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Community fire safety

Is your home as safe as you can make it against the risk of fire?
Have you and your family ever discussed what to do in the unfortunate event of a fire?
Do you have a fire escape plan?
Do you have working smoke alarms positioned correctly?
If you are unsure about any of the above then let us help you. Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service is currently making a drive towards promoting fire safety in the home. Our fire fighters at Charlbury Fire Station will be willing to carry out a home fire safety risk assessment at any home in Charlbury and surrounding villages.
Where appropriate we will also install smoke alarms. All this peace of mind comes at to you at no cost, so contact Charlbury Fire Station for an information pack and/or to arrange an assessment.You are welcome to come and see us on a Wednesday evenings between 7-9pm to arrange a visit or you can post your details through our door, or you can contact Station Manager Mike Harbod on 07796941351. Please pass this information to those who do not have access to this website.

Richard Fairhurst · Tue 5 Jul 2005, 00:00 · Link

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