News index


Extinction Rebellion launches in Charlbury

Extinction Rebellion Charlbury held its first local event on Friday 27 September when 130 people filled the Memorial Hall to hear two speakers from XR Oxford explain how, as carbon emissions increase beyond all expectations, humans are heading for extinction, and what can be done about it.

It was a tough message to hear, and action is needed very fast. The speakers were Dr Tom Sinclair, professor of philosophy at Wadham College, Oxford, and Megan Murray-Pepper, a teacher specialising in climate education.

The group now has over sixty local members and is planning further talks, discussions, films and actions. At least ten people from Charlbury will be taking part in the XR October Rebellion beginning in London on October 7. Many also went to Oxford on Saturday for an 'Arts-Science Xtravaganza' jointly organised by XR with the Museum of Natural History (who know a lot about extinction...).

Anyone who wants to sign up for the XR Charlbury news updates should email 

Jon Carpenter · Sun 29 Sep 2019, 23:27 · Link

New town signs installed

New signs have been installed at the road entrances to Charlbury.

The signs highlight Charlbury’s position in the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and include pictograms for Charlbury Museum plus the accommodation and food/drink in the town. They are in green (rather than the usual white) to look less obtrusive against the town’s rural setting.

The signs also say “Walkers and cyclists welcome” to recognise Charlbury’s status as a Walkers are Welcome town; to encourage motorists to slow down for vulnerable road users; to promote active tourism; and to promote carbon-neutral, healthy forms of transport.

The sign project was carried out by Charlbury Town Council and Oxfordshire County Council with support from the Cotswold Conservation Board (the AONB’s governing body).

Richard Fairhurst · Sat 28 Sep 2019, 11:14 · Link

Christmas Tree Festival

We are inviting all Charlbury organisations and charities to take part in the St Mary’s Church Christmas Tree Festival 2019.

The Festival will run from Thursday 5th December to Sunday 8th December 2019. (Set up on Wednesday 4th December & take down on Monday 9th December)

It will be the first time St Mary’s Charlbury has run a Christmas Tree Festival. We are aiming to make the most of the vibrancy and diversity in our very special Charlbury Community. With the decoration of over 35 trees, a jazzy opening party, Christmas market, festive concert and singing from the school choir, we will create a magical atmosphere for the visiting public. It will be a wonderful way to support the St Mary’s roof fund appeal, and provide publicity for your organisation.

We are aiming to write to all the organisations and charities individually. However if you have not yet received a letter, this is another way to get involved.

If you and your organisation are interested in applying to decorate a tree, support the festival with sponsorship, volunteer over the four days, or would like any more information, please get in touch with Hilli Waller at Hilli will then email you an invitation letter, a booking form, and instructions on how to take part. The latest date for applications is Tuesday 5th November.

We do hope you feel able to take part or come and support this special event.

Hilli Waller

Maureen Sparling · Fri 27 Sep 2019, 16:01 · Link

Passing of Peggy Trundle

Peggy Trundle passed away suddenly on Friday 13th September 2019 at the fantastic age of 91.

Peggy was a well-known, longstanding resident of Charlbury and will be remembered fondly by many for her kind, loving nature and excellent dress making skills.

Peggy was an amazing wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, neighbour and friend. She leaves behind a loving husband, two daughters, four grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.

The funeral will be held at St Mary’s Church in Charlbury on Friday 4th October 2019 at 2pm.

All who loved and knew Peggy are welcome to join us. Her wish is that people dress in colourful clothing.

Close family flowers only. Donations can be made at the church service for “Hands off our Horton” via A.L. Sole and Son, Bidston Close, Over Norton, Oxon, OX7 5PP.

Abby Gorton · Fri 27 Sep 2019, 15:31 · Link

The Charlbury Speakeasy is on Friday 18th October (NOT November!)

Eagle-eyed supporters of the Charlbury Speakeasy have spotted that the first show of the autumn was wrongly shown on the Speakeasy web page.  It's in October, not November, so you don't have so long to wait!  

So the first show is on Friday 18th October and features the excellent Cornish duo Our Atlantic Roots.  

Better still, the second show of the seasonn is in November, on Friday 22nd.  It features the high-energy band Plum Busby (and it's in support of CRAG).

Apologies for the editorial slip...

Simon Fenn · Fri 27 Sep 2019, 13:32 · Link

Macmillan Coffee Morning at Font Cafe

Many thanks to everyone who was able to attend the Macmillan coffee morning as part of Font Café at St Mary's Church on Thursday 26th September. We were able to raise £400 for Macmillan through Font Café sales, donations, bric-a-brac sales and sales of Flamingo Paperie cards. 

Jo Paton · Fri 27 Sep 2019, 13:10 · Link

Student grants - deadline approaching!


Are you under 25, live in Charlbury and have a guaranteed or continuing place for a University or College course or an apprenticeship? If so, you may be eligible for a grant from the Charlbury Exhibition Foundation.

If you have received a grant in a previous year, you may still be eligible, so please do apply.

Please apply by 1 October 2019 to:

Please include the following details:

- Your name and date of birth

- Schools you have attended

- The University or College name (or your employer for apprentices)

- The course and level (e.g. BA) and your year of study (or for apprentices, the type of apprenticeship and level)

- Your home address in Charlbury


Kathryn Fairhurst · Wed 25 Sep 2019, 10:44 · Link

The Breadshed

The Breadshed will be at their usual spot on Thursday 3.30 - to when it’s sold out.  Our speciality bread this week will be olive and rosemary ciabatta .   This bread is baked in a wood fired oven - which gives it that unique taste, using organic flour.  Only in Charlbury do you find a one man baker producing such a healthy life enhancing product

Patricia Freeman · Wed 25 Sep 2019, 03:00 · Link

Sad passing of “Emma” CADS four legged honorary member

It is with great sadness that we have to report that “Emma” crossed over the rainbow bridge on Monday evening to run free with all the other canine stars of stage and screen.

Emma’s first role on her road to stardom was in the 2012 with CADS production of “Dick Whittington” and received glowing reviews so much so that she went on to perform in

A midsummer night’s dream,

Stories from Saki

And Robin of Wychwood

On more than one occasion during these performances, Emma stole the show and even managed to make her fellow actors corpse whilst on stage by deciding to sit and whine at the most inopportune times to much amusement of both cast and audience.

Emma reached the grand old age of 14 ½ and has been the constant companion of owner Tim for all of her life she will be hugely missed by Tim and remembered fondly by all of CADS members and not forgetting by all of her fans in and around Charlbury.

Emma you are and always will be a star.

Tim Widdows · Tue 24 Sep 2019, 08:17 · Link

Street Fair and thanks to supporters

The Street Fair is over for another year, and we were blessed with the most marvellous weather. The traders were busy, and the fairground packed. We are yet to do the final accounts, but it looks like being a good year.

I'd like to express my thanks, on behalf of the Street Fair committee, to all those volunteers who helped run the event, to the residents of Church Street who helped by providing power, to all those who moved their cars, to the rubbish recyclers and many others.

Steve Jones
Secretary Charlbury Street Fair Committee

Steve Jones · Mon 23 Sep 2019, 09:28 · Link

Children's Bike Rally raises £400

The Children’s Bike Rally held on Saturday, as part of the Ride & Stride event, raised around £400 for Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust and Charlbury School Association. There were two routes – a ‘figure of 8’ around the churches for under-8s, and a longer route via Five Ways for older children. Thank you to all the marshals and other volunteers who made it happen.

Thu 19 Sep 2019, 14:26 · Link

Volunteers for Charlbury Street Fair

The Charlbury Street Fair is in need of on-they-day volunteers on Saturday 21st September as we are very short of people. The main tasks are the stall set-up, which will start some time after 8:00 AM and the taking down the stalls after 5:30 PM. There are a whole variety of tasks during the main event between 1:00 and 5:30 PM when the stalls close.  That will be things like collecting money, general stewarding, manning the raffle stall and so on. It needn't be for the whole period; a couple of hours or so would be very welcome.

There should be some incentive in the form of bacon rolls for the set-up crew, but the 5:30 PM take-down is equally important as last year just 3 people had to do all the work, and it took several hours.

If anybody wishes to volunteer, and in any particular capacity, please drop me an email at or a message on 07850 987922. Many thanks to all those who have put their names forwards already.

Steve Jones
Secretary Charlbury Street Fair Committee

Steve Jones · Wed 18 Sep 2019, 19:05 · Link

Surplus Local Produce Wanted

Do you have a lovely veg patch or allotment that is currently serving you a little too well?   Charlbury Preschool is holding a Family Supper Club on 28th September to raise much-needed funds for our lovely establishment.   In order to keep costs down we’re hoping to source as many donations as possible.  If you happen to have a few extra herbs, leaves, any veg or fruit please do get in touch with Chloe ( She can pick up, or produce can be left at Upper Orchard, Pooles Lane. Many thanks in advance!

Chloe Horner · Wed 18 Sep 2019, 17:06 · Link

Flu clinics at Charlbury surgery

The Charlbury Medical Practice is holding open flu clinics for their patients at the surgery for over 65s only (65 by 31 March 2020) on:

Tuesday 24 September 8am to 4pm

Tuesday 1 October 8am to 4pm

Please note that you must bring your flu letter with you in order to be vaccinated.

Additional flu clinics for the under 65s and children will be arranged when the vaccine becomes available from the manufacturer.

susan smith · Wed 18 Sep 2019, 11:45 · Link

Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Launch

A draft Charlbury Neighbourhood Plan 2031 has now been published and we are launching the formal pre-submission consultation TODAY (Wednesday 18th September 2019).  This is YOUR chance to have your say to influence the final version of this plan which will have an important impact on the future of the town and community of Charlbury for a generation.

All responses must be received by Thursday 31st October 2019.

You can view and download the draft plan plus supporting documents at .  A response form will also be available there very soon.

A few paper copies of the plan and supporting documents are also available to view in the Charlbury Library but please don't take them away.  If you can't get to the library or view the Plan online, please contact Roger Clarke (Town Clerk - 810608 during office hours) or me (Peter Kenrick - 811021). 

We will also have a display at Street Fair on Saturday afternoon when you will be able to meet the team, ask questions and tell us what you think!  Please come along.

Please take time to read the draft plan and get involved with the consultation - it's YOUR plan too! 

Peter Kenrick · Wed 18 Sep 2019, 11:09 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • Kimbell House Dyers Hill Charlbury
    Discharge of conditions 4 (Protection method) 5 (Sample panel) 6 (Roof sample) and 7 (Window and door details) of planning permission 16/02264/LBC
    WODC reference: 19/02550/CND - Wed 11 Sep 2019 - Under consideration
  • Kimbell House Dyers Hill Charlbury
    Discharge of conditions 3 (Sample panel) 4 (Roof sample) and 6 (Window and door detail) of planning permission 16/02263/HHD
    WODC reference: 19/02549/CND - Wed 11 Sep 2019 - Under consideration
  • New Barn Garage Nineacres Lane Charlbury
    Demolition of an existing small vehicle repair garage. Construction of two semi-detached dwellings.
    WODC reference: 19/02458/FUL - Mon 02 Sep 2019 - Under consideration
  • Fieldmans Farm House Ditchley Road Charlbury
    Discharge of Conditions 3 (Sample Panel), 4 (Roof Sample), 5 (Window Details), 7 (Landscaping), 10 (Land Contamination Assessment) and 11 (Enclosure) with 6 (Car park) noted for planning permission 16/04142/FUL
    WODC reference: 19/02393/CND - Fri 06 Sep 2019 - Under consideration

Mon 16 Sep 2019, 06:15 · Link

Harvest Festival Flower Display

The flower arrangers at St Mary's Church have produced a wonderful display for Harvest Festival. Do pop in and have a look. You will not be disappointed.

Patrick Gallagher · Sun 15 Sep 2019, 13:11 · Link

Charlbury Street Fair Auction Lots

Street Fair Auction Lots

Royal Oak Printing whole day course with lunch

Wilderness Festival Tickets

Wychwood Brewery Tour for two

Breakfast for 6 at Old Shed

Eynsham Hall Afternoon Tea for 2

2 x 30 minute private horse riding lessons

2 x 45 minute private horse riding lessons (for biomechanics based riding, using the Ride With Your Mind method)

1 Yoga Class Lesson

Robert Courts bottle of whisky

Voucher for Introduction to Sourdough Baking or Introduction to Bacon Making. The Curiosities Co Ltd -

Family Pass for Oxford Ice Ring

Ditchley Park tour with tea for 6 people

Family train ticket for Chiltern Railways

Ride to Stow on the Wold in a Morgan with breakfast

Person Training Session with Jason (Does not need to go to a gym member)

Family Pass to Fairytale Farm

One hour Photograph lesson with Tom Wood Photography

2 X Family Pass for CHOC Christmas film

A Family Ticket for a Day on the Severn Valley Railway

Charlbury.pilates (one to one Pilate hour lesson)

Voucher for One Month's Membership of The Community Gym including Induction Session.

Family Ticket for Blenheim Palace

Family Pass to Cotswold Farm Park (a.k.a. Adam’s Farm)

Family Ticket for Cogges Farm

Limited Edition Larcum Kendall Print by Jody O’Reilly

Hardback copy of Kendall’s Longitude by John Bendall

Bidding Open again Next Saturday from 11am. 

All Money Raised going to Corner House and Memorial Hall

Rachael Lunney · Sat 14 Sep 2019, 19:18 · Link

CBY Disco raised £70.00, all request proceeds to Charlbury Street Fair

Thanks to everyone who danced the night away on Sat 14 Sep: CBY Music Club Danceology disco with your help we raised £70.00 

This was an all Request Skool Disco Party held in the Back Bar of the Rose & Crown with smoke, light and lasers we had a Fab evening with a great attendance  .

 All your old skool favourites from the 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s were played and along with your great music requests  played for a minimum £1 per song with all the proceeds  being donated to Charlbury Street Fair!

It was a FREE ENTRY disco for people who like to Party and dance the night away so why not keep an eye out in the "whats on section"  for our next disco event tbc. 

The CBY music club meet once a week at the back bar in the Rose & Crown

From 8pm  this coming Wednesday 18th September its a night for the ladies! Celebrating the greatest female artists from across the decades. With Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Chaka Khan, Alicia Keys, Alison Moyet and many more.

Come and enjoy a couple of hours away from life's hectic schedule with a friendly bunch of like-minded music lovers and a few pints.


 For further info or to make any weekly them suggestions contact Jos at

Tim Widdows · Wed 11 Sep 2019, 10:31 · Link


As this is the week that marks eighty years since the commencement of the Second World War the talk today at The Charlbury Art Society will be by Philippa Phelan on the work of official war artists.  See events listing for details.

Tony Lloyd · Tue 10 Sep 2019, 12:50 · Link

Application submitted to demolish New Barn Garage

The owners of New Barn Garage, on Nine Acres Lane, have submitted a planning application to demolish the garage and replace it with two semi-detached houses.

The business is intending to relocate to a unit on Enstone Airfield. A covering letter with the application says “ The current garage has long been a source of frustration for local residents so the potential relocation has been universally welcomed by all. ”

The application can be viewed on the West Oxfordshire District Council website here.

Tue 10 Sep 2019, 09:11 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

Mon 9 Sep 2019, 06:15 · Link

Charlbury Street Fair 2019 needs help to set up, and take down!

Calling all Charlbury Residents! Street Fair is but two weeks away...

Fancy a Bacon Butty? 

On Saturday 21st September, we will need help to set up the stalls for the Fair - ironwork, tables and canopies - so please do come along at 8AM. You will be well rewarded with a Bacon Butty at about 9.30! Oh, and please do come back at 5PM as we will need help again to dismantle the stalls (we usually find that very few people help in the evening... so please do return!).

John Dora, Chair, Charlbury Street Fair Committee.  

John Dora · Sun 8 Sep 2019, 20:21 · Link

No more Monthly Makers' Markets

I am very sad, but the pressure of work, small babies, 2 jobs... etc and we found that we just had to call a halt.  

However Fab Cooks will continue and pop-ups with maybe music and who knows maybe dancing too!  Winter delights to come. 

Patricia Freeman · Thu 5 Sep 2019, 09:47 · Link

A Science Group for Charlbury residents

The group is for those who would like to explore the vast science world.  They might range from What is the science of my phone? questioners, to those interested in the universe surrounding our world.

Once several members have mustered on the quarter-deck, we can decide topics and frequency of meetings, probably in our homes.

 I have created an Amateur Scientifics website full of aspects and quotations and the link will be sent to enquirers. 

The group could include those who want to explore, for example, gravity or the effect of speed of light. The group could operate on a self-help basis.  Occasional speakers could be invited.

 How long will our Earth survive?  An interesting question?

We could look at the difference between hard and soft science and explore avenues.

And how science and philosophy march forward hand in hand. 

We could dig up Darwin and tell him that natural selection has failed the survival of humanity.

We could search the night sky.  It may be the majority use telescopes.  For those less keen it can be achieved using the internet.

Do send me a note via my name, suggesting topics.

Best wishes

Alan F Harrison

Alan F Harrison · Tue 3 Sep 2019, 13:07 · Link

Phone scammer identity theft

A friend received a phone call (the usual scam about "your internet will be down in 24 hours if you don't press these buttons") but the difference here,  was that it showed as having come from my phone number. It hadn't of course.  This is known as spoofing.  It seems as if someone is hacking peoples phone book to get a genuine phone number that won't be blocked.

All my attempts at reporting this have failed.

Geoff Holmberg · Mon 2 Sep 2019, 18:19 · Link

Beware of phone scammer posing as Police

There is a cold caller phoning up on the landline saying he is part of the Police and there is an initiative to help people become more aware and put things in place to stop break-ins. He wants to make an appointment to come around. Do not let him as it is a hoax call. If you were to dial 1471 from your landline, his number comes up as 01733798130 (a Peterborough number). This is used by scammers. If the real police were to initiate something they would put it on their social media sites and/or turn up on the door step with full uniform and ID.

Philippa Phelan · Mon 2 Sep 2019, 14:33 · Link

Newly formed group, the Charlbury Climate Action Network, CCAN.

There is a newly formed group, The Charlbury Climate Action Network (CCAN). CCAN is collecting signatures to present to Charlbury Town Council at its next meeting on 25th September. We hope that these signatures will give a mandate to the Council to enable it to recognise that there is an Environmental and Climate Emergency (over 50% of councils around the UK have already done so), and that its policies and decisions in future will be consistent with this. If you would like to find out more or add your signature, CCAN members will be at the Garden Society Show on Saturday 7th September, outside the Co-op during the Farmers Market on Saturday 14th September and around about during the Charlbury Street Fair on Saturday 21st September. You can also add your signature at the Community Centre and the Rose and Crown. Look out for the dates of the next meeting of CCAN on the Charlbury website. You can also contact John on 07848401765 or Janet on 07947076257.

Flora Gregory · Mon 2 Sep 2019, 11:22 · Link

Missing man seen in Charlbury

The Oxford Mail reports that a man missing from Pershore has been seen in Charlbury.

“The family of Martyn Davies from Pershore reported his disappearance to police on Friday morning. Of several potential sightings since, two were in West Oxfordshire - one in Charlbury, another in Chipping Norton. In a post written on Facebook, a family member wrote: ‘He’s been missing since around 6.30 this [Friday] morning. He hasn’t taken his car and his phone is off. It’s very out of character for him to do this.’ ”

Anyone with information is asked to call 101, incident number 631S300819.

Richard Fairhurst · Sun 1 Sep 2019, 21:45 · Link

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