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Supporting Cornbury Park Solar Farm planning application

As reported previously, the planning application for a 5MW solar farm was recommended for refusal at the Uplands Planning Committee earlier this month on the grounds that "the design, form and appearance of the proposed PV panels will be very urban in character."

The Landscape and Visual Appraisal submitted as part of the application identifies that the application site is visible from Hatchings Lane to the west and the public footpath to the south. The appraisal concludes that the limited height of the development combined with the careful attention to the location of new planting will result in limited short term effects on some views but no significant effect on landscape character. The appraisal considers that approximately 5 years after planting, there will be no significant effect on views."

Further consideration of the application was deferred until 4April to allow a site visit.

Charlbury Town Council and Sustainable Charlbury are both supportive of the application on the grounds that Cornbury Park and its developers have agreed that the local community will be able to invest in 25% of the scheme benefiting residents and the community as a whole. SusCha collected 50 signatures in support of the application at the Farmer's Market.

SusCha has agreed to send a representative to speak to the meeting. In the meantime letters of support can be sent to the Planning Officer and to to reach councillors.

Liz Reason · Mon 21 Mar 2011, 16:49 · Link

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