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Charlbury Chronicle

On Tuesday 5th January 2016, Lynette Murphy informed me, as Chairman of Charlbury Town Council, of her decision to cease production and distribution of the Charlbury Chronicle with immediate effect. I am making this formal announcement of Lynette's decision on her behalf and at her request.

Lynette's decision to cease production of the Charlbury Chronicle follows 19 years of uninterrupted distribution of this independent, informative and much appreciated publication. The Chronicle will be missed.

On a practical note, the decision means that the March 2016 edition of the Chronicle (Volume 20, Number 1) will NOT be produced and therefore NO articles or advertisements can be accepted for publication. Please can all contributors note this and refrain from making submissions. Thank you.

If anyone is interested in founding a new publication in place of the Chronicle I'm sure this would be very much appreciated. However, please note that Lynette does not wish to be involved in any way in such a venture and I ask you to respect her wishes by not contacting her directly. The Town Council would be interested to hear about any new initiative but it is important for any new publication to retain the independence enjoyed by the Chronicle throughout its existence.

I hope that you will wish to join with me and my fellow Town Councillors in thanking Lynette and her band of willing helpers for their hard work and dedication over 19 years in producing and distributing this document which, as well as being informative and interesting, has provided an invaluable record of the life and times of our thriving town and community. I also invite you to join me in sending Lynette our very best wishes for the future.

To those involved with Charlbury organsiations, I remind you that other avenues remain available to promote and report events and other activities, notably The Leaflet, published and distributed to all Charlbury homes monthly by St Mary's Church and the News, Events and Community pages of the Charlbury website, open for postings by any registered user.

Peter Kenrick
Chairman - Charlbury Town Council

Peter Kenrick · Mon 11 Jan 2016, 16:52 · Link

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