New Play Equipment for Charlbury Primary School...
After several years of funding the CSA (Charlbury School Association) has raised sufficient funds via coffee mornings, quiz nights, the tea & cake tent at name a few; to be able to provide the children of Charlbury Primary School with new play equipment for their playground.
The equipment includes a Multi-climb (photo below) and a Trio Somersault both of which are suitable for children between the ages of 4 and 12. All the children seem delighted with the new play area.
The CSA would like to thank everyone over the past few years who has helped to raise the funds, from those who organised events, to our many helpers and those of you who supported CSA by spending your money. The new equipment is a great addition to the school environment and will be for many years to come.
Elizabeth Watson · Mon 22 Nov 2010, 09:30 · Link