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National Pickleball Champion in Charlbury!

Congratulations to Anna Cherry, who recently won gold medal in the English Open Pickleball championships in Nottingham, over 50s category - (though dare I say she could have been entered in a higher age group!). Anna said: "This win was only possible because [a] Charlbury Community Centre was built, [b] Vijay started the Pickleball sessions and [c] people like you give their time to help run the centre!"

Like most of us she had never heard of Pickleball a couple of years ago, but it's a  great game for people of all abilities and ages.

We are very proud of our champion!

Tanya Stevenson · Fri 30 Aug 2019, 16:08 · Link

Small red van

Two young men in a red van drove into my drive today- all the way down, turned round and drove out. The house is on Fawler Road. No explanation or apology. If you see them or know them, please ask them to return for an explanation.

Jean Adams

Jean Adams · Thu 29 Aug 2019, 17:26 · Link

The Breadshed

The Bread Shed will be at the CoOp car park in the traders space every Thursday from 3pm til 5.30 selling Deep’s quality sourdough. Deep sources his organic flours as locally as he can. Using only natural yeast, salt and water, his bread ferments over 24 hours and is baked in a wood fired oven. He splits his own logs and keeps the fire stoked. This is real bread - with none of the 24 odd additives or fast acting yeast used in most bread. Made with love and zen vibes for Charlbury in Charlbury.

Patricia Freeman · Thu 29 Aug 2019, 09:26 · Link

Many thanks to WODC

Charlbury Community Centre is delighted to announce that we have been awarded a grant of £6,106 towards running costs by WODC. Amongst other things, the district council recognises Charlbury Community Centre's ability to serve the larger community during daytime hours, when their Chipping Norton Centre is committed to school use. This money is a great help as, unlike many sports and leisure facilities, we are not owned or subsidised by the local authority. This means we have to raise all our running costs through charges for use of the centre, café income, grants and fundraising and so a grant like this is extremely welcome. So far we are doing well at making the books balance as the centre is becoming ever more well-used and supported by the community. Please join us at our second birthday party on 13th Sept to find out more about how it's all going.

Tanya Stevenson · Tue 27 Aug 2019, 14:27 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • 53 Nine Acres Close Charlbury
    Discharge of Condition 6 (Window Details) of planning permission 18/01593/FUL.
    WODC reference: 19/02400/CND - Fri 23 Aug 2019 - Under consideration
  • 5 Cotswold View Charlbury
    Alterations to increase size of garage and new pitched roof.
    WODC reference: 19/02342/HHD - Mon 19 Aug 2019 - Under consideration
  • Tachbrook Park Street Charlbury
    Internal and external alterations to include replacement garage (to allow changes to rear garage and kitchen doors and front garage door).
    WODC reference: 19/02352/LBC - Mon 12 Aug 2019 - Under consideration

Mon 26 Aug 2019, 06:15 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • 30 Woodfield Drive Charlbury
    Alterations and erection of single storey rear and side extensions. Extend dropped kerb.
    WODC reference: 19/02256/HHD - Mon 12 Aug 2019 - Under consideration
  • Land West Of Hixet Wood Charlbury Oxfordshire
    Construction of outdoor riding arena in existing grazing field, for private use.
    WODC reference: 19/02218/FUL - Mon 05 Aug 2019 - Under consideration

Mon 19 Aug 2019, 06:15 · Link

Burglary Woodstock road

Just to advise community to be vigilant and keep vehicles and doors locked .. whilst watching tv on Friday night an intruder entered my property and took cash from purse, I disturbed the man who then fled via waiting car so 2 Assailants white car . Police have been very good quick response and are taking this seriously as entered property.. be vigilant,be safe ...

joanne spicer · Sun 18 Aug 2019, 13:40 · Link

Student grants - apply by 1 October


Are you under 25, live in Charlbury and have a guaranteed or continuing place for a University or College course or an apprenticeship? If so, you may be eligible for a grant from the Charlbury Exhibition Foundation.

If you have received a grant in a previous year, you may still be eligible, so please do apply.

Please apply by 1 October 2019 to:

Please include the following details:

- Your name and date of birth

- Schools you have attended

- The University or College name (or your employer for apprentices)

- The course and level (e.g. BA) and your year of study (or for apprentices, the type of apprenticeship and level)

- Your home address in Charlbury


Kathryn Fairhurst · Sat 17 Aug 2019, 09:39 · Link


Shot on location around Charlbury, Chipping Norton, Woodstock and Radford, join members of the cast and the director for a post film Q&A


Playing at The Theatre,Chipping Norton

Sunday 1st Sept 7:30pm

Tickets £10, Under 16s £7.50

Sun 1st Sept

A group of strangers leave London's Paddington Station for a therapy weekend in Oxfordshire where they hope to develop 'self awareness' and possibly find some 'enlightenment'. They will sleep in tipis and participate in therapeutic groups in a yurt. Waiting for them are two group leader, a husband and wife team. Cynthia is congenial and supportive, whereas Jim is manipulative. One of his catch phrases is that he has to "hurt someone before I can help them."

After just a few hours the atmosphere becomes toxic. Bullying begins. The intensity of the group increases. Then a particularly gruesome murder is committed.

Shot on location around Charlbury, Chipping Norton, Woodstock and Radford, join members of the cast and the director for a post film Q&A

For tickets follow the link below

Tim Widdows · Fri 16 Aug 2019, 10:25 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

Mon 12 Aug 2019, 06:15 · Link

stolen bicycles

2 bicycles were stolen from off the back of our car parked in our drive on the night of Thursday 1st August probably to get home fromWilderness.  2 boys were seen by a neighbour cycling up Crawborough at 3:00am after she heard odd noises , presumably the removal of the bikes from the car. 

These bikes have sentimental value for the owners (wedding presents) and will probably have been abandoned. 

If you see them please contact Deborah: or text 07770720295.

Deborah Hofman · Fri 9 Aug 2019, 13:09 · Link

Train timetable changes in December

Train times are changing across the entire GWR network in December and the Cotswold Line is no exception. 

Many services will become faster, with the London–Charlbury journey reduced to 1hr03 on the fastest peak services. A later service will operate from London Paddington on all weekdays (though not the weekend). There are significant retimings during the evening, with fewer trains stopping at Reading.

The timetable will be officially published in mid-September, but provisional times are now listed on sites such as RealTimeTrains, and can be viewed by selecting dates in late December. Details could, however, still change between now and September. To summarise the proposed weekday changes:

Morning peak

Between 06.00 and 09.00, most trains to London run similarly to the current timetable, slightly retimed and generally a little faster. The 07.33 is the most improved, taking just 1hr07.

The ‘Oxfordshire Halts’ stopper, which currently leaves at 07.50 (arriving Oxford 08.10), will leave at 08.05 (arriving 08.25).

The 09.41 to Paddington is replaced by an 09.10 departure.


Trains run to Worcester roughly on the hour (many continuing to Malvern or Hereford), and to Oxford/London around 10 past the hour. Trains leave from London at 50 past the hour.

Evening peak

The late afternoon and evening are when the biggest changes are seen:

  • 15.20 and 15.50 from Paddington run as at present (slightly faster).
  • ‘Oxfordshire Halts’ train does not run from Paddington, but only from Didcot. Departs Oxford 17.23, arrives Charlbury 17.44.
  • 16.58 from Paddington, arrives 18.01, does not stop at Reading.
  • 17.34 from Paddington, arrives 18.40.
  • 17.58 from Paddington, arrives 19.05, does not stop at Reading.
  • 18.58 from Paddington, arrives 20.01, does not stop at Reading. For the first time in many years, there is no longer a train around 18.30. Retiming this train should mean that Off-Peak tickets (but not Super Off-Peak) will be valid.
  • 19.50, 20.50, 21.50 from Paddington, taking around 1hr10.
  • New 22.50 from Paddington, arrives 00.17.
  • Fridays-only 23.15 from Paddington (00.35 from Oxford) is currently expected to continue.

Worcestershire Parkway

The new two-level Worcestershire Parkway station, between Pershore and Worcester, is set to open. All Cotswold Line services will stop on the high level platform; on the low level, hourly services between Nottingham, Birmingham and Cardiff will stop. This opens up new options for journeys to South Wales, Gloucestershire and the West Midlands.

Richard Fairhurst · Tue 6 Aug 2019, 14:59 · Link

Sheep Street and Park Street road repairs in November

Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice – S14 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Temporary Road Closure and “No Waiting” restriction at Charlbury, Sheep Street and Park Street

In the interests of public safety, it will be necessary for Oxfordshire County Council to close the road and impose a ‘No Waiting’ restriction to facilitate carriageway resurfacing and patching.

A temporary Notice is being made to implement the temporary closure and will operate from 4 November 2019. The anticipated completion date is 9 November 2019. Night time closure will operate between the hours of 18:30 and 06:00.

A Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice is being made to implement the temporary closure and restriction and will operate on the days shown above.

Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles and for those frontages within the closure area, subject to the progress of the works and liaison with the works supervisor.

Tue 6 Aug 2019, 14:40 · Link

Charlbury Holiday Club at St Mary's Church

We had an amazing week last week with over 55 children attending a joint church holiday club held at St Mary's. The children spent the morning singing, doing craft, playing games outside and watching the entertaining drama of the Watt family. 25 children then carried on in the afternoons with a sports session at the Community centre run by Jason and Michelle. Many families were also able to attend the Holiday Club service on Sunday to see a great photo montage and hear about what had happened during the week. 

Thank you very much to everyone that helped and to the Community Centre for working with us. Holiday club next year will be during the same week of the school holidays - Tuesday 28th July - Friday 31st July with a Holiday club service on Sunday 2nd August at 9.45am.

Jo Paton · Tue 6 Aug 2019, 12:43 · Link

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