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Charlbury Open Gardens raises £2,000 for the Corner House and Memorial Hall

On the glorious sunny afternoon of Sunday 1st June well over 250 people turned out to view and enjoy eight magnificent gardens around the centre of Charlbury and to relax over tea and cakes at the Memorial Hall. I am now delighted to announce that this year's event raised a near-record sum of £2,000 for the Corner House and War Memorial Hall. Thank you for supporting your community!

I would like to extend special thanks to the garden owners who agreed to open their gardens to the public and who worked so hard in preparation and on the day to make the event so enjoyable for everyone. I would also like to thank the rest of the Street Fair team without whom the event would not have been possible, plus everyone else who helped on the day, everyone who made cakes, donated raffle prizes or assisted in other ways. Last but not least, thanks alsoto everyone who came along to support and enjoy the event. Many thanks!

I look forward to seeing you all again on 20th September for Street Fair.

Peter Kenrick · Fri 6 Jun 2014, 15:45 · Link

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