New organic box scheme for Charlbury
Following the closure of Chipping Norton Organics and their fruit and veggie box scheme, Skylark Organics have extended their distribution service to this area. They grow a lot of the stuff on their own farm.
Skylark deliver to Charlbury on Thursdays, and as well as providing several sizes of standard boxes, they also take specific item-by-item orders just as Chipping Norton Organics did. The details are on their website, though in some respects that is a bit out of date.
If you sign up to their email list (email your request to info@skylarkboxes.co.uk ), you'll get a list/order form showing what is going to be available the following week, with prices. This comes on Tuesday and has to be emailed back by Thursday for delivery the following Thursday. You can order bread and cakes too, from the Authentic Bread Co. (On the fruit and veg, you can avoid imported produce if you wish: country of origin is shown against each item.)
This link will download the order form for the deadline just passed, to give you an idea of what you will be sent if you sign up:
This link downloads a more permanent document: the bread and cake list:
Thu 10 Feb 2011, 17:26 · Link