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Trouble at the Memorial Hall

The hall has suffered from blocked drains several times in recent years but this week a completely new drain is being installed. A generous company are doing the work at half price, which is extremely nice of them. But having opened up some of the earth along the front of the hall they have found the job more challenging than expected. The original terracotta drain is broken in several places and the surrounding earth contains what appears to be the main electricity and water feeds into the building. The water feed has been broken by the digger so as of this evening (Friday) there is no water in the hall. The drains firm is continuing to work through the weekend hoping to get supplies restored and the new drain installed. But right now, access to the hall can only be through the terrace entrance near the Garden Room, and there is no water, so be prepared. They feel confident progress will have been made by Sunday.

Roy Scott · Fri 31 Jan, 17:56 · Link

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