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Dean Pit - please consider writing to OCC even if you have signed the petition

So far we have a total of 1,157 signatures on the Dean Pit petition and 120 people have signed the petition on the Oxfordshire County Council website. That's fantastic, and the number will make a big impression when we present the petition on July 28th.

To increase the impact, please consider writing a letter or an e mail to the cabinet member for growth and infrastructure, Lorraine Lindsay-Gale, even if you have already signed the petition. Ms Lindsay-Gale lives in Dorchester so has no first hand experience of the impact that the closure of Dean Pit will have in this area. We need to tell her! You can e mail her at, or write to her at County Hall , New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND. If e mailing, please would you copy me at, so I know what has been sent.

You can still add you name to the petition at

Many thanks to everyone for your part in this campaign.

Liz Leffman · Fri 17 Jun 2011, 15:03 · Link

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