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Update from the Chipping Norton policing team and Neighbourhood Action Group

The Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG) has continued to problem-solve the issue of youth-related anti-social behaviour. There has been a reduction in anti-social behaviour at the four locations identified as hotspots; Chipping Norton town hall, Middle Barton bus shelters, Charlbury Spendlove centre and Ascott under Wychwood. The NAG has produced posters to combat under-age drinking, which will be distributed to licensed premises across the area.

Throughout February the neighbourhood policing team has made use of the SID (Speed Indication Device) across the region, in conjunction with NAG members and other volunteer residents. Letters have been sent to the drivers of all vehicles exceeding the speed limits; the vast majority of whom live in the parish in which they were speeding. The NAG is developing an educational and locally-based leaflet for these offenders, which highlights the consequences of their actions.

The third priority raised at last year’s public meeting is that of parking, and the NAG will begin to explore this issue at April’s meeting. If there is a parking issue in your neighbourhood, please get in touch with the neighbourhood team on the details below.

Criminal damage currently accounts for 60% of all crime across West Oxfordshire, and the neighbourhood team has been working hard to reduce this figure. This has included high-visibility and plain-clothes patrols in target areas, most recently including Charlbury and Kingham.

For more information about your local neighbourhood policing team, or to discuss any issues in the community, please contact Sgt Clare Mackintosh on 08458 505 505 or via

Clare Mackintosh · Wed 1 Mar 2006, 22:29 · Link

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