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Bus Services Review

There is already a thread running for this item, but as I shall no longer be the Parish Transport Representative with effect from Election Day, may I urge everyone to respond individually to the online questionnaire as forcibly as they can. The Cl MUST be well used, to ensure its continuation, and the importance it plays in helping outlying villages to get to the station, or Charlbury services, including the medical centre. The X9 presently run by RH Transport has its problems, as we all know, but we certainly need to keep it, and tender options are being sent out in the summer. We have until June 9th to send in our responses. Many of you may not realise that part of the timetable is run commercially, at other times it is subsidised (mostly the ones with a request stop at Poffley End). we are told that usage of the evening service on Friday and Saturday is disappointing. We must make out a case if we wish these routes to be continued.
To respond to this review, find the link on an earlier entry in April from Richard Fairhurst - "Bus Service Review starts April 9th" or contact as below:

Comments are invited on existing subsidised bus services in the Chipping Norton and Charlbury Area and should be sent to
Contact Name: Tim Darch, Assistant Public Transport Officer
Contact Email Address:
Contact Phone Number: 01865 815587
Contact Postal Address: Tim Darch, Assistant Public Transport Officer
Bus Services Team
Integrated Transport Unit
Highways and Transport
Environment and Economy
Speedwell House
Speedwell Street
Oxford OX1 1NE

Helen Bessemer-Clark, PTR.
Note: the link is here

Helen Bessemer-Clark · Fri 27 Apr 2012, 15:20 · Link

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