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Wigwell Intervention Artist comes to Charlbury

If you have been to Wigwell Nature Reserve recently you may have seen a sculptural intervention made by Lilli Tranborg in the stream that runs through the reserve. 

To create Willow Drop Lilli has used willow to demonstrate how natural materials can be used to make art and how art can be used to help nature. In the marshy ground beside the water, you will also spot plants such as marsh marigold and ragged robin.

Lilli will be coming to Charlbury on Wednesday November 8th to talk about her practice and demonstrate her technique. This Art Society event is open to everybody, see Events page

Lilli Tranborg is an Oxford-based artist and sculptor with a special interest in environmental art. She works mainly outdoors with the natural materials found on site. Her current practice revolves around living art and art with environmental solutions, including aspects of participatory and cross-disciplinarian collaborations. Seeking to make art for human contemplation but also for a functioning ecosystem, she is exploring the role of the artist in improving biodiversity as well as artistic ways of encouraging human-nature connectedness.

In summer months, Wigwell’s steeply sloping meadows become a riot of colourful wildflowers, including birds-foot-trefoil, lady’s bedstraw and the nationally scarce meadow clary, found at just 20 other sites across the UK. In terms of ecological value, Wigwell's grasslands are of county-level importance and Wigwell is a designated Local Wildlife Site. You can enter Wigwell Nature Reserve on foot from Nine Acres Lane and the B4022, Banbury Hill

Tony Lloyd · Fri 3 Nov 2023, 17:52 · Link

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