Fri 24 Nov 2023, 11:38 · Link

Reverse Advent Calendar

Can you support the Porch in Oxford in their work with the homeless? Join Churches Together in Charlbury in creating a reverse advent calendar. 

Every day put an item into your decorated box.

Drop your full box or bag to St Marys or the Cornerstone project by mid January. 

Any queries email 

Thanks everyone!

Jo Paton · Tue 21 Nov 2023, 13:29 · Link

Cornerstone Christmas support - can you help

This Christmas we will be providing the households we support with large food bags to help them through the Christmas weeks. Families will be given Argos vouchers that they can use towards children's presents and we would like to give all households boxes of biscuits and chocolates.

If you would like to help us with this, please bring new boxes of biscuits and chocolates to Cornerstone from this Friday (good best before dates please) or donate some money in store or online that we can use towards the voucher costs.  

We are open at the Corner House Monday - Saturday 10am - 1pm and we will be open up to and including 22nd December. 

Details of how to donate can be found here

Thank you for all your help.

Jo Paton, Cornerstone Manager

Jo Paton · Tue 21 Nov 2023, 12:04 · Link

Den Trundle, RIP

Our thoughts are with Bev, Kelly, Abby & the family after Den's recent death, aged 81.

His funeral service will be at St Mary's at 1.00 pm on Tuesday 28th:, all friends & neighbours are warmly invited.

John Partington · Mon 20 Nov 2023, 18:50 · Link


There are still trees left for your club, society, business, or family to sponsor and decorate to be of the Christmas Tree Festival at St Mary’s Church this year!

This will be held from early evening Friday 8th December until 28th December.

It’s a great way to come together as a community, be part of the events planned, enjoy Christmas and have lots of fun.

The children’s trees will be inside the church and the adult’s trees outside on the churchyard path. Competitions and prizes for the best adult and children’s trees!

We will be ‘Lighting up the Trees’ with free food and drink, open to everyone from 5.00pm – 6.00pm on Friday 8th December, and a Christmas Quiz on Saturday 9th December from 7.00pm. Tickets for the quiz will be available from Dine Glasgow on

If you would like to help, donate funds towards our costs, or have any queries about the Festival, please get in touch with Hilli Waller or the Parish Office.

Sign up now by completing the booking form and return as soon as possible. Trees are running out!

Maureen Sparling · Mon 20 Nov 2023, 12:07 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • Lees Rest Woodstock Road Charlbury
    Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of replacement dwelling to form an extension to the existing farmhouse and associated landscaping. Refurbishment of existing farmhouse. Repair, conversion and extension of existing agricultural buildings to provide ancillary accommodation.
    WODC reference: 23/02894/LBC - Thu 16 Nov 2023 - Under consideration
  • Lees Rest Woodstock Road Charlbury
    Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of replacement dwelling to form an extension to the existing farmhouse and associated landscaping. Refurbishment of existing farmhouse. Repair, conversion and extension of existing agricultural buildings to provide ancillary accommodation. Erection of replacement barns for leisure, agricultural and equestrian use together with associated landscaping.
    WODC reference: 23/02893/FUL - Thu 16 Nov 2023 - Under consideration

Mon 20 Nov 2023, 06:15 · Link

Hedgehogs in every corner 🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔

I opened  the door to the Hegspital this morning to find a little HH sitting staring at me from the shelf.l!! He had managed to escape from one of the temporary plastic crates (lidded!!). We have had so many new little ones they are in all kinds of crates and cages. 8 have arrived in the last week. Not all have made it sadly, as some were too poorly to save. But they are all tucked up here in a cosy hat, with a heat pad (if less that 200g) and some special temping food. They will be with us for a few months as they recover and gain enough weight to survive winter and be released. 

Hedgefund are joining Charlbury Wildlife Society on the 20th November at the friends meeting house 7.30 pm. Come and learning more about current patients and local initiatives to support hedgehogs. This will be a fundraiser £10 on the door, to support running costs.

Pictures below of the naughty escapee and some clean babies after their bath. 

Financial donations can be made referenced ‘Hedge Fund’ to the ‘Charlbury Wildlife account number 77328260 and sort code 30-91-92.

Items for the Heg-spital can be bought via the regularly updated Hedge Fund amazon wish list

Hedge Fund · Sat 18 Nov 2023, 05:11 · Link

Train service changes from 10 December

Train times from Charlbury will not be greatly changed from the winter timetable but there are a few alterations.

From the 10.10 departure through to the 20.14 departure, trains to London Paddington will additionally call at Didcot Parkway. This is not the case in the opposite direction (trains from Paddington).

Several Sunday services will be increased from 5 to 9 coaches:

  • 08.44, 13:50, 14:50, 15:50 London Paddington to Great Malvern
  • 11.59, 16:59, 18:57 Great Malvern to London Paddington.

Richard Fairhurst · Wed 15 Nov 2023, 20:26 · Link

Donation from Street Fair to the Corner House

Charlbury enjoyed an extremely successful Street Fair this year. As well as the amazing fundraising effort, much fun was had by all. As a result Prof John Dora, chair of the CSF committee, was able to hand over a cheque for £8,000 to Roy Scott, chair of the Corner House and Memorial Hall committee. These funds were most gratefully received and will go towards the planned new development of the Corner House.

Patrick Gallagher · Wed 15 Nov 2023, 12:24 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • 18 Elm Crescent Charlbury
    Erection of single storey rear extension and construction of a detached home office building. Works to include conversion and extension to front of garage to create separate gym and storage areas along with construction of front entrance canopy
    WODC reference: 23/02836/HHD - Mon 06 Nov 2023 - Under consideration

Mon 13 Nov 2023, 06:15 · Link

Saturday's Christmas Card Sale

A big thank you to everyone who came along to the card sale in the Memorial Hall on Saturday.  A total of nine charities took part and offered a wonderful choice of cards and other gifts for sale. Some of the charities have already emailed to say how much they enjoyed the morning as well as raising money for their good causes.

We are grateful to the local businesses who contributed prizes for the raffle - a big thank you for those.  Many people also generously contributed home-made cakes.  Proceeds from the raffle and cakes, and from the sale of refreshments, will be divided among the charities who attended.  We also joined together to observe the national two-minute silence for Remembrance Day at 11am.  

Judy Dod · Sun 12 Nov 2023, 14:56 · Link

The Old Charlbury Grammar School original oil painting

Charlbury Exhibition Foundation Charity are please to announce the chance to win an original oil painting by local artist Maureen Sparling

The painting is of the Old Charlbury Grammar School and measures 12”x 9” and has been beautifully framed by Cotswold Frames and will be on display in their window

Tickets cost £5.00 for a strip of 5 (Cash only please) tickets are available from Cotswold frames until 3pm on Saturday 9th December when the draw will take place and the winner will be notified.

All proceeds go to the Charlbury Exhibition Foundation

Registered Charity No.309236

A local charity that supports the education of young people in Charlbury

Tim Widdows · Sat 11 Nov 2023, 14:48 · Link

English Cider & Perry Glasses of the 18th Century

New book by local author Dr Geoffrey Walton has just been released and is available to purchase at Cotswold Frames. 

Tim Widdows · Sat 11 Nov 2023, 13:03 · Link

Lisa, the town clerk, available on Wednesday mornings

From 29th November, Lisa will be based in the library (in the community centre) between 9.30am and 11.30am on Wednesday mornings. If you have a question for the Town Council, come and have a chat.


Lisa Wilkinson · Fri 10 Nov 2023, 12:36 · Link

Charlbury Scout Group 90th anniversary

Charlbury Scout Group is officially 90 years old this November.  You are invited to join us to celebrate at the Scout Hut between 2-5pm on Sunday 19th November.

All welcome, including past members of the Group, who are invited to bring along memorabilia, badges, photos etc. We look forward to seeing you!

Cheryl Horsey · Thu 9 Nov 2023, 16:35 · Link

Charlbury Christmas Market

Charlbury's market is back for a Christmas special. Come along on Saturday 16th December to the Memorial Hall between 9.30 and 12 noon to see many of our regular stallholders and some exciting new ones, including hot food from Hook Norton Butcher's freshly cooked on site.

More details to follow.....................

Lisa Wilkinson · Thu 9 Nov 2023, 14:32 · Link

Christmas Cracker of a Quiz

Mark your calendars for what promises to be a festive evening to remember: the Christmas Tree Festival Quiz!

Saturday 9th December - 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start at St. Mary’s Church.

Rumour has it that our resident Quizmaster Elf, Patrick Derham, will be wearing his best North Pole attire. If true, that sight alone would be worth the price of admission.

Speaking of which, tickets are £12.00 per head and teams will be made up of 6 people. Festive snacks will be served and beer and wine will be available to purchase.

Please contact Dine Glasgow for tickets or details.

daniela jenkins · Tue 7 Nov 2023, 12:59 · Link

Christmas Trees in Charlbury 2023

Once again a big thank you to all those residents who have ordered the trees that will decorate Charlbury for Christmas.

The trees will be delivered on the morning of Saturday 25th November with the help of a team of volunteers. Our thanks in advance goes to them. Then the lights can go on to be enjoyed by all.

Please note that if there is anyone who has forgotten to order a tree, Tim of Cotswold Frames has kindly agreed to accept late orders until Monday 13th November.

Once the Charlbury trees for brackets have been delivered we at Charlbury Christmas Trees will be preparing to open to sell Christmas trees on a pick your tree and have it cut basis. As in previous years, we will be open December weekends.

 We are pleased to say that one plus from the rain experienced this year is that our trees have made significant growth. We have plenty of our own trees up to 6 foot for sale. And, in addition to the Norway Spruce and Belgian Spruce, we  have some Nordmann trees for sale. We will also have a selection of taller trees to choose from, including some Douglas fir which proved popular last year. We are sourcing these trees from a grower and they will be freshly cut by us just a couple of days before our opening weekends.

So we look forward to seeing you. Christmas is on the way. 

Janet Burroughs · Tue 7 Nov 2023, 07:48 · Link

Pollinator patch #2 at the Bowls Club - can you help?

The next planting day for the new pollinator patch in the Bowls Club car park is Friday 10th November at 10am. Could you help? If so, come prepared for the weather and mud and bring your own tools – e.g. forks, trowels, kneelers, gloves.

If anybody happens to have a rubber maul (like a sledgehammer but with a rubber head) to help put the information sign into the ground without damaging it, that would be super helpful.

Thank you

Lisa Wilkinson · Mon 6 Nov 2023, 13:26 · Link


There are still trees left for your club, society, business, or family to sponsor and decorate to be part of the Christmas Tree Festival at St Mary’s Church this year!

This will be held from early evening Friday 8th December until 28th December.

It’s a great way to come together as a community, be part of the events planned, enjoy Christmas and have lots of fun.

The children’s trees will be inside the church and the adult’s trees outside on the churchyard path. Competitions and prizes for the best adult and children’s trees!

We will be ‘Lighting up the Trees’ with free food and drink, open to everyone from 5.00pm – 6.00pm on Friday 8th December, and a Christmas Quiz on Saturday 9th December from 7.00pm. Tickets for the quiz will be available from the Charlbury website.

If you would like to help, donate funds towards our costs, or have any queries about the Festival, please get in touch with Hilli Waller or the Parish Office.

Sign up now by clicking here for the booking form and return as soon as possible. Trees are running out!

Maureen Sparling · Mon 6 Nov 2023, 13:06 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • Valmar Sheep Street Charlbury
    Internal and external alterations to include the construction of additional dormer to rear roof slope, insertion of roof light to existing kitchen and changes to internal layout to include relocation of family bathroom to first floor
    WODC reference: 23/02791/LBC - Fri 20 Oct 2023 - Under consideration
  • Valmar Sheep Street Charlbury
    Construction of an additional dormer to rear and insertion of a rooflight to existing kitchen
    WODC reference: 23/02790/HHD - Fri 20 Oct 2023 - Under consideration
  • Took House Sheep Street Charlbury
    Relocate internal first floor wall
    WODC reference: 23/02704/LBC - Thu 02 Nov 2023 - Under consideration

Mon 6 Nov 2023, 06:15 · Link

Pamela Hanks - R.I.P.

Many of you will know that Pam, who lived on (or rather off) the Enstone Road and ran the Spendlove Centre in the 1980s with her husband Alan, died unexpectedly recently. Our condolences are with Sue & Charles and the family.

Her funeral will be at St Mary's on Friday 17th at 1.00 pm, and all friends & neighbours are warmly invited both to that and to the subsequent reception at the Sports & Social Club.

John Partington · Sun 5 Nov 2023, 14:20 · Link

Galápagos Sketchbook

Please come to Jaffe and Neale in Chippy at 6 pm on NOVEMBER 27th to celebrate the publication of my « Galapagos Sketchbook » !  See you there!  David Pollock.

David Pollock · Sun 5 Nov 2023, 14:03 · Link



Please keep a look out for hoglets, there are quite a few about.  This one was picked up on Marlborough Place in Charlbury this afternoon, weighing just 250 g, it was cold and with fly eggs and ticks. It's had some TLC and is now in a warm place with food so hopefully will stabilise and put on weight in time to hibernate. The Hedge Fund now has 13 hoglets in its care.  Please contact the Hedge Fund or Flora as soon as possible if you see a hedgehog in the day time, especially if it's not moving well,  so that it can be checked over and if necessary be treated. Each hedgehog is a precious hedgehog. 

Flora Gregory · Sat 4 Nov 2023, 15:42 · Link

CHARLBURY CC Firework display is ON

Despite the rain in the earlier part of the day, the forecast is dry tonight. Put on your wellies and come and see the best display in West Oxfordshire. The bar will be open and Copperpot selling their top quality produce. There is a a low noise display for young children at 6pm, novelties available for purchase and the full display at 7pm (lasts about 20 minutes). Discounted tickets are still available on line (see advert opposite) and are also available on the gate! Gates open 5.15pm Please support your local cricket club as we approach our 150th year!!

Paul D Jenkins · Sat 4 Nov 2023, 07:55 · Link

Job Opportunity: Charlbury Station

For anyone looking for a new job, GWR are recruiting for somebody to work in the Ticket Office.


Gareth Epps · Fri 3 Nov 2023, 20:24 · Link

Wigwell Intervention Artist comes to Charlbury

If you have been to Wigwell Nature Reserve recently you may have seen a sculptural intervention made by Lilli Tranborg in the stream that runs through the reserve. 

To create Willow Drop Lilli has used willow to demonstrate how natural materials can be used to make art and how art can be used to help nature. In the marshy ground beside the water, you will also spot plants such as marsh marigold and ragged robin.

Lilli will be coming to Charlbury on Wednesday November 8th to talk about her practice and demonstrate her technique. This Art Society event is open to everybody, see Events page

Lilli Tranborg is an Oxford-based artist and sculptor with a special interest in environmental art. She works mainly outdoors with the natural materials found on site. Her current practice revolves around living art and art with environmental solutions, including aspects of participatory and cross-disciplinarian collaborations. Seeking to make art for human contemplation but also for a functioning ecosystem, she is exploring the role of the artist in improving biodiversity as well as artistic ways of encouraging human-nature connectedness.

In summer months, Wigwell’s steeply sloping meadows become a riot of colourful wildflowers, including birds-foot-trefoil, lady’s bedstraw and the nationally scarce meadow clary, found at just 20 other sites across the UK. In terms of ecological value, Wigwell's grasslands are of county-level importance and Wigwell is a designated Local Wildlife Site. You can enter Wigwell Nature Reserve on foot from Nine Acres Lane and the B4022, Banbury Hill

Tony Lloyd · Fri 3 Nov 2023, 17:52 · Link

Remembering Loved Ones

For more than a thousand years, churches around the world have set aside the first Sunday in November as All Souls’ Day, to remember departed loved ones and mourn their passing.

St. Mary’s will be holding an All Souls’ service on Sunday, 5th November at 4pm where the names of departed loved ones will be read out in prayer. Everyone is invited to attend the service; and, if you would like someone’s name read out, please send it to or bring it to the service. You do not have to attend the service to have a name recognised in the service.

daniela jenkins · Fri 3 Nov 2023, 16:32 · Link

Storm Ciaran-message from SSEN

Storm Ciaran - Yellow alert

This morning, in response to the latest weather forecast, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks has moved to Yellow Alert status ahead of Storm Ciarán. It is due to hit central southern England overnight on Wednesday and continue into Thursday, leading to several hours of strong winds, heavy rain and a risk of localised flooding. At this time, SSEN would like to reassure its customers and partners that it is well prepared for this period of bad weather.

The decision to move to Yellow Alert status comes as a result of the increasing certainty about the storm’s duration and route, and the potential it has to cause damage to the electricity network.

SSEN has been monitoring this weather system for several days, and is now activating its well-rehearsed contingency plans, bringing in additional teams to deal with any damage to the network and subsequent faults, which may impact customers’ power supplies.

These additional teams, aided by colleagues from SSEN’s north of Scotland distribution area and contractor partners, will respond to faults and carry out repairs quickly and safely. Teams answering customers’ queries over the phone are being bolstered, and SSEN is already calling its most vulnerable customers to offer them help and advice. In total, more than 250,000 customers who are on the Priority Service Register will be contacted ahead of the storm. SSEN is also organising for welfare provisions to be put in place for affected areas.

SSEN’s latest weather model shows a likelihood of southerly and south-westerly gusts of up to 70mph along the Hampshire and Sussex coast overnight on Wednesday and throughout the day on Thursday, with inland gusts of up to 60mph in Dorset. Gusts in excess of 50mph are possible in Berkshire, Wiltshire and Oxfordshire. The winds will be accompanied by persistent, heavy rain.

SSEN will continue to monitor this storm closely as it develops and issue regular updates.

Customers are encouraged to be prepared for the possibility of disruption to supplies by:

· Saving the emergency power cut number – ‘105‘ – to your phone to report any loss of supply or damage to the electricity network

· Visiting SSEN’s Power Track Website to give you details of power cuts and restoration times. You can also report power cuts and network damage through the Power Track app

· Going to SSEN’s website where there is a wealth of advice and information on how to deal with a power cut, or to chat live to one of SSEN’s advisors via its Webchat service

Customers are also eligible for SSEN’s Priority Services Register (PSR) if they:

Are deaf or hard of hearing

Have a disability

Live with children under five

Are blind or partially sighted

Have a chronic illness

Lisa Wilkinson · Wed 1 Nov 2023, 10:32 · Link

Charlbury Website © 2012-2025. Contributions are the opinion of and property of their authors. Heading photo by David R Murphy. Code/design by Richard Fairhurst. Contact us. Report a safety issue with this page.