Local badger group proposed
We're in a particularly rich part of the country for badgers, but surprisingly West Oxfordshire is poorly covered when it comes to badger monitoring and observation.
I'm hoping the Oxfordshire Badger Group can help raise local interest in, and care for, these remarkable and popular (but rarely seen alive) mammals. They have agreed in principle to give a talk about badgers and the conservation issues, and hopefully a local group will form as a result. I should have a date for the talk soon, but in the meantime I'd be pleased to hear from anyone who would like to help with starting a local badger group.
Anyone who walks regularly in the local countryside is likely to be able to make useful observations, and certainly record setts.
Incidentally, I have heard a rumour of badger poisoning in the area. Please tell me if you have any evidence of this, or any reason to suspect it. Hopefully it is completely unfounded.
Jon Carpenter email jon@evenlodebooks.co.uk
Jon Carpenter · Sat 10 Apr 2010, 19:21 · Link