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Tyres let down on Browns Lane

PCSO Wesley Smith reports: In the early hours on the 28th of August on Browns Lane, three vehicles had tyres let down.

The neighbourhood team will be increasing patrols in the area.

If you have any information about who is responsible for the damage you can report it anonymously on 0800 555 111 or contact the police on 101.

Thu 29 Aug 2013, 14:56 · Link


Over 30 walkers enjoyed a successful walk on Sunday 25 Aug. to mark Charlbury's admission to the network of 'Walkers are Welcome' towns and villages.
By permission of Lord Rotherwick the route included parts of Cornbury Park and Estate not normally available to the public. Having left Charlbury along the Park boundary and past the fisheries, we were able to leave the right of way and turn along the lime avenue through Little Park. Rejoining the right of way on Patch Riding took us to Vista Gate. Then we were able to follow the wide grassland of the Grand Vista up on to Newhill Plain (home of the 19thC Wychwood Forest Fairs). There we were intrigued by the large patches of Toadflax (see picture) and made a short refreshment stop near the single yew tree in the middle of the plain. From the plain a change of scenery took us in to woodland and the mature beech avenue of Tower Light to the Park wall. After entering through Vista Gate, the final section of the walk took us across Cornbury Park to its ice house and then to North Lodge. Watched warily on the way by two large groups of the Park's Sika and Fallow deer.
All agreed, in spite of the dull (but dry weather): an excellent walk for the occasion.

Tony Graeme · Sun 25 Aug 2013, 18:44 · Link

Layla Claridge to open Street Fair

Street Fair time is rapidly approaching and we are delighted to announce that Layla Claridge, Charlbury's own Miss Oxfordshire Inspiration will be opening the event for us this year. Layla, who lives in Charlbury, is a postgraduate student of rhetoric at Royal Holloway College, London and is currently making a study of the speeches of Boris Johnson! Layla loves living in Charlbury and cares passionately about the future of our vibrant and lively community. Layla , likes getting involved and many of you will have seen her compering the main stage at the Riverside Festival recently.

Please join with us in welcoming Layla to Street Fair on 21st September, representing a bright future for the next generation and especially for our community here in Charlbury.

Peter Kenrick · Mon 19 Aug 2013, 18:47 · Link

Will the bookshop close?

As you know, I am retiring in January. I have been overwhelmed by emails and verbal responses to my previous announcement, and it's clear that a great many people will miss the bookshop if it closes. Thank you!

So shall I ...

Charlbury would not be the same without a bookshop.

So far no one has come along and said they would like to take it over. However, there are several possibilities...

(1) When I opened Evenlode Books on April Fool's Day 2000, my principal business was as a publisher. The rear of the shop was my office, and the bookshop paid the overheads and a little extra. There is no reason why the shop should not continue to run on the same basis: bookshop in the front, office (not necessarily book-related at all) behind. In terms of a person's income, most of it would have to come from the office business.

(2) The bookshop could continue broadly as it is, but owned and run by a collective of volunteers. I have nearly 40 years of bookselling experience and will happily contribute my know-how to any continuing venture on a voluntary basis. Run as a single business (i.e. without the need for secondary office space) the retail area could be extended backwards by 2-3 feet if needed.

(3) A bookshop could open in different premises, or even in part of an existing shop. The possibilities are very limited, but they are there, if owners/landlords are willing.

Several people have suggested the voluntary and/or cooperative option, and several person have said they would pay a subscription of £50 or more a year to keep it open if enough other people offered to do the same. (A scheme like this might fund a part-time manager who would be assisted by a team of volunteers.)

I will arrange a public meeting in September where people can come along and discuss the options and how they might be able to contribute. But I feel very strongly that we need to see people who will help with the practical work. From my recent experience, at least half Charlbury is very vocal in saying that we need a bookshop and that Evenlode Books should remain open. I've yet to meet the people who say they will make that happen!

Perhaps one of those people is you, and perhaps you will come to the meeting. Or reply to me now!

Date, time and place to follow in a couple of weeks, both here, by email and on posters.

Jon Carpenter 01608 819117

Jon Carpenter · Fri 9 Aug 2013, 16:13 · Link

Wilderness SOLD OUT

As you will have heard the Wilderness Festival is now completely sold out and all lists are closed.

So I'm afraid this means that no more Child tickets will be issued irrespective of Adult tickets having been purchased.

If you bought your tickets online through the local resident discount and are still waiting to receive them, please contact See Tickets and NOT Wilderness. Their contact email is

For all other enquiries and questions please contact me here

See you in the Wilderness!

Mel Moss · Tue 6 Aug 2013, 08:27 · Link

Message from Cornbury Park about Wilderness

Wilderness Festival runs at Cornbury Park from Thursday 8 August until Sunday 11 August 2013.

All tickets are now completely sold out.

If you have bought but not yet received your tickets please contact Wilderness HQ by email at

All day tickets for local residents and wristband exchange for weekend ticket holders will be processed at the main box office (approximately half way along the road between North Lodge Drive and South Hill Business centre).

There will be access for pedestrians at both North Lodge (for residents from Charlbury) and at South Hill (for Finstock residents). Vehicle access will only be permitted at South Hill, for private vehicles, taxis and shuttle buses.

If you have any comments or concerns during the festival please call 0845 557 6722 or for any other enquiries, please see

Alison Wright · Mon 5 Aug 2013, 19:00 · Link

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