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Charlbury Patient Participation Group News

The new Charlbury Medical Centre Patient Participation Group (CPPG) has just published its first Newsletter, which can be viewed on the Medical Centre website: On the website Home page drop down to the blue list at the bottom and click on the PPG bullet point to get onto the PPG page.

There will also be printed copies of the Newsletter at the Medical Centre.

The Newsletter starts by highlighting the Open Morning held at the Medical Centre in June when the PPG in partnership with the Practice invited patients to drop in and have their say on how the Practice is run. We had at least 35-40 visitors and we received 107 comments on what works well and not so well and how improvements could be made. The PPG is now analysing them to find common themes and will work with the Practice to deal with issues that have been raised.

This was a very successful first joint venture between PPG and Practice, as is the first CPPG Newsletter.

Another important message in the Newsletter is to urge patients to have a look at what is on the Medical Centre website (information content now much expanded) and to sign up to use a range of online services such as booking an appointment and ordering a repeat prescription details on the website or from the Practice.

The new CPPG now has over 30 members who receive regular updates by email and are able to give rapid feedback to the Practice via the CPPG. To join send your name, address and telephone number by email to or pick up a leaflet from Reception at the Medical Centre.

Meryl Smith · Thu 5 Jul 2018, 11:05 · Link

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