How can we improve your quality of life in Charlbury?
The Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG) is a resident led problem-solving group that works with key agencies to tackle top priorities identified by the local community. Every autumn, the NAG, the Chipping Norton Neighbourhood Police Team and the West Oxfordshire Community Safety Partnership conduct a community engagement survey to find out where they should focus their attention and resources. We want to know how we could improve your quality of life in Charlbury. Is your bug bear speeding cars, poor parking, use of mobile phones while driving, dog fouling, littering, noise, vandalism, etc.? Do tell us by completing this very short and sharp survey:
- Online at www.surveymonkey.com/s/53XX5LJ
- Or contact your local PCSO Wesley Smith on 0845 8 505505, or Valou Pakenham-Walsh on 01608 811338
Thank you for helping the Neighbourhood Action Group!
Valou Pakenham-Walsh · Thu 28 Jul 2011, 10:10 · Link