Charlbury Primary Students Read Continuously for 533 Mins on World Book Day!
Today, the students of Charlbury Primary joined in a huge, collective effort to read continuously (and simultaneously) for over 533 minutes (or nearly nine hours)! Children have also been reading extra minutes at home, and this total will rise next week.
The year 6s kicked the day off with a beautiful assembly, sharing their costumes and book recommendations with the other children. Then each class took turns reading and sharing their favourite stories. Students tag-teamed to keep reading going through break time and lunchtime. There were book themed activities. Children also loved hearing from Reverend Fergus from St Mary’s who generously gave his time to listen, and to share his favourite childhood story.
Pupils had a lot of fun and demonstrated courage and flair.
Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far. If you’d like to support our tenacious Charlbury readers, any amount, little or large is most welcome. Thank you very much!
Jennifer Kidd · Thu 6 Mar, 21:53 · Link