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Reminder to order repeat prescriptions before Easter.

The Charlbury Medical Centre will be closed on Good Friday, 29 March and Easter Monday, 1 April.  Please ensure that you order repeat prescriptions so you do not run out as we approach the bank holiday weekend. It usually takes four days to process a request.  The NHS App and Patient Access is the quickest, cheapest and most efficient way to do this. 

Witney Pharmacy, Windrush Health Centre, Welch Way, Witney, OX28 6JS. Tel: 01993 705644 will be open on 29, 31 March and 1 April from 2pm until 5pm. Check details on the NHS website: Oxfordshire Pharmacy Opening Times Easter 2024.

The phones are always very busy after a bank holiday weekend. Please only call the surgery between 8am and 9:30am if you have an urgent need to speak to a clinician on the same day.  If it is safe to do so, please call later in the day, or wait until the following day.  The practice will be very grateful for your help.

Charlbury Patient Participation Group. 

susan smith · Thu 21 Mar 2024, 15:04 · Link

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