Nutmeg + Thyme plant based food - Saturdays at Charlbury Community Centre
Firstly I want to apologise for not being pitched this last Saturday, we had some technical difficulties but everything is sorted!
As we head back into another lockdown, we want to remind everyone we are a free home food delivery service within a 10 mile radius of Burford, (orders over £30) and can of course deliver outside of that with delivery charges dependant on the distance.
Attached is our November seasonal menu, however we are always happy to take orders from all our previous menus and any special requests are welcome! Any dishes with * beside them are freezer friendly in the case you'd like to stock up on some easily reheatable meals and bakes. We will be pitched at Charlbury Community Centre on Saturdays, so you can pre order and collect between 8:30-2.30pm. We are hoping local markets will continue but will update this page as soon as we are able! Thank you for all your support so far and we are excited to continue in Charlbury.
Emily Weir · Mon 2 Nov 2020, 07:44 · Link