News index


2017 recycling calendar published

West Oxfordshire District Council has published its calendar of recycling dates for the next year. You can download the sheet for Charlbury at .

Richard Fairhurst · Mon 26 Sep 2016, 16:29 · Link

Ricos Pizza Van

For all you pizza lovers out there, please note that Rico is changing his Charlbury visits to fortnightly from the 3rd October until Easter 2017.
The van is not there this evening, 26th September.

Jim Holah · Mon 26 Sep 2016, 09:18 · Link

The NDP Steering Committee

In order to keep people informed the members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steerimg committee are given below
Chair Peter Kenrick
Vice Chair Rod Evans
Members Janet Burroughs
Richard Fairhurst,
Catherine Goyder
John Hole
Tony Merry
Chris Sharpe
Graham Terry

Last week some of us met with Joseph Walker Community Planning Officer and Andrew Thomson from the Planning Policy team at WODC regarding Neighbourhood Plans and will shortly produce a report of this meeting which will be available on the Neighbourhood Forum section of this website

Tony H Merry · Sun 25 Sep 2016, 12:26 · Link

Criminal damage to vehicles on Marlborough Place

Between the 20th and 21st two cars were damaged on Marlborough Place. The offender/s have targeted two Mercedes. One has been scratched with an unknown implement and the other has been drawn on with permanent marker pen. If you have any further information please contact police on 101 and quote crime report number 43160263245. This is a very unusual area to be targeted by vandals and any information would be grateful.

Wesley Smith · Fri 23 Sep 2016, 20:56 · Link

Student grants - last chance to apply!

The last chance to apply for a grant from the Charlbury Exhibition Foundation this year is 1 October.

If you are under 25, live in Charlbury and have a guaranteed or continuing place for a University or College course or an apprenticeship please send the following details to

Please include the following details:
- Your name and date of birth
- Schools you have attended
- The University or College name (or your employer for apprentices)
- The course and level (e.g. BA) and your year of study (or for apprentices, the type of apprenticeship and level)
- Your home address in Charlbury
- The reason for your application for a grant

Applications will be considered in October, and you'll find out whether you will receive a grant later in the month.

Kathryn Fairhurst · Wed 21 Sep 2016, 20:06 · Link

Charlbury Community Centre Update

Last Friday saw the official launch of construction work at the Community Centre site by former Prime Minister and Witney MP, David Cameron. Over 200 people attended the event plus children from Charlbury Primary School after completing the Charlbury Challenge!

This week is being used by the contractors to set up the site ready for major construction works. The major works up to Christmas will involve digging the foundations, laying the concrete pad and erecting the steel frame. This will give all Charlbury residents a real view of the scale of the project.

As you may be aware, we have had to divert some footpaths around the construction site. We tried very hard to maintain some access across the site (however small) but due to the heavy plant and deliveries that are required on an already tight construction site this has not been possible. However the good news is that new lit pathways, cycle stores and buggy shelters will be built and completely enhance the accessways on completion of the project. Start ticking off the calendar...

We remain very thankful for the continued support of the community and trust you will bear with us through this now intense construction period.

The centre is still targeted to open in Autumn 2017!

Paul D Jenkins · Wed 21 Sep 2016, 13:09 · Link

Charlbury candidate selected for Witney by-election

The Liberal Democrats have chosen Charlbury's Liz Leffman as their candidate in the Witney by-election, prompted by the resignation of David Cameron. Liz is one of two district councillors for Charlbury and Finstock: she fought the Witney constituency in the 2005 General Election, coming second to David Cameron and achieving the party's highest vote in this constituency.

The Labour Party has selected Duncan Enright, a Witney town and district councillor, who came second as the party's candidate in the 2015 General Election. The Conservative and Green parties have not yet chosen their candidates.

Richard Fairhurst · Tue 20 Sep 2016, 23:27 · Link

Charlbury Primary School – Open Mornings

Do you have a child who will be starting Primary School in September 2017? If you would like to find out more about Charlbury Primary School, then please come along to one of the Open Mornings planned this Autumn.

The sessions will take place on the following dates:
• Wednesday 19th October 2016
• Wednesday 9th November 2016
• Wednesday 23rd November 2016

Each session will start at 9.30am and run for about an hour. You will be given a tour of the school, find out how our school works and have a chance to ask any questions you may have.

Please ring or email to book onto one of the above sessions. The School Office can be contacted on 01608 810354 or

Charlbury Primary School · Mon 19 Sep 2016, 10:27 · Link

David Cameron is Breaking new ground in Charlbury

After years of planning and fundraising, construction of the £2million Charlbury Community Centre is set to begin. Former Witney MP, David Cameron, marked this milestone and recognised the work of the volunteers who have made the project a reality in a ground-breaking ceremony held on Friday 16 September at the site of the new centre.
Speaking at the launch, Mr Cameron said "I have been very impressed with the work of the dedicated volunteers who have spent many years taking the Charlbury Community Centre project from design to construction. This is an enduring gift to the town, led by local people, and I'm proud to see such an innovative project developed by my local community."
Designed to complement the town's existing social and sporting facilities, the state-of-the-art building will provide recreational and educational amenities for all ages and interests, and widen the range of activities available to local residents and surrounding communities. Large enough to accommodate sports such as five-a-side football, netball, basketball, volleyball and badminton, it will also provide year-round opportunities for Charlbury's existing sports clubs to play and practise. The building will also house a new modern library with IT facilities and WiFi, as well as meeting places and a flexible community, youth and cafe area.
At the heart of the project is Charlbury charity, The Thomas Gifford Trust, whose roots go back to the 16th century. The Trust owns the land upon which the centre is being built with the charity's team of volunteers managing the project on behalf of the community. Trust chair, Mrs Marjorie Glasgow, said "We are all extremely grateful to Mr Cameron who, has provided invaluable on-going support and encouragement.
"We have received funding support from local, regional and national organisations, whose high standards and challenging criteria required us to deliver a very high quality project."
"Without the hard work of the people of Charlbury in raising funds, along with the time and technical expertise given freely by my current and past trustees and others in the fields of design, development, construction, finance, and project management, the community centre would still be just a dream."
Funds have been raised by the Charlbury Community Centre Appeal and from private donations, grants, Sport England and local authorities, including Charlbury Town Council. The Centre will be managed on a not-for-profit basis by professional staff funded by its income, supported by a core group of volunteers.
The building has been designed to meet environmental and energy performance standards. Main contractor, E W Beard Ltd, will take control of the site at the end of September, with the centre scheduled to open in autumn 2017.
For further information contact Marjorie Glasgow ?"

daniela jenkins · Sat 17 Sep 2016, 18:02 · Link

Southill Solar begins...

Southill Community Energy is delighted to report that the community-owned solar farm installation will begin next week. This has been the product of 4 years work by an extremely enthusiastic team of local residents and I hope is something the community will be rightly proud of, particularly once the financial benefit begins to flow back into the community.
It is important to note that this will be a construction site and there will be no access without prior agreement during the installation. If there are people interested then we would be very grateful if you contact us at and we will see if an arranged visit can be organised.
The site is due to be commissioned in mid-November and we hope to be able to properly recognise this through a public event, details to be confirmed.

Tim Crisp
On behalf of Southill Community Energy

Tim crisp · Fri 16 Sep 2016, 15:08 · Link

Street Fair Auction

You can find the list of auction lots numbers here and the bidding forms are available either to collect at the Post Office, and hand in there, or downloadable from the website or from here

Bids can be placed at the PO up to and including Friday and then on the Auction stall at Street Fair on Saturday afternoon. Winning bids to be announced at Street Fair at 5pm. Lots of wonderful lots to bid for!

Susie Finch · Wed 14 Sep 2016, 10:41 · Link

Charlbury Neighbourhood Forum - results from the Survey

I am sure that many people are wondering what is now happening so I am posting this update
The survey went very well but this does mean that there is a lot of data. It has now been input and is being analysed. Both of these were carried out externally to ensure there was no bias but this is taking some time. Currently we expect to have the analysis in 3-4 weeks time when it will be examined and then presented to the public at a meeting and copies of the results will be available.
In the meantime the findings of the survey will be used to produce two plans alongside each other - A Community Led Action Plan and a Neighbourhood Development Plan. Committee have been set up for both of these and are holding meetings and we will keep you all updated on progress
The reason for producing two plans is that serve different purposes as described below
A Community Led Action Plan reflects the local vision of how residents would like to see the area change and improve in coming years to meet local wishes and needs. Community-led Action Plans can be much broader than Neighbourhood Development Plans, covering more than just land use planning issues.
This Plan focuses on action that the community needs to take (with outside help, if necessary), in response to the views expressed in the town survey.
A Neighbourhood Development Plan is is a way of helping local communities to influence the land use planning of the area in which they live and work
It is a more formal plan prepared with the Town Council and District Council used to:
Develop a shared vision Charlbury.
Choose where new homes, shops, offices and other development should be built.
Consider infrastructure required to support new developments and specify contributions required from developers.
Identify and protect important local green spaces.
Influence what new buildings should look like.
Each of the notice boards at the Coop will be used to give ongoing information on each plan

Tony H Merry · Mon 12 Sep 2016, 15:44 · Link

David Cameron to stand down as Charlbury's MP

The BBC is reporting that David Cameron is to stand down as MP for the Witney constituency, including Charlbury.

Richard Fairhurst · Mon 12 Sep 2016, 15:21 · Link

Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Charlbury Community Centre

The trustees of the Thomas Gifford Trust are pleased to announce the official Groundbreaking Ceremony for the new Charlbury Community Centre, Library and Sports Hall will be taking place on Friday, 16th September at 4.45pm at the Spendlove Site on Enstone Road.

We are pleased that after many years of hard work and support from so many people we are ready to start construction of this exciting project. We hope you can all join us to celebrate.

daniela jenkins · Mon 12 Sep 2016, 11:10 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • The Old Bank House Market Street Charlbury
    Change of Use from A2 (Financial and Professional Services) to combined A1 (Shops) and A3 (Restaurants and Cafes).
    WODC reference: 16/02929/FUL - Tue 30 Aug 2016 - Under consideration
  • 27 Sturt Close Charlbury
    Erection of single storey rear extension and conservatory. Repositioning of existing detached garage.
    WODC reference: 16/02819/HHD - Mon 05 Sep 2016 - Under consideration

Mon 12 Sep 2016, 08:00 · Link

Road Closure for Street Fair - Saturday 17 September

Will all residents and users of Church Street and Park Street (up to junction with Shilsons Lane) please note that ALL cars need to be removed no later than 9am so that the stalls can be erected. We would be very grateful if you can do this, to avoid any police action. This will remain in force until 11pm.

Please also note that Church Street will also be closed to traffic from 6pm to 9pm on Friday 16 September for the Egg Throwing. Please can all cars again be removed.

Sheep Street will also be closed to traffic on Street Fair day from 9am to 6pm.

Many thanks for all your help in this - here's to a great day.

Susie Finch · Fri 9 Sep 2016, 11:24 · Link

What's On for Charlbury Chronicle

I would like to include a What's On page/s in the next issue of the Chronicle. This will include the months of December, January and February. Please can you email me before 1st November all planned activities including date, what, where, time etc. Just a one or two liner please. If there is an article on your particular organisation, then I will reference the page. But this will hopefully include all regular events, eg Toddlers, Day Centre etc. So be sure to include all details. Email to send these details is

Many thanks, Susie

Susie Finch · Mon 5 Sep 2016, 16:30 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

Mon 5 Sep 2016, 08:00 · Link

Churches Together in Charlbury Holiday Club 2017

Following a great Holiday club this year, the Churches Together in Charlbury Holiday Club 2017 for 4-11 year olds, will take place in St. Mary's Church on Tuesday 1st August - Friday 4th August 2017 with a service on Sunday 6th August at 9.45am. Hope this helps with planning next years holidays.

Jo Paton · Fri 2 Sep 2016, 13:32 · Link

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