Cornerstone food
Thank you very much to the many people who brought in food for Cornerstone last week to ensure that we had enough food for our food parcels. Your help was amazing and made a real difference to what we were able to give out.
If anyone is still able to donate and bring food for this week that would be great.
For more information on what we do please go to the website
Jo Paton, Cornerstone Manager
St Marys and All Saints ·
Mon 29 Jan 2024, 13:35 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- Land South Of Charlbury Road
EIA Scoping Report for the residential development of upto 104 dwellings with open space and associated infrastructure
WODC reference: 24/00217/SCOPE - Tue 23 Jan 2024 - Under consideration
- Cheorl House Church Street Charlbury
Change of use from office to residential
WODC reference: 24/00166/FUL - Thu 25 Jan 2024 - Under consideration
- 28 Little Lees Charlbury
Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extensions (part retrospective)
WODC reference: 24/00107/HHD - Fri 12 Jan 2024 - Under consideration
Mon 29 Jan 2024, 06:15 · Link
Can you help Charlbury Scout Hut?
Charlbury Scout Hut is nearly 90 years old, and it's in need of some repairs. Could you join the new hut management committee to help out? We need help with fundraising, organising refurbishment, maintenance, organising bookings and admin. To find out more, drop a line to or you can chat to me or message me on this site.
Claire Wilding ·
Sat 27 Jan 2024, 13:23 · Link
Measles and protection with the MMR vaccine
Measles is one of the most infectious viral diseases in humans, spread by coughs and sneezes.
It can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia, encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) , blindness and deafness. In addition, measles infection damages and suppresses the whole immune system. This means that people who have had measles are more likely to catch other infectious diseases. This effect can last for as much as three years.
Anyone of any age can catch measles, and it’s particularly important for young adults to make sure they’ve had both doses of the MMR vaccine before they think about starting a family, as measles infection can harm the unborn baby.
The vaccine is very effective. After 2 doses 99% of people will be protected against measles and rubella, and 88% against mumps, giving immunity for life.
The first MMR dose is usually given at 12 months when the immune system responds best and the second at about 3 years 4 months.
However you can catch up on the jabs at any point, whether you are a child or an adult.
Currently vaccine rates are well below what is recommended, and there is significant concern about the number of measles cases presenting to hospitals, particularly in children. Children and young people who have missed the MMR vaccine are particularly at risk.
Measles usually starts with cold-like symptoms, red painful eyes and sensitivity to light, a high temperature, and greyish-white spots in the mouth and throat. A red-brown blotchy rash usually appears a few days later, spreading from behind the ears to the rest of the body. Rarely the symptoms can lead to serious complications.
Why childhood immunisation is important
Immunisation prepares the body to fight serious infections that might happen in the future. Young babies are very vulnerable to infections, so they need to be protected as early as possible. Your child needs several different vaccines to be fully protected, so it’s really important to complete their childhood immunisation programme.
Nikki Rycroft
On behalf of the Charlbury Medical Centre /Patient Group
Nikki Rycroft ·
Wed 24 Jan 2024, 09:28 · Link
Cornerstone food
We haven't received much surplus food today. If you have spare in date food that we can have and use for our food bags on Friday please bring it in to Cornerstone. Open Monday - Saturday 10am - 1pm. Thank you all. Jo
Jo Paton ·
Tue 23 Jan 2024, 18:08 · Link
Beating the Bounds 1924
This year marks the centenary of the tragedy at the Beating the Bounds walk where several children drowned in the river. There will be various events held, run by different organisations, to commemorate this event. To help us with the planning I would be really pleased to hear about any relatives of anyone who was at this Beating the Bounds walk, who are still local. Thank you.
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Mon 22 Jan 2024, 11:55 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
Mon 22 Jan 2024, 06:15 · Link
Do you know someone who deserves an Honoured Citizen Award?
It's time for this year's Honoured Citizen Award nominations!
Do you know of anyone whose voluntary efforts over many years have made a real positive difference to the people and community of Charlbury? We are now accepting nominations for the next round of Charlbury Honoured Citizen Awards. Nomination forms and other details are available on the Town Council website:
and nominations for this round must be received by 19th February 2024
Presentation of the awards will take place during the Annual Town Meeting on 15th March.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Thu 18 Jan 2024, 13:02 · Link
Charlbury Town Barbers
Wow what a great start to the year, seeing lots old and new customers.
We have 2 barbers working Wednesdays and Thursdays so waiting times are shorter.
We are open 9 - 5.30 Tuesday to Friday and Saturday 8.30 - 1pm.
Sian Coombes ·
Thu 18 Jan 2024, 10:18 · Link
Prayer Tree at the Christmas Tree Festival
It was wonderful to see so many people enjoying the Christmas Tree Festival, and coming along to our 2 successful events in December. Thank you again for all your support, and generosity.
Thank you also to those who wrote a few words on the tags on our prayer tree inside the church. The church is always a quiet welcoming place for reflection and prayer and all are welcome.
There were lots of tags on the tree, and these will be prayed through at church on the next few Wednesdays at Morning Prayer.
Hilli Waller
Maureen Sparling ·
Tue 16 Jan 2024, 08:54 · Link
Southill awarded hedge laying grant
Southill Community Energy is delighted to have been awarded a grant by Cotswolds National Landscape to undertake a hedge laying project along sections of its boundary with the Fawler Road. The funding is from the Farming in Protected Landscapes (FiPL) programme, part of Defra’s Agricultural Transition Plan.
We will be hedge laying in a traditional way to manage two lengths of hedgerow elms (and some other species) alongside the roadside margins, reducing the risk of elm trees succumbing to disease whilst providing a local exemplar of good hedge management. This is in line with our overall management objectives to enhance insect and bird habitats and increasing biodiversity across the site. The total length of the hedgerows to be laid is 380m, the two lengths being at the farthest end of each of the two fields. The work will begin towards the end of this month.
By creating a very visible hedge that has been traditionally managed, we intend to not only enhance its value to wildlife as the new stems grow up and thicken the hedge, but also to provide an exemplar of how this develops. Our ambition is to encourage other local hedge owners (both private households and land managers) to follow a similar path, rather than repeatedly over-trimming, which often leads to loss of healthy hedge structure as well as loss of diversity. We will be monitoring and recording the increase in biodiversity as a component of the entire site.
We will be employing a local specialist to lay the hedges and will share all the learning that comes from delivering this with our various stakeholders, including visiting conservation groups, students, councillors, and other interested parties. By learning how to manage our hedges in a traditional way we will be able to advocate more effectively for others to do the same, and to understand and demonstrate the benefits that come from this.
Please do contact Anne Miller if you would like any further information, or myself through the link below.
Tim Crisp ·
Mon 15 Jan 2024, 13:26 · Link
Initial discussion on parking issues - 17th January
Wednesday 17th January, 8pm in the Green Room, Memorial Hall.
The Town Council is holding a traffic committee meeting to start off discussions with Oxfordshire County Council on how to address the parking problems around town. Liz Leffman and Andy Graham will be attending. Members of public are welcome to attend. Please note parking is controlled by the County Council, except for car parks (Spendlove is owned principally by the District Council).
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Mon 15 Jan 2024, 09:26 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- Minster Cottage Church Street Charlbury
Internal and external alterations to include the removal of an outbuilding and erection a ground floor bedroom with glazed link to dwelling.
WODC reference: 23/03363/LBC - Wed 10 Jan 2024 - Under consideration
- Minster Cottage Church Street Charlbury
Removal of existing outbuilding and detached garage. Erection of a ground floor bedroom with glazed link to dwelling and construction of a replacement double garage.
WODC reference: 23/03362/HHD - Wed 10 Jan 2024 - Under consideration
- 66 Ticknell Piece Road Charlbury
Erection of a single storey rear extension
WODC reference: 23/03371/HHD - Tue 09 Jan 2024 - Under consideration
- Bell Hotel Church Street Charlbury
Installation of 4no. chimney fan extraction units and associated works. (Retrospective).
WODC reference: 23/03366/LBC - Mon 18 Dec 2023 - Under consideration
- Bell Hotel Church Street Charlbury
Installation of 4no. chimney fan extraction units and associated works. (Retrospective).
WODC reference: 23/03365/FUL - Tue 19 Dec 2023 - Under consideration
Mon 15 Jan 2024, 06:15 · Link
CRAG (Charlbury Refugee Action Group) is collecting for Calais again until 29th January
Most needed items are:
- Men’s and boys’ coats (especially small and medium sizes)
- Sleeping bags and blankets
- Jogging bottoms or jeans, size 26-34 waist (joggers with cuff bottoms if possible)
- New boxer shorts (esp small and medium, tight fit if possible) Socks, hats and gloves
- Unlocked mobile phones with chargers (note – unlocking essential please)
If you can help please follow the instructions on our website. THANK YOU!
Vicky Buser ·
Sun 14 Jan 2024, 17:48 · Link
Your 2024 Beer Festival Needs You!
A short message to say a huge thank you to the heroic volunteers who helped our 2023 Festival raise nearly £20,000 to help so many worthy local causes! If you're potentially interested in helping out at this years event on 29th June 2024 please contact Mick Donegan at
Michael Donegan ·
Sun 14 Jan 2024, 15:28 · Link
Fergus Butler-Gallie will be installed as the new Parish Vicar on Wednesday, 17 January. Please join us in welcoming him at St. Mary's beginning at 730pm. Refreshments will be served afterwards.
In case you are wondering, Fergus is thirty-one and grew up all over the country but with a family home by the Romney Marsh in Kent. His interests include writing (he has authored three books and numerous pieces for national newspapers), humour, eating, drinking, socialising, sport (he has coached cricket and rugby), and above all else, people. He has served in churches in Liverpool and Central London as well as in chaplaincy at a school in Kent.
dine glasgow ·
Fri 12 Jan 2024, 11:38 · Link
End of Game Season Supper Club at The Bull
At the onset of the Game Season, we partnered with Dean, a local expert in sourcing game from nearby fields. Throughout the past couple of months, he has delivered exceptional produce, enabling our chefs to craft amazing dishes. As the season nears its end, we’re thrilled to announce the End of Season Game Dinner in our Secret Garden Room.
Join us on Thursday 8th February, for a family-style dinner complemented by wines expertly paired by our in-house sommelier..
Tickets here:
Charlie Helm ·
Wed 10 Jan 2024, 15:26 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- Milton Cottage The Playing Close Charlbury
Internal and external alterations to include the removal of existing conservatory. Erection of single storey extension.
WODC reference: 23/03231/LBC - Fri 22 Dec 2023 - Under consideration
- Milton Cottage The Playing Close Charlbury
Demolition of an existing conservatory. Construction of a single storey extension.
WODC reference: 23/03230/HHD - Fri 22 Dec 2023 - Under consideration
Mon 8 Jan 2024, 06:15 · Link
THOMAS GIFFORD TRUST - one new trustee found, one still needed! Could it be you?
Thank you for the response so far to our call out for new trustees. We’re delighted to have filled the net zero role, but we are still looking for someone to take on the youth role.
The Thomas Gifford Trust is the charity that owns and manages the Community Centre. The trust was established in 1592, since which time it has owned and managed The Playing Close.
There are up to 12 trustees and we are currently looking for a new trustee. The trustees meet every 2 months (on a Wednesday at 8pm) and are responsible for both the forward looking strategic decisions about the running of the Community Centre, and also the ongoing management of the trust. We have some paid staff and a large number of dedicated and indispensable volunteers who do everything from front of house duties to maintaining the building. Annual turnover of the trust is about £230,000. The big project that we have on at the moment is building a new dedicated gym. While we would like to hear from anyone who might be interested in becoming a trustee, there is one area of particular interest:
We run the youth club at the Community Centre and, in conjunction with the Town Council and others, we are wanting to take forward the appointment of a youth ambassador to develop and co-ordinate activities for teenagers in the town. This project is subject to funding, but we would be very interested to hear from anyone wanting to get involved with this.
If you want to learn more about what may be involved please speak to Chris Potts, Chair (07765 242315) or Daniela Jenkins, Executive Manager (07979 706090), or any of the other trustees, or just call in and speak with us.
Catherine Ball ·
Sun 7 Jan 2024, 16:00 · Link
Advance Notice of Railway Engineering Work
The Cotswold Line Promotion Group (CLPG) has been told by Great Western that engineering work will affect our rail service on Sunday 24 March through to, and including, Wednesday 27 March. All Oxford and Paddington trains will start or terminate at Charlbury, with buses replacing trains beyond Charlbury.
The biggest change to services are expected to be on the Sunday when trains are expected to leave London approximately 30 minutes earlier than usual, with the last train departing Paddington at 20.20.
Further details will be posted here in due course.
Brian Murray
Brian Murray ·
Sat 6 Jan 2024, 15:09 · Link
Charlbury Town Barbers
After Brians retirement, We would like to announce that Charlbury Town Barbers is now open for business.
New owner Sian has given the shop a makeover and is looking forward to welcoming customers old and new.
Opening hours will differ slightly from before,pop into the shop for more info or visit us online
Sian Coombes ·
Fri 5 Jan 2024, 09:37 · Link
Join/Renew your Garden Society Membership for 2024!
Get ready for gardening in 2024!
Get ready for the 2024 gardening
season by joining or renewing your membership with the Garden Society
at the Community Centre, on Wednesday 10th January 3pm-5pm, or Saturday 20th January 10am-12am. Cash if possible, but card and cheque also accepted.

Membership costs £7 for the entire year (or £10
for two adults at the same address) and you will immediately get your
Membership Card listing all the events planned for 2024. Membership
covers all children living in the same household.
The Membership Card enables discounts at various local Garden Centres.
Members also get free admission to our talks and priority for other events.
See for more information about membership and the list of garden centres offering a discount.
See for the events planned so far for 2024!
Geneviève Hug ·
Thu 4 Jan 2024, 14:06 · Link
Blue Monday Comedy Night at The Bull
Laugh in the face of the so called ‘most depressing day of the year’ with our Blue Monday Comedy Night with Nice N’ Spiky, sponsored by Lucky Saint. Join us for a special line-up to brighten your mid-January blues. Dry Jan’ers never fear, all attendees will receive a pint of Lucky Saint non-alcoholic beer on arrival.
Tickets here:
Line up update:
Marcel Lucont - Set List (Sky Atlantic), Comedy Central At The Comedy Store, The John Bishop Show (BBC1)
Stephen Bailey - BBC Live At The Apollo, BBC Unbreakable, BBC Would I Lie To You?
Katie Green - Funny Women Awards Finalist, The Pleasance Reserve Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Steve Hall (Matt Bragg replacement) - ‘We Are Klang’ (BBC3), The Russell Howard Tour (Sky One), A League of Their Own (Sky One)
Charlie Helm ·
Tue 2 Jan 2024, 10:12 · Link