Cornbury lodges - from the Witney Gazette
The Witney Gazette reports on the planned holiday lodges
at Cornbury Park:
"PLANS have been submitted for a holiday home development on about 40 acres of the historic Cornbury Park Estate.
"The Witney Gazette reported in February that the estate, in Charlbury, wants to build 90 one- and two-storey forest lodges within its woodland at Finstock Heath.
"Trustees have registered an outline planning application, and a decision about whether to allow the development on a former military base within the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Beauty in principle could be made by August.
"The council started sending letters to people living near the proposed site last week, informing them that they could comment on the plans until Friday, July 7.
"Cornbury Park Estate manager, Richard Watkins, said the aim of the development was to support tourism in the area, and create a site that reflected the area's 'peace and tranquillity'.
"But some residents told the Gazette they were concerned it could set a precedent, and encourage further development if the plans were given the go ahead.
"There were also concerns about increased traffic and the impact the development could have on the area, which is bordered by the Wychwood Site of Special Scientific Interest.
"Joy Murphy, of High Street, Finstock, said some residents were planning to get together to discuss how best to oppose the plans.
"They include a reception lodge, tennis courts, children's play area, access with parking and associated landscaping, as well as the 90 lodges.
"Ms Murphy said: 'It concerns me that this could set a precedent in the area, and we will definitely be opposing it. We've been told the best way to do this is individually, but we will be holding a meeting to discuss the best way forward.'
"Earlier this year, the estate invited residents to an exhibition with displays about the plans and said the lodges, which could draw up to an extra 360 people to the village, would not be permanently occupied. Income from lodge sales would go toward the upkeep of the 6,500-acre Cornbury Park."
(Full story here.)
Richard Fairhurst ·
Fri 23 Jun 2006, 12:15 · Link
Have your Say: Household Waste in West Oxfordshire Questionnaire
All the authorities in Oxfordshire have been working together to explore the opportunities for improving waste management across the County.
This questionnaire provides you with the opportunity to comment on waste collection within West Oxfordshire and help shape the future strategy for waste management over the next 25 years.
West Oxfordshire District Council have asked an independent research company, The Oxford Research Agency, to conduct this research on our behalf. They will collate the information and pass it back to us, they will not use any of the information for any other reason.
Thank you for your time, we do appreciate it.
Submit this questionnaire today and enter our prize draw to win an Energy Efficient kitchen appliance!
Up to the value of £300. Terms and conditions apply*.
Colin Critch ·
Wed 21 Jun 2006, 13:16 · Link
Charlbury Website moves servers
The website has (hopefully successfully) been shifted across to a new server, so all the pages are now resident on
It should all work just as before, though for the next week or two, there'll be a brief flicker from one page to the next when you first go to the homepage. You'll also have to consent to the forum guidelines again when first accessing it. Please do let me know - using the 'Contact' link at the bottom - if anything else doesn't work as you expect it to.
Thanks. -- Richard
Richard Fairhurst ·
Mon 19 Jun 2006, 19:50 · Link
Casting Notice - A Winters Ale
A casting notice by Charlbury Real Ale Players Productions:
A Winters Ale by Bill Brakespear
A tale of greed, lust, intrigue and real ale. 23rd, 24th, 25th November 2006 in the Memorial Hall.
Charlbury in the year 1850... The new Lord of the Manor, Lord Grotney, brewing millionaire and father of the delectable Maria tries to impose keg beer on the people of Charlbury and from thereon, children disappear, the population revolts and everything that can goes nastily wrong…
This is a fund-raising event, organised with the help of Charlbury Beer Festival. The pantomime is brand new and has been entirely put together within the confines of Charlbury with a brand new script, loads of songs and parts for pretty well everyone.
We shall be auditioning for roles in this pantomime on June 18th 3-6pm at The Shed.
Anyone between the ages of 12yrs and, well, there is no upper limit as long as you can show up and perform for three nights and rehearse for three months, is welcome to audition. Sense of humour is vital, willingness to contribute preferable and ability to string a sentence together helpful.
If you are interested please call Tim Crisp - 01608 810716; Ian Cox - 01608 810810; Stuart Parker - 01608 810588.
Richard Fairhurst ·
Mon 5 Jun 2006, 19:42 · Link