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Art in Windows

Following on from windows filled with teddy bears we now have windows displaying art. 

 Sadly, Charlbury artists will not be able to open their studios for Artweeks this year. Instead sixteen local artists have placed a small selection of their work in a number of venues around the centre of town. A short circular walk will take in all seven locations. 

 Starting at the Charlbury Deli and Cafe you will see Jane Crane's paintings, Wendy Clifford's pottery, paper craft by Marion Coates, weaving by Sue Tucker and stained glass by Anna Gillespie. 

 From here turn down into Church Street and just past the Rose and Crown is Cheorl House with Anita Cooper's prints and Lee Belcher's paintings. 

 A little further down Church Street on the left is Gothic House where Briony Lawson has sculpture together with paintings by Andrew Lawson and Wendy Wilson 

 A few doors further down is Royal Oak with jewellery on display by Patricia Freeman and Sarah Pulvertaft as well as Anthony Lloyd's sculpture. 

Go through the churchyard into Church Lane and shortly on the right is Forest Cottage where Maureen Sparling is showing her work. Continue down Church Lane and at the end you will find Prospect House and Martha Evans's pottery. 

Finally turn right up the hill and near the top on the left is 7, Dyers Hill with a display by the sculptor Catherine Binnie. It is then a short walk back along Market Street to the Deli. 

 The work will be on show for the month of May and additional work can be seen on the Artweeks website and individual artist's websites. Do contact any of the artists if you would like any further information, they would be pleased to hear from you. You can download and print this map if you wish.

Tony Lloyd · Tue 5 May 2020, 08:22 · Link

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