Tea & Cake Tent at The Rally Show
The CSA were offered the fantastic opportunity to be involved in a new event happening in Cornbury Park - The Rally Show. We decided that tea & cake was something we are quite good at now, and together with Charlbury Pre-School we embarked on this venture. It was defnitely a voyage into the unknown, as it was a new venue for The Rally Show and a whole new group of customers for us. A small, but dedicated team baked over 100 cakes and, together with flapjack baked by Pre-School, we offered a delicious selection of refrehsments during the afternoons of both days of The Rally Show. We had a fantastic team of volunteers who made the event work effectively over the weekend and over £550 was raised. Massive thanks go to all those who baked cakes or flapjack, helped move, put up or take down the marquee, transported things, lent us things or helped out on the Saturday or Sunday. It wouldn?t have been possible without that help.
Alex Westbury, Chair CSA
Picture: Syd Wall, www.rallygallery.com .
Alex Westbury · Thu 19 May 2011, 19:51 · Link