St Mary's Tree Update
Sadly, despite the braces that were installed several years ago, the fallen limb tore the tree open to its base and has left the tree both unbalanced and open to the elements and the ingress of decay. We estimate that up to a third of the canopy has been lost.
A team is on site today to get the failed limb flat on the ground, remove the limb hanging on the cable brace, and remove further weight from the tree on the church side. These actions should make the tree safer while further investigations take place.
The WODC tree preservation officer is on holiday this week and will come out early next week to help us assess the situation. In the meantime, the church path will remain closed for reasons of safety. PLEASE do not walk on the path or under the tree.
dine glasgow · Tue 31 Jul 2018, 12:10 · Link