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Charlbury leads the way on Green Issues

Residents of Charlbury will be leading the way when they launch the
Sustainable Charlbury (SusCha) initiative at a meeting on Friday October 6th
in the town's Memorial Hall. The meeting, which will start at 8.00pm, is
open to all. The purpose is to discuss ways in which individuals and groups
in the town can cut carbon emissions, reducing the town's contribution to
global warming and climate change. The initiative has already caught the eye
of a TV production company who have expressed an interest in following
SusCha's progress, and talks about making a documentary series are underway.

Founder member of SusCha Liz Reason says "Unless people everywhere take
personal responsibility for reducing carbon emissions, climate change will
fast become a real threat. SusCha is the brainchild of a small group of
Charlbury and Finstock residents, who believe that we have a responsibility
to our children and to future generations to significantly reduce our carbon

Jon Carpenter, who runs Charlbury's bookshop, says "As a local
trader, I am right behind SusCha. It isn't just up to governments, it's up
to us all to make a difference, and the good news is that we can. That is
what SusCha wants to explore with our community." Everyone is welcome to
come to the Memorial Hall meeting with their ideas. A preview is planned at
the Charlbury Street Fair on September 16th, where Sustainable Charlbury
(SusCha) will have a stand. For further information, call Liz Reason on
01608 811212

Richard Fairhurst · Thu 7 Sep 2006, 17:59 · Link

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