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December's Christmas tree display will be a record -- with your help

The number of illuminated Christmas trees in the town centre this year will be about 100, the highest ever. Eleven new homes and businesses have taken brackets for the trees, bringing the total of trees ordered by Charlbury Business Community (CBC) from local grower Geoff Burroughs of Halcyon Farm to 95. The trees and brackets are sold at cost by the CBC as a public service.

The increased display follows a campaign by the CBC to encourage people to "help fill the gaps", particularly where the display is weakest -- as in Church Street, for instance.

The CBC also provides a tree for the museum garden, and the Town Council provides trees on the Corner House.

Distribution of the trees takes place on Saturday November 29, when they will be delivered to 95 premises from a lorry. If you would like to help with the delivery (you'll need a pair of decent gloves, but you don't have to climb anywhere: the trees are left on doorsteps or in gardens) please phone Jon on 819117. Many hands make light work and the end result is widely regarded as a credit to the town.

Jon Carpenter · Tue 11 Nov 2008, 07:52 · Link

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