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Will Noah's Ark set sail?

Will Noah's Ark set sail in St. Mary's Church on 5th April as planned? The answer is NOT UNLESS IT HAS MORE ANIMALS IN IT!! 

We now have all the beautiful animal masks, exquisitely made by Charlbury Art Society.

The splendid Ark, designed by Tony Lloyd, is nearly complete (see below, model of the ark and the ark under construction)

The costumes are on their way to completion, designed and made in Charlbury with specially dyed linen generously donated.

We have 2 professional international singers, Carole Goodall and Edmund Caird, as Noye and Mrs Noye, plus we have the Voice of God.

We have 6 fantastic young people to play Noye's sons and their wives.

We have 4 great Charlbury Gossips (Mrs Noye's drunken companions)

We have 35 musicians (we still need 3 cornet/trumpet/bugle players)

And of course we have the wonderful Ben Goodall to conduct and Nicola Baylis to direct.

So all is in place...


We need AT LEAST 26 more children to be animals. Without them the show cannot be performed, so we will have to cancel.

Charlbury parents: don't miss this wonderful opportunity for your children to experience participating in one of the 20th century's finest musical works. It will be something they will never forget.  I took part in a production of Noye's Fludde when I was at school, and it was that experience that helped to cement my determination to become a professional musician. I want to create a similar opportunity for other children, as I know how valuable the experience is.....and all the animals will get to keep their masks! If your child likes singing  REGISTRATION BY 28TH FEBRUARY IS ESSENTIAL! Contact 07788 174785

Isabel Knowland · Sun 23 Feb, 18:53 · Link

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