ChOC supports campaign to preserve community events
At its meeting tonight, ChOC's committee agreed to write to members of ChOC as follows:
"We urge our members to sign the 'Support Charlbury Events' petition which you can find here.
While ChOC does not itself at present promote events which cause noise, we are proud to be part of a tradition of varied entertainment in Charlbury. We believe Charlbury to have a valuable heritage of outdoor entertainment, including its Street Fair, the festival at Cornbury Park, Riverside, the beer festival and other events at the cricket ground, as well as indoor entertainments of which ChOC is part.
These events are extremely well supported in the town by a very large number of people, and most of them raise considerable funds for local charities and good causes, from the primary school and nurseries to the town's public buildings.
Some inevitably cause noise which can be heard in other parts of the town, but this occurs infrequently and always ends in good time. We oppose the present attempt to curtail this aspect of the town's life, and believe strongly in the diversity of the town's entertainments and the tolerance and shared pleasures to which this gives rise. We all suffer discomfort occasionally in the interests of the enjoyment of others, and this is part of living in a vibrant community."
Jon Carpenter, Secretary, Charlbury's Own Cinema.
Mon 28 Mar 2011, 21:52 · Link