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Street Fair 2016

Street Fair 2016

Charlbury Street Fair Committee held a useful meeting held on Monday 18th January. We were able to appoint new and returning people to the committee. However, we still need to fill several important committee roles including Stalls Co-ordinator/team members and fundraisers. In April we shall also need to appoint a new Chairperson, as I shall be standing down at the end of March. We are particularly pleased that retiring folk are more than willing to pass on their experience and a comprehensive guidance document (Street Fair Bible) is nearing completion and will be available to be consulted by all committee members.

If the committee roles are not for you but you would still like to help make Street Fair 2016 at least as successful as 2015, join our logistics, catering or marshalling teams. If you have been part of this small army in the past and are happy to carry on, or would like to volunteer as a new recruit, please get in touch.

Committee meetings are held on the 3rd Monday each month at the Corner House at 8pm (20.00) finishing 9.30 (21.30). Please let us know via addresses below if you wish to attend or have any questions about Street Fair 2016.

Want to know more?
Go to
Get in touch at:
Or post/drop off a note/letter addressed to:
CSF c/o Wallden House, Sheep St., Charlbury OX7 3RR (next door but one to The Bull)

John Hole
On behalf of Charlbury Street Fair committee.

Charlbury Street Fair is the fund-raising organization of the Corner House and War Memorial Hall, Charlbury.
Registered Charity No. 304282 Registered address The Corner House, Market Street, Charlbury, OXON, OX7 3PN

john hole · Sat 30 Jan 2016, 02:33 · Link

Charlbury Church Clock Progress

Charlbury church clock progress report

As many will have noticed, the scaffolding around the church tower has now been removed. This does not mean that the work on the clock is complete - far from it. The scaffolding allowed us to get at the hands on the clock face and remove the rods which drove them. This was all refurbished before Christmas (see previous article), so now we are beginning the work on the clock itself.

The clock actually consists of three mechanisms. They are; the Going, which keeps the time; the Quarters, which strike the quarter hours, and the Hours, striking the right number on the hour. Each of these can be worked on separately, so we might at some time have the quarters without the hour, or the hours without the quarters, or a stopped clock altogether while the going is repaired.

At the moment we are starting work on the Hours, many parts of which have been removed and taken away for attention. So at the moment the regular marking of each hour will be missing. We will keep you updated on the progress of this project, all made possible by your generous donations.

Thank you - Mike Summers

Mike Summers · Fri 29 Jan 2016, 17:40 · Link

WODC Recycling Update

New Year, fresh new you.
Make a pledge to join your neighbors by keeping us busy in the new year and recycling your food waste .
The more we have, the more local farmers can naturally fertilize their crops and we also locally generate electricity from the gases produced.

Don't have much food waste?
Share a caddy with a neighbour - it's taken every week, so it won't hang about!
Worried about the smell?
If you prefer, you don't have to have an inside caddy; peelings, teabags and 'out of date' food can be put straight into your outside caddy for collection. Using your caddy also means you are getting an extra collection of the waste that can fill up your rubbish bin.

Food waste is taken to an anaerobic digestion plant near Cassington where it is recycled into a liquid fertiliser for use on local farm land.

As the food waste breaks down it produces gas which is fed into engines to create electricity, currently enough to power 4000 homes on a continuous basis.
Help us help the local farmers and also generate energy more locally - simply recycle more of your food waste.

Tess Evans · Thu 28 Jan 2016, 14:18 · Link

Valentine's Pop Up Dinner

Almost fully booked - email to book the last few places. For more details see Events page.

Nicola Morgan · Wed 27 Jan 2016, 17:19 · Link

Town Survey – coming soon!

Charlbury is changing - but too often this change is decided by people who don't live here. That's why the Town Council has decided to review the town, its facilities and the community via a town survey. The survey results will tell the council exactly what changes residents would like to see here over the next 20 years.

In February, every home in Charlbury will receive an individual survey for everyone aged 16+, and another one for the whole household. The surveys can be completed online or on the paper copies provided. Make sure you have your say and complete the surveys. They'll make a real difference to your town - to your future.

The town survey is being conducted by Charlbury Neighbourhood Forum, a group of local volunteers helping Charlbury Town Council.

Charlbury Neighbourhood Forum | Preparing a Strategic Plan for Charlbury

lucy Crane-Lupton · Tue 26 Jan 2016, 23:18 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • Elmstead Crawborough Charlbury
    Erection of 4 dwellings, including one self-build unit, together with associated works and garaging. Alterations to the existing dwelling to include single storey extension. Alterations to existing and formation of new vehicular access from Pooles Lane, provision of pedestrian refuge.
    WODC reference: 16/00039/FUL - Fri 22 Jan 2016 - Under consideration

Tue 26 Jan 2016, 08:57 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • The Lawn Market Street Charlbury
    Conversion of outhouse to create studio including insertion of two rooflights.
    WODC reference: 16/00238/HHD - Mon 11 Jan 2016 - Under consideration
  • The Lawn Market Street Charlbury
    Conversion of outhouse to create studio including insertion of two rooflights and formation of new internal doorway through to existing Coach House.
    WODC reference: 16/00239/LBC - Mon 11 Jan 2016 - Under consideration

Mon 25 Jan 2016, 07:05 · Link

CRAG makes new donations

Charlbury Refugee Action Group has just responded to more urgent requests for funds and aid. Thank you all so much for your help.

(1) The Hope (Elpis) Centre is a safe and warm space offering emergency accommodation, food, medical aid and free onward transit to refugees landing on rocky beaches near Eftalou on the north coast of Lesvos. Eric and Philippa Kempson and friends are working hard to get the centre up and running, converting a derelict hotel for the purpose. We have contributed £400. For more information or to make a further donation yourself, please click on these links.
If you donate, please make sure that you specify that your donation is to go towards the Elpis Project.

You can see a video in which Eric shows you round the building they are converting, by clicking here.

(2) Building weatherproof shelters in the Calais camp instead of the more vulnerable and cold tents thousand live in. Details are here:, and again you can contribute additionally yourself if you wish. The project is organised by L'Auberge des Migrants and Help Refugees, and CRAG has so far contributed £200 towards their daunting target of £60k.

Your donations in kind

We have been working with Hooky Refugee Action and Witney Refugee Action to channel clothing, sleeping bags, tents and food to the camps at Dunkirk and Calais, and to help fill a container of food and clothing being shipped to Lesvos. Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed to the collections.

Looking ahead

We are looking for your help with a number of projects that people have suggested. If you can take on any of these, or help with the organisation, please contact us at or phone 01608 811378.

We need people who will

liaise with the five churches in Charlbury, the WI, youth groups, musicians, sports clubs etc to encourage refugee support.

take on specific projects. Recent suggestions have included a quiz night, a pop-up Syrian feast with music, a jumble sale, a concert, a ceilidh… all great ideas, all will raise money and awareness, and all will be good fun to arrange and to take part in.

talk to the school and develop projects with children.

take clothing and other items to collection points in, for instance, Oxford, Stroud, Slough or Portsmouth.

drive to Calais to deliver supplies to the distribution centre there, and help there.

plan projects with, and learn from, other refugee aid groups in the county and nearby: Witney, Hook Norton, Oxford, Faringdon, Malvern, Ledbury and elsewhere are all possibles.

work locally with Syrian refugees being housed in Witney, Carterton and Chipping Norton under the government scheme.

You can also keep up to date with us at

Jon Carpenter · Sat 23 Jan 2016, 11:52 · Link

Southill Community Energy launches its website

Take a look at
We also have a new facebook page and have a launch event on 17th February (see Events).

Liz Reason · Sat 23 Jan 2016, 07:33 · Link

Charlbury Town Football Sports &Social Club

Can you or would you like to help ?

It's finally come to the point where we have to vacate the premises. We have looked and asked about many places for temporary accommodation with no luck, so we still have NO WHERE TO GO. The Thomas Gifford Trust have paid for planning permission for us to go on the end of the new community centre near the doctors. But we have been told there is no money available for our new club house; so we have to self build it and pay for it ourselves. WE ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE COMMUNITY PROJECT. We are asking for your help and support in anyway you can,
For Example.
Help Fundraising
Help in applying for grants
Supply of materials for all areas
Construction of building
All trades persons required
If you can help in anyway then please get in touch by either popping into the club or email

We are also looking for somewhere dry and secure to store all our interior of the club until our new club house is built, unless we can find somewhere to go before the 29th February 2016.

We have been running since the mid 80's and started off as part of the old Spendlove centre (girls changing rooms) before moving over to what was known as the music room, then the metal room as would be known to the people who went to the secondary school here.

The club has been run by many dedicated local people and people from surrounding areas for all of these years (THANK-YOU)

We know our club is not pleasant to look at but it has served us well all these years considering it was only supposed to be temporary for 2 years and we are still here 17 years later. We have done all the maintenance and up keep to the best we could for all these years ourselves. We have now been on this actual site for 30 years

The club is a family orientated place,where we welcome everyone and anyone can be a member.

We have a darts team and an Aunt Sally team, cards, dominoes, and for the children we have a large jenga, Connect 4, and floor snakes and ladders,etc

Last year we had 2 fund raisers; one was a children's & adult's Aunt Sally competition where we raised money for the children s ward at the John Radcliffe hospital, and a darts competition where the money we raised went to the Royal British Legion. We have events on special occasions we put on discos for Halloween party's, Easter egg hunt, children's Christmas party where Father Christmas makes a special vist to give all the children presents. All of these are free off charge. We also have great bbq's. The men's football also hold quiz nights and race nights here. After football on a Saturday afternoon most of the footballers and supporters go back into the club for a catch up and watch the sports results come in?

Where else in Charlbury could you do this with the whole family?

mandy · Thu 21 Jan 2016, 13:37 · Link

Bicycle donation - last two weeks!

Your opportunity to donate your old bicycle to Re-cycle ends on 31 January.

The charity takes unwanted bicycles to Africa, and teaches people how to mend and maintain them so that they can be used for safe and effective transportation.

We are aiming to collect 100 bicycles by the end of January; if we get this many, the charity will come and collect them rather than us having to organise their delivery.

The collection point is the Vicarage in Church Lane, Charlbury OX7 3PX - if no one is in, please just leave the bike in the front garden.

Further information about the charity can be found on, or on the noticeboard in the Memorial Chapel in Charlbury Church.

Wed 20 Jan 2016, 17:28 · Link

Reoccurring damage to saplings on Ditchley road.

If anyone has any information as to who keeps uprooting the saplings on Ditchley Road please could you contact police on 101 and quote crime report number 43160008377. The exact location is up the Ditchley Road and turn Left on to Chartwell Drive and it's the row of trees on the right.

The owners of the property/land are trying to extend the native hedge, and someone keeps removing the supporting stakes and often uprooting the plants. I know some people have taken a dislike to the trees being planted there as it is believed the land is part of the public highway, however it is my understanding that the council have been out to assess the area and are happy the land belongs to the property owner.

The police are dealing with this as a criminal damage and the culprit will be dealt with accordingly.

Wesley Smith · Wed 20 Jan 2016, 14:52 · Link

The Chronicle - is still going!

Just to let you know that the Chronicle team have decided to continue with The Chronicle as we all dearly love it! So ... we have decided to get out a copy in March and I would be grateful if you could forward on to me any articles you have sent Lynette for inclusion into the Chronicle. The email address to send to is Deadline date is 22 February but can you please give an indication if you are sending an article beforehand. Many thanks and can you pass the word around.

Susie Finch · Wed 20 Jan 2016, 00:20 · Link

Witney/Chipping Norton bus - latest update

The X9 bus to Witney and Chipping Norton looks likely to continue if, as planned, Oxfordshire County Council cancels all bus subsidies this year.

At a meeting today to discuss the service, family-owned bus operator Pulhams said that it hoped to continue operating the service despite the complete loss of subsidy. However, the frequency will be reduced from the current hourly bus, particularly during less busy off-peak times.

Assuming OCC confirms the full cut in subsidies on 11 February (see BBC news report yesterday), Pulhams plans to look at new timetable options in February, where it can continue to operate the service but with fewer buses. We hope to then organise a meeting for Charlbury bus passengers to help the company find out which are the most essential services to keep.

The success of any unsubsidised service will depend entirely on how many people use it - especially passengers paying the full fare. (Bus companies are only reimbursed for 37% of the standard fare for bus-pass holders.) To help this, we hope to jointly organise more publicity for the X9 service when any new service begins, likely to be on 1 June.

Please do continue to use the X9 bus - the more people that use it, the better the case for Pulhams to retain a good service.

Buses leave from the Bell on Church Street at:

  • to Witney: 07.15, 08.10, then every hour from 09.30 to 18.30
  • to Chipping Norton: 08.10, then every hour from 09.30 to 18.30
  • on Saturdays the first buses are at 08.30 (to Witney) and 08.25 (to Chippy)
  • no buses on Sundays

Richard Fairhurst
public transport representative, Charlbury Town Council

Richard Fairhurst · Tue 19 Jan 2016, 16:52 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • Zelyan Sheep Street Charlbury
    Erection of two storey and first floor extension and conversion of existing stable/workshop to create home office (to allow changes to internal layout, roof pitch and fenestration).
    WODC reference: 15/04465/HHD - Sun 20 Dec 2015 - Under consideration

Mon 18 Jan 2016, 07:05 · Link

Cold callers

We have had an increase in reports of cold calling whereby people are receiving phone calls from people claiming to be the police. The cold callers then try to arrange appointments to come out to your property to assess your security.
We as the police will not phone random numbers to arrange appointments to discuss security. We will call you if you have been a victim of crime or if you have requested contact from the police or if you can assist us with an investigation.

If a police officer does call you, the officer will identify them self and which station they are calling from. If you are still unsure if the call is genuine, ask for the officer's shoulder number, hang up and then call the non emergency number 101 and quote the officer's name and shoulder number and station. The operator will then confirm who the officer is and put you through to them.

With any cold caller try not to engage in conversation and do not give away any personal details, such as your living arrangements i.e. you live alone, you're elderly or have a disability. Be polite and just say no thank you and put the phone down. Should the calls persist, contact your telephone provider or the police if you have any concerns.

Wesley Smith · Thu 14 Jan 2016, 17:45 · Link

Southill Solar update in Oxford Times

The Oxford Times has a report about Sustainable Charlbury's Southill Solar project, and plans to start fundraising in February:

Andrew Chapman · Wed 13 Jan 2016, 16:51 · Link

More refugee aid on its way

Charlbury Refugee Action Group is again collecting supplies which will be sent by container to the Greek island of Lesvos. The deadline is Saturday at 10am: please see a fuller report in the Forum.

There is also a great need for help at the camp in Calais. See

Jon Carpenter · Wed 13 Jan 2016, 13:03 · Link

Accident on Banbury Hill

The Oxford Mail reports:

"Two people have been taken to the John Radcliffe Hospital after an accident involving two cars on B4022 Banbury Hill this morning.

"The accident took place between B4437 Nine Acres Lane and A44 Oxford Road (Enstone) and emergency services were called to the scene at 8.36am.

"South Central Ambulance service said a group of adults and children were involved and that two people are currently being treated at the John Radcliffe Hospital.

"The road has now been cleared."

Full story - .

Tue 12 Jan 2016, 12:34 · Link

Coming soon: a new version of the Charlbury website

Believe it or not, the current incarnation of the Charlbury website is over 10 years old - the first news item on the site is from July 2005. (I first took the site on in 2002: before that, Simon Hall had run a website, and Ray Marshall founded the original before him.)

10 years is a long time on the web, and though the website is busier than ever - we hit 8,000 unique visitors in July last year, an all-time record - the code that makes the website go has become rather creaky and hard to maintain.

So, at present, I'm rewriting it all in a more up-to-date fashion that will mean we can add more features quickly and easily. At first you shouldn't notice many differences in day-to-day use, but as the months go on, there'll be new features and improved ease-of-use at a faster rate than before.

With the news that the Charlbury Chronicle is ceasing publication, the first improvements will be to the community pages - making it easier for local organisations to create their own pages, including pictures and downloads, so that local clubs and societies can still publicise their activities to the people of Charlbury.

The new version of the website will be live in a few weeks. If you have any requests for features you'd like to see, particularly in relation to the community pages, drop me a line - I can't promise everything will be done instantly or even at all, but it's good to know what people are looking for.

Thank you, as ever, to everyone who posts to the website to make it the success it is, and to the Charlbury Garden Society and ChOC who have both generously donated to offset the hosting and domain name costs!

Richard Fairhurst · Mon 11 Jan 2016, 19:47 · Link

Charlbury Chronicle

On Tuesday 5th January 2016, Lynette Murphy informed me, as Chairman of Charlbury Town Council, of her decision to cease production and distribution of the Charlbury Chronicle with immediate effect. I am making this formal announcement of Lynette's decision on her behalf and at her request.

Lynette's decision to cease production of the Charlbury Chronicle follows 19 years of uninterrupted distribution of this independent, informative and much appreciated publication. The Chronicle will be missed.

On a practical note, the decision means that the March 2016 edition of the Chronicle (Volume 20, Number 1) will NOT be produced and therefore NO articles or advertisements can be accepted for publication. Please can all contributors note this and refrain from making submissions. Thank you.

If anyone is interested in founding a new publication in place of the Chronicle I'm sure this would be very much appreciated. However, please note that Lynette does not wish to be involved in any way in such a venture and I ask you to respect her wishes by not contacting her directly. The Town Council would be interested to hear about any new initiative but it is important for any new publication to retain the independence enjoyed by the Chronicle throughout its existence.

I hope that you will wish to join with me and my fellow Town Councillors in thanking Lynette and her band of willing helpers for their hard work and dedication over 19 years in producing and distributing this document which, as well as being informative and interesting, has provided an invaluable record of the life and times of our thriving town and community. I also invite you to join me in sending Lynette our very best wishes for the future.

To those involved with Charlbury organsiations, I remind you that other avenues remain available to promote and report events and other activities, notably The Leaflet, published and distributed to all Charlbury homes monthly by St Mary's Church and the News, Events and Community pages of the Charlbury website, open for postings by any registered user.

Peter Kenrick
Chairman - Charlbury Town Council

Peter Kenrick · Mon 11 Jan 2016, 16:52 · Link

Street Fair 2016

The well supported and popular Street Fair, Quiz Night and Open Gardens, raised more than £11,000 in support of the War Memorial Hall and Corner House in 2015. The Street Fair has been staged every year since 1953, is a great community event and acts as a showcase for many activities, clubs and Charlbury societies.

None of these events organise themselves and we particularly need new blood and a bigger team in order to sustain Street Fair this year. We need volunteers who will act as team leaders covering the necessary areas of advance work in mounting the event, such as publicity seeking sponsorship, running the auction and Grand Draw, organising entertainment, and then on the day putting up (and taking down) the stalls.

There is much existing experience to draw on, so do not be shy in putting yourself forward to help.

Please come to an informal meeting in the Morris Room, Corner House at 8.15pm on Monday 18 January to learn more. No obligation in attendance but we hope you will help keep Street Fair alive and kicking so that we can put on another grand show.

John Hole
On behalf of Charlbury Street Fair committee.

john hole · Mon 11 Jan 2016, 11:07 · Link

Cracking Bring & Buy, donations for Lesvos

Last Saturday's bring and buy, organised by Charlbury Refugee Action Group, raised over £400 for refugee aid.

There is a new collection, this time for relief goods to go in a container leaving for Lesvos later this month.

The main items on the 'needed' list are:

Winter clothing: warm and weatherproof jackets, coats, fleeces, socks, gloves and hats
Men's boots
Women's boots
Sleeping bags

Call Angela or Jon on 01608 811378 to arrange delivery. We need all items by Friday 15 January.

Any help with sorting, packing, and spreading the word would be greatly appreciated.

Sun 10 Jan 2016, 16:01 · Link

Witney/Chipping Norton bus - use it or lose it!

As has been posted here a few times, Oxfordshire County Council is removing bus subsidies (subject to a final decision in February), which threatens the survival of the X9 bus to Witney and Chipping Norton.

Right now, the best thing you can do to save the bus is to use it - helping to show the bus operators that it's worth their while continuing to run it. The bus is frequent, running every hour through the day, and convenient, taking just 20 minutes with no hassle finding a parking space. If you're of pension age you travel for free - just get a free bus pass online if you don't already have one.

Buses leave from the Bell on Church Street at:

  • to Witney: 07.15, 08.10, then every hour from 09.30 to 18.30
  • to Chipping Norton: 08.10, then every hour from 09.30 to 18.30
  • on Saturdays the first buses are at 08.30 (to Witney) and 08.25 (to Chippy)
  • no buses on Sundays

There are also stops at the Co-op, the Enstone Road crossroads, at Fiveways, along the Slade and by the Scout Hut on Nine Acres Lane.

The buses are run by Cotswold firm Pulhams and are generally punctual and in good order. They're low-floor vehicles so accessible to people of limited mobility.

So next time you're going to Witney or Chipping Norton, why not use the bus? It's easier than a car and you'll be helping to ensure Charlbury keeps its service!

Richard Fairhurst · Sun 10 Jan 2016, 14:02 · Link

Charlbury aid goes to Dunkirk refugees

People responded generously to Charlbury Refugee Action Group's appeal for warm clothing, sleeping bags etc. for people at the Dunkirk refugee camp. Our friend Raz has collected essential items from us, as well as from Witney, Hook Norton and further afield, and is delivering them in person this weekend.

The complete shipment will include cooking oil, gas bottles (bought locally), boots, tinned food and bottled water (clean water is virtually unavailable on the site, but will be bought locally with money the group has donated).

The photo shows conditions at the camp earlier this week. The regional sous-prefet is trying to stop the local mayor from building a new camp that will conform to international standards for refugee camps.

We are still receiving donations from our 'make a space for a refugee at your Christmas table' appeal, and expect the total to exceed £700.

And we look forward to a big day on Saturday (Jan 9) in the Memorial Hall, when CRAG holds a Bring & Buy of unwanted Christmas gifts and other new items. Bring from 9.30, Bring AND Buy from 10-12.

Jon Carpenter · Fri 8 Jan 2016, 20:05 · Link

Help every resident of Charlbury be heard

People to distribute the Charlbury Residents Survey and be Area Representatives are urgently needed. The Charlbury Neighbourhood Forum is releasing a survey to gather all the views of Charlbury Residents. The Forum needs people to distribute and collect the surveys. There will be training and support. If you are interested please message me through the Forum.

lucy Crane-Lupton · Wed 6 Jan 2016, 15:16 · Link

Have your say on WODC's budget for 2016/17

WODC has launched a consultation on the budget for the forthcoming financial year. This includes questions about council tax and the services that WODC delivers. You can find an explanation and the survey at The closing date for submissions is noon on January 29th.

Liz Leffman · Mon 4 Jan 2016, 17:14 · Link

More refugee relief going to the Dunkirk camp

Essential warm winter clothing (waterproof or windproof coats, thick jumpers, gloves, hats and scarves) and boots, together with sleeping bags and tents and tinned food and packs of rice, beans etc. are being collected from Charlbury mid-week to be driven to the camp at Dunkirk this weekend. Money will also be taken, and can be given as cash.

We have to collect, label and pack everything by Tuesday evening, January 4 !

If you can help, please phone 01608 811378 or email

We can tell you where to leave contributions.

Jon Carpenter · Mon 4 Jan 2016, 11:05 · Link

Charlbury Website © 2012-2025. Contributions are the opinion of and property of their authors. Heading photo by David R Murphy. Code/design by Richard Fairhurst. Contact us. Report a safety issue with this page.