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Message from Cornbury Park about Wilderness

Cornbury Park would like to thank everyone who came along and supported Wilderness at the weekend. However they are concerned that some people in Charlbury were disturbed by noise levels coming from the festival last night and apologise unreservedly for any upset caused. Whilst the festival volume levels were within the agreed limits at all times, and were continually monitored, the wind changed direction on Sunday evening so some noise could be heard in parts of Charlbury. After receiving a complaint, the WODC enforcement team responded and measured the noise, which was well within the limits set by the licence conditions.

Cornbury Park takes the comfort of local residents very seriously and will work with the organisers of Wilderness to do everything possible to reduce noise still further next year. Wilderness isn't a rock festival, but a celebration of the arts and the outdoors and is much enjoyed by many visitors and locals alike.

Mon 13 Aug 2012, 19:22 · Link

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